Scroll Down on a div/popup using iMacros? - scroll

I am not able to scroll down using iMacros on the followers page on an Instagram user. The code below scrolls down the whole window, but not the popup that is under the code.
URL GOTO=javascript:window.scrollBy(0,20000)
I think that it is relevant to the div with the class _4gt3b, but I am not an expert and need help.
the div i am trying to scroll down
And here is the link of the page:
I have searched for this issue a lot and was not able to find any solution. Thanks a lot for any help.

If the div class is correct then the EVENT command must work:


Getting cursor position in mailItem htmlbody

I am need to achieve the following behavior.
I have added some stuff to the mailItem.HTMLbody, a table with some data and a couple of links.
My plugin has a button, which when adds some html after the position of the cursor. This event may occure several times.
I have tried using WordDocument.selection class for this, but it works with the mailItem.body rather than the mailItem.HTMLBody.
How should I go about this?
Thank you in advance.
Outlook does not use an HTML editor on top of HTMLBody. It uses the Word editor accessible from Inspector.WordEditor.

Tumblr: Show page links in a menu?

I have created a custom Tumblr theme and have a number of pages on my blog. I want to create a navigation menu near the top of my template but am unsure of how to do this.
I have added the lines:
{block:HasPages} {/block:HasPages}
{block:Pages} {/block:Pages}
But this has no effect.
Does anyone know the correct way of achieving this?
You should be able to do

MVC3 How to implement result browser like twitter/facebook do it (without paging)

I'm looking for leads on how to implement a (search-)result browser without using paging. But more like how twitter/facebook do it.
At first only 10 or so results need to be displayed but when scrolling down, more results (if any) should be added asynchronously. I've found examples with a [more] button at the end but I would like the browser to automatically fetch more when the bottom of the pane is reached.
I'm having trouble finding the right examples. Probably because I don't know what keywords to google on...
Hope you can help me out in the right direction!
Kind regards,
I advise you read following article regarding this subject:
Infinite Scroll in ASP.NET MVC
There is also a sample application available here.
Refer to the Replace paging with jQuery and subsonic continuous scrolling method blog post.
Have a look at the following pages:
On Scroll down how to make ajax call and get the respone data
I believe that should help you!

In Joomla article: How to load a module while hovering on a link

I'm working on a Joomla website with a slider in it. I'm using {loadposition slider1}, to get the slider (slider 1) in an article. There is a text link beneath the slider. Now I'd like the page to load another slider (slider 2), in the position of slider 1 when someone hovers over the text link. So visitors hovering the link will see slider 2 in stead of slider 1 when hovering the link.
Can I do this by using javascript? I haven't been able to find a solution. I hope someone can help me with this problem. Thanks in advance.
In Joomla! the {loadposition slider1} tag in articles is processed by a content plug-in when an event is triggered. Usually onContentPrepare or similar event. The important part of this is that it's all done on the server before it reaches the users browser.
As it's processed in the article there is no way to call the server again and request just slider 2...
To swap in your slider2 would require the browser to already have it available. To achieve this you could have {loadposition slider2} in a <div> or other element in the article that is set to display:none. eg.
<div id="slider2" style="display:none;">{loadposition slider2}</div>
NB. this is not necessarily good html...
This means when the browser receives the article html, it contains the element it's just hidden, then you can use the your javascript to hide slider1 and show slider2 when the user hovers over the link.

How can I show related links dynamically without performing a page postback?

I want to create Stack Overflow-like question asking functionality.
I have noticed as soon as the cursor is moved from Title textbox to Question, it is showing related links, without doing a page postback. I want to do something similar to that.
How can I perform this?
Use ajax.
When the title loses focus, use an ajax call to get related info and then show the results.
Also, use jquery!
A useful library when dealing with AJAX.
