fix Line is too long error in a ruby file - ruby

how to fix Line is too long error in a ruby file without ignoring it and not introducing new errors.
I have tried giving the extra character in the next line using IDE. It is introducing new errors like 'Ternary operators must not be nested. Prefer if or else constructs instead.'

Rubocop already suggested the way to fix this error. Let me repeat it here. Assuming you have a very long line that reads:
variable = long_condition ? true_clause : false_clause
change it to:
variable = if long_condition
Other way would be to instruct rubocop to [temporary] ignore this error by running from the very project directory:
rubocop --auto-gen-config
Or, as last but not the least chance, update your .rubocop.yml file to increase a line length within a respective rule.

Rubocop tells you what to do, just follow its advice.
Also, have a look at the ruby styleguide, which explains all the rubocop rules in detail.


Chef compile error when capturing shell output

I have a chef recipe that looks something like this:
package 'build-essential' do
action :install
cmd ="gcc -dumpversion")
gcc_version = cmd.stdout.strip()
If I execute the recipe on a system where gcc is installed, the recipe runs fine without errors. However, if I run the recipe on a system which doesn't have gcc install I get the error 'no such file or directory - gcc'.
I came to know about the chef two-phases stuff when trying to find a solution to my problem. I was expecting the package installation to satisfy the gcc requirement. How can I tell chef that this requirement will be satisfied later and not throw an error at compile time?
I tried the following, but the attribute does not get updated.
Chef::Resource::RubyBlock.send(:include, Chef::Mixin::ShellOut)
ruby_block "gcc_version" do
block do
s = shell_out("gcc -dumpversion")
node.default['gcc_version'] = s.stdout.strip()
echo "echo #{node[:gcc_version]}" do
command "echo #{node[:gcc_version]}"
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
So okay, a few issues here. First, forget that Chef::Resource::whatever.send(:include trick. Never do it, literally never. In this case, the ShellOut mixin is already available in all the places anyway.
Next, and more importantly, you've still got a two-pass confusion issue. See for details but basically the strings in that echo resource (I assume that said execute originally and you messed up the coping?) get interpolated at compile time. You haven't said what you are trying to do, but you probably need to use the lazy{} helper method.
And last, don't store things in node attributes like that, it's super brittle and hard to work with.

Rubocop warning: Style/EndOfLine has the wrong namespace

I'm working with Ruby under Windows platform. Solving "Carriage return character missing" rubocop offenses, I created file .rubocop.yml in the root of my project:
EnforcedStyle: lf
This solved my "Carriage return" problem. But new warning appears:
~/project/.rubocop.yml:Style/EndOfLine has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
What does it mean "wrong namespace - should be Layout"? At current moment I have no idea where to dig to fix it.
It’s Layout/EndOfLine, not Style/EndOfLine. The part before the / is the namespace.
To remove this warning need to use Layout/EndOfLine instead of Style/EndOfLine. EndOfLine is a rubucop cop that responsible for detecting offense related to indentation, because it placed in Layout department.
EnforcedStyle: lf
It is interesting why in this comment about fixing "Carriage return character missing" advised to use Style/EndOfLine. It's relative new article and comments. Looks like since April some changes in rubocop been added.
Looks like you need to indent that second line:
EnforcedStyle: lf

How to debug `Error while processing function` in `vim` and `nvim`?

How to find where exactly vim or nvim error started (which file?) when I'm interested in fixing the actual issue and not just removing the bad plugin? Anything better than strace and guesswork to find the error origin?
I often add a plugin to my vim or nvim config and end up getting errors on hooks (buffer open, close, write):
"" [New] 0L, 0C written
Error detected while processing function 343[12]..272:
line 8:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: _exec
E116: Invalid arguments for function get(a:args, 'exec', a:1['_exec'])
E15: Invalid expression: get(a:args, 'exec', a:1['_exec'])
The problem is, I have no idea where those come from, only get some line number of unknown file and I know it's not my vim/nvim config file.
Somewhere, you have a plugin that has defined a dictionary with anonymous-functions (check the help related to this tag).
For the curious ones, it's done this way:
let d = {}
function! d.whatever() abort
throw "blah"
When you execute this function, you'll get the kind of error you're currently observing. That's why I stopped working this way to prefer:
let d = {}
function s:whatever() abort
throw "blah"
let d.whatever = function('s:whatever') " a workaround is required for older versions of vim
" At least this way I'll get a `<SNR>42_whatever` in the exception throwpoint, and thus a scriptname.
That's the why. Now, back to your problem, AFAIK, the only things you'll be able to know are the two functions that have been called:
in line 12 of :function {343}, you've called
:function {272} which contains an error at line 8.
Thanks to these two commands (may be prefixed with :verbose, I don't remember exactly), you'll get the source code of the two functions, which you should be able to use in order to grep your plugins to know where it appears.

Ruby abort on require need to provide parameter

I have a Ruby file that has a line as such:
abort "ID is less than 1!" if env_id.to_i < 1
I am requiring this Ruby file elsewhere and can't pass a parameter when requiring this file. So I keep getting an error where when I try to require the file it aborts with "ID is less than 1!" The env_id is a variable that will be used for uniquely defining a bunch of AWS instances.
Any ideas as to what to do here?
I figured out how to solve my problem. I am just going to use FILE to see if the file is being run directly or required.

Does clang allow preprocessor ==?

I am trying to compile PHP on my Mac OS X 10.8 and I am getting the following problem:
In file included from /Users/ryan/Downloads/php-5.4.5/ext/phar/util.c:23:
ext/phar/phar_internal.h:223:19: error: invalid token at start of a preprocessor
# if SIZEOF_SHORT == 2
I'm not sure why this error is occurring as this looks fine to me. I have opened the header file and could make changes if not or remove the if all together as I know what my system should be, but I was wondering if this is the proper approach to this problem.
It looks like SIZEOF_SHORT expands to no tokens. You should investigate where SIZEOF_SHORT is being #defined (this may be on the command line via -DSIZEOF_SHORT=) and fix that to provide the right value.
Alternatively, you could use this:
#include "limits.h"
/* ... */
#if SHRT_BIT == CHAR_BIT * 2
I didn't really find a solution to this problem, but I removed the if's and left behind the line that would be processed anyway and the program compiled just fine. I really don't know what was wrong with this file.
