Pebble: replacing tick_timer_service_subscribe with app_timer_register issues? - pebble-watch

I have a watch that updates at non standard time intervals (eg half minutes).
It made sense, to me, to use app_timer_register to update the time which seems to make tick_time_service_subscribe redundant.
Should I expect any issues with the substitution.
So far, the following code seems to be working on CloudPebble.
static void timeHandler(void * data){
find_time_to_next_update(); // updates int time_to_next_update_ms
app_timer_register(time_to_next_update_ms, timeHandler, NULL);
update_time(); // refreshes watch face


Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync() sometimes returns null

This is on iOS 12.1.4 on an iPhone 6s. Usually Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync() works but sometimes it doesn't. It's the exact same code but if I sit here and press my "get latitude and longitude" button over and over eventually Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync() spits out a null.
Do you know why this happens and how I might handle it? Perhaps put it in a loop that tries ten times, waiting a second between each try?
var location = await Essentials.Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); // works most of the time but sometimes it doesn't work.
This is my proposed work around:
Essentials.Location location = null;
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
location = await Essentials.Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();
if(location == null)
First, it is really bad practice to use Thread.Sleep (unless you are not on the main/UI loop) as you are hanging the run loop, if you really need a delay, use await Task.Delay(.... Also CLLocationManager on iOS is running on the main loop and if you are blocking it, the message pump is hung and the location manager manager can not report back to the app.
"Spamming" CLLocationManager.Location (which Essentials is using on iOS) can (and will) result in null returns due to OS rate limiting updates (mainly a battery conservation measure) and if the OS is powering up the GPS radio to update its location, this method will timeout on from the OS, thus report nil back to GetLastKnownLocationAsync and thus you get a return of null.
CLLocationManager.Location on iOS is meant for a quick low-power return from the OS to app as is updated upon app launch, device reboot, etc... not every time you call it.
You can get the last known location of the device by calling the GetLastKnownLocationAsync method. This is often faster then doing a full query, but can be less accurate.
Otherwise you should be using GetLocationAsync in order to do a full GPS power up to obtain an updated accurate location.
To query the current device's location coordinates, the GetLocationAsync can be used. It is best to pass in a full GeolocationRequest and CancellationToken since it may take some time to get the device's location.
Typically I recommend using GetLastKnownLocationAsync as a quick way to get the general area of the user knowing that this might also return null. Then proceed to do a GetLocationAsync (passing both a GeolocationRequest and CancellationToken instance) in the background and update the app accordingly upon the more accurate and recent position.

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest deprecated

Today, I had to restart my browser due to some issue with an extension. What I found when I restarted it, was that my browser (Chromium) automatically updated to a new version that doesn't allow synchronous AJAX-requests anymore. Quote:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of
its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help,
I need synchronous AJAX-requests for my node.js applications to work though, as they store and load data from disk through a server utilizing fopen. I found this to be a very simplistic and effective way of doing things, very handy in the creation of little hobby projects and editors... Is there a way to re-enable synchronous XMLHttpRequests in Chrome/Chromium?
This answer has been edited.
Short answer:
They don't want sync on the main thread.
The solution is simple for new browsers that support threads/web workers:
var foo = new Worker("scriptWithSyncRequests.js")
Neither DOM nor global vairables aren't going to be visible within a worker but encapsulation of multiple synchronous requests is going to be really easy.
Alternative solution is to switch to async but to use browser localStorage along with JSON.stringify as a medium. You might be able to mock localStorage if you allowed to do some IO.
Just for fun, there are alternative hacks if we want to restrict our self using only sync:
It is tempting to use setTimeout because one might think it is a good way to encapsulate synchronous requests together. Sadly, there is a gotcha. Async in javascript doesn't mean it gets to run in its own thread. Async is likely postponing the call, waiting for others to finish. Lucky for us there is light at the end of the tunnel because it is likely you can use xhttp.timeout along with xhttp.ontimeout to recover. See Timeout XMLHttpRequest
This means we can implement tiny version of a schedular that handles failed request and allocates time to try again or report error.
// The basic idea.
function runSchedular(s)
setTimeout(function() {
if (s.ptr < callQueue.length) {
// Handles rescheduling if needed by pushing the que.
// Remember to set time for xhttp.timeout.
// Use xhttp.ontimeout to set default return value for failure.
// The pushed function might do something like: (in pesudo)
// if !d1
// d1 = get(http...?query);
// if !d2
// d2 = get(http...?query);
// if (!d1) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (!d2) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (d1 && d2) {pushQue handleData}
s = s.callQueue[s.ptr++](s);
} else {
// Clear the que when there is nothing more to do.
s.ptr = 0;
s.callQueue = [];
// You could implement an idle counter and increase this value to free
// CPU time.
s.t = 200;
}, s.t);
Doesn't "deprecated" mean that it's available, but won't be forever. (I read elsewhere that it won't be going away for a number of years.) If so, and this is for hobby projects, then perhaps you could use async: false for now as a quick way to get the job done?

Selenium Firefox Open timeout

Using Windows 2008, C#, Firefox 3.5.1, Selenium RC (v1.0.1)
When it works, this code executes very quickly and the page loads within .5 seconds.
However, the session always seems to fail after 3 - 5 iterations. The open command will cause a window to be spawned, but no page to be loaded. Eventually a timeout exception is returned. The page has not actually timed out. Instead, it is as though the request for a URL has never reached the browser window.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var s = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "firefox", "http://my.server");
s.Type("//input[contains(#id, '_username')]", "my.test");
s.Type("//input[contains(#id, '_password')]", "password");
I have a similar set up (Firefox 3.6.15, Selenium RC 1.0.1, but on WinXP and using the Python libraries) and I am working with a couple of sites - one site is naturally prone to timeouts in normal use (e.g. by a human user) whereas the others typically are not. Those that aren't appear a little slower but the one that is prone to timeouts is significantly slower when run via RC than by a person - it won't always timeout but the incidence is much much more common.
My limited mental model for this is that somehow the extra steps RC is doing (communicating with the browser, checking what it sees in the returned pages etc etc) are somehow adding a bit to each step of the page loads and then at some point they will push it over the edge. Obviously this is overly simplified, I just haven't had time to properly investigate.
Also, I do tend to notice that the problem gets worse over time, which fits a little with what the OP has seen (i.e. working the first time but not after 3 - 5 attempts). Often a reboot seems to fix the issues, but without proper investigation I can't tell why this helps, perhaps it is somehow freeing up memory (the machine is used for other things), getting allocated to a different one of our company's proxies or something else I haven't considered.
So... not much of a full answer here (a comment would have been more appropriate, but my login isn't able to yet), but at least it reinforces that you're not the only one. Periodic restarts are an annoying thing to need to do, but in the absence of any smarter analysis and answers, maybe they'd be worth a shot?
I was facing the same problem .This is because open method of DefaultSelenium has timeout of 30000ms, so it waits for 30s for your page to load. You can try this trivial solution.
//selenium is DefaultSelenium instance as private member of the class
boolean serverStartTry = false;
int tryCount =1;
while((!serverStartTry) && tryCount <= Constants.maxServerTries){
System.out.println("Server started in try no: "+tryCount);
serverStartTry =true;
}catch (SeleniumException e) {
System.out.println("Server start try no: "+tryCount );
System.out.println("Server Start Try: "+ serverStartTry);
serverStartTry = false;
System.out.println("Server Not started, no. of attempts made: "+tryCount);
I've solved using:
before open instruction.

Showing completion in a progress bar

In this particular situation, there are 9 automated steps in a process that take varying lengths of time. We currently have a number showing percentage in the center of a progress bar, but it suffers from the common stop-and-go problem of racing up to 33%, waiting a long time, racing up to 55%, waiting an even longer time, then finishing.
What's the best way to present this to the user? Should we remove the number, remove the whole progress bar in favor of an ajax-type circle animation, add descriptive text for the nine steps and checking them off or leave it the way it is? What are your thoughts?
If it really takes a long time, AJAX type of animation is probably not a good idea. I'd go with checklist of items.
The progress bar serves to reassure the user that something is going on. When you do not have a more detailed list of steps, I would recommend 'faking' them.
A basic solution would be to run a timer and slowly increase the progress, capping it at the next logic step value. If the steps take wildly different amounts of time, you can manually adjust the delta value for every timer 'tick' depending in which step you're in.
However, a better solution (I once implemented it this way, but I cannot post the code :)), would be to slowly decrease the delta as the step continues -- so it never quite makes it to the next step. Then the next step arrives, you have a nice jump and the cycle repeats.
In some cases it's more important for a progress bar to indicate that something is happening than for it to be accurate and smooth. Users tend to panic when progress bars stop progressing.
If you have problems with the bar freezing for periods of time, it might be better to replace it with a generic animation that reassures the user that something is happening without worrying about showing how far along the process is. Or, leave the progress bar in place, but add some additional animation as a placebo.
To expand Cadet Pirx's answer, here's some WinForms C# code. You'll need a new UserControl. Put a ProgressBar control on it, called inner. Add the following code:
public partial class ZenoProgressBar : UserControl
private const int DEFAULT_FACTOR_VALUE = 10;
private const int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_VALUE = 100;
public ZenoProgressBar()
/// <summary>
/// The "speed" of the progress bar. While it will never get to
/// the end, it uses this number to decide how much further to
/// go each time Increment is called. For example, setting it to
/// 2 causes half of the remaining distance to be covered.
/// </summary>
public int Factor { get; set; }
public int Maximum { get; set; }
private void ZenoProgressBar_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
inner.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
public void Increment()
inner.Value += (inner.Maximum - inner.Value) / Factor;
I had almost the exact same problem. We also had 9 steps, so the bar would go 11%, 22% 33% etc. and also with some steps taking longer than others.
I decided to make two of the longer steps count as two, so we how had 11 steps, so it wasn't as obvious, and the jumps weren't always even: 9%, 18%, 36%, 45%, 54%, 72%, 81%, 90%, done. The step values were always the same, but since the size of the step wasn't obvious, it worked..

Windows Forms Threading and Events - ListBox updates promptly but progressbar experiences huge delay

Our team is creating a new recruitment workflow system to replace an old one. I have been tasked with migrating the old data into the new schema. I have decided to do this by creating a small Windows Forms project as the schema are radically different and straight TSQL scripts are not an adequate solution.
The main sealed class 'ImportController' that does the work declares the following delegate event:
public delegate void ImportProgressEventHandler(object sender, ImportProgressEventArgs e);
public static event ImportProgressEventHandler importProgressEvent;
The main window starts a static method in that class using a new thread:
Thread dataProcessingThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ImportController.ImportData));
dataProcessingThread.Name = "Data Importer: Data Processing Thread";
the ImportProgressEvent args carries a string message, a max int value for the progress bar and an current progress int value. The Windows form subcribes to the event:
ImportController.importProgressEvent += new ImportController.ImportProgressEventHandler(ImportController_importProgressEvent);
And responds to the event in this manner using it's own delegate:
private delegate void TaskCompletedUIDelegate(string completedTask, int currentProgress, int progressMax);
private void ImportController_importProgressEvent(object sender, ImportProgressEventArgs e)
this.Invoke(new TaskCompletedUIDelegate(this.DisplayCompletedTask), e.CompletedTask, e.CurrentProgress, e.ProgressMax);
Finally the progress bar and listbox are updated:
private void DisplayCompletedTask(string completedTask, int currentProgress, int progressMax)
string[] items = completedTask.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string item in items)
if (currentProgress >= 0 && progressMax > 0 && currentProgress <= progressMax)
this.ImportProgressBar.Maximum = progressMax;
this.ImportProgressBar.Value = currentProgress;
The thing is the ListBox seems to update very quickly, but the progress bar never moves until the batch is almost complete anyway ??? what gives ?
Maybe you can try the BackgroundWorker component. It makes threading easier. Examples here:
BackgroundWorker Threads and Supporting Cancel
Using the BackgroundWorker Component in .NET 2 applications
BackgroundWorker Sample
Maybe outside of the scope but, to sometimes its useful to do an Application.DoEvents(); to make the gui parts react to user input, such as pressing the cancel-button on a status bar dialog.
Do you by any chance run Windows Vista? I've noticed the exactly same thing in some work related applications. Somehow, there seem to be a delay when the progress bar "animates".
Thanks for the links.
There's no gain from threadpooling as I know it will only ever spawn one thread. The use of a thread is purely to have a responsive UI while SQL Server is being pounded with reads and writes. It's certainly not a short lived thread.
Regarding sledge-hammers you're right. But, as it turns out my problem was between screen and chair after all. I seem to have an unusal batch of data that has many many many more foreign key records than the other batches and just happens to get selected early in the process meaning the currentProgress doesn't get ++'d for a good 10 seconds.
Thanks for all your input, it got me thinking, which got me looking elsewhere in the code, which led to my ahaa moment of humility where I prove yet again the error is usually human :)
Are you sure that the UI thread is running freely during all this process? i.e. it's not sitting blocked-up on a Join or some other wait? That's what it looks like to me.
The suggestion of using BackgroundWorker is a good one - definitely superior to trying to sledge-hammer your way out of the problem with a load of Refresh/Update calls.
And BackgroundWorker will use a pool thread, which is a friendlier way to behave than creating your own short-lived thread.
There's no gain from threadpooling as
I know it will only ever spawn one
thread. The use of a thread is purely
to have a responsive UI while SQL
Server is being pounded with reads and
writes. It's certainly not a short
lived thread.
OK, I appreciate that, and glad you found your bug, but have you looked at BackgroundWorker? It does pretty much exactly what you're doing, but in a standardised fashion (i.e. without your own delegates) and without the need to create a new thread - both of which are (perhaps small, but maybe still useful) advantages.
