How to loop inside a hash? - ruby

If I have a hash like the one below, and I want to loop over the second level keys.
Why does this fail?
hash["Element"].each do |id|
h[id] = hash[id]["Name"]
"Element" => {
"499723" => {
"Name" => "A",
"499725" => {
"Name" => "B",

It fails because using .each on a Hash yields the tuple of key and value.
hash = {
"Element" => {
"499723" => {
"Name" => "A",
"499725" => {
"Name" => "B",
hash["Element"].each do |id|
p id
["499723", {"Name"=>"A"}]
["499725", {"Name"=>"B"}]
Therefore, you need to use
hash["Element"].each do |id, value|
# ...
If you don't need the value
hash["Element"].each do |id, _|
# ...
However, you can keep the value and access it directly
hash["Element"].each do |id, value|
h[id] = value["Name"]
A simple solution in your case is to use Enumberable#each_with_object in combination with the previous information:
hash["Element"].each_with_object({}) do |(id, value), acc|
acc[id] = value["Name"]
# => {"499723"=>"A", "499725"=>"B"}

hash["Element"].each.with_object({}) do |(id, subhash), result|
result[id] = subhash["Name"]


Ruby: transform Hash-Keys

I have a Hash:
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'},{'notifications' => 'bar'}]
The goal is to add a prefix to the keys:
urls = [{'' => 'foo'},{'' => 'bar'}]
My attempt: {|e| { |k| "{k}" }}
Then I get an array with the desired form of the keys but how can I manipulate the original hash?
If you want to "manually" transform the keys, then you can first iterate over your array of hashes, and then over each object (each hash) map their value to a hash where the key is interpolated with "", and the value remains the same:
urls.flat_map { |hash| { |key, value| { "{key}" => value } } }
# [{""=>"foo"}, {""=>"bar"}]
Notice urls are being "flat-mapped", otherwise you'd get an arrays of arrays containing hash/es.
If you prefer to simplify that, you can use the built-in method for for transforming the keys in a hash that Ruby has; Hash#transform_keys: { |url| url.transform_keys { |key| "{key}" } }
# [{""=>"foo"}, {""=>"bar"}]
Use transform_keys.
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'}, {'notifications' => 'bar'}] { |hash| hash.transform_keys { |key| "{key}" } }
# => [{""=>"foo"}, {""=>"bar"}]
One question: are you best served with an array of hashes here, or would a single hash suit better? For example:
urls = { 'logs' => 'foo', 'notifications' => 'bar' }
Seems a little more sensible a way to store the data. Then, saying you did still need to transform these:
urls.transform_keys { |key| "{key}" }
# => {""=>"foo", ""=>"bar"}
Or to get from your original array to the hash output:
urls = [{'logs' => 'foo'}, {'notifications' => 'bar'}]
urls.reduce({}, &:merge).transform_keys { |key| "{key}" }
# => {""=>"foo", ""=>"bar"}
Much easier to work with IMHO :)
If you don't have access to Hash#transform_keys i.e. Ruby < 2.5.5 this should work:{ |h| a = h.to_a; { '' + a[0][0] => a[0][1] } }

Nested json from ruby hash

Trying to build a json out of Ruby hash
require 'json'
temp_rides = {"rides": {}}
rides = {:lyft => "car", :scoot => "scooter", :blade => "helicopter"}
rides.each do |key, value|
temp_rides["rides"].push({"key" => "value"})
puts temp_rides
apparently it fails with undefined methodpush'` I believe I need to load the json object before append (based on my python background).
I am looking for a output something like this
"rides": {
"lyft": {
"type": "car"
"scoot": {
"type": "scooter"
"blade": {
"type": "helicopter"
This is an answer to the OP's original question. I have no interest in changing it to attempt to answer a moving target.
def doit(rides)
{ rides: rides.slice_before { |k,_| k.to_s.match? /\Aride\d*\z/ }.
map { |a| hashify(a.flatten.drop(1)) }.
reduce(&:merge) }
def hashify(arr)
f,*rest = arr
return f if rest.empty?
{ f.to_sym=>hashify(rest) }
Here is an example of the use of the (recursive) helper method hashify:
hashify ["lyft", :type, "car"]
#=> {:lyft=>{:type=>"car"}}
We are given the hash rides:
rides = {:ride1=>"lyft", :type=>"car", :ride2=>"Scoot",
:type2=>"scooter", :ride3=>"blade", :type3=>"helicopter"}
doit rides
#=> {:rides=>{:lyft=>{:type=>"car"},
# :Scoot=>{:type2=>"scooter"},
# :blade=>{:type3=>"helicopter"}}}
Let's add some more key-value pairs to rides:
rides = {:ride1=>"lyft", :type=>"car", :color=>"blue",
:ride2=>"Scoot", :type2=>"scooter", :make=>"Vespa", :model=>"98",
:ride3=>"blade", :type3=>"helicopter"}
doit rides
#=> {:rides=>{:lyft=>{:type=>{:car=>{:color=>"blue"}}},
# :Scoot=>{:type2=>{:scooter=>{:make=>
# {:Vespa=>{:model=>"98"}}}}},
# :blade=>{:type3=>"helicopter"}}}
The steps for the first example are as follows.
enum = rides.slice_before { |k,_| k.to_s.match? /\Aride\d*\z/ }
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator::Generator:0x00005a49d68217f0>:each>
We can see the elements that will be generated by this enumerator by converting it to an array.
#=> [[[:ride1, "lyft"], [:type, "car"]],
# [[:ride2, "Scoot"], [:type2, "scooter"]],
# [[:ride3, "blade"], [:type3, "helicopter"]]]
a = { |a| hashify(a.flatten.drop(1)) }
#=> [{:lyft=>{:type=>"car"}},
# {:Scoot=>{:type2=>"scooter"}},
# {:blade=>{:type3=>"helicopter"}}]
h = a.reduce(&:merge)
#=> {:lyft=>{:type=>"car"}, :Scoot=>{:type2=>"scooter"},
# :blade=>{:type3=>"helicopter"}}
{ rides: h }
#=> <as above>
It gave you undefined method push because there is no such method for a hash.
temp_rides = {"rides": {}}
# This create a hash with `:rides` symbol as the key {:rides=>{}}
# To push an object into a hash. Use operator[]= or #store method
temp_rides[:rides][:key1] = 'value1'
temp_rides[:rides].store(:key2, 'value2')
A working example:
require 'json'
temp_rides = {"rides": {}}
rides = {:lyft => "car", :scoot => "scooter", :blade => "helicopter"}
rides.each_pair do |k, v|
temp_rides[:rides][k] = {:type => v}
puts JSON.pretty_generate(temp_rides)
This is actually pretty easy to do with a simple transform:
def rejig(rides) do |name, type|
[ name, { type: type } ]
Where that will rework your structure into the desired shape.
Using it is easy:
require 'json'
rides = { lyft: "car", scoot: "scooter", blade: "helicopter" }
puts JSON.dump(rejig(rides))
# => {"lyft":{"type":"car"},"scoot":{"type":"scooter"},"blade":{"type":"helicopter"}}
require 'json'
temp_rides = {"rides": {}}
rides = {:lyft => "car", :scoot => "scooter", :blade => "helicopter"}
to get ruby hash output
to get json format output
JSON.dump temp_rides
require 'json'
rides = {:lyft => "car", :scoot => "scooter", :blade => "helicopter"}
transformed = {
'rides' => rides.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k] = { 'type' => v }; h }

Ruby - Elegantly replace hash values with nested value (description)

The hash I'm working with has a hash for it's values which always contains an ID, name, and description. I am not interested in keeping the ID or name and just want to replace every hash value with its corresponding description.
hsh['nested']['entries']['addr'] = hsh['nested']['entries']['addr']['description']
hsh['nested']['entries']['port'] = hsh['nested']['entries']['port']['description']
hsh['nested']['entries']['protocol'] = hsh['nested']['entries']['protocol']['description']
hsh['nested']['entries']['type'] = hsh['nested']['entries']['type']['description']
... (many more)
This works fine, but it is not very elegant--in reality, I have 20 entries/lines of code to get the job done.
Structure of the hash value (for hsh['nested']['entries']['addr'])
{ "id" => "27", "name" => "Instance", "description" => "**This is what I need.**" }
Taking the first line of code above as a sample, the end result would be the value of hsh['nested']['entries']['addr'] becomes **This is what I need.**
What is an elegant way to achieve this?
hsh = { 'nested'=>
{ 'entries'=>
'addr'=>{ "id" => "1", "description"=>"addr" },
'port'=>{ "id" => "2", "description"=>"port" },
'cats'=>{ "id" => "3", "description"=>"dogs" },
'type'=>{ "id" => "4", "description"=>"type" }
keys_to_replace = ["addr", "port", "type"]
hsh['nested']['entries'].tap { |h| keys_to_replace.each { |k| h[k]=h[k]["description"] }
#=> { "addr"=>"addr",
# "port"=>"port",
# "cats"=>{"id"=>"3", "description"=>"dogs"},
# "type"=>"type"
# }
#=> {"nested"=>
# { "entries"=>
# { "addr"=>"addr",
# "port"=>"port",
# "cats"=>{"id"=>"3", "description"=>"dogs"},
# "type"=>"type"
# }
# }
# }
sub_hash = hsh['nested']['entries']
categories = %w{addr port protocol type}
categories.each do |category|
sub_hash[category] = sub_hash[category]['description']

How to organize hashes by property

Here is the hashes that will be processed:
"flatiron school bk" => {
:location => "NYC"
"flatiron school" => {
:location => "NYC"
"dev boot camp" => {
:location => "SF"
"dev boot camp chicago" => {
:location => "Chicago"
"general assembly" => {
:location => "NYC"
"Hack Reactor" => {
:location => "SF"
I need to organize these hashes by location, like this:
{ "NYC"=>["flatiron school bk", "flatiron school", "general assembly"],
"SF"=>["dev boot camp", "Hack Reactor"],
"Chicago"=>["dev boot camp chicago"]}
You can use each_with_object to combine in into new hash:
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(name, data), res|
(res[data[:location]] ||= []) << name
Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object given, and returns the initially given object.
In this case name and data is key and value of each element in given hash.
In (res[data[:location]] ||= []) << name you get location, create array in result hash for given location (if it doesn't exist), then put key of input hash to it.

Convert Array to JSON, with Same Key, in Ruby

I'm trying to parse an array of hashes, grab a value from a specific key, and output to json with one predefined key for each value - and I'm stuck.
:name=>"jon-59-gw (8db8fcae-055a-4b35-9f8f-739b68c0bd5d)",
["Change Log Level",
"Edit Dns",
"Edit Syslog"]},
:name=>"jon-60-gw (d63ddc45-gd3c-40c3-9046-e7afa996934a)",
["Change Log Level",
"Edit Dns",
"Edit Syslog"]},
Desired Output
{ "{#JONNAME}":"jon-59-gw" },
{ "{#JONNAME}":"jon-60-gw"},
Where I'm at:
def jon_discover
jon_summary.sort_by { |jon| jon[:object_id] }.each do |jon|
name = jon[:name].slice!(/\A\S*/)
my_hash = {'{#JONNAME}' => name}
puts JSON.generate(my_hash)
The above returns:
{ "{#JONNAME}":"jon-59-gw" }
{ "{#JONNAME}":"jon-60-gw" }
But I don't know where to take it from here, or if I'm on the right track. How can I get this into the desired output?
Thanks, cheers!
This is too complex:
my_hash = {"{#JONNAME}" => "#{name}"}
Keep it simple:
my_hash = {JONNAME => name}
the data is for Zabbix low level discovery
Then use single-quotes instead of double quotes for the key and use the bare name for the value:
my_hash = {'{#JONNAME}' => name}
so it's more apparent that {# is not a typo.
Instead of:
"jon-60-gw (d63ddc45-gd3c-40c3-9046-e7afa996934a)".slice!(/\A\S*/) # => "jon-60-gw"
"jon-60-gw (d63ddc45-gd3c-40c3-9046-e7afa996934a)".split.first # => "jon-60-gw"
Putting it all together:
require 'json'
ary = [
:object_id => "jon-59",
:name => "jon-59-gw (8db8fcae-055a-4b35-9f8f-739b68c0bd5d)",
:client_handle => nil,
:extended_attributes => nil,
:appliances_summary =>
:vm_version => "5.5.3",
:vm_build_info => "5.5.3-2135647"
:hypervisor_assist => false,
:allowed_actions => {
:string => ["Change Log Level", "Edit Dns", "Edit Syslog"]
:edge_assist_id => "0"
:object_id => "jon-60",
:name => "jon-60-gw (d63ddc45-gd3c-40c3-9046-e7afa996934a)",
:client_handle => nil,
:extended_attributes => nil,
:appliances_summary => {
:vm_version => "5.5.3",
:vm_build_info => "5.5.3-2168697"
:hypervisor_assist => false,
:allowed_actions => {
:string => ["Change Log Level", "Edit Dns", "Edit Syslog"]
:edge_assist_id => "0"
Here's how to walk through the data:
data ={ |hash|
'{#JONNAME}' => hash[:name].split.first
Here's how to generate the JSON:
puts JSON[{'data' => data}]
# >> {"data":[{"{#JONNAME}":"jon-59-gw"},{"{#JONNAME}":"jon-60-gw"}]}
If you need it sorted:
puts JSON[{'data' => data.sort_by{ |s| s['{#JONNAME}'] }}]
# >> {"data":[{"{#JONNAME}":"jon-59-gw"},{"{#JONNAME}":"jon-60-gw"}]}
