Model Querying and Match laravel - laravel

I have this table articles and users and I already made model on them and made some relationships with them thru MODEL and some foreign keys. How will I display it in a view like this article is created by this user. How will I query it ? like
$article->user() bla bla.

this gives the email of the user with article id 1, if proper models and relationships.


Laravel get relation by custom value

Model - User
id [999]
name [foo]
Model - Post (without User Foreign Key)
id [1]
unique_key [USR_00000999]
data [bar]
I would like to get all user with related posts (one to many) by using "custom key" value, is this possible with build in eloquent?
I only manage to looping using foreach one by one with
->where('unique_key', sprintf('USR_%08d', $user_id))
That is not built-into Laravel by default... if you want to know why it's because it's not a common thing that everyone does...
BUT, you can use scope query so you don't need to do the sprintf everytime...
Laravel Query Scopes Documentation
But I want to ask, why wouldn't you just add user_id on your post table and just have an Accessors on your post model for generating the unique_key? That would be much easier on my perspective...
Laravel Accessor Documentation
UPDATE: (See Comment)
Is it possible to have an empty user_id on Posts table?
then populate it when the user is created?
say you have a posts with key of USR_00000999... and you have a user with an id of 999... when you create that user you'll just have to update all posts with key of USR_00000999 to have a user_id of 999...

Laravel Eloquent (eager loadable) custom polymorphic relationship

Using Eloquent, I'm trying to make a polymorphic relationship between some models that isn't working out. Simplified, it works like this: there is a model 'groups', which obviously can contain some groups. Now each of these groups can either contain 'members' or 'guests', so I have a table and model for both of them. These are not similar to each other. My groups table contains a column in which model to use (members or guests). The structure is as follows:
groups (\App\Models\Group)
model (either \App\Models\Member or \App\Models\Guest)
members (\App\Models\Member)
guests (\App\Models\Guest)
So the relationship 'people' in a group retrieves either the members or the guests. Using the default $this->morphTo() function using the group_id is able to retrieve the correct results, but due to its logic only returns one result, while I need all results. The rest of the app is indifferent to whether the people are members or guests, so I do not want to split those two up here.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this? I'm trying to eager load the relationship.

laravel define relation over multiple tables

I have a table customers with the fields id, name and so on.
One table doctors with the fields id, name.
Then there is one table subject_areas which has all subject areas which a doctor can have. The fields are id, text.
So, each doctor can have multiple subject areas. There is one pivot table doctor_subject which is a belongsToMany relation.
Here is my problem: A customer can have multiple doctors, but only for a specific subject area. I tried it with a new table customer_doctor with the fields id, customer_id and doctor_subject_id. But how do i map this in Eloquent?
Issue was in relation between tables. After chat clarification this came out as solution:
Html form is written in a way that customer first choose doctor, then depending on selection choose several of his available areas.
In that scenario customer needn't to be related to areas directly and should be related to areas only over relation with doctor.
Also as side note, if needed deeper relations, models on pivot tables could be created and used as well.

Laravel 5.2 eloquent model order by their relation model attribute

I have a question. I have an user model and a post model. A user can have many posts. Now I need to get posts with pagination. And I need to sort posts by their related user's id desc. Per page number is 10. I do not know how to write this code, someone can help me? Thanks.
Since Post belongs to User the posts table has user_id key. Use it:
Post::orderBy('user_id', 'desc')->paginate(10);

laravel Eloquent ORM multiple table insert

How would i make a single request to insert in multiple tables using laravel Eloquent ORM relationship .ie
Table 1 : users
Table 2 : posts
Table 3 : Image
Table users id references user_id in other two tables .
Table posts has One To Many relation with users.
Table images has One To Many relation with users and post ie it can be shared with other users and on other posts.
So that when one makes a post insert ,it should insert the record in the tables with a single query.
This is one way of doing it:
$post = (new Post)->fill($request->all()->toArray())->user()->associate(Auth::user())->save();
As for the image, the Post model should have a model event such as static::created to handle the image upload and manipulation.
Or to make more sense, a model event in the Post model should trigger another model event from the Image model.
->toArray() may be optional, I can't test it here where I'm now.
