How to revert xcode pull request? - xcode

This is my problem and i tried to look solution, didn't find anything related to me.
created new project 1 —> and pushed to (this project is dummy has no code)
created new project 2 —> wrote code and tried pushing to with remote link to project 1 it gave me an error stating to 1st use pull the request. I did pull request.
now the project 2 became empty (which took 2 days to code) is there any option to get back my code?

That is a very strange situation. You shouldn't have been able to do what you describe.
Simulating what you describe in Xcode 8.0, I get a The remote repository could no be found - make sure a valid repository exists at the specified location and try again. message, because the projects are different.
Maybe something else happened.
Nevertheless, may this be a lesson to you. Commit locally first and then to the remote. You can do both, one after the other, with one operation in Xcode, by checking the Push to Remote box in the commit screen. That way you would still have your local code. ;-)


Can't pull on Xcode Source Control (Repository is Locked)

Me and my teammates are having a hard time trying to fix an issue with source control and we don't know how to fix it.
What happened:
I had to change the bundle identifier to be able to build on a phone
I had to change the .plist file for google Firebase because of the bundle id change
I made a commit and pushed the project to our repository in Bitbucket and pushed it
Now when they try to pull the latest change they all get the files but with merge issues (That don't reflect on the source control screen) and when you check on the log it doesn't show that they were able to pull the commit (even though they got the files and all the files even have the head and MASTER text that shows up when you have merge issues). The error we keep getting is
"The repository is locked."
"Make sure any other operations on the repository are finished and try again. "
I tried checking the other questions but the same error only shows up for users that can't commit because the repository is locked. Not while pulling.

XCode Source Control status constantly refreshing

I'm running XCode 6.1 and working with a git repo. XCode's source control is turned on, as well as the options Refresh local status automatically and Refresh server status automatically and Add or remove files automatically.
Every 10 seconds or so, xcode shows every file's status as changing to unknown (a question mark). After a bit, they mostly all refresh and show the correct status. This keeps happening over and over.
Why is this happening and how can I stop it?
They look like so:
Question Marks
Finally I have found the cause of this problem, and thus the solution.
My git repo was checked out on my local machine inside of another git repo by accident. Doing this cause massive confusion to XCode, apparently. Doing a fresh checkout in a different folder fixed the problem.
To resolve this you need to do the following:
Go to Source Control -> Refresh Status.
It should solve your problem.

XCode 5 - the local git repository could not be reached

I created a project with local git repository using XCode 5 (preview 6), made some changes and tried to commit, and finally got the message "The repository 'HelloWorld2' could not be reached, please verify that the repository is online and reachable and try again".
The same message is also shown when the Refresh Status menu item under Source Control menu is clicked.
Actually, I have XCode 4.5 installed and run side by side with 5.0, but the issue does not exist when the project is opened using Xcode 4.5. Also, the commit action works fine as well via command line.
Not sure if this helps in the tracking down of this problem, but here goes anyway:
I have been connecting to a local network git repository perfectly well for a number of months, but I encountered this problem later yesterday and nothing I did seemed to improve the situation. That included:
Rebooting both the development machine and the server;
Reinstalling Xcode from the App Store;
Re-cloning the project from the git command line (which could see the repository perfectly well);
Checking out the repository from Xcode (I was able to check out but every other operation, such as , Commit, Refresh Status etc. seemed to cause the problem...)
Manipulation the repository with SourceTree (which could also see it fine).
Eventually I stumbled across a solution to my local issue. If I launch Xcode with a wired and wireless network enabled then I can't see the repository. If I close it, disable wifi and relaunch it then I can.
I've not had much opportunity to work out what the difference is (especially as the wifi connects to the same network and is the secondary choice for networking) but it does seem to fix it.
Hope that might help others and hopefully I can find a real explanation soon!

Github "Failed to publish this branch" error on windows

I'm new to git, and I just downloaded it yesterday. As a test for my first online (not local) repo, I committed a useless text file and then hit publish. After a short while, I got this very non-descriptive error:
So I know that I can't publish to this branch. There's only one and it's the master branch. Does anyone have any further information on what might be causing this error?
As a side note, my partner has successfully uploaded files to the same repo, but I haven't gotten any sort of indication that this has happened. Does this mean I'm not connected to the repo properly in some way? I was the one who set it up!
In Windows, right click on your repository --> click on open a shell here
You will see a command prompt.
type git push in it. (been aware after seeing SimonBoudrias comment)
The command prompt will suggest you to type some other command or shows an error.
If the command prompt suggest you to type something else, then type that. It will work.
If the command prompt shows error then please post the detailed error here.
Info: You might want to check this app
Open a shell in your repository. Then type
git push --set-upstream origin master --force
This will upload your local repo to the server no matter what, overwriting if necessary. This should only be done if you're sure nobody else is publishing to your repo at the moment.
I had the same issue as mentioned here, but none of the solutions mentioned above helped. Then I found this answer which talks about Proxy settings, which is exactly why GitHub was failing to commit on my machine. Hope this helps somebody else
To set up your Proxy Settings, you just need to use this command:
git config --global http.proxy
To fix it, open a command prompt in the repo. For example by pressing the cog in the top right in the repo view and selecting "open a shell here".
In the command prompt, type git push --set-upstream origin master
Either this will work, or it will say ! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
If this happens, type git pull origin master (add --rebase if you like)
In GitHub the Publish-button might still be visible instead of the sync button. If this is the case, simply restart GitHub.
What this does is resetting the default remote branch for your local branch to master.
Maybe you just forget type something to the Description area when you commit your files. Someone like me only type the summery.So make sure you have fill in the Summary and Description when you commmit.
Just type something to the Description textarea when commiting. Then i published successfully.
what i do?
1 Go to the folder of your repository in Windows Explorer
2 delete the file your want to publish. and recreat it.
3 Open GitHub For Windows and click on your Repository .then you will find Uncommitted changes on left side.
4 type your Summary
5 type your Description.(the most important step !!!)
6 commit to master
7 Hit Publish and You should be successful.
This is my first answer. so i have no 10 reputation to post an image......hope help you.
Another possibility is a temporary unavailability of GitHub servers.
I'm just having the same problem and confirmed that it's a server issue:
Sample screenshot:
I had this error since I forgot to add remote repository link in the GitHub desktop. Once added the correct repo link, everything worked.
Try to commit your changes before publishing. It helps me to solve same problem.
I too had the same problem while publishing my GitHub page. I solved it in the following way.
$git push
I got the error message here. Then I made a pull request
$git pull
After this I made the push again
$git push
Here I got the solution
Note:I use GitHub for windows,And finally published the page using it
I was getting that error because I hadn't properly configured my name and email. On the page where you do that (in the native app, at least), you'll see that the page opens with your name and email already filled in but that doesn't mean that they're saved as settings. In order to save them, you have to press the check mark in the bottom left corner of that screen.
I got this error because I already had created a repository with the same name on github, and then created it locally and tried to commit it. The solution was to delete it from github, then commit it from the local client. Now they're in sync.

Getting a "Commit from Multiple Working Copies" message.. not sure what to do?

I opened a project yesterday via Open From Subversion
I accidentally saved the project to C:\Users\blahblah....
I then immediately closed the project, and Opened From Subversion again, saving it to the correct directory.
Now I'm trying to commit the changes I made since opening the correct project and I'm getting this message:
Is there a risk that I can screw things up if I deselect C:\etc and instead select D:\etc and commit that?
There are no changes to the C:\ project. Also, I now have to merge the changes from yesterday into another branch.
This dialog appears whenever more than one working copy is involved and is mostly seen when changing your code and an external. It means it will commit your code and the external separate because this is dealt like different working copies and so this must be done.
In your case your solution was partly saved somewhere else making a second working copy (from the same repository). Guess you did the right think when deleting the mistakenly created files.
I deleted the C:... solution. It seems to have done the trick because the D:.. solution committed ok after that.
