[ruby]Create an application - ruby

I saw on the web that we can create any files, applications who run on the pc and so ruby doesn't limit only at the web.
I would like however check my impression, can we develop any applications for example in .exe with ruby ?
And if the answer is yes, how create an application (with or within framework) and are there any tutorials ?
Thank you in advance for your futures answers and if you have any questions, don't hesitate ! ;)

There are multiple ways to create an executable containing Ruby Code:
Even with a GUI:
But it depends what you want to achieve. The possibilities are very limited using pure Ruby. Using Html/JS with cross-platform frameworks will be more likely to compete with native applications.


How to make apk from base without using third party app?

I am planning to create a smartphone app for my website. I've searched everywhere, but it seems like all suggest to use apps, like andromo, appmaker, and more.
While I want to start from the bottom, it's harder not the important thing I can know what frameworks are needed so I become more free if I want to change or add style according to my will.
Like when creating a website, I prefer to organize HTML templates manually, than using CMS wordpress or others. So I think you guys have understood what I mean.
So, can I do that?
All the answers must be appreciated, and I thank you for that.
If you are looking for native android application development you need to develop it in Kotlin or java using Android SDK. There are some other languages can use also.
check this also:

Sketchapp using for mockup designing

I know this is not related to PHP but related to many Front-end designers and developers.
In now days experienced mockup or UI/UX element designer use an app called sketchapp specially who use mac os. but when it comes to front-end developers who don't have mac os to code front-end. Here is the problem start many of developers try to search a solution but I don't think any one had it because the app developers not create any thing for windows to support these files.
My Question: what is the solution for this problem? should we try to find a friend/colleague who have mac os with the app or should we ask the client for other file format (but sometime clients don't have other file formats) or should we reject the project.
what should we do?
The immediate solution is to have your clients export their Sketch files to pdf. That is a built-in function in Sketch and only takes a second.
Longterm you may want to evaluate whether or not you maybe should get a cheap Mac to expand your portfolio.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you need to get design specs to work with you could use:
They offer tools for collaboration between designers and developers.
Hope this helps!

EPUB3 Reader Development?

I need to know about EPUB3 Reader Development. I Am using readium to develop epub3. Looks as if http://readium.org/ offers exactly what I am looking for; but I only find descriptions for the integration of Readium into different browsers.
I want to use Readium as a epub-reader within my content; does anyone know, how to do that?
Can you please suggest me what to do ?
Thanks in Advance.
What you are looking for is the Readium SDK: http://readium.org/projects/readium-sdk.
It is currently in development and therefore may or may not be useful to you at this stage... Most of the stuff is fairly stable, and developement is ongoing. You can find the SDK code here: https://github.com/readium/readium-sdk, and the different launcher repos here: https://github.com/readium/.
Good luck!

Create a windows application using osx

I have a project to do (an app relied to a DB, used to display and modify data, basically CRUD). The application will run on windows, but I don't have any windows computer (and don't want to buy one) so I will develop on OS X.
So, my question is which language should I use ? I know a bit (but really a bit) in Ruby and Java. I'm a good C# developer, but without windows and VS, it won't be really useful.
My priorities are : a simple GUI toolkit, and a simple packaging/distribution system, because my client isn't good in IT. If I could have fun during development it would be a plus (and I say this because I think Ruby is funnier) but it's not a priority.
So, any programming language/UI toolkit simple to deploy and to use on OS X who could run on Windows ?
Thank you !
IT kind of depends on your app really. you could make it a web app if you want nice GUI and with easy html css and there is alot precoded for you. hosting on some web service with basic mysql or any other database shouldnt be an issue costs wise and your client can just open the browser and it runs, if he has internet connection available where he needs the app to work. anyway it runs everywhere and since yo know java... thats what i would.
depends on your app really.
Most people that need to do this just get a VM running Windows, and run Visual Studio from there.

Is Adobe Air/Flash the easiest framework for advanced GUI development?

Excuse a non-developer being forced to develop applications instead of administrating networks like I'm used to. This is a horrible post in many ways.
I'm developing an application which has reached the point of needing a GUI. However, I haven't done any GUI development ever before, so I feel the need to ask for help on this.
The application is your standard data collecting/management app, with all common widgets and stuff that every application is using. The problem is that I need the application to be able to display websites using an external browser of some sort, to pass a captcha on the site the application works against. The website guys haven't given me permission to circumvent the captcha in any way.
I know of GTK, QT, Tcl/Tk etc. None of these frameworks have struck me as easy to use. To be honest, I'd like to design the interface using drag-and-drop like I used to do in VB6 when I was a kid, although I get chills thinking about writing this thing in Basic.
I was thinking about Adobe Air, and to design the application in Flash/ActionScript. From what I've learned about Air, I should be able to do everything I want to do. And I do believe it has built in sqlite, right? Would it be considered more "simple" to develop the actual GUI using Flash than using one of the traditional frameworks? What pitfalls am I facing?
A few guidelines:
It only needs to run on Windows
I need to be able to work against a database. Currently using SQLite3.
Some sort of browser integration is crucial. A browser window of some sort needs to open up inside my interface, be directed by the application, and the application needs to be able to read some data from the site that is being used.
Any help with this would be great. This is a clear case where I have to rely on the experience of others to complete the project at all. I'm happy to provide more information if you need that to make a suggestion.
You can always try Titanium Framework, it was aquired by Appcelerator nor so much ago. http://www.appcelerator.com/
It actually puts a webkit browser in a window, so if you can design HTML and CSS you can use this framework.
