How can I check the status of a queue in Laravel? - laravel

I need to submit a number of jobs to a Laravel queue to process some uploaded CSV files. These jobs could be finished in one second if the files are small, or a few seconds if they're bigger, or possibly up to a minute if the CSV files are very big. And I can't tell in advance how big the files will be.
When the user goes to the "results" page, I need to display the results - but only if the queue has finished the jobs. If the queue is still processing, I need to display a "try again later" message.
So - is there a way to check, from a controller, whether the queue has finished?
I'm currently using Laravel 5.1 but would happily upgrade if that helps. And I'm currently using the database queue driver. Ideally I'd love to find a general technique that works for all queue drivers, but if the only way to do it is to check a database table then I guess that's what I have to do.

I know this is a year old, but why not create a new queue per upload with a unique key based on that request.
$job = (new ProcessCSVJob($data))->onQueue($uniqueQueueName);
You can then simply either do a count in the database on the queue name field if you want a DB only solution.
To work across all queue types you can use the Queue size method to return the queue size.
$queue = App::make('queue.connection');
$size = $queue->size($uniqueQueueName);
This is in Laravel 5.4. Not sure how backwards compatible this is.

I expect if I was trying to do this today, I'd use a Laravel Job Event to update a status field on the database record, to log when the job has started and when it's finished.
Then I could see whether a record has been fully processed or not by just looking at the status field on the record itself.


Laravel - Removing jobs on queue based on model association

I'm new to jobs and queues.
At the moment, I'm only really using the ->later() method on a Mail. This places each mail on the default queue.
There are instances where I need cancel jobs on the queue related to a specific model ID. I don't really see any reference to deleting pending jobs in the queue - only deleting / clearing failed.
In Telescope, there are tags showing the Model IDs associated with each pending job.
There are a few things I was hoping to do:
Delete all jobs associated with a specific model ID
Listen for the execution of a job based on a specific model ID, so I may update the database table with the date/timestamp of when the job actually executed. (users can queue emails to send hours in advance and I'd like to log when their customer actually receives the email)
Remove record associated with job since it should not exist if the email didn't actually get sent.
Hoping for some advice on how to solve this problem of needing to manage jobs in this fashion.
I'm using Redis if that makes any difference.

How to process a logic or job periodically for all users in a large scale?

I have a large set of users in my project like 50m.
I should create a playlist for each user every day, for doing this, I'm currently using this method:
I have a column in my users' table that holds the latest time of creating a playlist for that user, and I name it last_playlist_created_at.
I run a query on the users' table and get the top 1000s, that selects the list of users which their last_playlist_created_at is past one day and sort the result in ascending order by last_playlist_created_at
After that, I run a foreach on the result and publish a message for each in my message-broker.
Behind the message-broker, I start around 64 workers to process the messages (create a playlist for the user) and update last_playlist_created_at in the users' table.
If my message-broker messages list was empty, I will repeat these steps (While - Do-While)
I think the processing method is good enough and can be scalable as well,
but the method we use to create the message for each user is not scalable!
How should I do to dispatch a large set of messages for each of my users?
Ok, so my answer is completely based on your comment where you mentioned that you use while(true) to check if the playlist needs to be updated which does not seem so trivial.
Although this is a design question and there are multiple solutions, here's how I would solve it.
First up, think of updating the playlist for a user as a job.
Now, in your case this is a scheduled Job. ie. once a day.
So, use a scheduler to schedule the next job time.
Write a Scheduled Job Handler to push this to a Message Queue. This part is just to handle multiple jobs at the same time where you could control the flow.
Generate the playlist for the user based on the job. Create a Schedule event for the next day.
You could persist Scheduled Job data just to avoid race conditions.

Queueing batch translations with laravel best method

Looking for some guidance on best architecture to accomplish what I am trying to do. I occasionally get spreadsheets that will have a column of data that will need to be translated. There could be anywhere from 200 to 10,000 rows in that column. What I want to do is pull all rows and add them to a redis queue. I am thinking Redis will be best as I can throttle the queue which is necessary as the api I am calling for translation has throttle limits. Once the translation is done I will put the translations into a new column and return the user a new spreadsheet with the additional column.
If anyone has ideas for best setup I am open but I want to stick with laravel as that is what the application is already running. I am just not sure if I should create one queue job and that queue process will just open the file and start doing the translations. Or do I add a queue for each row of text. Or lastly do I add all of the rows of text to a table in my database and then have a task scheduler running every minute that will check that table for any untranslated rows and process x amount of them each time is checks. Not sure about cron job running so frequently when this happens maybe twice a month.
I can see a lot of ways of doing it but looking for an ideal setup as what I don't want to happen is I hit throttle limits and lose potential translations I have done as it could error out.
Thanks for any advice

Query on Oracle scheduler

I have a requirement in which I need to call a process which sends a perticular message for every X days for a customer till N days.
Basically, it's like the process runs every day fetching the customers into cursor then the process should check when was the last message sent for each customer if it was sent exactly X days before then I need to send the message to those customers.
I can handle this in the process by adding a extra column to track last notification date and refer that for sending. But it will be a performance hit..
So Can any one suggest me if there is a simpler way to handle this .
Kindly let me know if you need clarification on any part
I don't think that would be a performance bump !
If you are adding the a column in the same table , anyway only one query is gonna be executed. So I didn't likely to be a performance bump.

Windows Azure Run Once Routine

I'm trying to initialize my data in my Azure Data Tables but I only want this to happen once on the server at startup (i.e. via the WebRole Role Entry OnStart routine). The problem is if I have multiple instances starting up at the same time then potentially either one of those instances can add records to the same table at the same time hence duplicating the data at runtime.
Is there there like an overarching routine for all instances? An application object in which I can shove a value into and check it in each of the instances to see if the tables have been created or not? A singleton of some sort that azure exposes?
No, but you could use a Blob lease as a mutex. You could also use a table lock in SQL Azure, if you're using that.
You could also use a Queue, and drop a message in there and then just one role would pick up the message and process it.
You could create a new single instance role that does this job on role start.
To be really paranoid about this and address the event of failure in the middle of writing the data, you can do something even more complex.
A queue message is a great way to ensure transactional capabilities as long as the work you are doing can be idempotent.
Each instance adds a message to a queue.
Each instance polls the queue and on receiving a message
Reads the locking row from the table.
If the ‘create data state’ value is ‘unclaimed’
Attempts to update the row with a ‘in process’ value and a timeout expiration timestamp based on the amount of time needed to create the data.
if the update is successful, the instance owns the task of creating the data
So create the data
update the ‘create data state’ to ‘committed’
delete the message
else if the update is unsuccessful the instance does not own the task
so just delete the message.
Else if the ‘create data’ value is ‘in process’, check if the current time is past the expiration timestamp.
That would imply that the ‘in process’ failed
So try all over again to set the state to ‘in process’, delete the incomplete written rows
And try recreating the data, updating the state and deleting the message
Else if the ‘create data’ value is ‘committed’
Just delete the queue message, since the work has been done
