Magento language and currency switcher not showing whats going on? - magento

Im hvaign an issue with the currency switcher and language switcher for my theme, I have got two stores a US store and a UK store, as you can see from the image below:
Ive got my currency setup that imports current rates via webservicex
Ive got both the language and currency enabled for the default config and its ticked to use default throughout each store view
Ive also got 2 home pages one for US and one for UK see below:
, my theme is BlackNWhite Magento theme which supports the language and currency switcher, but for some reason it will not show on my home page I've checked the styles incase its been hidden and Ive cleared the cache several times and still no change, has anyone got any answers to this, I've also checked the theme header files to see if it was commeneted out and its not, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Layout.xml file availble here

FIXED, realized that my stores where actually 2 separate stores rather then being one website, one store, with 2 store views, this is what its supposed to be setup like:


Lost Pagination Toolbar in Magento 1.8.1

I have a live Magento 1.8.1 site where pagination was working on product list pages (such as category pages) but I’ve been adding and removing a number of extensions / plugins and I’ve lost all pagination. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the last time it was working so I can’t think precisely what extension might have caused the problem.
I’ve checked all the usual fixes such as here but my catalog.xml is fine (and all problems seem to only relate to 1.4 - 1.6). I am reluctant to upload new files which I actually think might fix it but I also know how temperamental Magento is! Everything else is working perfectly for the first time after a month of serious hard work including a couple of reinstalls!
The website is and although you can see a custom theme, there is also no pagination on the default magento theme which indicates to me it’s a core problem somewhere.
Any thoughts on any files I could check / change before I do a big overwrite?
Many thanks
Following things you can try in order to Cope-up with this situation :
1) Disable those modules which is overriding Catalog module and check once again.
2) Check whether Toolbar block is calling or not using Template and Block Path hints using Magento Admin.
3) If you are using any template, possibly there could be a setting in Admin section to Manage toolbar.

Issue with magento udropship & languages / storeviews

So my problem regarding MAGENTO languages and view stores.
I have a website with one language Spanish. I got an extention installed for Vendors which can come and add products and so. My issue is, that I want my vendors portal to be in English and the vendor portal is take the language from the default store in my system which is Spanish.
I added another store ENGLISH one, but when I change my default store to the english on I get my main website in English.
Im strugeling with it, I dont know how do fix that issue. I was thinking maybe I can somehow change the language in the vendors portal specificly from code? Or maybe you got other solution.
my extention is Udropship for refrences.
You can try to set English as default language and Spanish as language for your default website/storeview. Go to System/Configuration. Look into the top left corner, thre is select where you can switch config scope. If you set this so then admin panel will be displayed in English whilst frontend will be still displayed in Spanish.

Magento Checkout Page content (not in CMS)

Can someone please explain the Magento directory structure in relation to URL? I'm using the community version I believe.
So I had someone ask me to update some content on a magento checkout page. I'm not familiar with the framework that much so trying to figure out the file/folder structure has been a challenge for me. That said, the checkout is located on
The only thing I'm trying to update is some "terms" that are showing up in the checkout tab, which I can't seem to find through the Magento CMS anywhere (pages, terms, etc), and the other thing I'm trying to add is the coupon code field display, which I checked (at least what I think) were the corresponding XML and PHTML files and the code isn't commented out for the coupon code, so I suspect my problem is with the fact that I'm just not looking in the right project folder/file, or there's some kind of inheritance from default that I'm missing.
Step 1 to debug this is to enable template path hints from the admin HTML console. This will show you what template files are being loaded. From there you should be able to resolve your problem.
System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Advanced -> Template hints
However I've looked at my local install of CE and on the one page checkout don't see any reference to terms. Perhaps this is an extra block being inserted?
Applies to all versions of Magento
Magento path hints
If you enable Template Path Hints on a site and refresh the cache, ALL site visitors will see the hints.
To avoid this, put you external ip address into:
System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Developer Client Restrictions -> Allowed IPs (comma separated)
Example: goto and note down your ip address (for example Enter the ip into the field and save.
Doing this will only show the path hints to visitors from the above mentioned ip address.
Path to template files
This will depend on the theme used. Let's pretend you're using the default magento theme on community edition. Then you will find all of the templates at app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/
Checkout parts live in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage
Magento Path hints for sure or if you can invest a few bucks buy commerce Bug 2. Now if this is your first time working with magento I strongly advice you to backup your database, copy all the files from your theme and set a development enviroment. Other thing you should do is to disable the cache and tell magento to display erros while workin (check your index.php ini_set('display_errors', 1);}

Magento product with different options doesn't change price

I've simple products in my magento store with custom options that have different prices. Upon selecting one of the given options e.g size, the total price doesn't change and stay the same. However if items purchased in shopping cart it shows correct price (base price+additional amount) I presume there's some javascript issue in my custom theme as when i changed the template to default it started to work normal. Any ideas what could be the possible issue and where should i be looking to sort this issue out.
Sounds more like a standard JavaScript error than something related directly to Magento. If I had to guess at random I'd say your theme is using jQuery (or another alternative), that is clashing with Prototype as it's not being ran in safe mode. To debug this, open up your site in a copy of FireFox with the web developer toolbar extension installed. In the top right hand corner of the page there are three circular icons. If the far right one is a red cross, there is a JavaScript error, clicking on the icon will tell you what the error is.

Showing Custom Options on Magento Product Page

I am having a problem displaying custom options on the product page in Magento. I'm using Modern as the base for my theme, and changing themes doesn't seem to have any effect. The catalog.xml is almost the stock one for the theme.
When viewing the page, I get the message "Please specify the product's required option(s)." but nothing shows up. Additional information that have been added to the attributes show, but no product specific custom options.
Looking with developer hints, I see that /catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml is not appearing on the file. Could something be missing in one of the layout .xml files?
Any idea what might be going on? Thanks!
If you have tried enabling the default template and it still doesn't work, try creating a new product with some options and see if that works. If that still doesn't work, enable the logs and pop them open and see if there are any errors being recorded during rendering. Also, make sure that they aren't just being hidden using CSS or JavaScript (try turning off the latter, for the former use Firebug to inspect the page)
The problem I had was related to this:
The difference is that the attribute was set to container2 in my case when I need it set to container1.
Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
Compare your layout files to the default Magento layout files.
