LocalDateTime Serialization in Spring Boot 1.4 Release returns array - spring-boot

Recently I updated my project to use Spring Boot 1.4-Release, however, the serialization of LocalDateTime seems to be broken.
With below pom.xml
and Jackson configuration in application.properties
LocalDateTime object is formatted as an array, something like [2016, 8, 17, 11, 50, 0], as opposed to "2016-08-17T11:50:00" which was what I got when using Spring Boot 1.4.RC1
However, LocalDate can still be correctly interpreted to "2016-08-17".
Can anyone help? Much appreciated!!

Thanks all! It's actually my bad ... in order to reduce the network traffic time, the result is serialized and then compressed before transmission, however, I forgot to set the WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMES‌​TAMPS feature to false in the manually created ObjectMapper


What should I replace WebServiceTemplate with when converting from Spring 3 to Spring 5

I have a project I am converting. Most of it was easy but for some reason I can't find a recent implementation of the org.springframework.ws.client.core.WebServiceTemplate anywhere. Is there a swap out replacement? If not how would I do something similar? It looks to just be serializing. Code looks like...
JAXBElement xmlResponse = (JAXBElement) something.getTemplateSearch().marshalSendAndReceive(...)
Also we are not allowed to use
Due to a security issue

Spring-boot actuator: only some endpoints work

I'm trying to implement spring-boot actuator for the first time but I've noticed that:
It only works if I specify the version, otherwise not;
Only a few endpoints works among those declared by the /actuator endpoint response.
This is the dependencies I've inserted in my pom.xml
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
This is my application.properties:
#info for Spring Boot Actuator
info.app.name=Spring Sample Application
info.app.description=Application to demonstrate Spring REST HATEOAS and Actuator
When I make this http request:
it returns me:
Among these links, only /health and /info seem to work.
In fact, when I ask for /health it returns:
When I ask for /info it returnes:
{"app":{"description":"Application to demonstrate Spring REST HATEOAS and Actuator","name":"Spring Sample Application","version":"1.0.0"}}
How comes that all the other endpoints gives me Whitelabel error page?
Did you try to see the logs when you try other endpoints. It says
Full authentication is required to access actuator endpoints. Consider adding Spring Security or set 'management.security.enabled' to false.
I guess this is self explanatory. Configure atleast basic auth or set the above mentioned property to false.
Whitelabel error page that you see also says
There was an unexpected error (type=Unauthorized, status=401).
Here is the link for the doc related to this.
In my case I was getting 404 Whitelabel Error Page because only /actuator/health and /actuator/info are the only endpoints enabled by default (as mentioned on the Spring Boot Actuator documentation)
To enable the other endpoints I ended up adding this configuration to my application.yml:
include: info, health, loggers, logfile, configprops
I found a posting at Baeldung where it says
Unlike in previous versions, Actuator comes with most endpoints disabled. (Link)
So add management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*. to your application.properties.

Spring Data Projection not working

I want to use spring projection in my project. I am doing exactly as mentioned at this url http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#projections
interface NoAddresses {
String getFirstName();
String getLastName();
The only difference is my interface is public. and is not in the same package as the repository. Is that a requirement?
Still I see the whole entities are being returned, instead of just the projected columns.
I have
Doesn't work. Do i need to add some dependency to make the projection work? I am not using spring-boot but just the spring-data stuff in my project, running on tomcat server.

WildFly 10, JCache - method caching

i have simple application using Spring Boot. I wanted allow method caching with JSR107 - JCache. So with help of tutorial i put together this code :
#CacheResult(cacheName = "testpoc")
public Country getCountry(Integer id){
System.out.println("---> Loading country with code '" + id + "'");
return new Country(id, "X", "Title");
with this POM file
(dependency 'spring-boot-starter-web' is there for simple REST service which call getCountry method)
Everything works like documentations says - method is invoked only once.
Now i wanted to try it on WildFly 10 application server
I have modified pom file :
excluded tomcat
exluded spring-boot-starter-cache
added infinispan-jcache (because i want to use cache configured / managed by wildfly in standalone/domain.xml)
Check pom file here on pastebin.
Problem is, that i am receiving following error :
Cannot find cache named 'java:jboss/infinispan/app-cache'
(i have tried to use both JNDI assigned and name to infinispan cache configured in wildfly).
Following code created Cache object (so i can used it) :
CacheManager cacheManager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = cacheManager.createCache("testpoc", new MutableConfiguration<String, String>());
Question :
It is possible to use JCache method caching on WildFly 10 using Infinispan managed by WildFly ?
Or Infinispan should be used for method caching like JCache, hence JCache has "more functionality" than Infinispan.
Thank you very much
PS :It is not problem for me to put whole code on github and post link - it is few lines of code ...
There are a couple of problems with your approach so let me go through them in steps.
At first you need to use proper Infinispan setup. Infinispan bits shipped with WF should be considered as internal or private. In order to use Infinispan in your app properly - either add org.infinispan:infinispan-embedded to your deployment or install Infinispan Wildfly modules. You can find installation guide here (it's a bit outdated but still, the procedure is exactly the same - unpack modules into WF and use Dependencies MANIFEST.MF entry).
Once you have successfully installed Infinispan (or added it to your app), you need to consider whether you want to use Spring Cache or JCache. If you're only interested in using annotations - I would recommend the former since it's much easier to setup (all you need to do is to add #EnableCaching to one of your configurations). Finally with Spring Cache you will create an Infinispan CacheManager bean. An example can be found here.
Final note - if you still need to use JCache - use this manual to setup Caching Provider.

Jackson 2.4.2 Date serialization not milliseconds

I'm using Spring MVC 3.2.x with Jackson 2.4.2 for JSON web services.
I have objects that contain java.util.Date and the JSON contains a string representation of just the date portion: ("2014-09-15"). this goes against the Jackson documentation that says dates by default get marshalled as milliseconds epoch format (http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonFAQDateHandling).
I would like the date members to be returned as milliseconds format, what am I missing here?
Here is my jackson libraries in my pom file:
I have annotation-driven in my applicationContext:
Alessandro Ferrucci
In my case, problem was in Spring Data REST(2.2.1) disabling WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS by default. I am sure Spring MVC might be doing the same, but I unable to locate that code-commit.
However I was able to locate code-commit in case of Spring Data REST:
DATAREST-336 - Default to ISO8601 date rendering
