How to increase AeroSpark read performance? - performance

I am using latest AeroSpark connector to work with AeroSpike and Spark ML. But when i have inserted round 60M records to AeroSpike, i got too big time amount in read operations. For example for fetch round 500K records from set that contains 60M records, AeroSpark spend ~30 mins. When i look at htop cmd output, AeroSpike use only 7% of CPU.
Each record round contains 1k of data. The AeroSpike and Spark hosted on the same node. The data filtered by secondary index.
How can i speed up performance in read operations? Seems AeroSpark is working only by one thread, how i can parallelize this job? Any suggestions?
AeroSpike conf:
memory-size 8G
default-ttl 30d
storage-engine device {
file /vol/
filesize 900G

Without knowing anything about your server, and with just a snippet of config, I'll stick to some generic recommendations that should improve your experience.
Disk IO
You are clearly bound by the read speed from your storage media, which you declared to be a file. If you're storing the data on disk, you can either use file or device in the storage-engine device config block.
There is a big difference in the read and write latency between a file on a HDD versus raw device access to an SSD. Typically Aerospike is used with data stored on enterprise-grade SSD devices. Read the section in the operations manual about initializing and setting up the drive. Declaring multiple devices for the namespace with give you a linear performance boost (two drives will have double the read and write throughput of one of the same kind).
In Amazon EC2 you could use the c3, i2, r3, or i3 instance families for this purpose. The ephemeral SSD devices of EC2 instances don't need to be over-provisioned, have their RAID turned off, etc. They only need to be initialized before they're first used. Do not use EBS drives for primary storage, as they're too slow.
Cluster Configuration
The Spark connector uses lots of scan operations. Make sure that you've configured scan-threads under your service config block to the number of cores. If you don't know how many cores you have, do cat /proc/cpuinfo. If Spark is the only client using the Aerospike cluster, you can tune the scan threads higher.
Connector Configuration
You can modify the connector config options for lower write latency. Optionally set aerospike.commitLevel to CommitLevel.COMMIT_MASTER.
Upgrade Version
As of November 28 2016 aerospike/aerospark supports Spark 2.0. Make sure you're using the latest code.
Note: See the new tutorial for Aerospark on the Aerospike website.


MemSQL performance issues

I have a single node MemSQL install with one master aggregator and two leaves (all on a single box). The machine has 2 cores, 16Gb RAM, and MemSQL columnstore data is ~7Gb (coming from 21Gb CSV). When running queries on the data, memory usage caps at ~2150Mb (11Gb sitting free). I've configured both leaves to have maximum_memory = 7000 in the memsql.cnf files for both nodes (memsql-optimize does similar). During query execution, the master aggregator sits at 100% CPU, with the leaves 0-8% CPU.
This does not seems like an efficient use of system resources, but I'm not sure what I can do to configure the system or MemSQL to make more efficient use of CPU or memory. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If during query execution your machine is at 100% cpu (on all cores), it doesn't really matter which MemSQL node it is, your workload throughput is still bottlenecked on cpu. However for most queries you wouldn't expect most of the cpu use to be on the aggregator, so you may want to take a look at EXPLAIN or PROFILE of your queries.
Columnstore data is cached in memory as part of the OS file cache - it isn't counted as memory reserved by MemSQL, which is why your memory usage is less than the size of the columnstore data.
My database was coming from some other place than the current memsql install (perhaps an older cluster configuration) despite there only being a single memsql cluster on the machine. Looking at the Databases section in the Web UI was displaying no databases/tables, but my queries were succeeded with the expected answers.
drop database/reload from CSV managed to remedy the situation. All core threads are now used during query.

How to setup Apache Spark to use local hard disk when data does not fit in RAM in local mode?

I have 50 GB dataset which doesn't fit in 8 GB RAM of my work computer but it has 1 TB local hard disk.
The below link from offical documentation mentions that Spark can use local hard disk if data doesnt fit in the memory.
Local Disks
While Spark can perform a lot of its computation in memory, it still
uses local disks to store data that doesn’t fit in RAM, as well as to
preserve intermediate output between stages.
For me computational time is not at all a priority but fitting the data into a single computer's RAM/hard disk for processing is more important due to lack of alternate options.
I am looking for a solution which doesn't include the below items
Increase the RAM
Sample & reduce data size
Use cloud or cluster computers
My end objective is to use Spark MLLIB to build machine learning models.
I am looking for real-life, practical solutions that people successfully used Spark to operate on data that doesn't fit in RAM in standalone/local mode in a single computer. Have someone done this successfully without major limitations?
SAS have similar capability of out-of-core processing using which it can use both RAM & local hard disk for model building etc. Can Spark be made to work in the same way when data is more than RAM size?
SAS writes persistent the complete dataset to hardisk in ".sas7bdat" format can Spark do similar persistent to hard disk?
If this is possible, how to install and configure Spark for this purpose?
Look at
You can use various persistence models as per your need. MEMORY_AND_DISK is what will solve your problem . If you want a better performance, use MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER which stores data in serialized fashion.

ScaleOut Software In Memory DataGrid Using Hadoop

I have been doing some reading on real time processing using hadoop and stumbled upon this
From what the documentation says, it looks like they implemented an in memory data grid using the hadoop worker/slave nodes. I have couple of questions here
From my understanding, if i have a data of size 100 GB, i would atleast need 100GB of ram across all nodes on my cluster just for the data + additional ram for task tracker, data node daemons + additional ram for the hServer service that would run on all these nodes. Is my understanding correct?
The software claims they can do real-time data processing by improving the latency issues in hadoop. Is it because, it allows us to write data to the in-memory grid instead of HDFS?
I am new to Big Data technologies. Apologize if some of the questions are naive.
[Full disclosure: I work at ScaleOut Software, the company which created ScaleOut hServer.]
In-memory data grids create a replica for every object to ensure high availability in case of failures.The aggregate amount of memory that is required is the memory used to store the objects with the addition of the memory used to store object replicas. In your example, you will need 200 GB of total memory: 100 GB for objects and 100 GB for replicas. For example, in a four-server cluster, each server needs 50 GB of memory available to the ScaleOut hServer service.
With the current release, ScaleOut hServer takes the first step in enabling real-time analytics by speeding up data access. It does this in two ways, which are implemented using different input/output formats. The first mode of operation uses the grid as a cache for HDFS, and the second uses the grid as the primary storage for a data set, providing support for fast-changing, memory-based data. Accessing data using an in-memory data grid reduces latency by eliminating disk I/O and minimizing network overhead. Also, caching HDFS data provides an additional performance boost by storing keys and values generated by the record reader instead of raw HDFS files in the grid.

Distributed key-value storage for total data size of 80TB

I'd like to have recommendations for a distributed key-value storage, for avg. entry size of up to 50KB, to be installed on a Linux environment (dedicated servers).
A file-system solution would do.
I found a few solutions: Ceph, Cassandra, Riak, and a few more.
I'm looking for a storage solution for one of our components, it should be a key-value storage, flat namespace.
The read/write patterns are very simple:
Once a key-value is written, there are a few reads within the next hours.
After that, nothing touches the given key-value. We'd like to keep the data for future purposes, "Storage mode".
Other usage aspects
OS: Linux
Python client/connector
Total size: up to 80TB (this value also represents future needs).
Avg Entry Size (for a single value in a k-v pair): 10 to 50 KB, uncompressed, mostly textual data
Compression: either built-in or external.
Encryption: not needed
Network bandwidth: 1Gb, single LAN
Servers: dedicated (not in the cloud)
Most important requirements
The "base" requirements are:
OS: Linux
Python client/connector OR RESTful API via HTTP
Can easily store up to 80TB (this value also represents future needs).
Max read latency: a few seconds for first reads, 30 seconds for "storage mode" (see above for explanation)
Built in replication (so that data is stored on more than a single node)
Nice to have
RESTful gateway
Background data backup to another store (for data recovery in case of a disaster).
Easy to configure
What I've found so far
HBase on top of HDFS
Mongo's GridFS - but can I trust Mongo's infrastructure?
Cassandra - not an option, since the merge process consumes double disk size
Riak - looks like it has the same issue as Cassandra, needs more research
Swift + OpenStack (actual storage can be on Amazon S3)
There are dozens of additional tools, but I won't write them here since some of them have proprietary license, and others seem to be immature.
I'd appreciate any recommendation on any of the tools I mentioned above (with total capacity of more than 50TB), or on a tool you think is sufficient.
Just use Ceph (I mean direct librados usage). Don't use GlusterFS -- it's hangy.

Cassandra Amazon EC2, Read Performance experiments

I need some help improving Cassandra read performance. I am concerned about degradation of read performance as the size of the column family increases. We have the following stats on single-node Cassandra.
Operating System: Linux - CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
Cassandra version: apache-cassandra-1.1.0
Java version: "1.6.0_14"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_14-b08)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
Cassandra Configuration: (cassandra.yaml)
rpc_server_type: hsha
disk_access_mode: mmap
concurrent_reads: 64
concurrent_writes: 32
Platform: Amazon-ec2/Rightscale m1.Xlarge instance with 4 ephemeral disks with raid0. (15 GB Total Memory, 4 Virtual Cores, 2 ECU , Total ECU = 8)
Experiment configurations:
I have tried to do some experiments with GC
Cassandra config:
10 GB RAM is allocated to Cassandra Heap, 3500MB is Heap NEW size.
JVM Config:
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled"
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:SurvivorRatio=1000"
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0"
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=40"
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+UseCompressedOops"
Result stats from OpsCenter community 2.0:
Read Requests 208 to 240 per second
Write Requests 18 to 28 per second
OS Load 24.5 to 25.85
Write Request Latency 127 to 160 micros
Read Request Latency 82202 to 94612 micros
OS Sent Network Traffic 44646 KB avg per second
OS Recieved Network Traffic 4338 KB avg per second
OS Disk Queue Size 13 to 15 requests
Read Requests Pending 25 to 32
OS Disk latency 48 to 56 ms
OS Disk Read Throughput 4.6 Mb per second
Disk IOPs Reads 420 per second
IOWait 80 % CPU avg
Idle 13 % CPU avg
Rowcache is disabled.
The Column Family
One of the column family i am only reading from is created through CLI
create column family XColFam
with column_type='Standard'
and comparator = CompositeType(BytesType,IntegerType)';"
Column family SSTable Size = 7.10 GB, SSTable Count = 2
XColFam column family has 59499904 no. of estimated row keys (most are utf8 literal with varying length, estimated through mx4jtools) with columns like thin in nature, with the value 0
Most of the rows should have very small number of columns, maybe 1 to 10, so with approx 20 to 30 bytes of 1st component of column name and 2nd is of 8 bytes integer....2nd component of composite column is dynamic could repeat but probability is low.......1st component repeats in varieties but number of columns in rows could be different.
I have tried SnappyCompression to compress the column family but there was no change in size.
I have a scheduled service that run for hours with 20 threads and make random read requests for multiple keys (for now its 2 keys per request) to this column family and read full rows, no column slice or etc.
I think it is not performing good now because it is processing too few request per minute. It was working better before when the column family size was not that big. It was around 3 to 4 GB.
I am afraid read performance degrade too fast with the increase in size of the column family.
I have also tried to tweak some GC and memory stuff, because before that I was having lots GC and CPU usage. When data size was smaller and there was very small iowait in wave form.
How can I increase the Cassandra performance. Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Look cassandra is relative I/O dependent.EC instances have "insuficient" I/O by design (Xen virtualization)
And my first recomendation is to use Cassandra on real hardware, where you have a control. e.g u can use SSD disk for CommitLog. Look at Cassandra hardware proposals.
However, switching to own hardware is a bit a radical option. To stay with Amazon try EBS
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides block level storage volumes
for use with Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EBS volumes are
network-attached, and persist independently from the life of an
instance. Amazon EBS provides highly available, highly reliable,
predictable storage volumes that can be attached to a running Amazon
EC2 instance and exposed as a device within the instance. Amazon EBS
is particularly suited for applications that require a database, file
system, or access to raw block level storage.
Amazon EBS allows you to create storage volumes from 1 GB to 1 TB that can be mounted as devices by Amazon EC2 instances. Multiple volumes can be mounted to the same instance. Amazon EBS enables you to provision a specific level of I/O performance if desired, by choosing a Provisioned IOPS volume. This allows you to predictably scale to thousands of IOPS per Amazon EC2 instance.
Also check out Cassandra Performance Testing on EC2
Short Answer: Row Cache and Key Caches.
If your data contains subsets that will be frequently read like most systems try to use row caches and key caches.
Row caches is a in memory cache, which stores the frequently read rows completely in memory. Please keep in mind, that this may have not a desired effect if you are data is spread out.
Key caches are generally more suited as it only stores the partition keys and their offsets on disk. This generally will help skip a lookup by Cassandra(no need to use partition indexes and partition summaries).
Try enabling key cache with the keyspace and table and check out your performance.
