fatal error: 'libcouchbase/cbft.h' file not found - pip

fatal error: 'libcouchbase/cbft.h' file not found
Error while installing couchbase.
command used: sudo pip install couchbase.

installing libcouchbase is required.
(in my case, updating libcouchbase did the trick)
For Mac:
brew unlink libcouchbase
brew install libcouchbase
sudo pip install couchbase

libcouchbase/cbft.h is a C header file recently added to libcouchbase in order to support the Couchbase Full Text (cbft) Search developer preview in Couchbase Server 4.5. It appears in this instance that you have previously installed an older version of libcouchbase without full text support and you are trying to install a new version of the Couchbase Python client with full text support. The Couchbase Python client relies on libcouchbase to handle the full-text queries and needs the cbft.h header file to allow it to call into libcouchbase.
The answer in the case (as you identified yourself) is to update your version of libcouchbase. On OSX this can be done using brew, on supported Linux platforms you can add our package repositories & install using apt-get/yum, and on Windows you can download our prebuilt binaries - you can find details on how to do this in the documentation (http://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/current/sdk/c/start-using-sdk.html).


Running CLI on influxdb#1 installed via Homebrew

I have installed version 1.9 of influxdb from Homebrew on a mac. (I don’t want to use version 2.X as it would break the way another programme feeds data to influx.)
I seem to have got the db service running - but can’t start influx cli. I have tried various permutations of instructions - with various permutations of errors coming back.
install influxdb 1.x with brew install influxdb#1
then brew install influxdb-cli

Issue with "pip install os-sys" on a mac 10.15

When I run the "pip install os-sys"
the following error comes up
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pywin32>=223 (from pypiwin32->os-sys) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for pywin32>=223 (from pypiwin32->os-sys)
Under Introduction heading it contradicts the documentation and says to install via 'pip install os_sys' (an underscore as opposed to a hyphen)
Try that!
Your module seems to depend on pywin32 which are extensions for python to access the win32 API. It is therefore Windows specific and does not work on MAC.
os-sys does therefore incorrectly state that it is os independent and can only be installed to a windows machine

Error Installing DBD::MariaDB on Mac OS Sierra - Fails on Creating t/MariaDB.mtest

I am having difficulty getting the DBD::MariaDB module to install on an instance of OSX 10.12.6. I am using homebrew and perlbrew, and other cpan modules installed without issue with cpanm.
I have used homebrew to install openssl and mysql-connector-c as the cpan Install page recommended.
Rather than trying to use cpanm for this, I am attempting to install manually so I can specify a mysql_config location. I have a heavily customized instance of MariaDB 10.2.21 installed so nothing is "default." If it's relevant, my MariaDB configuration was based off a brew install.
I am stuck at this point: Failed to create t/MariaDB.mtest: No such file or directory at /Documents/DBD-MariaDB-1.21/Makefile.PL line 415. Fails to make the file and I'm doing this with user directories with perlbrew.
Using Perl 5.26.1 on perlbrew 0.86 (latest). Not sure what to actually do here. Not sure why I'm unable to make the file in a user folder.
Did I miss a crucial step?

Struggling to compile gdal with hdf4 support

I am unable to compile gdal with hdf4 support using bash on a mac osx el capitan version 10.11.6. I began with the homebrew approach to building gdal described on the osgeo website. Unfortunately, hdf4 is not by default supported by gdal. The hdf format page includes a great description of the hdf4 data structure but fails to help getting support for gdal. I've installed the szip, zlib, and jpeg libraries discussed here, and reviewed the struggles described by /u/dschneiderch here. The github thread lead me to a final link, which is the basis for my current post.
Using homebrew, I have installed hdf4 (brew install homebrew/versions/hdf4 returns a warning that versions was deprecated and homebrew will use science instead). I've been fighting with this gdal problem for a while, and sure enough, homebrew/science/hdf4-4.2.11_2 already installed. So, I linked hdf4 using brew link -overwrite-hdf4, and a warning comes back that it's already been linked.
I used brew remove gdal to start fresh with the install, then followed Shaun's approach in the sig-geo listserv to complete the gdal installation. Thus, my total workflow was:
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install hdf4
brew link --overwrite hdf4
brew install gdal --complete --enable-unsupported --with-hdf4
Unfortunately, even after linking the overwrite, I get a warning: Warning: gdal: this formula has no --with-hdf4 option so it will be ignored!. The installation continues, though, and homebrew is able to build gdal.
Checking gdalinfo --formats, hdf4 is still not included in the list. Any tips for what else to try?
I've made some progress using this source, in that gdalinfo --formats' now includes HDF4 as a supported product. However, using pyModis to download data, I still pull a GDAL installation has no support for HDF4, please update GDAL` error.
Importantly, though, after installing Macport the following code works well for installing GDAL on Mac with HDF4 support:
sudo port install gdal +hdf4 +hdf5 +netcdf

The MongoDB PECL extension has not been installed or enabled in MAC YOSEMITE

I am trying to install mongo on mac os X yosemite, i have already installed the current version of PECL mongo db ad mongo extension files mongo.so, but still this error The MongoDB PECL extension has not been installed or enabled comes when i open any kind of localhost page, please help i have been stuck in this situation since a week, also i have tried other versions of mongo too but the error appears to be the same.
Okay i finally found the solution.
I used homebrew to install pecl extension.
then actually i was using
sudo vi php.ini
command to edit and insert the mongo.so extension
but later i downloaded sublime text edited the note and inserted the extension manually and restarted xampp
