Get the list of Contacts on Windows 10 Phone - xamarin

I am needing to know how to read the contact list on a Windows 10 Phone. I don't want to use a contact picker; I just need to be able to iterate through all contacts to access their name and phone number, and store it in a List. (Similar to how WhatsApp is able to read your contact list and display it in their app)

I've taken some code from another answer here.
With this code you should be able to get the contacts out.
public async Task IterateThroughContactsForContactListId()
ContactStore allAccessStore = await ContactManager.RequestStoreAsync(ContactStoreAccessType.AllContactsReadOnly);
var contacts = await allAccessStore.FindContactsAsync();
foreach (var contact in contacts)
//process aggregated contacts
if (contact.IsAggregate)
//here contact.ContactListId is "" (null....)
//in this case if you need the the ContactListId then you need to iterate through the raw contacts
var rawContacts = await allAccessStore.AggregateContactManager.FindRawContactsAsync(contact);
foreach (var rawContact in rawContacts)
//Here you should have ContactListId
Debug.WriteLine($"aggregated, name: {rawContact.DisplayName }, ContactListId: {rawContact.ContactListId}");
else //not aggregated contacts should work
Debug.WriteLine($"not aggregated, name: {contact.DisplayName }, ContactListId: {contact.ContactListId}");
He also notes:
And very important: In the appxmanifest you have to add the contacts
capability. Right click to it in the solution explorer and "View Code"
and then under Capabilities put
<uap:Capability Name="contacts" />
There is no UI for this. See this.


Is it possible to programmatic-ally access the list of contacts in outlook using Office Add In

I am building an Add In which is supposed to grab in addition to the list of contacts an account has, the contacts (to, from, cc and bcc) that are used in the current Item (Message).
As per the documentation, the following instruction gave me zero contacts, although I have contacts in the contacts book, and reading a message with a sender email.
var contacts = Office.context.mailbox.item.getEntities().contacts;
I need to grab the list of contacts I manage in my account:
This list is accessible with the open graph APIs, I wonder if it's also accessible locally with the Office object for Office Add-Ins
Office Js does not provide APIs to get the list of contacts in the account.
But you can get an auth token from Outlook using authentication APIs, then use this token to acquire Graph token to interact with Graph APIs and get the list of contacts
Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync(function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
// Use this token to call Web API
var ssoToken = result.value;
// Now send this token to your server and acquire a Graph token
// Server can talk to Graph APIs and get contacts to display
} else {
// Handle error
Create a Node.js Office Add-in that uses single sign-on
It looks you misunderstood the documentation.
A quote:
The following example accesses the contacts entities in the current item's body.
var contacts = Office.context.mailbox.item.getEntities().contacts;
You could get all contacts using the below link:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Items OutlookItems;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application outlookObj = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
MAPIFolder Folder_Contacts;
Folder_Contacts = (MAPIFolder)outlookObj.Session.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
OutlookItems = Folder_Contacts.Items;
MessageBox.Show("Wykryto kontaktów: " + OutlookItems.Count.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < OutlookItems.Count; i++)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItem contact = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItem)OutlookItems[i+1];
sNazwa = contact.FullName;
sFirma = contact.CompanyName;
sAdress = contact.BusinessAddressStreet;
sMiejscowosc = contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode + " " + contact.BusinessAddressCity;
sEmail = contact.Email1Address;
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(sNazwa, sFirma, sAdress, sMiejscowosc, sEmail);
For more information, please refer to the below link:
Get Outlook contacts into C# form-based application

How to get contact's photo from exchange server

Based on this tutorial, I'm trying to get contacts photos
private String createPhoto() {
try {
AttachmentCollection attachments = contact.getAttachments();
for (Attachment attachment : attachments.getItems()) {
if (attachment instanceof FileAttachment) {
boolean isPhoto = ((FileAttachment) attachment).isContactPhoto();
if (isPhoto) {
FileAttachment photo = contact.getContactPictureAttachment();
String filename = photo.getName() + ".jpg";
photo.load(new FileOutputStream(filename, true));
return filename;
} catch (Exception ex) {"" + ex);
return null;
However, attachments.getItems() is always an empty array.
On my mailbox, I have few contacts with photos, and I can receive them by calling URL
Why I can't get a photo from the code?
On my mailbox, I have few contacts with photos, and I can receive them by calling URL
That request gets the Userphoto which is stored in the (Source)Users Mailbox (or low res in ActiveDirectory) and made available by that operation.
Your code is trying to retrieve the ContactPhoto which can be stored as an attachment on Contacts in a UserMailbox.
So these are two separate things so which one are you dealing with ?, As you haven't shown it you need to make sure you ExchangeServerRequest Version is set to 2010 or greater as Contact photos aren't returned in 2007. You might also want to test quickly the contacts in Question with the EWS Editor that will allow you to get the objects and see if there is a ContactPhoto Attachments using EWS.

Outlook Web App: Retrieve contacts

I'm working on developing outlook web addin which runs on both outlook365 and I have a requirement to create, read and update contacts using that web addin. Below is the sample which add current user to To field of an email.
function addToRecipients() {
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
var addressToAdd = {
displayName: Office.context.mailbox.userProfile.displayName,
emailAddress: Office.context.mailbox.userProfile.emailAddress
if (item.itemType === Office.MailboxEnums.ItemType.Message) {
} else if (item.itemType === Office.MailboxEnums.ItemType.Appointment) {
Can anyone point out me how i can retrieve the outlook contacts using outlook web addin ?
Yes, makeEwsRequestAsync API is one way to do it with JS API.

UWP IAP : This in-app purchase item is no longer available

I create a new IAP in store with the Product ID "Donate".
Then I make request to this IAP in the app, here is the code:
var purchaseResults = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync("Donate");
However, when I call the function in my windows app, an error message dialog is shown:
Choose another item : This in-app purchase item is no longer available in My App Name
and I tried call var listingInfo = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();var productListings = listingInfo.ProductListings;It seems that there is no product in the list.
How would this happened? Thanks!
If you are building your app based on Windows SDK 14393(or higher), I strongly recommend StoreContext class instead of CurrentApp, StoreContext is more convenient to implement an IAP action, and it is also easy to debug.
For your case, you could use the purchase api like this:
private readonly StoreContext context = StoreContext.GetDefault();
// you can get the StoreId of Iap product from your dashboard of Windows Dev Center
var result = await context.RequestPurchaseAsync(product.StoreId);
if (result.Status == StorePurchaseStatus.Succeeded)
// successfully purchased
else if (result.Status == StorePurchaseStatus.AlreadyPurchased)
// purchased already
else if (result.Status == StorePurchaseStatus.NotPurchased)
// purchase progress cancelled by user
else if (result.Status == StorePurchaseStatus.ServerError || result.Status == StorePurchaseStatus.NetworkError)
// error occured
and you could also list your IAP product like this:
var result = await context.GetAssociatedStoreProductsAsync(new string[] { "Durable" });
if (result.ExtendedError != null)
// error
// list all durable iap product
var products = result.Products.Values;

Get Page owner contact email and display in SharePoint 2010 Masterpage

I've built out a solution with multiple masterpages/page layouts as features for a set of SharePoint 2010 publishing site collections.
One consistent request is to be able to grab the page owner contact email and display it in the footer of the masterpage. If the page Contact Email isn't entered, then I need to grab the page owner data from the People Picker, and grab the contact email from that.
I don't want to have to add every single publishing page layout to my solution, and manually add the Contact Email column into a place holder, that seems crazy to me. I figure there has to be a way to grab the page owner data from within the masterpage, but I can't figure it out. I started looking at the jQuery SPServices library, but so far I haven't been able to figure it out there, either.
Does anyone have any experience in adding a contact email using the supplied page owner contact information in the Masterpage?
OK, in order to resolve this, you need jQuery 1.7.x+ and the SPServices jQuery library version 0.7.2 or greater installed on your site.
Use GetListItems as the operation from SPServices.
I'm searching for pages within the Pages directory, so listName is "Pages".
The CAML View Fields are basically the columns for PublishingContactEmail and PublishingContact. I found those using u2u's CAML builder version
The ows_ variables can be found in the xml view of the POST object in firebug.
The ows_PublishingContact returns a long nasty string of the contact's information. Fortunately the email address is surrounded by ,#, which made splitting it into an array and then searching for an email # easy, but that's why that's there.
function get_page_contact_email() {
var thisPageID = _spPageContextInfo.pageItemId;
var e;
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
listName: "Pages",
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='PublishingContactEmail' /><FieldRef Name='PublishingContact' /></ViewFields>",
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ExpandUserField>True</ExpandUserField></QueryOptions>",
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
if (thisPageID == $(this).attr("ows_ID")) {
if ($(this).attr("ows_PublishingContactEmail")) { // if page email is set
e = $(this).attr("ows_PublishingContactEmail");
} else if ($(this).attr("ows_PublishingContact")) { //otherwise use contact info
var contact = $(this).attr("ows_PublishingContact").split(",#");
for (var c = 0; c < contact.length; c++) {
if (contact[c].indexOf("#") != -1) {
e = contact[c];
} else { //or nothing is set.
e = false;
return e;
