Ignore Duplicate Dection Rules in CRM upon Creation of an Account Within Plugin - dynamics-crm-online

I'm attempting to create an account within a Qualification Event Plugin. If I am creating an account with a name that matches exactly a name of an existing account, my Duplicate Detection Rule kicks in, and causes an exception to be thrown.
It was my understanding that duplicate detection rules were always warnings, not errors, and by default, you wouldn't get any errors or even notifications when running from a Plugin/SDK call Is this a new change to CRM? Is there a way to ignore Duplicate Detection Rules from a plugin?

Apparently you have to set the "SupressDuplicateDetection" Attribute in the create request:
Entity target = new Entity("account");
target["name"] = "I am a clone";
CreateRequest req = new CreateRequest();
req.Target = target;
req["SuppressDuplicateDetection"] = true;
CreateResponse response = (CreateResponse)_service.Execute(req);

This is intended, and apparently long standing behaviour based on MSDN documentation Run duplicate detection (listed as far back at CRM 2011).
Pass the duplicate detection optional parameter
SuppressDuplicateDetection by adding a value to the Parameters
property of the CreateRequest and UpdateRequest message requests. The
SuppressDuplicateDetection parameter value determines whether the
Create or Update operation can be completed:
true – Create or update the record, if a duplicate is found.
false - Do not create or update the record, if a duplicate is found.
Assuming false is the default as its a bool.
If the duplicate detection optional parameter is set to false and a
duplicate is found, an exception is thrown and the record is not
created or updated.


Retrieve Plugin not getting triggered

We are on Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premise. Using a plugin I'm trying to automatically update a field when a user open the CRM Account form, in this example to value "5". Here's my code:
var targetEntity = (Entity)context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntity"];
if (targetEntity == null)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(OperationStatus.Failed, "Target Entity cannot be null");
var serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
var service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
if (targetEntity.Attributes.Contains("MyField"))
fedTaxId = targetEntity.Attributes["MyField"].ToString();
targetEntity.Attributes.Add("MyField"d, "5");
targetEntity["MyField"] = "5";
I list this in message type 10 (Before Main Operation Outside Transaction).
In Plugin Registration I list this as Post Operation stage and Synchronous.
However when I open the Account form, the page blinks once but the value did not get automatically populated. There is no javascript that would've manipulated this form or value either.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Two options:
Add a script on the form setting the field value on load. Keep in mind this script should only do its thing if the form type = 2.
(Not recommended) Register a plugin on the synchronous post retrieve message for the entity. Make sure this step sets the field value on the entity object in the OutputParameters collection. Now, keep in mind your form will not be aware of the fact that this field has been modified, so it will not be flagged dirty and it will not automatically be submitted when record changes are being saved. So, in this scenario you would still need to add some JavaScript OR you would need an extra plugin registered on the pre update message of the entity setting the field as desired.

Change record owner in Dynamics CRM plugin

I am writing a Post PLugin changing the owner. When the owner has a substitution manager, the owner is changed to the substitution manager. I tried a service.Update and an AssignRequest, but these throw an exception.
When I post the request my entity cannot update (and then throws "The request channel time out while waiting for reply after 10:00:00"). But like I see there is no recursion, because when I logged it I have only one repetition of log and it has stopped before or on line with update.
var assignedIncident = new AssignRequest
Assignee = substManagerRef, //get it throw another method, alreay checked in test it`s correct
Target = new EntityReference ("incident", incedentId)
I tried to write target in another way
Target = postEntityImage.ToEntityReference()
I tried to write simple update but the problem is the same.
Entity incident = new Entity("incident" , incidentId);
incident["ownerid"] = substManagerRef:
Can somebody help me with that? Or maybe show the way to solve it)
The plugin is triggering itself and gets in a loop. The system only allows a maximum of 8 calls deep within plugins and that is the reason it throws an error and rolls back the transaction.
To solve this issue redesign your plugin in the following way:
Register your plugin on the Update message of your entity in the PreValidation stage.
In the plugin pick up the Target property from the InputParameters collection.
This is an Entity type. Modify or set the ownerid attribute on this Entity object.
That is all. You do not need to do an update, your modification is now passed into the plugin pipeline.
Note: for EntityReference attributes this technique only works when your plugin is registered in the PreValidation stage. For other regular attributes it also works in the PreOperation stage.

Adding DynamicPropertyInstance doesn't mark the SalesOrderDetail as valid

I have the following code:
var propertyInstance = new DynamicPropertyInstance()
DynamicPropertyId = new EntityReference(DynamicProperty.EntityLogicalName, Guid.Parse("0ceedfcc-68b2-e711-8168-e0071b658ea1")),
ValueString = jobId.ToString(),
RegardingObjectId = line.ToEntityReference(),
It is successfully adding a DynamicPropertyInstance to a SalesOrderLine, but when viewing the Order in the CRM UI it does not pass the validation (as it is a required property). I've not managed to find a way to make this property valid. Editing the property that I've added in the UI (resetting the value) also fails to mark the instance as valid. Adding exactly the same property through the UI does mark it as valid.
The Id of the DynamicProperty is correct, as verified by loading the 2 instance records through the SDK and comparing the properties. Rather strangely, when I load the 2 records through the SDK the one I've created in code has a validationstatus of true (even though it's not) and the one that I've created in the UI has a validationstatus of false and ValueString returns null (which is wrong). All of the other properties either match or have relevant values (such as dates, object Ids etc)
I'm probably missing a method call to recalculate whether the instance is valid or not, but I can't find anything in the documentation to support that. Failing that, it's possibly a bug in CRM
Raised a case with Microsoft support, and was given some workaround code:
//Get DynamicPropertyInstance
UpdateProductPropertiesRequest UpdateRequest = new UpdateProductPropertiesRequest();
UpdateRequest.PropertyInstanceList = new EntityCollection();
UpdateRequest.PropertyInstanceList.EntityName = DynamicPropertyInstance.EntityLogicalName;
Entity dpInstance = new Entity(DynamicPropertyInstance.EntityLogicalName, Dpi.Id);
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.ValueString).ToLower(), "Blarg");
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.DynamicPropertyInstanceid).ToLower(), Dpi.Id);
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.RegardingObjectId).ToLower(), new EntityReference(SalesOrderDetail.EntityLogicalName, line.Id));
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.DynamicPropertyId).ToLower(), new EntityReference(DynamicProperty.EntityLogicalName, dpId));
Basically, it looks like you have to re-set or re-attach the entities for CRM to pick it up, so this is a workaround for a bug in CRM

Updating opportunity when opportunity is won

I've got the task of updating a CRM plugin for a system migrating from cm 2013 to 2016. The plugin fails because it tries to set the opportunity state to won, simply by updating the field. And you need to use the WinOpporunityRequest to do so.
The logic is as follows:
When the opportunity is won the plugin executes and runs on the opportunityclose entity
The plugin creates a new custom entity record (project) and updates several other records.
It gets the current opportunity by using the opportunityid of the opportunityclose entity
It updates a field on the opportunity with a reference to the newly created project record.
That update is done through the Update() method.
On 5 it fails because when at 3 it gets the current opportunity it already has the state of won. And if you try to update the record with a new state it fails.
My question is, how can I get the opportunity when acting on the opportunityclose entity and update only the one single field. I do not need to set the state as this is done in the standard CRM flow.
The line of code that fetches the opportunity:
Xrm.Opportunity currentOpportunityObjectToUpdate = serviceContext.CreateQuery<Xrm.Opportunity>().First(x => x.Id == entityRef.Id);
The platform allows you to update closed opportunities, I just tried it to verify. What is the error you are getting?
In step #5, make sure you're only sending the attributes you're trying to update (opportunityid and lookup to project). So, when you issue the update, don't use any preexisting opportunity object that you either retrieved or created...doing so sends all attributes that are on the object and the platform will process each attribute as if it were being changed even if the value is unchanged. Instead, create a new opportunity object with just the id and project specified, something like this:
context.AddObject(new Opportunity() {
Id = idOfOpportunity, // you may have to specify id both here...
OpportunityId = idOfOpportunity, // ...and here, can never remember. Doesn't hurt to specify in both places.
new_ProjectId = idOfProject
If you get stuck, you always have an easy workaround option: take the logic from #4 and move it to an async plugin on create of project (even a workflow should work).

Plugin Create Pre-Operation add related entity

So when an entity is created, I want to search for some other entities and relate them. However I get a not-exists error if I update the other entities with the entity ref of the newly created one, and that makes sense because it's PRE create.
So I updated it like so thinking this would do the trick, but I'm getting an "unknown error" from somewhere deep in the heart of CRM outside of my control:
var newEntity = (Entity)localContext.PluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"];
var allUnits = localContext.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple(....); //grabs the units that will be used
newEntity.RelatedEntities.Add(new Relationship("ntcp_equipment_unit"), new EntityCollection(allUnits.Entities));
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1 occurred
Message: A first chance exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1' occurred in Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.dll
Additional information: An unexpected error occurred.
I'm not sure what your error is, but I would change the plugin to be Create, Post-Operation. It's still within the database transaction, but now the Target will exist so attempting to add the relationship will succeed rather than fail.
