Null Response on HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()? - visual-studio

I'm using and check the status of returned response to evaluate whether the 'word' definition exists or not. It works fine for correct words (200 status code). But for those spelled incorrectly (404 status code), I'm unable to catch the status code from HttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), as it returns null?
The thing is I'm using PostMan to check and I did receive status code 404 there for the following url:
Here's my implementation:
string baseURL = "";
bool result = false;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(baseURL + "/" + word);
request.Method = "GET";
//request.Timeout = 2000;
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.ContentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
HttpStatusCode statusCode = response.StatusCode;
int statusCodeNumber = (int)statusCode;
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + statusCode + " - status number: " + statusCodeNumber);
if (statusCodeNumber == 200) result = true;
else if (statusCodeNumber == 404) { result = false; }
else { throw new UnknownStatusCodeException(); }
catch (UnknownStatusCodeException e) {}
catch (WebException e) {
Here's the WebException I caught
Could someone give me some pointers? Thanks


HttpClient exception in Windows service, but not in WinForms and Console application

I am experiencing an issue where an async call works in my WinForms and Console test applications, but not when I implement the same code in my intended target format - a Windows service.
I always get the "A task was canceled" exception - and I can't figure out why :|
System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at TotalArchiveService.CustomerServices.<ValidateCustomerCoreWSGen2>d__2.MoveNext() in C:\DeveloperArea\Dev\src\TotalArchiveService\CustomerServices.cs:line 123
Using Fiddler, I can see that the Windows service doesn't even call the service. At least there are no traces of it in the Fiddler log.
The following are code examples, where the two first ones are the WinForms and Console variants respectively. The last on is the non functioning Windows service.
In the Windows Service, the ValidateCustomer method is called in the OnElapsedTime method of the Windows service. I have tried several intervals, as I suspected that there were some kind of overlap of calls due to the async here, but it doesn't change anything. Even if it had been, I'd thought that I'd seen some traces of the first call in Fiddler, but there's nothing.
I am using .NET Framework 4.8 for the service and WinForms variants. .NET 6.0 for the Console app.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
private static async Task<string> ValidateCustomerCoreWSGen2(string customerNumber)
catch (Exception _ex)
_status = "CONFIG_ERROR";
using (var client = new HttpClient { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeout) })
// Create HTTP request.
var customerBuilder = new UriBuilder(new Uri($"{_endpoint}"));
var customerRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, customerBuilder.Uri);
// Set SOAP action
customerRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", "");
// SOAP body content
string xmlSOAP = GetXmlSOAP("CUSTOMERREAD", _sourceApplication, _destinationApplication, _function, _version, _username, _channel, _orgId, _orgUnit, customerNumber);
customerRequest.Content = new StringContent(xmlSOAP, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml");
// Add signature headers to request object
await SignHttpRequestMessage(customerRequest);
// Call service
var customerResponse = await client.SendAsync(customerRequest);
//Response handling
if (customerResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Do what you want with response body
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
_status = "CUSTOMER_EXISTS";
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var message = $"Response returned with status {customerResponse.StatusCode}. Reason: {customerResponse.ReasonPhrase}";
catch (Exception _ex)
_status = "SERVICE_ERROR";
return _status;
static async Task SignHttpRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request)
// externalize configuration of these
string certPath = "";
string keyStorePassword = "";
string keyId = "";
certPath = Path.GetFullPath(#"c:\cert2\cert.pfx"); // path to keystorefile
keyStorePassword = "REMOVED";
keyId = "REMOVED";
X509Certificate2Collection certs = new X509Certificate2Collection();
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certPath, keyStorePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var services = new ServiceCollection()
.UseSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm.CreateForSigning(cert, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256))
using (var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider())
using (var signerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRequestSignerFactory>())
var requestSigner = signerFactory.CreateFor(keyId);
await requestSigner.Sign(request);
request.Headers.Add("Signature", request.Headers.Authorization.ToString());
request.Headers.Authorization = null;
private static string GetXmlSOAP(string method, string sourceApplication, string destinationApplication, string function, string version, string username, string channel, string orgId, string orgUnit, string customerNumber)
string _xmlSOAP = "";
if (method.ToUpper() == "CUSTOMERREAD")
_xmlSOAP = #"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""""
<wsc:SourceApplication>" + sourceApplication + #"</wsc:SourceApplication>
<wsc:DestinationApplication>" + destinationApplication + #"</wsc:DestinationApplication>
<wsc:Function>" + function + #"</wsc:Function>
<wsc:Version>" + version + #"</wsc:Version>
<wsc:userid>" + username + #"</wsc:userid>
<wsc:channel>" + channel + #"</wsc:channel>
<wsc:orgid>" + orgId + #"</wsc:orgid>
<wsc:orgunit>" + orgUnit + #"</wsc:orgunit>
<wsc:customerid>" + customerNumber + #"</wsc:customerid>
<urn2:internationalCustomerNumber>" + customerNumber + #"</urn2:internationalCustomerNumber>
return _xmlSOAP;
private void cmdCustomerRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblStatus.Text = "Status:";
private async void CallValidateCustomerAsync(string customerNumber)
string result = await ValidateCustomerCoreWSGen2(customerNumber);
lblStatus.Text = "Status: " + result;
static async Task ExampleRequest()
var timeout = 30;
using (var client = new HttpClient { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout) })
int textidx = 2;
// URL to soap service
var endpointUrlCustomer = "https://REMOVED";
// Create HTTP request.
var customerBuilder = new UriBuilder(new Uri($"{endpointUrlCustomer}"));
var customerRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, customerBuilder.Uri);
// set SOAP action
customerRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", "");
// set SOAP body content
Console.WriteLine("************************* CUSTOMER ***********************");
string xmlSOAP = GetXmlSOAP("CUSTOMER", textidx);
customerRequest.Content = new StringContent(xmlSOAP, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml");
// Add signature headers to request object
await SignHttpRequestMessage(customerRequest, textidx);
Console.WriteLine("Signed request HTTP");
Console.WriteLine(customerRequest + Environment.NewLine);
Console.WriteLine("Signed request XML");
Console.WriteLine(customerRequest.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result + Environment.NewLine);
// Perform request
Console.WriteLine("Send request");
var customerResponse = await client.SendAsync(customerRequest);
Console.WriteLine("Response HTTP");
Console.WriteLine(customerResponse + Environment.NewLine);
Console.WriteLine("Response result XML");
Console.WriteLine(customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result + Environment.NewLine);
if (customerResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Do what you want with response body
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var message = $"Response returned with status {customerResponse.StatusCode}. Reason: {customerResponse.ReasonPhrase}";
throw new Exception(message);
catch (HttpRequestException e)
throw e;
static async Task SignHttpRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request, int testIdx)
// externalize configuration of these
string certPath = "";
string keyStorePassword = "";
string keyId = "";
if (testIdx == 1)
keyStorePassword = "REMOVED";
keyId = "REMOVED";
if (testIdx == 2)
certPath = Path.GetFullPath(#"c:\cert2\cert.pfx"); // path to keystorefile
keyStorePassword = "REMOVED";
keyId = "REMOVED";
else if (testIdx == 3)
certPath = Path.GetFullPath(#"REMOVED"); // path to keystorefile
keyStorePassword = "REMOVED";
keyId = "REMOVED";
X509Certificate2Collection certs = new X509Certificate2Collection();
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certPath, keyStorePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var services = new ServiceCollection()
.UseSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm.CreateForSigning(cert, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256))
using (var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider())
using (var signerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRequestSignerFactory>())
var requestSigner = signerFactory.CreateFor(keyId);
await requestSigner.Sign(request);
request.Headers.Add("Signature", request.Headers.Authorization.ToString());
request.Headers.Authorization = null;
static string GetXmlSOAP(string operation, int testIdx)
string xmlSOAP = "";
if (operation == "CUSTOMER")
if (testIdx == 1)
if (testIdx == 2)
xmlSOAP = #"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""""
if (testIdx == 3)
Windows service
internal class CustomerServices
private static bool _extendedLogging = true;
public static string ValidateCustomer(string customerNumber)
string _status = "";
string _servicesType = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("ServicesType");
//TODO: Check format, ref. "UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT" in HandleValidateCustomerException
//TODO: Check existing, ref. "CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND" in HandleValidateCustomerException
if (_servicesType == "COREWSGEN2")
_status = ValidateCustomerCoreWSGen2(customerNumber).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return _status;
private static async Task<string> ValidateCustomerCoreWSGen2(string customerNumber)
string _status = "";
string _username = "";
string _orgId = "";
string _orgUnit = "";
string _channel = "";
string _sourceApplication = "";
string _destinationApplication = "";
string _function = "";
string _version = "";
int _timeout = 30;
string _endpoint = "";
string _values = "";
_extendedLogging = (CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("ExtendedLogging").ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? true : false);
_values += "ExtendedLogging" + Environment.NewLine;
_username = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("Username");
_values += "Username" + Environment.NewLine;
_orgId = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("OrgId");
_values += "OrgId" + Environment.NewLine;
_orgUnit = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("OrgUnit");
_values += "OrgUnit" + Environment.NewLine;
_channel = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2Channel");
_values += "CoreWSGen2Channel" + Environment.NewLine;
_sourceApplication = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2SourceApplication");
_values += "CoreWSGen2SourceApplication" + Environment.NewLine;
_destinationApplication = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2DestinationApplication");
_values += "CoreWSGen2DestinationApplication" + Environment.NewLine;
_function = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2Function");
_values += "CoreWSGen2Function" + Environment.NewLine;
_version = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2Version");
_values += "CoreWSGen2Version" + Environment.NewLine;
_timeout = Int32.Parse(CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CoreWSGen2TimeoutSeconds"));
_values += "CoreWSGen2Version" + Environment.NewLine;
_endpoint = CommonMethods.GetAppSetting("CustomerServicesEndpointAddress");
if (_extendedLogging)
Logging.LogAction("Application settings used for customer read:" + Environment.NewLine
+ "-------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine
+ "Username = " + _username + Environment.NewLine
+ "OrgId = " + _orgId + Environment.NewLine
+ "OrgUnit = " + _orgUnit + Environment.NewLine
+ "Channel = " + _channel + Environment.NewLine
+ "SourceApplication = " + _sourceApplication + Environment.NewLine
+ "DestinationApplication = " + _destinationApplication + Environment.NewLine
+ "Function = " + _function + Environment.NewLine
+ "Version = " + _version + Environment.NewLine
+ "Timeout (seconds) = " + _timeout + Environment.NewLine
+ Environment.NewLine
+ "Endpoint = " + _endpoint + Environment.NewLine);
catch (Exception _ex)
_status = "CONFIG_ERROR";
Logging.LogException(new Exception("CustomerServices - Error when reading configuration file. Successfully read values: " + Environment.NewLine + _values + Environment.NewLine, _ex.InnerException));
using (var client = new HttpClient { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeout) })
// Create HTTP request.
var customerBuilder = new UriBuilder(new Uri($"{_endpoint}"));
var customerRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, customerBuilder.Uri);
// Set SOAP action
customerRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", "");
// SOAP body content
string xmlSOAP = GetXmlSOAP("CUSTOMERREAD", _sourceApplication, _destinationApplication, _function, _version, _username, _channel, _orgId, _orgUnit, customerNumber);
customerRequest.Content = new StringContent(xmlSOAP, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml");
// Add signature headers to request object
await SignHttpRequestMessage(customerRequest);
// Call service
var customerResponse = await client.SendAsync(customerRequest);
if (_extendedLogging)
Logging.LogAction("Response header:" + Environment.NewLine + customerResponse + Environment.NewLine);
Logging.LogAction("Response content:" + Environment.NewLine + customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result + Environment.NewLine);
//Response handling
if (customerResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Do what you want with response body
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Log response content if extended logging
if (_extendedLogging)
_status = "CUSTOMER_EXISTS";
var responseBody = await customerResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var message = $"Response returned with status {customerResponse.StatusCode}. Reason: {customerResponse.ReasonPhrase}";
Logging.LogException(new Exception(message));
catch (Exception _ex)
_status = "SERVICE_ERROR";
return _status;
static async Task SignHttpRequestMessage(HttpRequestMessage request)
// externalize configuration of these
string certPath = "";
string keyStorePassword = "";
string keyId = "";
certPath = Path.GetFullPath(#"c:\cert2\cert.pfx"); // path to keystorefile
keyStorePassword = "internal-sls-test";
keyId = "73ae28ed2f31";
X509Certificate2Collection certs = new X509Certificate2Collection();
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certPath, keyStorePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var services = new ServiceCollection()
.UseSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm.CreateForSigning(cert, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256))
using (var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider())
using (var signerFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRequestSignerFactory>())
var requestSigner = signerFactory.CreateFor(keyId);
await requestSigner.Sign(request);
request.Headers.Add("Signature", request.Headers.Authorization.ToString());
request.Headers.Authorization = null;
if (_extendedLogging)
Logging.LogAction("Signed request header:" + Environment.NewLine + request + Environment.NewLine);
Logging.LogAction("Signed request content:" + Environment.NewLine + request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result + Environment.NewLine);
private static string GetXmlSOAP(string method, string sourceApplication, string destinationApplication, string function, string version, string username, string channel, string orgId, string orgUnit, string customerNumber)
string _xmlSOAP = "";
if (method.ToUpper() == "CUSTOMERREAD")
_xmlSOAP = #"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""""
<wsc:SourceApplication>" + sourceApplication + #"</wsc:SourceApplication>
<wsc:DestinationApplication>" + destinationApplication + #"</wsc:DestinationApplication>
<wsc:Function>" + function + #"</wsc:Function>
<wsc:Version>" + version + #"</wsc:Version>
<wsc:userid>" + username + #"</wsc:userid>
<wsc:channel>" + channel + #"</wsc:channel>
<wsc:orgid>" + orgId + #"</wsc:orgid>
<wsc:orgunit>" + orgUnit + #"</wsc:orgunit>
<wsc:customerid>" + customerNumber + #"</wsc:customerid>
<urn2:internationalCustomerNumber>" + customerNumber + #"</urn2:internationalCustomerNumber>
return _xmlSOAP;

How to wait for request to finish in Jmeter

I am currently new to Jmeter, and trying to create a Jmeter script to test how long a request takes to process and complete.
a) Authenticate using Token - Complete
b) Post Request - Complete - Returns 200
c) Get Request - Partially Completed
C: I am Trying to get be able to monitor this request to find out when its either completed failed etc.
I have created the Http Request Sample with a Get Request
I am able to get the Request 200 but it doesn't wait for completion
So running this in a console app, it waits for a certain time checking for status....
Is there a way to possibly write a code similar to the C# code in bean shell or groovy to wait. I was reading about while controller as well...
var result = WaitForBuildToComplete(dest, requestData, token, timeout);
static string GetStatus(string path, Token token)
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(path);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";
AddToken(token, httpWebRequest);
WebResponse response = httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
string responseFromServer = "";
using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Close the response.
return responseFromServer;
static int WaitForBuildToComplete(string dest, RequestData requestData, Token token, int
if (timeout <= 0) return 0;
var path = $"{ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[dest]}/policy?id={}";
var startTime = DateTime.Now;
var status = GetStatus(path, token);
var msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(status);
var requestStatus = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RequestStatus>(msg);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestStatus.DllUrl))
Console.WriteLine($"\nResult dll at: {requestStatus.DllUrl}");
return 0;
if (requestStatus.Status.ToUpper() == "FAILED")
return -1;
if (requestStatus.Status.ToUpper() == "FAILED_DATA_ERROR")
return -1;
if (requestStatus.Status.ToUpper() == "NOT_NEEDED")
return -1;
} while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds < timeout);
Console.WriteLine("Time out waiting for dll.");
return -1;
I started by looking at JSR223 Sampler but wanted to see if there is a better and easier way to accomplish this.
List<String> sendRequest(String url, String method, Map<String,Object> body) {
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(new Gson().toJson(body), "UTF-8");
HttpUriRequest request = RequestBuilder.create(method)
.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
String req = "REQUEST:" + "\n" + request.getRequestLine() + "\n" + "Headers: " +
request.getAllHeaders() + "\n" + EntityUtils.toString(entity) + "\n";
HttpClientBuilder.create().build().withCloseable {httpClient ->
httpClient.execute(request).withCloseable {response ->
String res = "RESPONSE:" + "\n" + response.getStatusLine() + "\n" + "Headers: " +
response.getAllHeaders() + "\n" +
(response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : "") + "\n";
System.out.println(req + "\n" + res );
return Arrays.asList(req, res);
List sendGet(String url, Map<String,String> body) {
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = RequestBuilder.get()
.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
body.forEach({key, value -> requestBuilder.addParameter(key, value)});
HttpUriRequest request =;
String req = "REQUEST:" + "\n" + request.getRequestLine() + "\n" + "Headers: " +
request.getAllHeaders() + "\n";
HttpClientBuilder.create().build().withCloseable {httpClient ->
httpClient.execute(request).withCloseable {response ->
String res = "RESPONSE:" + "\n" + response.getStatusLine() + "\n" + "Headers: " +
response.getAllHeaders() + "\n" +
(response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : "") + "\n";
System.out.println(req + "\n" + res );
return Arrays.asList(req, res);
The approach which is normally used in JMeter is placing your request under the While Controller which will be checking the Status value which in its turn can be fetched from the response using a suitable Post-Processor so the request will be retried unless the "Status" changes to some value which you expect (or times out)
If you place the whole construction under the Transaction Controller you will get the whole time for the status to change.
Example test plan outline:

Ajax request fails in JBOSS EAP 7.1 in Java EAR application

I've EAR applications which run fine in JBOSS EAP 6.3. When I run this application in EAP 7, then ajax call response is empty after few call. Mainly jsp page calls servlet using ajax. I use common code snippet for AJAX call. I can get response properly first 3/4 times. After that it is not working. The whole thing is working fine in EAP 6.3.
The ajax code snippet is as follows:
objXMLHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();
try {
objXMLHTTP = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
try {
objXMLHTTP = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
catch(e) {
try {
objXMLHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch(e) {
alert("XMLHTTP Not Supported On Your Browser");
var urlstr = "" ;
var key = "";
var j = 0;
//dataStore is an array of key/value pair.
for(key in dataStore){
if(j == 0) {
urlstr += key + "=" + dataStore[key];
j = 1;
} else {
urlstr += "&" + key + "=" + dataStore[key];
var _dateTime = new Date().getTime();
urlstr += "&CALLTIME=" + _dateTime + "-";
var requNumber = "?requNumber=" + _dateTime;
// http request has been changed as Parameterised
var _AsyncRequest = true;
if(_httpMode == "undefined")
_httpMode = "0";
_httpMode = "0";
if((_httpMode != "undefined") && (_httpMode != null) && (_httpMode == "1"))
_AsyncRequest = false;
_AsyncRequest = false;
if(urlstr.length<=1000) {"POST","XMLDHTTPServlet" + requNumber + "&" + urlstr,false);
} else {"POST","XMLDHTTPServlet" + requNumber,false);
urlstr = URLEncode(urlstr);
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ;
//The following is not working after few calls
if(urlstr.length<=1000) {
} else {
rtnXML = objXMLHTTP.responseText;
if (objXMLHTTP.statusText == "OK" )
// This condition fails after successive requests
Following is in JSP page to call the AJAX. Most importantly, when I put the character **|**, then response in empty and objXMLHTTP.statusText shows Bad Request in EAP 7. But EAP 6, it is working fine.
var objXMLApplet = new xmlHTTPValidator();
objXMLApplet.setValue("Package", "panaceaFLweb.getMenuInfo.ReadInfo");
objXMLApplet.setValue("Method", "chkEODStatus");
It is because character | present in URL post request and didn't encode the string which length is less than 1000. Just use
urlstr = URLEncode(urlstr);
before if/else condition of connection open.
Code snippet are as follows:
urlstr = URLEncode(urlstr);
if(urlstr.length<=1000) {"POST","XMLDHTTPServlet" + requNumber + "&" + urlstr,false);
} else {"POST","XMLDHTTPServlet" + requNumber,false);
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ;
if(urlstr.length<=1000) {
} else {
rtnXML = objXMLHTTP.responseText;
And URLEncode function definition are as follows:
function URLEncode(urlstr ){
var SAFECHARS = "0123456789" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "-_.!~*'()=?&";
var HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var plaintext = urlstr;
var encoded = "";
for (var i = 0; i < plaintext.length; i++ ) {
var ch = plaintext.charAt(i);
if (ch == " "){
encoded += "+";
}else if (SAFECHARS.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
encoded += ch;
}else {
var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);
if (charCode > 255) {
encoded += "+";
}else {
encoded += "%";
encoded += HEX.charAt((charCode >> 4) & 0xF);
encoded += HEX.charAt(charCode & 0xF);
return encoded;

Web API - How to upload excel file with request parameters using Fiddler

I am uploading excel file on server through Web Api. I need to pass some parameters along with the file.
But when I am using fiddler i can able to get either Request parameters or file only, but i need both things in my web API controller.
Method Type: Post
URL : http://localhost/MP.Services/api/catalog/file/upload/
Request Header-
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 74
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf
Request Body-
Above is my Normal way to pass request parameter, I tried to upload the excel file in fiddler from 'Upload file' option along with above request, but when file gets uploaded request header and request body gets change.
When I run this then I will not able to get the Request Parameters to my web API controller.
My Controller Action Code-
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadCatalogExcel(CatalogUploadRequest catalogUploadRequest)
if (catalogUploadRequest == null)
return CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, ControllerErrorCodeConstants.RequestIsInvalid, "Invalid request");
if (!ModelState.IsValid) return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType, "Uploading file is mandatory");
//Request to BL Mapping
var catalogUploadExcelBi = CatalogUploadMapping.UploadCatalogExcelRequestToBiMap(catalogUploadRequest);
var CatalogInfo = _catalogUploadBi.GetSampleCatalogExcel(catalogUploadExcelBi.CatalogCode);
string uploadPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
uploadPath = uploadPath + "\\Upload\\" + CatalogInfo.SellerAccountId + "_" + CatalogInfo.SellerAccountName + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "_" + CatalogInfo.CatalogCode; // Physical File Location
string currentTime = Regex.Replace(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "[^0-9]+", "");
string name = catalogUploadExcelBi.CatalogCode + "_" + currentTime + ".xlsx"; // File Name
catalogUploadExcelBi.FileName = "aa";
catalogUploadExcelBi.FilePath = uploadPath;
bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(uploadPath);
if (!exists)
MyStreamProvider streamProvider = new MyStreamProvider(uploadPath);
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider);
var response = _catalogUploadBi.LogUploadCatalogExcel(catalogUploadExcelBi);
if (response.ServerErrors != null && response.ServerErrors.Count != 0)
response.ServerErrors = response.ServerErrors;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.ServerErrors);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "File uploaded successfully");
catch (Exception ex)
var error = _errorManager.GetCustomeError(ex.GetType().ToString());
return error != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error.ErrorCode) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error.ErrorMessage)
? Request.CreateResponse(string.Format("Exception Occured! Error code : {0} Error Message : {1}", error.ErrorCode,
error.ErrorMessage)) : Request.CreateResponse(string.Format("Upload file method Exception Occured!"));

Getting Error 400 while Exchanging Code for Access Token in Google oAuth C#

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
request.Method = "POST";
string postData = "code=" + code + "&client_id=" + _clientId + "&client_secret=" + _clientSecret + "&redirect_uri=" + _callback_url + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
I have placed a google sign in button in HTML page, on its callback got auth code to call ajax web servcice containing above code. But I am getting Error 400 on GetResponse(), I don't know why. Can any body please help me?
I have found following link workable in my case:
Code on page Page load :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request["code"] != null)
vCode = Request["code"].ToString();
Response.Redirect(vAuthURL + "?scope=" + vScope + "&state=%2Fprofile&client_id=" + vClientId + "&redirect_uri=" + vRedURL + "&response_type=code&access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force", false);
Following function is being called in page load when code is available:
private void getRefreshToken()
string vClientId = "";
string vSecCode = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string vScope = "";
string vRedURL = "http://localhost:50488/wwwroot/member/social/googlesignin.aspx";
string vAuthURL = "";
StringBuilder authLink = new StringBuilder();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
webRequest.Method = "POST";
authLink.AppendFormat("code={0}", vCode);
authLink.AppendFormat("&client_id={0}", vClientId);
authLink.AppendFormat("&client_secret={0}", vSecCode);
authLink.AppendFormat("&redirect_uri={0}", vRedURL);
UTF8Encoding utfenc = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] bytes = utfenc.GetBytes(authLink.ToString());
Stream os = null;
webRequest.ContentLength = bytes.Length; // Count bytes to send
os = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // Send it
HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
if (webResponse == null) { Response.Write("null"); }
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
string jsonStr = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
Probably the important thing was to get code with server side code instead of mixing the client code and server side access_token getting script. Hope this works for you too.
