How change PATH env in cmd.exe /c in Windows - windows

I want run something like this:
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%Path%"" & ECHO. %Path% & PAUSE"
But there is a problem: the command line window appears only for a moment, then disappears. I create a test .bat (like echo.1: %1 and 2,3...) to check out how it behave and...
0: "V:\test.bat"
1: /c
2: "set ""Path=V:\;
(4-9 the same)
When I replace % with for example 5, second argument look like "set ""Path=V:\;5Path5"" & ECHO. 5Path5 & PAUSE", but it is not what I want.
I think, there may be problem with parsing %Path% inside this shell command.
I tried aslo:
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%%Path%%"" & ECHO. %%Path%% & PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%%%Path%%%"" & ECHO. %%%Path%%% & PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%%%%Path%%%%"" & ECHO. %%%%Path%%%% & PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%%%%%Path%%%%%"" & ECHO. %%Path%%%%% & PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%%%%%%%%Path%%%%%%%%"" & ECHO. %%%%%%%%Path%%%%%%%% & PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;^%Path^%"" &ECHO.^%Path^%&PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;^%%Path^%%"" &ECHO.^%Path^%&PAUSE"
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;\%Path\%"" &ECHO.\%Path\%&PAUSE"
I will editing post during my next tests...
I just noticed that I cannot even use simply: cmd /c "echo %PATH% & PAUSE"

I come to the solution. What I needed:
cmd /c "set ""Path=V:\;%Path:~0%"" &ECHO.%Path:~0%&PAUSE"
It's look like Windows replace %PATH% with this env-variable content (more paths by semicolons), even in Run (Win+R), CMD (.exe), ShellExec (wscript/winapi). So it can not be used as part of argument in shortcut (i needed to).

That doesn't seem to work because xx is evaluated before cmd is started
cmd /c "set xx=yyyyyy & echo %xx% & PAUSE"
That proves that it works, the variable is properly set:
cmd /c "set xx=yyyyyy & set xx & PAUSE"
Other way to escape the %:
cmd /c "set xx=yyyyyy & ECHOxx.bat & PAUSE"
(ECHOxx.bat is a script which does echo %xx%)
For the path, it's slightly complex as you noticed yourself, but it works fine too:
cmd /c "set PATH=%CD%\subdir;"%PATH%" & echoxx.bat"
it works: echoxx.bat had been moved in the subdir directory, and it is found.


Strange behavior when running start.bat file in Windows 2019 Core

I have a start.bat which does nothing but
#echo off
Echo "Hello World"
Then I open a cmd window and type in
start "" /D D:\Test start.bat
it opens a new cmd window with "Hello World", but does not close the window automatically.
Now I created another bat file named start2.bat which has the same content as the start.bat above. Then I type in
start "" /D D:\Test start2.bat
it opens a new cmd window with "Hello World", and does close the window automatically.
Why is it happening ???
I try to use some trace tool to analyse, from the tool, it seems like my system turn start "" /D D:\Test start.bat to cmd.exe /K start.bat
Tried in another computer, now, no matter which file name I used, it turns into cmd/exe /K start.bat
Turns out adding /C does not work for me, attach process tree below, the system still changes /C to /K
Process tree view with /C
Provide full process view. My start.bat is exactly the same as above
And now I open a cmd.exe window, and typed in
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start.bat or just cmd /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start.bat
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start2.bat or just cmd /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start2.bat
From the process tree view, it can be seen that the first command turns into
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /K start.bat
While the second command turns into
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "c:\test\start2.bat" "
Full Process Tree View
From the usage information of the start command (excerpt from the description of the command/program argument):
If it is an internal cmd command or a batch file then
the command processor is run with the /K switch to cmd.exe.
This means that the window will remain after the command
has been run.
If it is not an internal cmd command or batch file then
it is a program and will run as either a windowed application
or a console application.
Hence when starting an internal command or a batch file, cmd.exe together with its /K option is used, so start "" "script.bat" is equivalent to:
start "" cmd.exe /K "script.bat"
If you want the new console window to become closed, use this instead:
start "" cmd.exe /C "script.bat"

quotes inside quotes with windows' cmd

I have the following command set as a custom URL protocol in windows registry:
cmd /V:ON /C "SET r=%1 & SET s=!r:jhvnc:=! & start C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe !s:_= !"
This is not working because the path to the exe file has a space.
Normally, I'd use quotes:
cmd /V:ON /C "SET r=%1 & SET s=!r:jhvnc:=! & start "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe" !s:_= !"
but the command is already in quotes. I tried escaping the quotes with double quotes, but that did not work.
How can I achieve this?
Simplest work around is use the historic short folder name
That should be C:\PROGRA~1\UVNCBV~1\
check using dir /x /a:d C:\PROGRA~1\U*
cmd /V:ON /C "SET r=%1 & SET s=!r:jhvnc:=! & start C:\PROGRA~1\UVNCBV~1\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe !s:_= !"

How can I get a one liner xcopy command to run in vbscript?

I have an xcopy that cannot run correctly in a .bat (batch) file because of some Norwegian characters.
The line is:
xcopy /I /V /H /R /C /Y /K /O /X "G:\P - cad_files\Drawings\163997 Ø1000XØ90 T7-8-9.PDF" "F:\CAD\P - cad_files\Drawings\163997 Ø1000XØ90 T7-8-9.PDF"
If I run it from a batch file it fails as "0 files copied" because it translates the source file incorrectly due to the character set.
I've tried changing the charsets using chcp as well as using Notepad++ and encoding it with various charsets but it still fails due to a limitation I guess in batch processing in Windows.
So my question is, how can I get the line above to execute in a vbscript and record the xcopy output?
I tried:
set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
strSource = "G:\P - Tdwos_cad_files\Drawings\163997 Ø1000XØ90 T7-8-9.PDF"
strDest = "F:\CAD\P - Tdwos_cad_files\Drawings\163997 Ø1000XØ90 T7-8-9.PDF"
command = "xcopy /I /V /H /R /C /Y /K /O /X " & chr(34) & strSource & chr(34) &chr(32) & chr(34) & strDest & chr(34) & " > F:\testvbs.log 2>&1" command
and then execute "cscript test.vbs"
But unfortunately this doesn't work despite the fact that if I change the to wscript.echo it does show the proper output for the "command" variable...meaning it shows the right syntax.
So...any programmers know how I can properly run that original xcopy line in a vbscript? If you know how to run it in a batch file properly with the encoding, that's fine too...I just haven't figured that out yet.
Next script works with combined Norwegian-Czech folder and file names under under next conditions:
save the script UTF-16LE encoded with the 0xFFFE byte order mark, and
run the script as administrator!
Here's commented code snippet:
' save the script UTF-16LE encoded with the 0xFFFE byte order mark
' run the script as administrator!
' consider //U option: Use Unicode for redirected I/O from the console
' cscript //U 30767978.vbs
option explicit
dim objShell, strSource, strDest, command, cmd, xx
set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
strSource = "D:\test\éíáýžřčšě\a Ø1000XØ90 b.txt"
strDest = "D:\test\ěščřžýáíé\a Ø1000XØ90 b.txt"
' chcp does not matter: `dir` as well as `xcopy` work for all
cmd = "%comspec% /U /C chcp 65000 & "
cmd = "%comspec% /U /C chcp 65001 & "
cmd = "%comspec% /U /C chcp 437 & "
cmd = "%comspec% /U /C chcp 852 & "
cmd = "%comspec% /U /C chcp 1250 & "
' chcp supposedly matters for redirected output
command = "dir " & """" & strSource & """ """ & strDest & """" & " & pause "
xx = objShell.Run( cmd & command, 1, true)
command = "xcopy /I /V /H /R /C /-Y /K /O /X " _
& """" & strSource & """ """ & strDest & """" & " & pause "
xx = objShell.Run( cmd & command, 1, true)
Wscript.Echo xx, cmd & command
While the accepted answer by JosefZ works well, I found that I could handle this much easier by simply taking my lines of xCopy and moving them from the .bat file to a Powershell .ps1 file and running it. Powershell doesn't balk at the character sets like Batch files do for some reason.
So I installed Powershell on the 2003 server and ran the script that way and it worked well.
I accepted JosefZ's answer since it answered the actual question, but posting this here in case others come across the same issue and want to utilize Powershell instead.

WScript v/s CScript

I have query related to this topic. Here is my script. I'm using below script to edit users on HP ILo board, it works fine, no error at all.
BUT here I can see cmd prompt, how do I run it in silent mode, i.e I do not want to see any cmd prompt, because I use BMC, so let it run in background, I will check the output later.
As you said I can simply change WScript to CSrcipt. But that does not work.
Any help please, please let me know where to modify.
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /v:on /k (set MYDIR=C:\Program Files\HP\hponcfg) & cd /d ""!MYDIR!"" & HPONCFG.exe /f Add_User1.xml /l log1.txt > output1.txt"
WScript.Sleep 1*60*1000
WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /v:on /k (set MYDIR=C:\Program Files\HP\hponcfg) & cd /d ""!MYDIR!"" & HPONCFG.exe /f Add_User2.xml /l log2.txt > output2.txt"
Set wshShell = Nothing
Use the second parameter of the .Run method
intWindowStyle Optional. Integer value indicating the appearance of
the program's window. Note that not all programs make use of this
As I know nothing about BMC, I'd start with minimized (7, 6) before I'd try hidden (0).

Multiple commands in command prompt using vbscript

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run "cmd /c c:"
This line executes perfectly fine. Now I need to enter a text.
For example: c:\users> "abcd"
How do I go about it in the already opened cmd prompt.
You must add & after each command and change cmd /c to cmd /k
The first command is : CD /D c:\
The second command is : Dir
The third command is : ping
Try like this :
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Command = "cmd /K cd /d c:\ & Dir & ping"
oShell.Run Command,1,True
