Update nuget package - asp.net-web-api

Good evening,
Recently I started to use .Net Core. One of the things I am trying is an API with external controllers referenced as a dll. I found that RC2 dont allow you to reference directly .dll so I created my own nuget package, deployed on build using:
"scripts": {
"postcompile": [
"dotnet pack --no-build",
"C:\\Builds\\nuget.exe push \"%project:Directory%\\bin\\%compile:Configuration%\\%project:Name%.%project:Version%.nupkg\" -source C:\\Builds\\Packages"
Then on my API solution, I referenced my local folder as a nuget source, and included my local nuget package to the solution. It works perfectly but when I do a change on my external controllers package and rebuild, it update the .nupkg file (or create it if I remove it from the folder) correctly, then I restore the packages on my API solution, but for some reason it keeps loading the old version. I even removed the package, and added it again but keeps using the old code. I found that the only way to make it works, is to change the package version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1, rebuild, and change the version on the api project.json. So my question is.. what I have to do to overwrite a local nuget package version when I build the changes so just restoring packages (or auto) it get the changes?


What's the best mechanism for deploying libraries (dll's) centrally, so a dev team can just add reference to them?

Just curious, per my title above.
I am leaning towards a nuget package-like style, where the dev team can continuously update libraries (dll's) and deploy them to a central location e.g. Nuget. Then, have project reference the dll depending on the version that's been deployed in a central location e.g. Nuget.
Deploying the dll's in a shared folder won't work.
Please advise, thanks.
Actually, nuget is the best way.
You can work with your teammates to maintain the same nuget project. When you are creating a nuget package or make some changes, you can just set different nuget versions for them to pack them as nuget package(.nupkg). These are different pack functions(non-sdk project uses nuget.exe, new-sdk projects use dotnet cli, msbuild.exe can work with both of them but note in non-sdk projects, it works with non-sdk projects with PackageReference).
When you finish it, you could push the nuget package into a a shared folder, or push into an azure devops feed.
You just send the full path of the shared folder or the feed url link(they should give your teammates sufficient permissions)
And anyone who wants to use it should set the link into nuget package sources, and then they can install it to use it.
Besides, if there is a subsequent update operation, as a nuget maintainer, you modify the lib project, after that, set a new version for it, any descriptions to tell others there is a new release updated version during pack process.
Then, push the new version into the feed to let others could install it.

Difference in nugets processing via `dotnet add package ..` vs nugets adding via visual studio UI

I need to use native c libraries in my library(that supports several Core TFs and .net framework) which is published via nuget. I configured it via .csproj file and runtimes folder. But I noticed that when I consume my NuGet via dotnet add package .. in some cases, the native libraries are not copied into the expected folder after consuming, however when I use the VS UI Nuget package manager->Manage Nuget Packages for Solution, all files are placed into correct places.
So, I assume that Nuget package manager makes more steps than just call dotnet add package .., but it's unclear what exactly happens, any help will be appreciated.
Actually, dotnet add package does the same effect as Nuget package manager UI in VS IDE. They simply install a Nuget package into your project and there is no difference. No additional operations will be performed. Like add some xml node in
So I think there is something else wrong in your project.
Please check under tips to troubleshoot your issue:
1) clean nuget caches first or just delete all cache files under C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.nuget\packages.
2) And if the runtimes folder does not exist under your project, I think it is controlled by dependency assets. Like ExcludeAssets=runtime or native. It will prevent the function of runtimes folder. Please see this official document.
So after you finishing installing the nuget package, you should check your csproj file, and make sure that there is no such like
under PackageReference node.
If there is any this node, please delete it.
3) delete bin and obj folder. Then rebuild your project to test again. Or if you use dotnet command line, you should additionally add dotnet build command. In my side, I run dotnet build -p:platform=xxx;Configuration=Release.

How do you clear Visual Studio's object browser cache?

We have a library project that we are working on, and in a different project I have the feature branch installed as a Nuget package. Changes are being made on the branch, but version number isn't being updated, so the Nuget package is getting updated, but it has the same name.
I've deleted the Nuget package from my packages folder, so I know I am downloading the latest, and if I manually browse (in the Object Browser) to the dll that I have downloaded to my packages folder, the Object Browser data looks correct.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Nuget package in my project, I've turned off all instances of Visual Studio 2017, but still old items are persisting in the Object Browser for my dll that I have installed through Nuget. I am expecting to have build failures because I'm referencing old items, but everything builds successfully, but then when I run the application I am getting run time errors because the old items I am referencing in code no longer exist in the dll that is currently downloaded.
It would be nice if we didn't have to bump version for every build, although we could set up TeamCity to do that automatically, but it would become difficult to maintain all of the extra Nuget packages in our feed.
So, short of just bumping version numbers on the dev Nuget packages, is there any way to clear the cache in Visual Studio 2017 so that the Object Browser updates to reflect the dll that is actually in the packages folder?
I found the problem. In the project where I was testing the library, I had a wpf project and a library project targeting .Net standard. Since the project I was actively working on was wpf I was zoned in on the packages folder in the solution directory, and forgot I was also referencing .Net standards in the same solution which pulls Nuget packages from C:\Users\[username]\.nuget\packages
Because of the project types, Visual Studio had two locations for Nuget packages. One at C:\Users\[username]\.nuget\packages and one at [solution dir]\packages
I updated only the solution directory packages, but apparently Visual Studio 2017 favors the use of the user directory packages, and that is where it was pulling the old API information. After deleting the package from my user directory everything is working as expected.

Nuget Packages.config change - does not force csproj update

I've got problem with version of dependency that I set manually.
Note: I use Automatic restore within Visual Studio.
When I set Version="" for my dependency in packages.config I expect that restore will install package and it will be referenced in next build I trigger. But it is not true. Package is installed and placed in packages directory but build does not use this downloaded packages (as csproj is not changed automatically).
Do you know possible scenarios to workaround this problem?
I tried to use Proget Client Tools but it turned out that it is not possible to use local directory feed with this. I need local and remote feeds support also, so it is additional requirement.
So, paraphrasing my question is...
How to easily change referenced version of package without touching csproj? (which is hard to edit in visual studio) Editing version twice (one in packages.config, two in csproj) is also an overkill.
Remember Package Restore simply downloads the package to the packages folder. It does not update project references as NuGet expects that the package had previously been installed. It's simply downloading the missing package files.
Package Restore is not a replacement for Install-Package. You can specify a specific version when installing. This will add the project references properly.

ASP.NET Web Application & NuGet - Package Updates Not Referenced

I've got an ASP.NET Web Application (in the formal sense, it's not a "Web Site" project). It references some number of NuGet packages (let's call them all v1.0).
If I edit packages.config to reference a newer version of one of the NuGet packages and build, restore packages, or attempt to update the packages everything seems fine. It downloads the new package, creates a folder for it and the whole deal.
The problem comes when I attempt to reference newly added classes or properties within that package. (Let's call it v2.0.)
IntelliSense doesn't know about them. When I start trying to figure out why, I find that it's still referencing v1.0. It has downloaded 2.0, and the package file asks that it should use 2.0, but unless I explicitly remove the reference to the package and re-add it, VisualStudio seems content to stick with v1.0.
I feel like I must be doing something wrong, or at some point in time something has been configured incorrectly, but I'm at a loss as to what that might be.
Any advice?
You shouldn't update packages.config to get new package versions. Package Restore simply downloads the package files. It doesn't update references, etc.
To update a package you can use the Manage NuGet Packages dialog to install updates or use the Package Manager Console and type: Update-Package
