Is it possible to combine external and internal filtering in ui-grid? - filter

I am using 'useExternalFiltering' in angular ui-grid.
Is it possible to set 1 column to still filter internally (sort out based on the table data)?

Yes, it is possible. You can set useExternalFiltering: true on the columns that need it and use the normal filtering on the other. (In fact, on the column I use external filtering with in my grids, it also works as a normal filter once the data have been retrieved, but I imagine this could be disabled.)


Oracle Rest – filtering by columns (vertical filtering)

I would like to specify in Oracle REST query which columns should be returned in the select statement.
One of the solution would be to use view, however in my case I would like to select columns in a dynamic fashion.
Such functionality is available in PostgREST:
Is there such feature in Oracle REST Data Services?
No, we offer row filtering but not column selection.
So i can say which rows I want to come back via the URI, but I cannot say which columns I want.
So if you REST enable a table or view, it will be all of those columns, of it it's a RESTful Service, it will be the columns you have included in your SELECT.
Something else to keep in mind, we do have a REST Enabled SQL Feature...where you POST your query, and we get you the results. So in the POST you could specify the columns you want.

Cognos: filter alternative?

I've defined a report in Cognos Report Studio.
I've also exposed this report in IBM BAM Business Spaces. I've used Report Viewer widget for that.
This widget allows end users to remove filters defined for the report. The data security is preserved (FGS applied), but they can access irrelevant data for specific report.
I would like to disable this (removing filters). Unfortunately this build-in widget is not allowing that.
As workaround I'm trying to use some other technique than filters to limit the data. I was trying to apply the filtering within the slicer.
My data is quite flat, and the data item I want to filter is not defined as dimension. That's probably the reason why it's not working for me.
I have a table with multiple columns.
My slicer definition:
filter([A_Events Query Subject].[ATracking_Events].[Status Code],
[A_Events Query Subject].[A_Events].[Status Code] = 'Q')
Anyway, all data (not filtered) are shown as a result.
Any idea how this can be solved?

Sorting on hidden data

Is it possible to have data in a Handsontable sorted by a field which is not displayed? I have a grid of data which I would like to display that contains a column called "sortOrder", but I don't want to display this.
The sorting needs to be done client side because events are coming in over web sockets and need to be reflected in the table.
If you're not showing the column then I assume you're not expecting the user to be able to manually sort by this hidden column. Therefore, why don't you simply sort your data array with native JS? At any point during execution you could have a function which sorts by this hidden column and then just don't render this in your Handson definition.
So yes, the answer is it is possible. The not showing of a column is as simple as defining the columns option and not including a column for this hidden value.

TABLEAU: Create global filter from a secondary data source to multiple data sources on dashboard

I have a Tableau dashboard with various visualizations created from 3 data sources (i.e. A,B, C).
Each data source has a relationship (join) with the same secondary data source (i.e. D), and the secondary data sources provides information to create a filter for each data source. In other words, there is the following relationship for my data sources:
A - D
B - D
C - D
I would like to create a global filter on a dashboard I have created. I would like one filter card from "D" to show up and be applied to "A," "B," and "C" at once rather than having a separate filter card show up for each data source.
I tried to create a global filter via a parameter and calculated field, but the parameter requires layers of connections because data sources "A,B, and C" only have "D" in common.
Its not completely clear from your question, but it sounds like you are using Tableau data blending on your worksheets to include data from multiple data sources, rather than a join to create a data source based on multiple tables. If all your tables are on the same database server or spreadsheet, then traditional joins are usually more efficient than data blending.
The following approach often works well.
Instead of using Tableau's quick filter feature, create a worksheet based solely on D that shows the values you wish to use for filtering. It can be a simple list of names, or a bubble chart or anything you like. Use that worksheet as your filter by creating actions where it is the source and all the other worksheets on your dashboard are the target. Typically, you would want to specify the field names explicitly.
Data blending is useful but can be complex. Depending on details, you may need to make D the primary data source on your other worksheets. Experiment.
The parameter and calculated field you mentioned can be even simpler and faster than using actions, but users are restricted to selecting a single value for a parameter unlike the filter action approach. (Of course, one parameter value can represent multiple values in your target data source field depending entirely on how your calculated field interprets the parameter).
I can't tell why that didn't work for you or what you mean by "layers of connections". You might consider clarifying that part of your question.

Filter Toolbar without loadonce:true?

I am using jqgrid, with filter toolbar(column) option...The total data is around 10,000...So it seems to be some delay in initial loading as the config is set to loadonce:true;
Any way to implement the filter column feature with loadonce:false ?
Because the data loading delay is okay with loadonce:false. If I get a chance to add column filter with loadonce:false, this will work perfectly...
If you has about 10,000 rows it is of course better to implement server side data paging, sorting and filtering. I recommend you to use filterToolbar with the parameter stringResult:true if you not already use it. In the case jqGrid will send to the server filters parameter in the same format like advanced searching as do. So you will need implement on the server side the method which use following input parameter from jqGrid:
sidx and sord parameters define the sort order of the data. The informations specify ORDER BY in the corresponding SELECT statement.
if _search parameter is true, then the next parameter filters gives additional information which construct the WHERE part of the corresponding SELECT statement.
page and rows parameters define which page of the data previously sorted and filtered should be returned.
The exact implementation is depend on the language and technology which you use on the server and of course which database server and which interface to the database you use.
