I am new to using SSIS and I am looking for a way to send messages using SMS. Is this possible to do? And if yes, is there a way to use a Web API in SSIS to send SMS messages?
After i did more search i found this Question
and his first answer was what i want.
the second part of my Question was about api to use i found this 2 api
Infobip but you will have to contact them first
both of them will give you atest account to use it at first , but i used the first one from SQL SSIS.
I have a Text2SQL model (EditSQL: https://github.com/ryanzhumich/editsql) which I have configured to take a sentence as input and return a SQL query as output.
Now, I want to deploy this program as a chat bot application in Microsoft Teams.
I understand there's Microsoft bot framework that enables publishing a bot and the 3 options are described here.
However, I am not finding any of them suitable for my use case since I need to deploy a Question-Answering Bot where the Questions from users need to be sent to an external server like AWS and the response from AWS (could be an excel file) needs to be sent back to the user. Multiple questions can be the part of a conversation, so the chat client should be able to mark start and end of a conversation.
My problem:
What are the basic steps of exposing a ml model via a server so that it can be queried in production.
What are the tools that will allow me to make a client on Teams and a server for this model on AWS?
Please let me know if I should add more information on this.
As you've seen, there are a bunch of tools/approaches to creating bots in the Microsoft world, for Teams or otherwise. Underneath, these all use the Bot Framework, but you can develop directly (i.e. write code), or use a higher-level tool like Bot Framework Composer - the choice is yours depending on your own internal skills. If you want to work with code directly, here are a bunch of bot samples, in multiple languages: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/samples . For isntance, here is an example of integrating the Microsoft QnAMaker service into your bot: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/samples/python/49.qnamaker-all-features
Basically, if you go the development approach, your bot is just a web service. Once it receives the message, it can call out to any other service behind the scenes. That means it can receive a message, call out to an AWS service, receive the response, and send a reply to the user.
For multiple questions as part of a 'set' of chats, Bot Framework provides an idea called "dialogs" that should work for you.
I have implemented the "tompaana" solution for bot-agent-handoff (1 to 1 conversation), but how can I establish a "1 to n" scenario (i.e. one agent handling multiple users after bot escalation)?
I have implemented as per the link given below :
Referred link : https://github.com/tompaana/intermediator-bot-sample.
The way I have implemented it was using back channel in the directline api. When agent connects pass the agent details as well as session details with the "start conversation". However any mechanism that stores conversation reference of specific chat with the session would work
For the intermediate-bot-sample, here is a comment by #tompanna with regards to a call center support scenario issue:
I think the best bet to implement a call center, given that one want to use the message router, is to take the message routing component source and customize it based on one's needs. LiveEngage is one that has routing capabilities out-of-the-box, but can be enhanced with custom code. I have implemented a simple connector for LivePerson service (Node.js). Ibex Dashboard is another OSS project by Microsoft containing enablers for this kind of a scenario (but does not do the job out-of-the-box).
You can take a look at the BotFramework HandOff experimental sample. Also, there is a Node sample by TDurnford where you can message #list to get a list of users waiting to talk to an agent in the queue, and message #connect to connect to the user waiting at the top of the queue.
Hope this helps.
I am able to connect to an Oracle database using the REST API, but I want to connect to it without the REST API. Is there any another way to connect to an Oracle database?
The short answer, No.
Oracle JET is a pure client-side toolkit. It does not run or process on the server. Because of that, the only interaction with data resources is via Web Services of some kind. REST is the most common. You could use WebSocket, or Server Sent Events as well, or some other method that a pure client could communicate with.
Do you want to get rid of creating a REST API endpoint in your middleware by hand?
If the answer is yes, then you could use this: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/rest-data-services/overview/index.html
If the answer is no, then sorry, no. Practically, that is the only way to fetch data from the server.
I am going to do my next project on ChatBot for my client. I am a .net person, so planning to use MS Bot with C#.
My question is on creating the Database part. We have a existing Database which has data related to Project Management and others which is currently being used for a web application.
What we are expecting from the Bot is, if a person(say, a manager of particular project)wants to know the count of people under him, he can use the Bot to get the count, rather than go to the web application and figure out.
How will this database work for Bot application.
How will I create the table structure to identify the questions to be asked to BOT and its responses and fetch data and then display to user.
How can we make my Bot fetch data from this DB, if someone asks question.
How can I store these responses.
I am totally confused. My Client do not want to use LUIS, but want similar thing to be built with our Database and can be called via RestAPI.
Kindly help with any article or advise to start my work with.
Consider the bot you made as a back-end server written in C#.
It just gets requests and sends responses.
So nothing special is needed for connecting it to DB.
Simply connect it to DB as you'd connect a ASP.NET website to DB.
I want to develop an application that works by receiving text messages from users to gather data. I have no clue where to begin and what to begin with. I can code in Python, C++, PHP and can do Java also.
I was wondering if there can be a personal development setup or framework on which I can develop such application. Releasing it is a different story but I do not have any idea about what setup is needed to develop this application.
Also, how much would this setup cost? Are there open-source or any other cheap alternatives?
There are a lot of services out there that let you receive SMS via a web request. The one I work for Twilio will send you a simple POST request to a URL of your choice containing To, From and Body whenever you receive an incoming message. You can read more about how it works here.
This service offers an api for receiving text messages. You can use the shared number and send it to your server with a keyword or you can pay a monthy fee to have your own dedicated number. So there would be a good place to start.