#Caching #CacheEvict not working from AOP (or component) - spring

I was wandering why my #Caching #CacheEvict annotations doesn't do anything when I put it in #Aspect which also has #component annotation.
Is it relates to the fact that this is a #Compnent? or #Aspect?
what am I missing?
public class cacheAspect {
public Object clearCachePoint(UHQueryCacheEvict uhQueryCacheEvict) throws Throwable {
#Caching (evict = { #CacheEvict(value= "some_key", allEntries=true) })
when the aspect is running, it will enter the method evict but will ignore the annotation. which means the cache will not get evicted.
Note: the aspect will be triggered on every method in the code which has #cacheEvictAnnotation* annotation. (which is usually in a service method)

As commented, the issue comes from having the evict() method called directly from clearCachePoint which will prevent any aspect like behaviour to happen.
When annotations are enforced at runtime by wrapping concrete types with the required behaviour through proxying, you cannot call methods from the same type and expect to go through the proxy.


AfterReturning advice not executed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does self-invocation not work for Spring proxies (e.g. with AOP)?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
Class A {
public String methodA() {
return methodB();
public String methodB() {
return "abc";
public class PublishEvents {
#AfterReturning(value = "#annotation(Publish)", returning = "retVal")
public void sendEvent(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object retVal) {
system.out.println("sending event");
So I have an aspect class PublishEvents defined with AfterReturning Advice. This advice gets executed when I use #Publish which is a custom defined annotation, over methodA of class A but it does not get executed when I put it over methodB of class A. Note that methodB is called from methodA.
Can someone tell me what I am missing here?
Spring AOP is proxy-based, which means that an additional class for proxying bean calls is created by Spring, for more details about proxy mechanisms check the link.
The key thing to understand is that calls on that component reference are calls on the proxy. To make it more clear, other beans, that autowire the A component, actually contain the proxied instance, not the component instance itself. As a result, the proxy can delegate to all the interceptors (advice) relevant to that particular method call.
However, any method calls it may make on itself, such as methodA invoking methodB in your case, will be invoked against the instance itself, not the proxy. This has important implications. It means that self-invocation will not result in the AfterReturning advice getting a chance to run.
Unlike Spring AOP, AspectJ has no issues with self-invocation since it's not a proxy-based AOP framework. Check Indra's answer for more details and examples.
For reference: Understanding AOP Proxies

Is it possible to cut into protected method inside abstract class using Spring AOP?

I am trying to execute some code after one protected method inside abstract class gets called. It looks something like this.
abstract class SomeAbstractClass : ServiceOne, ServiceTwo {
protected fun doSomething(p1: String, p2: Int): SomeEntity {
// some business logic
return SomeEntity()
I want to create annotation class like the one below and annotate method (above) with it and I want it to execute after class method returns value. I tried this and many other variations but nothing worked for me.
annotation class EntityCreated {
class EntityAspect {
fun afterSuccessfulCreate(jp: JoinPoint) {
// Created, execute something here
While protected methods are off limits for JDK proxies when proxying interfaces, the CGLIB proxies used by Spring to extend classes can intercept protected methods. But in order to proxy a Kotlin class, you have to open it, so it is not final and can be proxied.
Please note, however, that if you override a protected method in Java, that overridden method will not "inherit" the super method's annotations. This is a Java limitation and unrelated to AOP. Annotation inheritance only works from parent to sub classes, if the annotation bears the #Inherited meta annotation. There is a way to emulate annotation inheritance using an advanced form of a technique called ITD (inter-type definition) in native AspectJ, but not in simple Spring AOP.
The exact answer to your question depends on your exact use case, your sample code is too fragmentary to answer in more detail.

Spring #Cachable method within the same class (self-invocation, proxy issue) - What is the best way to solve it?

I'm trying to call a #Cacheable method from within the same class.
And it didn't work. Because of:
In proxy mode (the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object that calls another method of the target object) does not lead to actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Cacheable. Consider using the aspectj mode in this case. Also, the proxy must be fully initialized to provide the expected behavior, so you should not rely on this feature in your initialization code (that is, #PostConstruct).
It means, #Cachable(also #Transactional) works by proxy classes which is Spring AOP in. a internal call in the same class make call by 'this' instead of proxy classes.
To solve the problem, I should call a method by proxy or using AspectJ(another AOP).
So, I found 4 solutions.
What is your choice? and why others are not recommended?
Please, share your opinion!
using AspectJ (another AOP)
get the Bean from ApplicationContext and use it
public class UserService implements Service {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private Service self;
private void init() {
self = applicationContext.getBean(UserService.class);
self-autowiring using #Resource //since Spring 4.3
#CacheConfig(cacheNames = "SphereClientFactoryCache")
public class CacheableSphereClientFactoryImpl implements SphereClientFactory {
* 1. Self-autowired reference to proxified bean of this class.
private SphereClientFactory self;
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull TenantConfig tenantConfig) {
// 2. call cached method using self-bean
return self.createSphereClient(tenantConfig.getSphereClientConfig());
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull SphereClientConfig clientConfig) {
return CtpClientConfigurationUtils.createSphereClient(clientConfig);
make the Bean scope of the class as 'prototype' instead of 'singleton'
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
class AService {
private final AService _aService;
public AService(AService aService) {
_aService = aService;
public List<EmployeeData> getEmployeeData(Date date){
..println("Cache is not being used");
public List<EmployeeEnrichedData> getEmployeeEnrichedData(Date date){
List<EmployeeData> employeeData = _aService.getEmployeeData(date);
I'm a newbie in spring :)
Actually, I choose the 4th solution, but I felt it isn't a good way. because I just need to call the caching method by proxy, and it make several beans to achieve it.
After reading articles, I think AspectJ is the best choice. It looks cool, Spring recommends it, and many people also recommend too.
But I don't understand how to AspectJ works (I will study) and I also don't know why others is not recommended.
Spring Cache #Cacheable - not working while calling from another method of the same bean
Spring cache #Cacheable method ignored when called from within the same class

Spring Proxy Creation of Classes annotated with #Configuration or #Component

Spring uses either JDK dynamic proxies or CGLIB to create the proxy for a given target object. If a class is annotated with #Configuration, then CGLIB is used.
However, one limitation of Spring AOP is that once the call has finally reached the target object, any method calls that it may make on itself are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy. This piece of information is important to remember when using #Transactional and in other places as well.
So having that knowledge, in the code below, is Spring injecting the actual instance or the proxy of SimpleBean?
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean()); //<---
And what is the behavior if a class is annotation with #Component?
Let me give you another perspective.
Say there is an another bean AnotherBeanConsumer that also needs a simpleBean. Simple Bean has a Singleton scope:
public class Config {
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
return new SimpleBean();
public SimpleBeanConsumer simpleBeanConsumer() {
return new SimpleBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
public AnotherBeanConsumer anotherBeanConsumer() {
return new AnotherBeanConsumer(simpleBean());
Now the question is, how its possible that two calls to simpleBean() made from different methods simpleBeanConsumer and anotherBeanConsumer return the same instance of the simple bean (since its a singleton obviously)?
IMO (and disclaimer, I'm not affiliated with spring or something), This is the main reason of creating proxies that wrap Configurations.
Now indeed Spring AOP has a limitation of calling methods just as you've stated, however who said that spring under-the-hood uses spring AOP? The bytecode instrumentation done on much lower levels doesn't have a limitation like this. After all creating a proxy means: "create a proxy object that will have the same interface but will alter the behavior", right?
For example if you use CGLIB that uses inheritance you could create a proxy out of configuration that looks like this (schematically):
class CGLIB_GENERATED_PROXY extends Config {
private Map<String, Object> singletonBeans;
public SimpleBean simpleBean() {
String name = getNameFromMethodNameMaybePrecached();
if(singletonBeans.get(name) != null) {
return singletonBeans.get(name);
else {
SimpleBean bean = super.simpleBean();
singletonBeans.put(name, bean);
return bean;
Of course its only a schematic picture, in real life there is an application context that basically provides the access to the map like this, but you get the point.
If its not enough, then there are some even more sophisticated frameworks that spring must make use of in order to load a configuration (like ASM)...
Here is an example:
If you use #ConditionalOnClass(A.class) and the class doesn't really exist in runtime, how spring can load the bytecode of the configuration that uses this configuration and not fail on something like NoClassDefFoundException?
My point is that it goes far beyond the spring AOP, and has its quirks :)
Having said that, nothing that I've describe above requires the real components to be always wrapped in Proxies of any kind. So in the most trivial case, when SimpleBean does not by itself have some annotations that require proxy generation (stuff like #Cached, #Transactional and so forth), Spring won't wrap the object of that type and you'll get a plain SimpleBean object.

Event Listeners in spring is called twice

I am an issue with Spring Event Listeners In my Web app, Any immediate help will be appreciated.
Event Listeners is registered and called twice, If I have cyclic dependency.
I have service class, this has #transaction annotation on another methods
public class PBSTaskServiceImpl extends StandardServiceImpl<ITask> implements PBSTaskService,ApplicationListener<SurveyDefinitionPublishedEvent>
private AutoSelectTaskSliceRouteSyncService autoSelectTaskSliceRouteSyncService; // CYCLIC Dependency
public void onApplicationEvent(SurveyDefinitionPublishedEvent event)
System.out.println("PBSTSImpl"); // THIS IS CALLED TWICE
... Other method with #Transaction Annotation
public class AutoSelectTaskSliceRouteSyncServiceImpl implements AutoSelectTaskSliceRouteSyncService
#Autowired private PBSTaskService pbsTaskService; // CYCLIC dependency
Now If I remove AutoSelectTaskSliceRouteSyncService dependency from First Class, OnApplicationEvent is called once, else twice.
I debugged and found out that
SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.getApplicationListeners(myEvent) : Has two proxy object, one wrapped with Cglib and another default one. But it has two only in case if it has cyclic dependency. If I remove Cyclic dependency, it has only one proxy object and that one is enahnces by CGLIB.
my Tx annotation :
I had tried it with proxy-target-class="true or false" but no luck.
You may want to have a look on
Since Spring 4.2 you can do away with implementing ApplicationListener and use the new #EventListener annotation on methods in any managed bean. This should help you avoid any conflicts.
Below is an example from https://spring.io/blog/2015/02/11/better-application-events-in-spring-framework-4-2
public class MyListener {
public void handleContextRefresh(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
ApplicationEvent Listeners are called twice at many more places in our web app. This is one of scenarios that we caught up.
Reason :
Listeners are registered twice. Two proxy are returned wrapped over one instance of listeners. Proxy returned are 1. Dynamic Jdk Interface proxy 2. Cglib Proxy, when we have #transactions annotations.
To recreate these three point are must:
Your listeners must implements ApplicationListener 2. Your listeners must have cyclic dependency with another class 3.Your listeners must have one method annotated with #Transaction.
I have created a separate project where I am able to reproduce it with spring and hibernate. If 2 and 3 are not present together, then we are safe.
I tried many tweaks with spring and transaction configuration but no luck. Then finally with my demo project when I moved the transaction code to another class, so that the listeners do not have any #transaction annotations then it worked for me.
In Spring classes anotated with #Service or #Component which implement the ApplicationListener interface are going to receive duplicate events. To resolve the issue, to only receive single events, just remove the #Service or #Compontent annotation.
In a case of circular dependency between Spring beans, Spring Beans machinery might (under certain circumstances) place two versions of a same bean, the bean itself and its Advised wrapper into the list of ApplicationListeners handled by an ApplicationEventMulticaster.
You could, however, implement your custom ApplicationEventMulticaster and fix this bug (it looks like a bug to me).
In a snippet below a custom implementation subclasses Spring's SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster, ignores non-Advised duplicate of a bean, and leaves Advised version of it in the list of ApplicationListeners (most likely you would want an Advised version of your onApplicationEvent method to be called - in a case it is annotated with #Transactional or AOP-advised, but if you need otherwise, the change of algorithm is trivial)
public class AdviceAwareApplicationEventMulticaster extends SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster {
protected Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> getApplicationListeners(ApplicationEvent event, ResolvableType eventType) {
Map<ApplicationListener<?>, ApplicationListener<?>> listenersByNakedInstances = new LinkedHashMap<>();// because superclass returns sorted listeners
Collection<ApplicationListener<?>> applicationListeners = super.getApplicationListeners(event, eventType);
for (ApplicationListener<?> listener : applicationListeners) {
boolean advised = false;
ApplicationListener<?> nakedListener = null;
if (listener instanceof Advised) {
try {
nakedListener = (ApplicationListener<?>) ((Advised)listener).getTargetSource().getTarget();
} catch (Exception e) {
advised = true;
} else
nakedListener = listener;
if (advised || !listenersByNakedInstances.containsKey(nakedListener))
listenersByNakedInstances.put(nakedListener, listener);
return listenersByNakedInstances.values();
You don't need to anyhow make your custom implementation known to Spring, it's enough to have it as a Spring bean and Spring Application Context will pick it up.
Also, don't forget that if there are more one Spring Application Contexts in the application, your Listener might be called for each of those, but it's altogether different story.
I was running into the same issue with one of my services, created another listner with the same event that was only called once.
So what #SimonH wrote is not always the case, only in some circumstances I could not reproduce:
In Spring classes anotated with #Service or #Component which implement the ApplicationListener interface are going to receive duplicate events.
In my case this lead to a double call of the onApplicationEvent method.
public class TestClass implements ApplicationListener<MyEvent>{
public void onApplicationEvent(MyEvent event){
// called twice
Instead of the code above, I could solve it by creating the Event Listener as an inner class and then call the event method of the parent.
public class TestClass {
private class MyListener implements ApplicationListener<MyEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(MyEvent event) {
public void onApplicationEvent(MyEvent event){
//Have fun with a single event here
