Golang - add "inheritance" to structs - go

I would like to optimize my code, I have then the following situation:
I have a general struct where only one field gives the specification, let say a cache struct example:
# the main cache struct
type Cache struct {
name string
memory_cache map[string]interface{}
mutex *sync.Mutex
... ...
# common fields
# an element stored in the Cache.memory_cache map
type ElementA {
name string
count int64
# an element stored in the Cache.memory_cache map
type ElementB {
name string
tags []string
My current solution follow the previously definition and I create a cache for each element (it must be so: one cache per element):
var cache_for_element_A Cache{}
var cache_for_element_B Cache{}
But in this way I must always cast the memory_cache when reading, even if I know already what is the content (then no cast-case should be needed).
The following code do what I would like to have, but it defines twice a lot of redundants/commons fields, for this reason I would like to find another solution.
type CacheForA struct {
name string
memory_cache map[string]ElementA{}
mutex *sync.Mutex
... ...
# common fields
type CacheForB struct {
name string
memory_cache map[string]ElementB{}
mutex *sync.Mutex
... ...
# common fields
Then, is it possible to define a field in the struct (more precisely Cache.memory_cache) that can be further defined when the declaration occurs and without using interface?

Go doesn't have generics, so there's no simple way of doing this, like you would in Java for instance (class Cache<T>()....).
One thing you can do is wrap your cache with a small typed function that just fetches objects from a generic cache and converts the interface to the right type. This just saves you from writing the interface conversion over and over in your code.
type ElemACache struct {
func (c *ElemeACache)Get(key string) ElemeA {
return c.Cache.Get(key).(ElemeA) //of course add checks here

Struct embedding is the main thing you are looking for I think:
type Cache struct {
name string
mutex *sync.Mutex
type CacheA struct {
memory_cache map[string]ElementA{}
Then you make a type of interface, say "Cacher" that has a set of methods for the things you need to do with your various caches (cacheA, CacheB). Create those methods for CacheA, CacheB, and assertions are only needed only for the return type:
type Cacher interface {
GetItem(string) (interface{}, error)
If all your CacheFor types have that GetItem method, the interface will be fulfilled.
Still a fair amount of boilerplate, but this reduces the problem with redundancy in struct definitions. There are code generation tools if you don't want to type the boiler plate.


Is there a way we can ensure passed values have certain fields using generics?

I am trying to define a generic function in Go that accepts values that have certain fields, for example, ID int. I have tried several approaches but none seems to work. Here is an example of what I have tried.
package main
import (
func Print[T IDer](s T) {
func main() {
Print(Person{3, "Test"})
type IDer interface {
~struct{ ID int }
type Person struct {
ID int
Name string
type Store struct {
ID int
Domain string
And here is the playground link: https://gotipplay.golang.org/p/2I4RsUCwagF
In the example above, I want to guarantee every value passed to the Print function has a property ID int, which is also accessible in the function. Is there any way I can achieve this is Go without defining a method in an interface (e.g., GetID() int)?
Is there any way I can achieve this is Go without defining a method in an interface (e.g., GetID() int)?
No, you have to define the method in an interface.
The generics implementation in Go 1.18 doesn't have support for structural types, even though the original type parameters proposal suggests it would. For accessing common fields in a union instead see also this explanation.
Although, I think it's worth it to point out a misconception that can easily arise from your example: the meaning of the approximation ~T (tilde-type) means "the set of types whose underlying type is T.
Now, when you write:
~struct{ ID int }
this means types whose underlying type is exactly struct{ ID int }. No matter what, this does not include structs that have the field ID int and something else. E.g. the underlying type of type Foo struct { ID int; Name string } is struct { ID int; Name string }, and not struct{ ID int }, so that wouldn't satisfy the constraint anyway.
The current time param implementation doesn't have syntax to specify partial struct types. I recall a proposal to add field terms in interface constraints (along with type terms and methods), something on the line:
type IDer interface {
ID int
which would enable what you are trying to do without breaking the meaning of the tilde ~. But this won't be included in Go 1.18.

How to create a variable with needed type instead of type assertion

I have a function which takes an interface, like this:
func method(data interface{})
.. because I need to process different structs which have common fields/methods. In this function I use data tens or hundreds of times, in different places. It's really unpleasant to add switch a.(type) { case .. case .. all the time.
Is there a way to create a variable with just one switch with needed type and then just use this variable everywhere later? Something like:
var a .... // something here
switch data.(type) {
case *Struct1:
a = data.(*Struct1)
case *Struct2:
a = data.(*Struct2)
// Continue with 'a' only
a.Param = 15
Go is a statically typed language, the type of a must be known at compile time. And since Go does not support generics yet, you can't do what you want.
Try to come up with some other solution, e.g. abstract away the things you want to do with a into an interface, and have the concrete types implement that interface. Then a can be a variable of this interface type, and you can call methods of it.
If you can achieve this, actually you can even change the parameter of the data type to this interface, and no type assertion or type switch is needed.
Alternatively you could use reflection to access common fields (either for get or set) identified by their name, but reflection provides no compile-time guarantee, and it's usually less efficient. For an example how to do that, see this question: Assert interface to its type
You can't do what you ask for in your question directly, go is statically typed, so you can't have one variable that can hold different types, and still access that variable as if it is typed.
If you're only working on the common struct fields in your method, you are perhaps better off gathering all the common variables in its own struct, illustrated below as the commons struct and have your method take that type as an argument
package main
import (
type commons struct {
name string
age int
type structA struct {
other_stuff int
type structB struct {
foo string
func method(c* commons) {
c.age +=1
func main() {
a := structA{commons{"foo", 44}, 1}
b := structB{commons{"bar", 33}, "test"}
Go playground
I can't figure out what is your real goal but if the "method" you want to write handles common fields from similar structures, and you cannot fix original structures using Type Embedding, as #nos said above, then you can try to make another structure for method-internal use:
var v Vehicle // with common fields
switch data.(type) {
case *Car:
v.Handle = data.(*Car).Handle // or CircleHandle
case *Motorcycle:
v.Handle = data.(*Motorcycle).Handle // or BarHandle
v.Degree = 15
v.Speed = 50
v.Direction = "left"
v.Style = "rough"
/// so many things on `v`...
I think it is not a good approach but sometimes... :-)

What are the second pair of braces in this Golang struct?

var cache = struct {
mapping map[string]string
} {
mapping: make(map[string]string),
This looks like a struct with an embedded field sync.Mutex but I can't get my head around the second set of braces. It compiles and executes but what's up? Why does the label on the make instruction matter (it does) and the comma? Thanks...
The example you have is equivalent to:
type Cache struct {
mapping map[string]string
cache := Cache{
mapping: make(map[string]string),
Except in your example you do not declare a type of Cache and instead have an anonymous struct. In your example, as oppose to my Cache type, the type is the entire
struct {
mapping map[string]string
So think of the second pair of braces as the
cache := Cache{
mapping: make(map[string]string),
make is a built in function that works similarly to C's calloc() which both initialize a data structure filled with 0'd values, in Go's case, certain data structures need to be initialized this way, other's (for the most part structs) are initialized with 0'd values automatically. The field there is needed so that the compiler now's cache.mapping is a empty map[string]string.
The comma there is part of Go's formatting, you can do Cache{mapping: make(map[string]string)} all on one line, but the moment the field's assignment is on a different line than the opening and closing braces, it requires a comma.
This is called a "struct literal" or an "anonymous struct" and is, in fact, how you always create structs in Go, it just may not be immediately obvious since you might be used to creating new types for struct types to make declaring them a bit less verbose.
An entire struct definition is actually a type in Go, just like int or []byte or string. Just as you can do:
type NewType int
var a NewType = 5 // a is a NewType (which is based on an int)
a := 5 // a is an int
and both are distinct types that look like ints, you can also do the same thing with structs:
// a is type NewType (which is a struct{}).
type NewType struct{
A string
a := NewType{
A: "test string",
// a is type struct{A string}
a := struct{
A string
A: "test string",
the type name (NewType) has just been replaced with the type of the struct itself, struct{A string}. Note that they are not the same type (an alias) for the purpose of comparison or assignment, but they do share the same semantics.

unmarshalling generic json with a type lookup map

I'm following up on Golang Decoding Generic JSON Objects to One of Many Formats as a way to unmarshal generic json. I'm going to have a multitude of different types tho which can be added by others, so hardcoding case statements is not feasible.
I also don't want to hardcode the type as a string, but let the ones using the library chose the "lookup" name, in case they want to rename their underlying structs later.
I am basically looking for something like this:
type myInterface interface {
Something() // irrelevant, just to show you It's not about interface{}
type myBar struct {} // fulfils myInterface
type mySomething struct {} // fulfils myInterface
var types = make(map[string]type) // <--- Obvious Pseudo code ;)
types["foo:bar"] = myBar // done by whoever uses the library
types["1230988"] = mySomething // ...
type storageWrapper struct {
Type string
Data json.RawMessage
func loadSomething(id string) myInterface {
buf := db.load(id) // pseudo code but you get the idea
sw := &storageWrapper{}
json.Unmarshal(buf, sw)
// now the interesting part
targetType := types[sw.Type]
thing := &targetType{}
json.Unmarshal(sw.Data, thing)
return thing
I have this feeling that I'm overthinking the whole Problem. Or that I'm trying to bend Go into something that conflicts with its underlying philosophy. I'm very open and thankful for any advice that suggests a different approach to the whole Problem
Have types be a map[string]myInterface, and to register a type, have callers store an empty value of that type (not a reference) into the map. Then, to unmarshal, you can "get the type" by copying the empty value out of the map, unmarshaling into it, and returning it (or a reference to it). The interface value will do the job of identifying which type is wanted. Plus, if users want to default some fields to non-zero/empty values in case they're not provided in the JSON, they can actually do that by storing those values within the struct in the type map.

Embedded struct

Is it possible to inherit methods of a type without using embedded structs?
The first snippet of code is working code that embeds the Property struct in Node and I'm able to call node.GetString that's a method on Properties. The thing I don't like about this is when I initialize Node I have(?) to initialize the Properties struct within it. Is there a way around this?
package main
import "fmt"
type Properties map[string]interface{}
func (p Properties) GetString(key string) string {
return p[key].(string)
type Nodes map[string]*Node
type Node struct {
func main() {
allNodes := Nodes{"1": &Node{&Properties{"test": "foo"}}} // :'(
singleNode := allNodes["1"]
Ultimately, I would like to do something like the following. Where Node is of type Properties and initializing does not require initializing a Property struct too. The following code doesn't work but may be clear what my goal is.
package main
import "fmt"
type Properties map[string]interface{}
func (p Properties) GetString(key string) string {
return p[key].(string)
type Nodes map[string]*Node
type Node Properties
func main() {
allNodes := Nodes{"1": &Node{"test": "foo"}} // :)
singleNode := allNodes["1"]
fmt.Println(singleNode.GetString("test")) // :D
I'll be adding more structs that will use Properties's methods which is why I'm asking. If I only had Node, I would just have methods for Node and be done. But because I'll have more than Node I find it kind of redundant to add the same methods to all the structs that embed Properties
I guess more to the exact problem, I want to use Properties methods from Node without having to initialize Properties.
So you're running into an idiosyncrasy of Go here. Embedding is the only way in which methods of one struct can get "promoted" to appear to exist on another struct. While it feels intuitive that type Node Properties should expose the Properties methods on Node, that effect of that syntax is for Node to take on the memory layout of Properties but not any of its methods.
It doesn't explain why this design choice was made but the Go Spec is at least specific if dry. If you read it exactly as it appears, with no interpretation, it is very accurate:
The method set of an interface type is its interface. The method set of any other type T consists of all methods declared
with receiver type T
GetString has a receiver of type Properties not Node, seriously, interpret the spec like you're an accountant with no imagination. With that said:
Further rules apply to structs containing anonymous fields, as described in the section on struct types.
A field or method f of an anonymous field in a struct x is called promoted if x.f is a legal selector that denotes that field or method f.
Promoted fields act like ordinary fields of a struct except that they
cannot be used as field names in composite literals of the struct.
Given a struct type S and a type named T, promoted methods are
included in the method set of the struct as follows:
If S contains an anonymous field T, the method sets of S and *S both
include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also
includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
If S contains an anonymous
field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods
with receiver T or *T.
That line about composite literals is this thing that forces you to declare Properties inside every Node you create.
p.s. Hi Jeff!
The short answer to your last question is simply No.
There is a big difference between type declaration and embedding in golang, you can make your last example working by manually make a type conversion between Node and Properties:
package main
import "fmt"
type Properties map[string]interface{}
func (p Properties) GetString(key string) string {
return p[key].(string)
type Nodes map[string]*Node
type Node Properties
func main() {
allNodes := Nodes{"1": &Node{"test": "foo"}} // :)
singleNode := allNodes["1"]
fmt.Println(Properties(*singleNode).GetString("test")) // :D
But it's clearly that is not what you want, you want a struct embedding with a syntax of type aliasing, which is not possible in golang, I think that you should stuck with the your first approach and ignore the the fact the code is redundant and ugly .
