How to use kibana with elasticSearch - elasticsearch

Would like to get assist on how to insert a query into kibana, finally display result on kibana. My search quesry is like following:
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/_search" -d'
"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"query": {
"term": {
"service": "http"
Thank You

You can't directly build Kibana visualization using ElasticSearch DSL query.
You might want to try :
New Visualization
Write in the query bar : service:http
Add a bucket on the X Axis, select terms agreggation, choose your field for host.


How to create document in elasticsearch to save data and to search it?

Here it is my requirement, This is my 3levels of data which I am gettting from DB , my requirement is when I search for Developer I should get all the values of Developer such as Geo and Graph from Data2 in a list and while coming to support my values should contain Server and Data in a list and then on the basis of selection of Data1 . Data3 should be able to do the search , like suppose when we select developer then Geopos and Graphpos...
the logic which i need to use here is of elasticsearch
data1 data2 data3
Developer GEO GeoPos
Developer GRAPH GraphPos
Support SERVER ServerPos
Support Data DataPos
this is what I have done to crete the index and to get the values
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/mapping_log
{ "mappings":{ "properties":{"data1:{"type": "text","fields":{"keyword":{"type":"keyword"}}}, {"data2":{"type": "text","fields":{"keyword":{"type":"keyword"}}}, {"data3":{"type": "text","fields":{"keyword":{"type":"keyword"}}}, } } } 
searching values , I am not sure what I am going to get can u pls help with search dsl query too
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/mapping_log/_search?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"match": {
"data1.data2": "product"
How to create document for such type of Data can we create json and post it through postman or curl ?
If your documents are not indexed in elastic search first you need to ingest them to an existing index in elastic with the aid of Logstah , you can find many configuration file related to you input database.
Before transforming your documents create and index in elastic with multi fields mapping, you can use dynamic mapping(elastic default mapping) also and change your Dsl query but I recommend to use multi fields mapping as follow
PUT /mapping{
{"properties": {"rating":{"type": "float"},
"content":{"type": "text"},
"author":{"properties": {
"name":{"type": "text"},
"email":{"type": "keyword"}
The result will be
Mapping result
then you can query the fields in kibana Dev tools with DSL query like below
GET /mapping/_search{
"query": {"match":
{ "": "SOMEMAIL"}}

How to create visualization from data inside a hit in kibana?

I am looking to create dashboard in kibana using the data from the postgresql database. But the datas are shown up in the same hit in kibana, so can't able to create the visualization.
I would like to create visualization in kibana from the data I had fetched from postgresql. I need to create visualization by comparing the datas inside single column in postgresql. But in kibana, the data in single column of postgresql is showing in the single hit of kibana. So, I am unable to create the visualization from this single hit data. If there is any way to filter the data inside a hit in kibana or to check the word count in single hit?
To find the number of "FAILED" you need to use match query in Kibana like:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
or if you have many fields:
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query": "FAILED",
"fields": [ "<FIELD1>", "<FIELD2>" ]

Join in Kibana to fetch data from two ElasticSearch indexes

I have two indexes "indexname" and "indexnamelookup" in the elasticsearch instance. And I have created index pattern indexname* in kibana and trying to join two fields "IP"(field in indexname) and "location.IP"(field in indexnamelookup).
GET /indexname*/_search?q=*
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "",
"fields": [
Above query is working fine in elasticsearch. But it is not working in kibana. Has anyone else faced a similar situation?
The ?q=* in your query turns it into a match all that ignores the body.
I assume we're talking about Discover in Kibana: The query location.IP : "foo" or IP : "foo" will work.
Alternatively you can use your Elasticsearch query in Kibana as well if you add a filter and then use the Query DSL:

Cannot get only number of hits in elastic search

Im using _msearch api to send multiple queries to elastic.
I only need to know how many hits generates each query.
What I understood, you can use the size parameter by setting it to "0" in order to only get the count. However, I still get results with all the found documents. Here is my query:
{"firstSearch":true}}]}}}, "size" : 0}
{"secondSearch":true}}]}}}, "size" : 0}
Im using curl to get the results, this way:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -XGET localhost:9200/_msearch?pretty=1 --data-binary "#requests"; echo
Setting size as zero signifies that you are asking Elasticsearch to return all the documents which satisfies the query.
You can let Elasticsearch know that you do not need the documents by sending "_source" as false.
"query": {},
"_source": false,
You can use
GET /indexname/type/_count?
{ "query":
{ "match_all": {} }
please read more document:

Is it possible to run an elasticsearch aggregation query in Kibana?

I would like to run the following aggregation query in Kibana:
GET _search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"group_by_host": {
"terms": {
"field": "host",
"size": 20
I can run it in the dev tools console (what used to be called Sense), but I would like to run it in the Kibana proper. Having a hard time figuring it out.
Just create a Chart from Visualize tab.
Then buckets => X Axis (or Split Rows or whatever based on your chart type) => Terms => Choose your field.
Then click Advanced link and write {"size":10} to there:
Hope that helps!
