Cannot install perl module on Windows - perl-module

How to install Template::Plugin::GDto ActivePerl
I tried,
ppm install Template::Plugin::GD
but got error
ppm install failed: can't find any package that provides Template::Plugin::GD

If you are using ActivePerl V5.24, the PPM repository for this version is not available yet. Please try V5.22 as I have tried this version and it installs for me.


How to install pyez from local directory

I have to install pyez using pip. This at least is stated as requirement to use the role Juniper.junos to run ansible commands against Juniper routers. I'm using cygwin on a windows laptop without any adminrights in a corporate network. The problem is, I cannot use the corporate proxy because of that proprietary Microsoft NTLM protocol so a simple "pip install junos-eznc" is not possible. But what I could do is download the software, tarball or whatever and run pip against that downloaded stuff. I tried several things and failed miserably and google doesn't return anything useful. Can anyone help? What am I supposed to do to get that installed successfully? Many thanks in advance.
Youcan download required package and install it like this
pip install <file_name>
I solved it.
First issue: Proxy
px.exe on
Second issue: missing libs:
I had to install several libs and make on cygwin in order to get junos-eznc installed:
Third issue: cryptography
Don't use latest version of cryptography because it'll need rust which is pita on cygwin
pip install cryptography==3.2
... and then ...
pip install junos-eznc
After that, installation of ...
ansible-galaxy install Juniper.junos
... was quite smooth

Unable to install Image package in Python (Windows) - zlib is required

I am using PyCharm with Python 3.0 and I want to import Image Module.
While installing the Image module from Project Interpreter, I got a message which says:
ValueError: zlib is required unless explicitly disabled using --disable-zlib, aborting.
There is no package named Zlib to install.
I tried to find several solution, but most of them are for Linux. for example, this solution: no module named zlib
How can I solve this issue in Windows and with PyCharm ?
easy_install Pillow
- this will install dependencies automatically
I had the same error when I wanted to install Mezzanine.
Solution was to install pillow by
- downloading the Windows package from, and
- installing with "pip install .
Please make sure that you download the correct pillow package for your Python version.
After that, I could install Mezzanine without error.

Unable to install Net::LDAP for Strawberry Perl on Windows

I have downloaded and installed Strawberry Perl on a Windows 2012 R2 server to run Bugzilla. I have everything installed and configured fine, and Bugzilla is running, but I have a requirement to use LDAP integration. So I tried to install the Net::LDAP module using perl install-module Net::LDAP, but it fails to install because it needs GSSAPI which requires krb5_config.
After working with the people at Bugzilla, I have installed the MIT Kerberos for Windows with the SDK, and ran perl install-module GSSAPI --shell to get to CPAN. Then I ran look GSSAPI so I could download everything and try making the file, but this is where it is failing. I can't figure out what command to run next. I tried --gssapi_inc as well as --gssapi_libs, but both give me this error:
run "perl Makefile.PL --help" to see further installation options if options gssapi_libs or gssapi_lddlflags are provided, then gssapi_inc must be as well at C:\STRAWB~1\cpan\build\GSSAPI-0.28-JPLEEE\Makefile.PL line 89.
I am now completely lost as to what I need to do to install the Net::LDAP module.
Note: I am using Strawberry Perl and not ActiveState perl so installing via PPM is not an option.
Second NOTE: I know this might be off topic for Stackoverflow but as it does relate to programming I thought it might fit here, if it is a better fit somewhere else please just flag to move.
Actually, Strawberry Perl does come with the PPM module installed, so you can use ppm to install modules. Personally, I have never used ppm to install modules with Strawberry Perl.
To install a module, you just type 'cpan install [module]'. So for the Net::LDAP module, that command becomes: cpan install Net::LDAP
I just tried to install Net::LDAP using portable Strawberry Perl 32-bit on Windows 8 and it installed without any issues.
I do not have the MIT Kerberos installed, but I also tried to install the GSSAPI module and that failed. Part of the output from that attempt showed Linux paths. And the CPAN Testers matrix for that module does not show any tests done on Windows. It's possible that you don't really need to have that module installed and might not be able to install that module on Windows.

How to install rst2man on windows

I am trying to install the rst2man client for windows after recieveing this message:
'rest2man' not found, man page not installed.
This is a prerequisite to install which I will install later.
The only solution I have found was for Linux:
MSYS2 (, both mingw32 and mingw64, have the docutils package, which contains rst2man. Both python2 and python3 versions are available.

Installing a perl module from CPAN on XAMPP for Windows

I'm pretty rusty with Perl and I don't think it's helping that I'm running it in Windows.
I'd like to install this module. I tried the instructions here to install a CPAN module, but it fails trying to install App::cpanminus (the very first step.) I tried just running cpan Config::Simple and it didn't work either. In both situations, it fails with this error message:
Unwrapping had some problem, won't try again without force
Had problems unarchiving. Please build manually
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
Does CPAN just not work from the version of Perl that's installed with XAMPP? If so, how do I upgrade it without breaking anything?
manually download and unpack the distro archive
change into the unpacked directory
run cpanm . or cpan .
XAMPP also ships with PPM in C:\xampp\perl\bin\ppm.bat which is often a more Windows friendly way to get modules for perl.
There's a step by step example of using ppm with XAMPP here:
Many modules are already installed in C:\xampp\perl\lib and C:\xampp\perl\site\lib
