How can I generate multiple Jenkins artifacts and zip them together? - maven

I'm using Jenkins to generate a war file, which so far, works, but I need to grab this war file and zip it together with some script files located in the project's workspace.
I'm really new with Jenkins and don't know how to proceed, any help would be appreciated.
Thank you


Is there a way to make Gitlab CI recognize a POM.xml file in a folder?

I am writing an automated testing project for school using maven and I need to implement CI to our project. Since Gitlab has its own CI, I decided to use it.
The problem is that the project itself is inside of a folder in a Gitlab repository. I created a branch for that project, but the branch main body includes the project folder, so when I create a gitlab-ci.yml file, it cannot find the POM.xml file in the folder. So my question is that is there a way to make the yml file recognize the POM file by adding some sort of variable to it?
I know there are "only:" and "changes:" keywords for the yml file but that doesn't seem like it will help recognize the pom file. Also manually pushing a yml file that is inside of the project folder does not help. I haven't tried moving the POM file because the project grade is also dependent on the quality of our commits, so I would rather not commit wildly.
- mvn -f project/pom.xml compile
instead of -mvn compile in the build: section of the .yml file solved it for me. I was blind and didn't see that there was a help section in the log that already answered my question.

Jenkins Job - Creating a zip file with war file, appspec.yml and scripts folder

I have created a build with Jenkins for a spring boot application and it is creating a war file.
Now I want to create a second job which should create a zip file with the war file created and appsepc.yml file and a folder "scripts" folder which contains some shell script that the appspec.yml file uses. Can anyone let me know how to do this?
The job name is "Package" so the following is the structure where the different files are.
Thank you.
See the Maven Assembly Plugin:
The Assembly Plugin for Maven enables developers to combine project output into a single distributable archive that also contains dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files.
Currently it can create distributions in the following formats:

Archive multiple artifacts in multiple folders in jenkins?

I am trying to archive both the target/surefire-reports from my Maven project (easy), but in addition archive files that my project creates that are in the base workspace (csv report). Do I do something like this: target/surefire-reports/**/*, *.csv?
looks like you are doing the right thing.
my syntax is logs//.exec,logs//.log,obsQueue.txt, and it works.
make sure you that those files really exist in the workspace.
note that all archive files , are relative to the workspace.
let me know if I can help with this issue.

How to extract and export artifact files (SNAPSHOT.jar) from Jenkins to a network drive

My team has code being built and tested in Jenkins and when the build process is done Jenkins produces a SNAPSHOT.jar file. I need to unpacked the snapshot.jar file and send the extracted files and folders to a network drive. What is the best way to do that?
I've tried a few Jenkins plugins, the most recent being artifactDeployer, but when the plugins deploy the artifacts, as a post-build action, they don't unpack the jar files; I would have to execute a windows batch command after they are deployed to unpack them but I cant because the plugin runs as a "post-build action" and the batch commands are done before the post-build actions. Is there a way to deploy the artifacts and unpack them without using a plugin? Or is there a plugin that will do both? What is the best way to achieve this?
The way I accomplished this was by using 7zip in a Windows batch command as a post-step in the jenkins project configuration.
The command is:
`7z x %WORKSPACE%\target\*.jar -oX:\"mapped network drive location" -y`
This extracts the artifacts out of the snapshot.jar file and places those artifacts into the network drive. I needed the files contained in the snapshot.jar to be sent to the network drive when the build completed. I am new to jenkins and the plugins I tried were post-build actions and only copied the snapshot.jar to a given location; they did not extract the artifacts out of the jar file. That is why I chose this route.

Build a Oracle ADF application jar file using Ant

I am trying to write Ant scripts to build jar files for Oracle ADF application and I noticed some differences in the contents being generated by the build (deploy might be a better word actually) process within JDev and from the Ant process:
Does anyone know how these files are generated and how to edit the Ant scripts to include them?
I know that some of these exist in the project folder structure but when I compare their contents against the same files generated from the Jdev build produced jar file they are different. So I assume there is something more than a simple copy going on here.
Your best bet is to use "Create buildfile from project" in JDeveloper. This will produce the calls to ojdeploy necessary to create/update all the extra artifacts.
