No partition predicate found for Alias even when the partition predicate in present in the query - hadoop

I have a table pos.pos_inv in hdfs which is partitioned by yyyymm. Below is the query:
select DATE_ADD(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(Inv.actvydt, 'MM/dd/yyyy'))),5),
to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(Inv.actvydt, 'MM/dd/yyyy'))),yyyymm
from pos.pos_inv inv
INNER JOIN pos.POSActvyBrdg Brdg ON Brdg.EIS_POSActvyBrdgId = Inv.EIS_POSActvyBrdgId
where to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(Inv.nrmlzdwkenddt, 'MM/dd/yyyy')))
BETWEEN DATE_SUB(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(Inv.actvydt, 'MM/dd/yyyy'))),6)
and DATE_ADD(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(Inv.actvydt, 'MM/dd/yyyy'))),6)
and inv.yyyymm=201501
I have provided the partition value for the query as 201501, but still i get the error"
Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10041]: No partition predicate found for Alias "inv" Table "pos_inv"
(schema)The partition, yyyymm is int type and actvydt is date stored as string type.

This happens because hive is set to strict mode.
this allow the partition table to access the respective partition /folder in hdfs .
set hive.mapred.mode=unstrict; it will work

In your query error it is said: No partition predicate found for Alias "inv" Table "pos_inv".
So you must put the where clause for the fields of the partitioned table (for pos_inv), and not for the other one (inv), as you've done.

set hive.mapred.mode=unstrict allows you access the whole data rather than the particular partitons. In some case read whole dataset is necessary, such as: rank() over

This happens when the 2 tables have the same column name (possibly same partition column). Try to deal with separate tables with where condition like below
WITH tableA as
-- All your where clause here
tableB AS
-- All your where clause here
select tableA.*, tableB.*


Hive:- Select on partition column gives result even when table is truncated

I have a table in hive which is partitioned on a column.
I truncate the table and I do 2 selects on them.
Select count(*) from table, I get the result as 0. Which is expected.
But If I do a select on the partition column, I get results instead of null rows which I expected.
Select distinct <paritition column>
from table
partition value 1
partition value 2
I can see in hdfs that the partition folders still exists , though they are empty. I expected the metadata to get updated after I did the truncate.
I am not sure why I am getting the above result
Any help is appreciated

Loading Data into an empty Impala Table with account data partitioned by area code

I'm trying to copy data from a table called accounts into an empty table called accounts_by_area_code. I have the following fields in accounts_by_area_code: acct_num INT, first_name STRING, last_name STRING, phone_number STRING. The table is partitioned by areacode (the first 3 digits of phone_number.
I need to use a SELECT statement to extract the area code into an INSERT INTO TABLE command to copy the speciļ¬ed columns to the new table, dynamically partitioning by area code.
This is my last attempt:
impala-shell -q "INSERT INTO TABLE accounts_by_areacode (acct_num, first_name, last_name, phone_number, areacode) PARTITION (areacode) SELECT STRLEFT (phone_number,3) AS areacode FROM accounts;"
This generates ERROR: AnalysisException: Column permutation and PARTITION clause mention more columns (5) than the SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (1). I'm not convinced I have even the basic syntax correct so any help would be great as I'm new to Impala.
Impala creates partitions dynamically based on data. So not sure why you want to create an empty table with partitions because it will be auto created while inserting new data.
Still, I think you can create empty table with partitions like this-
impala-shell -q "INSERT INTO TABLE accounts_by_areacode (acct_num) PARTITION (areacode)
SELECT CAST(NULL as STRING), STRLEFT (phone_number,3) AS areacode FROM accounts;"

add partition in hive table based on a sub query

I am trying to add partition to a hive table (partitioned by date)
My problem is that the date needs to be fetched from another table.
My query looks like :
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(server_date = (SELECT max(server_date) FROM processed_table));
When i run the query hive throws the following error:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:84 cannot recognize input near '(' 'SELECT' 'max' in constant (state=42000,code=40000)
Hive does not allow to use functions/UDF's for the partition column.
Approach 1:
To achieve this you can run the first query and store the result in one variable and then execute the query.
server_date=$(hive -e "set hive.cli.print.header=false; select max(server_date) from processed_table;")
hive -hiveconf "server_date"="$server_date" -f your_hive_script.hql
Inside your script you can use the following statement:
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(server_date =${hiveconf:server_date});
For more information on the hive variable substitution, you can refer link
Approach 2:
In this approach, you will need to create a temporary table if the partition data you are expecting is already not loaded in any other partitioned table.
Considering your data doesn't have the server_date column.
Load the data into temporary table
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
Execute the below query:
SELECT b.column1, b.column2,........,a.server_date as server_date FROM (select max(server_date) as server_date from ) a, my_table b;

optimize query with minus oracle

Wanted to optimize a query with the minus that it takes too much time ... if they can give thanked help.
I have two tables A and B,
Table A: ID, value
Table B: ID
I want all of Table A records that are not in Table B. Showing the value.
For it was something like:
Select ID, value
WHERE value> 70
Select ID
Only this query is taking too long ... any tips how best this simple query?
Thank you for attention
Are ID and Value indexed?
The performance of Minus and Not Exists depend:
It really depends on a bunch of factors.
A MINUS will do a full table scan on both tables unless there is some
criteria in the where clause of both queries that allows an index
range scan. A MINUS also requires that both queries have the same
number of columns, and that each column has the same data type as the
corresponding column in the other query (or one convertible to the
same type). A MINUS will return all rows from the first query where
there is not an exact match column for column with the second query. A
MINUS also requires an implicit sort of both queries
NOT EXISTS will read the sub-query once for each row in the outer
query. If the correlation field (you are running a correlated
sub-query?) is an indexed field, then only an index scan is done.
The choice of which construct to use depends on the type of data you
want to return, and also the relative sizes of the two tables/queries.
If the outer table is small relative to the inner one, and the inner
table is indexed (preferrable a unique index but not required) on the
correlation field, then NOT EXISTS will probably be faster since the
index lookup will be pretty fast, and only executed a relatively few
times. If both tables a roughly the same size, then MINUS might be
faster, particularly if you can live with only seeing fields that you
are comparing on.
Minus operator versus 'not exists' for faster SQL query - Oracle Community Forums
You could use NOT EXISTS like so:
SELECT a.ID, a.Value
From a
where a.value > 70
and not exists(
Select b.ID
From B
Where b.ID = a.ID)
EDIT: I've produced some dummy data and two datasets for testing to prove the performance increases of indexing. Note: I did this in MySQL since I don't have Oracle on my Macbook.
Table A has 2600 records with 2 columns: ID, val.
ID is an autoincrement integer
Val varchar(255)
Table b has one column, but more records than Table A. Autoincrement (in gaps of 3)
You can reproduce this if you wish: Pastebin - SQL Dummy Data
Here is the query I will be using:
select, a.val from tablea a
where length(a.val) > 3
and not exists(
select from tableb b where =
Without Indexes, the runtime is 986ms with 1685 rows.
Now we add the indexes:
ALTER TABLE `tablea` ADD INDEX `id` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `tableb` ADD INDEX `id` (`id`);
With Indexes, the runtime is 14ms with 1685 rows. That's 1.42% the time it took without indexes!

Range Partitioning in Hive

Does hive support range partitioning?
I mean does hive supports something like below:
insert overwrite table table2 PARTITION (employeeId BETWEEN 2001 and 3000)
select employeeName FROM emp10 where employeeId BETWEEN 2001 and 3000;
Where table2 & emp10 has two columns:
employeeName &
When I run the above query i am facing an error:
FAILED: ParseException line 1:56 mismatched input 'BETWEEN' expecting ) near 'employeeId' in destination specification
Is not possible. Here is a quote from Hive documentation :
A table can have one or more partition columns and a separate data directory is created for each distinct value combination in the partition columns
No its not possible. Even I use separate calculated column like ,
insert overwrite table table2 PARTITION (employeeId_range)
select employeeName , employeeId/1000 FROM emp10 where employeeId BETWEEN 2000 and 2999;
which will make sure all values fall in same partition.
while querying the table since we already know the range calculator, we can
select employeeName , employeeId FROM table2 where employeeId_range=2;
Thus we can also parallelise the queries of given ranges.
Hope it helps.
