Update part of text in document [duplicate] - windows

This question already has answers here:
How can you find and replace text in a file using the Windows command-line environment?
(30 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a .xal document which can be opened with notepad just fine. Below is the part of it that is important to me:
I would like to create a script, which would auto replace part of text 140526 in line 128 (it is some old date - 26.05.2014) and replace it with the current date.
For example: today it should be 160816, tommorrow there should be 160817, etc.
As said before text is in line 128, characters are from 24 to 30.
If searched around (SED for WIN, VBA, Powershell,...) but i didn't find anything that could work.
Thank you all in advance!

works fine if you do a windows batch file and using sed
Basically, use set and built-in DATE environment variable to extract year, month, day as a 6-digit string (DATE contains yy/mm/dd, slashes need to be removed)
Then apply sed on line 128 only, creating one group, replacing the group + the 6 next chars by the same group + the new date.
The -i flag allows to perform in-place replacement so input file is updated instead of outputing the result in standard output.
set D=%DATE%
set D=%D:~0,2%%D:~3,2%%D:~6,2%
echo %D%
sed -i "128s/\(text=..................\)....../\1%D%/" input.txt

Here a solution using PowerShell:
$content = Get-Content 'your_file_path'
$content[127] = $content[127] -replace '(.{24}).{6}', ('${{1}}{0}' -f (Get-Date).ToString('yyMMdd'))
$content | Set-Content 'your_file_path'


Replace a whole line using sed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference between single and double quotes in Bash
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am very new to this all and have used this website to help me find the answers i'm looking for.
I want to replace a line in multiple files across multiple directories. However I have struggled to do this.
I have created multiple directories 'path_{0..30}', each directory has the same 'input' file, and another file 'opt_path_rx_00i.xyz' where i corresponds to the directory that the file is in (i = {0..30}).
I need to be able to change one of the lines (line 7) in the input file, so that it changes with the directory that the input file is in (path_{0..30}). The line is:
pathfile opt_path_rx_00i.xyz
Where i corresponds to the directory that the file is in (i={0..30})
However, i'm struggling to do this using sed. I manage to change the line for each input file in the respective directories, but i'm unable to ensure that the number i changes with the directory. Instead, the input file in each directory just changes line 7 to:
pathfile opt_path_rx_00i.xyz
where i, in this case, is the letter i, and not the numbers {0..30}.
I'll show what i've done below in order to make more sense.
for i in {0..30}
sed -i '7s/.*/pathfile-opt_path_rx_00$i.xyz/' path_$i/input
What I want to happen is, for example in directory path_3, line 7 in the input file will be:
pathfile opt_path_rx_003.xyz
Any help would be much appreciated
can you try with double quotes
for i in {0..30}; do
sed -i "7s/.*/pathfile-opt_path_rx_00$i.xyz/" "path_$i/input"

How to replace the character "F" in a huge .txt file with the return command?

I have a pretty large .txt file with data (8MB) and the data lines are separated with the character F.
To analyze this data I need to replace the letter F with the Return command.
This is how my file looks:
-0.27, -0.21, 9.56, 78.86, 47.79, 0.02F0.07, -0.35, 9.47, 78.73, 47.74, 0.05F-0.20, -0.43, 10.60, 79.00, 47.79, 0.07F-0.49, -0.14, 10.44, 76.84, 47.70, 0.10.. and so on
This is how it should look:
-0.27, -0.21, 9.56, 78.86, 47.79, 0.02
0.07, -0.35, 9.47, 78.73, 47.74, 0.05
-0.20, -0.43, 10.60, 79.00, 47.79, 0.07
-0.49, -0.14, 10.44, 76.84, 47.70, 0.10
... and so on
I have a macOS and Windows available. Already tried it with Excel, but the file seems to be to large, Excel just crashes. Any advice?
Try EditPad Lite on Windows. It's a notepad, that is able to handle big files.
You have to enable regular expressions (search->search options) to work correctly. After that you can open the search and replace F with \r\n (new line operator).
You can use TextEdit on a Mac. Use the find and replace option. It is very fast in the test I tried. I used a 5 M file and it ran in a few seconds. Refer to the previous question in Ask Different 'How to use find and replace to replace a character with new line' to see how to get newlinein character in find and replace option.
In MacOS, give this a try.
Using translate characters command
tr F '\n' < input.txt > output.txt
The result will be stored in a separate file. If no new file needed, just remove > output.txt from the command, it will display the result in the console.
Using stream editor command
sed -i '' $'s/F/\\\n/g' test.txt
The sed command will do the same operation with the use of regex. This replace the contents in the original file. To create a backup of the file, give the extension in the argument i (Ex : -i '.backup' creates a file backup test.txt.backup).
For more info, do man tr and man sed in your mac terminal.

Removing Timestamp from multiple files [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
remove date from filename but keep the file extension
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Is there a quick and clever way to remove various timestamps from multiple files with different names? The timestamp format always remains the same, although the values differ. An example of my files would be...
with the expected output
Notice the last file has a different timestamp, I don't mind if this is a day specific timestamp removal or all, or two variations. My problem is I can't think of the code for an ever changing time value :(
Thanks in advance
EDIT - Adding edit in to show why this is not a duplicate as Tripleee thinks. His duplicate link is for files with the same prefix, my question is about files with different names so the answer is different.
Using parameter expansion %% bashism that removes the end of the filename:
for i in /my/path/*; do mv "$i" "${i%%_2018*}"; done
This relies on the timestamp that start with 2018...
Using awk:
for i in /my/path/*; do mv "$i" $(awk -v FS=_ 'NF-=2' OFS="_" <<< "$i"); done
This awk script is based on the field separator _. It prints the filename without the last 2 field representing the timestamp.
In order to rename a set of files and apply regular expressions in the renaming process you can use the rename command.
So in your example:
rename 's#_[0-9]*_[0-9]*##' *_[0-9]*
This renames all files in the current directory ending with _ followed by digits.
It cuts away all _ followed by digits followed by _ followed by digits.

Unique words in a text file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Parsing unique words from a text file
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I was wondering if there is a way to find (and display) all the unique words (words that appear once) in a text file? Could this be done just using the command line? Or would I have to use something like a python script?
If you don't want to write an application then the easiest way that I can think to accomplish this is to use powershell. See this:
The example that Microsoft provides populates a variable with the list of unique words:
$A = $(foreach ($line in Get-Content C:\Test1\File1.txt) {$line.tolower().split(" ")}) | sort | Get-Unique
You may wish you use additional delimiters though to split on punctuation such as this:
$A = $(foreach ($line in Get-Content C:\test.txt) {$line.tolower().split(" .,?!;:")}) | sort | Get-Unique
Place this in a file with the extension .ps1 and you can run it from the command line. In order to get the values out of the variable just a second line with the variable to echo the result to the screen:
To get the count of items in the array you could do this:

Edit conf file without get in the file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Editing/Replacing content in multiple files in Unix AIX without opening it
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wonder know if there is a way to edit a conf file without getting in the file and changing the lines?
In my case, I need to edit zabbix-agent conf file (located in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf) and there are some parameters in the file that I need to change, such as Server Name, DebugLevel, and others.
Normally I edit the file using vim and change the lines, but my idea is to edit the file directly from bash, but I don`t know if this is possible.
For example, if I need to change the parameter DebugLevel, at bash I would run:
# /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.DebugLevel=3
This actually doesn`t works, but I would like something like this for my problem...
Does anyone knows??
I tested what David said, but it didn`t solved my problem... There are some lines in the file that is commented and I need to uncomment them, and there are some lines that I just need to change.
For example, the line above:
# DebugLevel=3
I need to change to:
And this line:
I need to change for the IP of zabbix server name, like this:
Is there any other way?
If I understand your question correctly, then you want sed -i (the -i option allows sed to edit the file in place, and -i.bak will do the same but create a backup of the original file with the .bak extension)
To change DebugLevel=3 to DebugLevel=4 in file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, you can do:
# sed -i.bak "/DebugLevel/s/[0-9][0-9]*$/4/" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
If I misinterpreted your question, please let me know.
To Change Values at the End
Example Input File
$ cat file.txt
Example Use
$ sed -i "/DebugLevel/s/[0-9][0-9]*$/4/" file.txt
$ cat file.txt
To Remove Comments
You can do virtually the same thing to uncomment the parameters of interest, for example:
# sed -i.bak "/DebugLevel/s/^#//" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
In each case, sed is searching for the label in the first set of forward slashes /.../, next the substitute command is called s and then the expression between the next set of forward slashes, e.g. /^#/ (^ match at the beginning), if matched, is replaced by what follows in the next set // (nothing in the remove comment case).
You will need to adjust the values as required to match each parameter you need to find and replace. Let me know if you have further problems and exactly what the problem is.
