Playing videos placed out of web-root in CodeIgniter - codeigniter

I have created a script to play videos (mp4) placed outside of webroot in CodeIgniter. I used a different controller to get request and respond video file using readfile. On client side I am using jquery, magnific popup and mediaelement.js to play videos.
The problem is playing different video and closing popup is actually making CI script slow to load. I am posting my controller code:
class Load extends CI_Controller {
public function index()
$url = base_url(uri_string());
$baseurl = base_url('load/index');
$path = str_replace($baseurl,'',$url);
$file_name = basename($path);
$file_path = str_replace($file_name,'',$path);
$file_name = urldecode($file_name);
$file_type = '';
$real_path = '';
$this->db->where('file_path', $file_path);
$this->db->where('file_name', $file_name);
$query = $this->db->get('media');
// if user exists
if($query->num_rows() == 1)
$result = $query->result();
$file_type = $result[0]->file_type;
$this->db->where('path', $file_path);
$query = $this->db->get('pathalias');
// if user exists
if($query->num_rows() == 1)
$result = $query->result();
$real_path = $result[0]->alias;
$path = $real_path.'/'.$file_name;
header('Content-Type: '.$file_type);


Image resizing not working with Intervention image Package

The photo is saved, but without resizing, the original photo is actually saved
protected function uploadImage($images = '') {
$path = 'upload/images';
if (request()->hasFile('image') && $files = request()->file('image'))
$images = Image::make($files->store($path, 'public_files'))->resize(320, 240);
return $images;
public function store(CreateGalleryRequest $request, Job $job) {
$image = $this->uploadImage();
if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
$data['image'] = $image . $image->dirname . '/' . $image->basename;
} else
$data['image'] = null;
return redirect(route('' , ['job' => $job->id]));
You need to call save() function to save image
$images = Image::make($files->store($path, 'public_files'))->resize(320, 240)->save('image path');
$images = Image::make($files->store($path, 'public_files'))->resize(320, 240)->save($files->store($path, 'public_files'));
actually there is an error in the following code:

force_download not working in codeigniter after writing

tried to auto download file after file created but its not working. file creating and appending data perfectly but download functionality not working
public function getexportfile(){
// $this->load->database('DB_utility','dbutil');
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postdata);
## Condition Start
$sWhere = " where condition"; // where conditon
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$filename = 'app/logs/othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv';
$data = $this->PMP->export($sWhere); // calling model
$result = $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($data);
write_file($filename,$result); // file creating write data perfectly
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
//$path = file_get_contents(base_url().$filename);
//$name = "othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv";
//force_download($nme, $pth);
anything i missed?
From docs:
// Contents of photo.jpg will be automatically read
force_download('/path/to/photo.jpg', NULL);
//$data = file_get_contents($filename);
//$path = file_get_contents(base_url().$filename);
//$name = "othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv";
//force_download($nme, $pth);
if (!is_file($filename)) {
exit('No file found.');
force_download($filename, NULL);
These lines might be doing something weird. Perhaps remove them as they aren't being used:
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postdata);

joomla - router change url when getting the name of product

I have build my own component in joomla and client wants now a friendly urls f.e{product-id}-{product-name}. So i Build my own router like this.
function componentBuildRoute(&$query)
$segments = [];
if (isset($query['view'])) {
$segments[] = "szkolenie";
if (isset($query['product_id'])) {
$productName = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe(strtolower(getProductName($query['product_id'])));
$newName = $query['product_id'] . '-' . $productName;
$segments[] = $newName;
return $segments;
and parse route function
function componentParseRoute($segments)
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $app->getMenu();
$item =& $menu->getActive();
$count = count($segments);
switch ($item->query['view']) {
case 'catalogue' : {
$view = 'training';
$id = $segments[1];
$data = [
'view' => $view,
'product_id' => $id
return $data;
While on the end of buildroute function segments are ok I have exactly what I want that on the beginning of parse route I have something like <-- I dont know wtf is this krakow( I know it is city i Poland) but still where is it get from ? The getProductName function implementation is
function getProductName($productId)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select(' as id, #__component_product' . name)
->where('#__s4edu_product.product_id = ' . $productId)
->leftJoin('#__component_product ON
$training = $db->loadObject();
return trim($training->name);
So taking all this into consideration I think that something is happening between the buildRoute and parseRoute, something what filters the $segment[1] variable, but how to disable that and why is it happening ?
Please do not send me to
I already know all the tutorials on joomla website which contains anything with sef.
It is built on joomla 3.7.0
You do not have a product named "krakow" ?
If not you can try to remove the $productName from the build function, just to check if this "krakow" is added automaticaly or it's from the getProductName() function.
Also i noticed that you have an error i guess in the function getProductName()
->where('#__s4edu_product.product_id = ' . $productId)
It's should be
->where('#__component_product.product_id = ' . $productId)

Saving multiple images for one product using one to many in codeigniter

I am new in code igniter.
Here is what I am trying to do. I have lists of products stored in database table name products. For each products i need to insert multiple images. I have created two tables, products and productimage. I have made the product_id of table productimage the foreign key, referencing the product_id of table products. Now i want to save the datas from form. Here is what i did previously Saving images in a single row by imploding
But it became quite difficult for me to manage CRUD(like editing and deleting pictures).
So i am trying to do the above mentioned way. I am not finding the way to start. Can anyone please instruct me, how can I start?
Okay now I have done some coding here. This is my controller:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Products extends CI_Controller{
public function __construct()
//Codeigniter : Write Less Do More
public function index()
public function create()
if($this->form_validation->run()=== FALSE)
else {
This is my model:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Product_model extends CI_Model{
public function __construct()
//Codeigniter : Write Less Do More
public function get_product()
return $query->result_array();
public function set_product($id=0)
// if($this->input->post('userSubmit')){
//Check whether user upload picture
foreach($_FILES as $value)
for($s=0; $s<=$count-1; $s++)
$_FILES['picture']['type'] = $value['type'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['error'] = $value['error'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['size'] = $value['size'][$s];
$config['upload_path'] = 'uploads/images/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif';
$config['file_name'] = $_FILES['picture']['name'];
//Load upload library and initialize configuration
// print_r($value['name'][$s]);exit;
$uploadData = $this->upload->data();
$picture[] = $uploadData['file_name'];
$picture = '';
}//end of first if
$picture = '';
if ($id==0)
return $this->db->insert('products',$data);
return $this->db->insert('images',$picture);
else {
return $this->db->update('products',$data);
return $this->db->update('images',$picture);
Noe the case is when my form opens i am being able to fill product name and upload image files. When i submit it doesn't throws any errors too. But only product name is stored in products table and nothing happens to images table. No any images are inserted. Neither any error is thrown by browser. Simply images
table is empty. What's the problem here?
Let me help you with the Controller .. You need to check for all the uploaded files. They are $_FILES. Loop through the array, upload them on the server and than call a model function to add them in your product Images table
If CI Upload is too tricky for you. Use the following Controller function
public function upload_images()
// following IF statement only checks if the user is logged in or not
if($this->session->userdata['id'] && $this->session->userdata['type']=='user')
// check whether there are files uploaded / posted
$data['errors']= array();
$extensions = array("jpeg","jpg","png");
//Loop through the uploaded files
foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key => $tmp_name ){
$file_name = $key.$_FILES['files']['name'][$key];
$file_size =$_FILES['files']['size'][$key];
$file_tmp =$_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$key];
if($file_size > 2097152){
$data['errors'][$i]='File '.$i.' size must be less than 2 MB';
// Set upload destination directory
mkdir("$desired_dir", 0700); // Create directory if it does not exist
// Upload the file.
// Call a function from model to save the name of the image in images table along with entity id
}else{ //rename the file if another one exist
rename($file_tmp,$new_dir) ;
//load views
//load views
//Load view
Incase anyone is having the same problem then here is the solution. Just do this in your upload function.(code by my friend Amani Ben azzouz)
public function set_product($id=0){
//Check whether user upload picture
foreach($_FILES as $value){
for($s=0; $s<=$count-1; $s++){
$_FILES['picture']['type'] = $value['type'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['error'] = $value['error'][$s];
$_FILES['picture']['size'] = $value['size'][$s];
$config['upload_path'] = 'uploads/images/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif';
$config['file_name'] = $_FILES['picture']['name'];
//Load upload library and initialize configuration
// print_r($value['name'][$s]);exit;
$uploadData = $this->upload->data();
$picture[] = $uploadData['file_name'];
}//end of first if
if ($id==0){
$last_id = $this->db->insert_id();
foreach($picture as $p_index=>$p_value) {
$this->db->insert('images', array('product_id'=>$last_id,'images'=>$p_value));
else {
foreach($picture as $p_index=>$p_value) {
$this->db->update('images', array('product_id'=>$last_id,'images'=>$p_value) ); // --> this one?
This is for inserting and updating too. If you simply want do insert just delete the parameter passed as 'id' and cut that if and else part write a plain code of inside 'if'.
function contract_upload(){ // function to call from your view.
$data = array();
// If file upload form submitted
if(!empty($_FILES['files']['name']) AND !empty('user_id')){
$filesCount = count($_FILES['files']['name']);
for($i = 0; $i < $filesCount; $i++){
$_FILES['file']['name'] = $_FILES['files']['name'][$i];
$_FILES['file']['type'] = $_FILES['files']['type'][$i];
$_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$i];
$_FILES['file']['error'] = $_FILES['files']['error'][$i];
$_FILES['file']['size'] = $_FILES['files']['size'][$i];
// File upload configuration
$uploadPath = './uploads/contract/';
$config['upload_path'] = $uploadPath;
$config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif';
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
// Load and initialize upload library
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
// Upload file to server
// Uploaded file data
$fileData = $this->upload->data();
$uploadData[$i]['file_name'] = $fileData['file_name'];
$uploadData[$i]['emp_id'] = $this->input->post('user_id');
// Insert files data into the database
$insert = $this->Contract_model->insert($uploadData);
// Upload status message
$statusMsg = $insert?'Files uploaded successfully.':'Some problem occurred, please try again.';
$this->session->set_flashdata('messageactive', $statusMsg);
redirect('contract'); // redirect link, where do you want to redirect after successful uploading of the file.
// Model Function
public function insert($data = array()){
$insert = $this->db->insert_batch('employee_contract_files', $data); // table name and the data you want to insert into database.
return $insert?true:false;
Remember one thing, you should write your HTML as below:
<input type="file" name="files[]" multiple />

Creating a Dynamic PDF and Saving it in a folder using Loop with MYSQL and Codeigniter

This is the public function with looping (Edited)
public function generate_salary_slip(){
$data = [];
$slip = $this->Admin_Login_Model->generate_salary_slip();
//$html = array();
foreach($slip as $slip_list){
$id = $slip_list->emp_id;
$data['attendance'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_slip_attendance($id);
$data['emp_profile'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_emp_details($id);
$data['late_day'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_late_days($id);
$data['half_days'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_half_days($id);
$data['salary'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_salary_slip($id);
$data['second_half'] = $this->Admin_Login_Model->get_half_Second_days($id);
$pdfFilePath = date("F_Y")."salary_slip.pdf";
$html .= $this->load->view('admin/payslip', $data, true);
$htmlval = $html;
//echo $html;exit;
$this->m_pdf->pdf->Output('salary_slips/'.$pdfFilePath, "F");
$this->session->set_flashdata('success','Salary slips saved in directory!');
$this->session->set_flashdata('message','Salary slips not available for this month!');
File is getting saved in the folder, but Only with the First Record. Also, Repeated loop is getting generated, but with same record.
How to create a HTML by loop.
PS: Using MPDF to generate PDF File
Any hep will be highly appreciated.
You need to take the render, writeHtml and Output calls outside the forech loop, there is you problem.
You could save all the data in a var and then render the HTML as you are doing now and then generate the PDF.
EDIT: Your code should look something like this (please read comments below):
$htmlData = array();
foreach ($slip as $slip_list) {
$htmlData[] = $data;
$pdfFilePath = date("F_Y")."salary_slip.pdf";
$html = $this->load->view('admin/payslip', $htmlData, true);
$this->m_pdf->pdf->Output('salary_slips/'.$pdfFilePath, "F");
