Is there a three.js API - three.js

is there sth like a real API of three.JS? I only found but this doesn't seem to cover the API as e.g. fontloader is not referenced.


what is best ThreeJS loader to use for Animated models?

what is the most supported format to load on ThreeJS for Animated models by bones with multi-textures ?
i find most examples (including JSON) are showing models with single texture.
if JSON is the best, where can i find working example model with multi-textures? i tried to export one from Blender but it does not work.
Had also problems with multi-textured animated models last time and best solution I've found was
There is an exporter and a loader for threejs inside.
Hope this will help.

THREE.KeyFrameAnimation is not defined

I'm using three js."three": "0.82.1" and I found that KeyFrameAnimation is not exist more.
I think that something changed in three.js specification.
Could anyone tell me how to handle collada keyframe animation in three js for now?
I've found that KeyFrameAnimation now isn't a part of three.js and in theirs examples they includes KeyFrameAnimation from separate scripts. So I just copied scripts from examples into my project.

Three.js & Dreamoc

I want to know if there's a template or dimensions to know to use Three.js with the Dreamoc devices.
I found something quite similar :
But after looking the display mode of the Dreamoc, the views seems to be placed in a specific way:
And after zooming:
Yes, a reflective prism example can be found in the three.js dev r.74 branch:
Pull request:
three.js r.73

Google Maps V3 MarkerCluster plugin by polygon coordinate boundaries

I'm having trouble figuring out how to implement markercluster v3 in my map. I am able to get it to work, but am trying to cluster the markers based on specific neighborhoods and regions. I have created a layer on my map from a kml file that is seperated into several neighborhoods and I'd like the map markers to "cluster" by the neighborhood that they're located in. I tried messing with
but have had no luck...
Another question led me to figure out that I should use this method:
containsLocation(point:LatLng, polygon:Polygon)
Has anyone been able to achieve this?
Here's an example of a site that does it:
Thanks for any help!

Import 3D models from AC3D in OpenGL-ES on iOS

Lately i have got a task to import a 3D model which is created in AC3D into my OpenGL-ES application. Unfortunately im quite lost where to look and what to choose.
The 3D model consist of 6 objects, which should be individually controlled.
I have been looking at different type of readers, such as Wavefront etc. but i dont seem to get the proper implementation into my current project.
Anybody you can point me a little in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Feel free to have a look here
and this page about using it
