Mirrored text when changing a combobox RTL style - windows

I'm trying to create a dynamic dialog, which can be made RTL depending on the language. But I have the following issue: whenever I change the RTL style of the combo box, the text comes up reversed. I tried using functions such as InvalidateRect, RedrawWindow, etc., but couldn't make it work correctly.
Relevant code (WinAPI with WTL):
CComboBox combo = hWndCtl;
if(combo.GetCurSel() == 0)
combo.ModifyStyleEx(WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL, 0);
combo.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL);
A demo project: here.
A demonstration of the issue:

It seems you are responding to CBN_SELCHANGE notification. This is notification is sent after combobox sets the text in its editbox.
You should respond to CBN_SELENDOK instead. CBN_SELENDOK is sent before CBN_SELCHANGE, this gives you time to modify the style before combobox sets the text.
switch (HIWORD(wParam))
if (SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == 0)
ModifyStyleEx(hComboBox, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL, 0);
ModifyStyleEx(hComboBox, 0, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL);
Edit: Windows 10 has fade in/out effect. If you change the combo selection with keyboard, while the color is fading, the text is still goes backward.
ComboBox has an edit control which might be causing this problem. It's better to use WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING instead of WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL. This will also work with CBN_SELCHANGE.
if (SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == 0)
ModifyStyleEx(hComboBox, WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING, 0);
ModifyStyleEx(hComboBox, 0, WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING);


How to disable the vertical header tracking line in Win32 ListView Control

I am customizing Win32 ListView control and I want to remove the vertical line that is automatically drawn when I resize the headers. I am talking about the line drawn in the row area not in the header. The vertical tracking line can be restricted by handling the HDN_TRACK notification and changing the cxy value in notification data but there seems to be no way to restrict or remove the vertical tracking line in the row area. Anyone has any ideas on how to remove/hide/restrict that line?
The above screenshot was taken while I am tracking the header
Removing the line just makes it harder for the user to use the control!
The easy method is probably to enable visual styles/comctl32 v6, it seems to use live resizing instead but that might depend on the chosen theme/style.
I was able to come up with a ugly hack for the classic control:
SendMessage(hLV, CCM_SETVERSION, 5, 0); // <--- Important
HWND hLV = ...;
NMHDR&nmh = *(NMHDR*) lparam;
LockWindowUpdate(hLV); // Block all drawing in the listview
return false;
return false;
This might depend on the HDS_FULLDRAG header style and you probably don't want to do this when visual styles are enabled.

Processing NM_CUSTOMDRAW on a pushbutton - but Windows still draws the text

I'm experimenting with using NM_CUSTOMDRAW instead of WM_DRAWITEM for bitmap buttons in my win32 app. The WM_DRAWITEM stuff works fine - except that it doesn't work under WINE with a desktop theme enabled (for some reason, with a theme enabled, WINE only sends WM_DRAWITEM when you click a pushbutton).
Anyway, I tried removing the BS_OWNERDRAW from the OK button below - leaving the others alone. To test processing the WM_NOTIFY, I just copy the fields I need from the NMCUSTOMDRAW struct to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT and pass that to my existing WM_DRAWITEM handler. The button draws fine, but then Windows draws the OK text over mine (my text is shifted to make room for the checkmark). I've pasted the code below. I thought that if I returned CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT in response to all NM_CUSTOMDRAW notifications, Windows wouldn't try to draw anything. There's obviously something else I need to do...
// Only intrested in NM_CUSTOMDRAW messages here.
nmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam;
if (nmh->code != NM_CUSTOMDRAW)
// Only interested in CDDS_PREPAINT.
if (lpNMC->dwDrawStage != CDDS_PREPAINT)
// Copy fields we need from NMCUSTOMDRAW to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT.
memset(&dis, 0, sizeof(dis));
dis.hwndItem = nmh->hwndFrom;
dis.hDC = lpNMC->hdc;
dis.rcItem = lpNMC->rc;
if (lpNMC->uItemState & CDIS_FOCUS)
dis.itemState |= ODS_FOCUS;
if (lpNMC->uItemState & CDIS_SELECTED)
dis.itemState |= ODS_SELECTED;
if (lpNMC->uItemState & CDIS_DEFAULT)
dis.itemState |= ODS_DEFAULT;
if (lpNMC->uItemState & CDIS_DISABLED)
dis.itemState |= ODS_DISABLED;
DrawBitmapButtonOnWindowsDialog(wParam, (LPARAM) &dis, -1);
DrawBitmapButtonOnWindowsDialog(wParam, lParam, -1);

Can't change tooltip coordinates MFC

I need to make tooltip a little bit right and lower to mouse cursor, but i can't do it in any way, tried different coordintaes but nothing seems to work. Where is the problem? Thank you.
// Add the new tooltip (if available)
if (m_LastToolTipRow!=-1 && m_LastToolTipRow!=-1)
// Not using CToolTipCtrl::AddTool() because it redirects the messages to CListCtrl parent
TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_TRANSPARENT; // Indicate that uId is handle to a control
ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hWnd; // Handle to the control
ti.hwnd = m_hWnd; // Handle to window to receive the tooltip-messages
ti.hinst = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti);
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELPARAM(pt.x + 100, pt.y + 100));
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, true, (LPARAM)&ti);
Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool. If this flag is not set, uId is the tool's identifier.
According to this, the window with m_hWnd handle is the one that shows the tooltip and you can position the window itself. If you meant a tooltip separate to that window than there is a principal problem there.

Win32 API: How to scroll down automatically a text inside EDIT control?

I have an EDIT control created like this:
hwndEDIT_5 = CreateWindowEx (
0, "EDIT", NULL,
135, 450, 555, 200,
h1, NULL
As you can see it is a read-only EDIT area where multi lines text can be displayed. It is supposed to be a console where I can display some information for users when they use the program. I would like the text area to automatically scroll to the bottom-most entry (the newest one) whenever a new line (or message for an user) is added. I've implemented this:
SetDlgItemText ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE, ch_s );
SCROLLINFO * scr_p = &scr;
scr.cbSize = sizeof ( SCROLLINFO );
scr.fMask = SIF_RANGE;
GetScrollInfo ( GetDlgItem ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE), SB_VERT, scr_p );
int mmax = scr.nMax;
scr.fMask = SIF_POS;
scr.nPos = mmax;
SetScrollInfo ( GetDlgItem ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE), SB_VERT, scr_p, TRUE );
That code is scrolling vertical scrollbar to the end of an EDIT control after adding new msg and it works great, the scrollbar gets scrolled but the text still remains visible from the beginning - it rewinds to the beginning after addition while scrollbar rewinds to the bottom. How to make it properly?
Last but not least - this is might be important - in order to display a message firstly I capture the text that is already displayed by using:
GetDlgItemText ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE, buf, len + 1 );
then I convert buf into string and add to that string a new message that I want to display. Then I convert it back to char array and set it up with SetDlgItemText. I seperate lines by using \r\n. I've coded it that way because I didn't know how to add a line to an EDIT control in different way than using SetDlgItemText. And it adds only one entry AFAIK - if used twice I will not come up with two entries added to an EDIT control, but the first one will get replaced by second function call.
Don't use SetScrollInfo. Use SendMessage() with the EM_LINESCROLL message, sending the message to the edit control's window handle.
SendMessage(MemoHwnd, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, NumLinesToScroll);
The documentation says:
The control does not scroll vertically past the last line of text in the edit control. If the current line plus the number of lines specified by the lParam parameter exceeds the total number of lines in the edit control, the value is adjusted so that the last line of the edit control is scrolled to the top of the edit-control window.
I had the same problem and solved it with Jerry Coffin's answer and some research.
This is the way I use now:
string text = "Append this text";
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)(text.c_str())); //append text to current pos and scroll down
If needed: To scroll at the end of Edit Control without appending text:
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all.
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); //Set scrollcaret to the current Pos
You can add text by setting the beginning and end of the selection to the end of the text in the control (EM_SETSEL), then replacing the (empty) selection with your new text (EM_REPLACESEL).
Scrolling to the bottom can be done with EM_SCROLLCARET after the caret (the selection) is at the end of the text. There are other ways, but if you're doing it immediately after adding text, this is probably the easiest.
in my case I had a multi line string and Ken White's idea worked very well:
HWND hEdit = this->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_LOG)->m_hWnd;
if (hEdit)
int lineCount = m_strClientLog.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\n"));
::SendMessage(hEdit, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, lineCount);
for MFC projects you can use:
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all.
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); //Set scrollcaret to the current Pos

Win32 / WTL- My Checkbox imagelist state reverts to unchecked state

I'm creating a custom window in WTL to hold video controls for a DirectShow app.
I've created a set of check boxes that I wish to behave in the "push like" manner (BS_PUSHLIKE). They appear defined in the .rc file for the dialog like so:
I've also loaded an image list for the button, which correctly shows the appropriate image when the button is in LButtonDown and LButtonUp states:
In the code below, m_btnVid1 is defined as a WTL::CBitmapButton
m_btnVid1.SubclassWindow( (HWND) ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_VID1) );
m_btnVid1.SetImageList( m_ilBtnVid1.m_hImageList );
As soon as I release the mouse button, the checkboxes state reverts to "unchecked" state.
I've added a COMMAND_ID_HANDLER_EX to the IDC_VID1 control to determine the state of the control, but the nState variable always reads 0:
void OnVid1(UINT uNotifyCode, int nID, CWindow wndCtl)
CBitmapButton* btn = &m_btnVid1;
int nState = btn->GetCheck();
switch( nState )
btn->SetCheck( BST_CHECKED );
nState = btn->GetCheck();
btn->SetCheck( BST_UNCHECKED );
Can anyone suggest why this might be - am I missing a creation style in the CBitmapButton?
If it helps, I'm sure I can post the VC2008 solution file online somehow.
