Interactive secure shell in Golang not capturing all keyboard - shell

I am trying to start an interactive SSH session with a remote computer using Golang. I was able to get that without any problems, but the pseudo terminal doesn't seem to be capturing all of the keyboard i/o correctly.
For example, if I run a regular SSH command like,
ssh -i ~/.ssh/some-key.pem username#
I can exit with a simple Ctrl+d, but for some reason when I run the interactive shell started with Golang it's not working and only prints the actual key characters ^D. Same goes for trying to use the arrow keys. If I run a Ctrl+c it exits the original Golang process and kills the interactive shell rather than executing on the remote machine.
Below is my code for setting up the shell,
func StartInteractiveShell(sshConfig *ssh.ClientConfig, network string, host string, port string) error {
var (
session *ssh.Session
conn *ssh.Client
err error
if conn, err = getSshConnection(sshConfig, network, host, port); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to dial: %s", err)
return err
if session, err = getSshSession(conn); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to create session: %s", err)
return err
defer session.Close()
if err = setupPty(session); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to set up pseudo terminal: %s", err)
return err
session.Stdout = os.Stdout
session.Stdin = os.Stdin
session.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err = session.Shell(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to start interactive shell: %s", err)
return err
return session.Wait()
func getSshConnection(config *ssh.ClientConfig, network string, host string, port string) (*ssh.Client, error) {
addr := host + ":" + port
return ssh.Dial(network, addr, config)
func getSshSession(clientConnection *ssh.Client) (*ssh.Session, error) {
return clientConnection.NewSession()
// pty = pseudo terminal
func setupPty(session *ssh.Session) error {
modes := ssh.TerminalModes{
ssh.ECHO: 0, // disable echoing
ssh.TTY_OP_ISPEED: 14400, // input speed = 14.4kbaud
ssh.TTY_OP_OSPEED: 14400, // output speed = 14.4kbaud
if err := session.RequestPty("xterm", 80, 40, modes); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("request for pseudo terminal failed: %s", err)
return err
return nil
Am I missing something there?


Interact with a shell script running remotely via SSH

I am working an application written in golang,for which one of the capability will be to SSH into a device and execute a shell script there. With my current implementation,a normal script is getting executed.The problem lies in the execution of a script that requires user input: for e.g the script asks the user, can we proceed with the installation: and the user has to type in Y or N. This is the part where it is failing. Here is my implementation:
func main() {
cmdOutput,err := ExecuteScriptSSH()
if err != nil{
fmt.Printf("Error is %s",err)
fmt.Printf("Command Output is %s", cmdOutput)
func ExecuteScriptSSH() (string, error) {
script := "#!/bin/sh\n\n ls -l \n\n date"
params := make(map[string]interface{})
params["Username"] = "uname"
params["Password"] = "pwd"
params["IPAddress"] = "ip"
params["Port"] = "22"
connection := NewConnection(params)
client, err := connection.ConnectNonSecure()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("unable to Connect:%v ", err)
defer client.Close()
ss, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("unable to create SSH session:%v ", err)
//Converting the Script to string to a shell script file by writing to it.
d1 := []byte(script)
err = os.WriteFile("/tmp/", d1, 0777)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error constructing Script file %v", err)
// opening the script file
scriptFile, err2 := os.OpenFile("/tmp/", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening Script file is %s", err)
cmdOutput := &bytes.Buffer{}
ss.Stdout = cmdOutput
ss.Stdin = scriptFile
interpreter := "sh"
err = ss.Run(interpreter)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error in Executing Script file %v", err.Error())
return cmdOutput.String(), err
type Params struct {
Username string
Password string
IPAddress string
Port string
func NewConnection(data map[string]interface{}) *Params {
var params Params
fmt.Printf("Data is %v",data)
err := mapstructure.Decode(data,&params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Mapped Connection details %v",params)
return &params
func (p *Params) ConnectNonSecure() (*ssh.Client, error){
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: p.Username,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
// Non-Production-only
HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
fmt.Printf("Connection details %v",p)
// Connect to the remote server and perform a handshake
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", p.IPAddress+":"+p.Port, config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to connect to: %v %s", err,p.IPAddress)
return client, err
for simplicity sake I have added a very simple script,but actually the script is huge and requires user confirmation.Any idea on how to solve this issue?

GoLang SSH Commands with slashes seem to instantly fail

I'm currently writing an app that given a parameter, will run a command on a remote server. I'm using the /x/crypto/ssh package, everything seems to go smoothly if I use one liner commands like "who" or "ls", however, if I run a more complex command such as:
"grep SOMEDATA /var/log/logfile.log"
the program immediately exits and the command execution line with nothing more than "process exited with status 1", and I don't get anything else back.
If I check the history of the user I'm having it SSH into the remote system as, I do not see the command running at all.
Has anyone else run into this type of issue before? Here's a snippet of the code I'm using to execute this (sensitive data removed of course):
func returnData(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var b bytes.Buffer
hostKey, err := getHostKey("SERVERNAME")
if err != nil {
err = r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
HostKeyCallback: ssh.FixedHostKey(hostKey),
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", "SERVERNAME:22", config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Creating Client Failed: ", err)
session, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Creating new Session Failed: ", err)
session.Stdout = &b
inputData := r.Form["fname"][0]
cmdExecute := fmt.Sprintf(`sudo grep %v /var/log/logfile.log`, inputData)
if err := session.Run(cmdExecute); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Getting Data From session Failed: ", err)
defer session.Close()

writing twice to the same sub process golang

I have a simple scp function that is just a wrapper over the scp cli tool.
type credential struct {
username string
password string
host string
port string
func scpFile(filepath, destpath string, c *credential) error {
cmd := exec.Command("scp", filepath, c.username+"#"":"+destpath)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
This works just fine now I want to add the capability of putting in a password the SSH if scp needs it. This is what I came up with
func scpFile(filepath, destpath string, c *credential) error {
cmd := exec.Command("scp", filepath, c.username+"#"":"+destpath)
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
defer stdin.Close()
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(stdin, c.password+"\n")
return nil
This does not work as the password prompt just hangs there. I tried adding a 1 second sleep before I re write to stdin thinking maybe I was writing the password to fast but did not make a difference.
So I was able to find a work around by instead of trying to send the password to stdin I create a ssh session and scp a file through the ssh session. Here is the new scpFile function:
func scpFile(filePath, destinationPath string, session *ssh.Session) error {
defer session.Close()
f, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
s, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
w, _ := session.StdinPipe()
defer w.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "C%#o %d %s\n", s.Mode().Perm(), s.Size(), path.Base(filePath))
io.Copy(w, f)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\x00")
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("scp -t %s", destinationPath)
if err := session.Run(cmd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
This could probably be made better but the main idea is there

How do I execute a command on a remote machine in a golang CLI?

How do I execute a command on a remote machine in a golang CLI? I need to write a golang CLI that can SSH into a remote machine via a key and execute a shell command. Furthermore, I need to be able to do this one hop away. e.g. SSH into a machine (like a cloud bastion) and then SSH into another, internal, machine and execute a shell command.
I haven't (yet) found any examples for this.
You can run commands on a remote machine over SSH using the "" package.
Here is an example function demonstrating simple usage of running a single command on a remote machine and returning the output:
//e.g. output, err := remoteRun("root", "MY_IP", "PRIVATE_KEY", "ls")
func remoteRun(user string, addr string, privateKey string, cmd string) (string, error) {
// privateKey could be read from a file, or retrieved from another storage
// source, such as the Secret Service / GNOME Keyring
key, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(privateKey))
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Authentication
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: user,
// as clientConfig is non-permissive by default
// you can set ssh.InsercureIgnoreHostKey to allow any host
HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
//alternatively, you could use a password
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
// Connect
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(addr, "22"), config)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Create a session. It is one session per command.
session, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer session.Close()
var b bytes.Buffer // import "bytes"
session.Stdout = &b // get output
// you can also pass what gets input to the stdin, allowing you to pipe
// content from client to server
// session.Stdin = bytes.NewBufferString("My input")
// Finally, run the command
err = session.Run(cmd)
return b.String(), err
Try with os/exec to execute a ssh
package main
import (
func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("ssh", "remote-machine", "bash-command")
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
To jump over machines use the ProxyCommand directive in a ssh config file.
Host remote_machine_name
ProxyCommand ssh -q bastion nc remote_machine_ip 22
The other solutions here will work, but I'll throw out another option you could try: simplessh. I think it is easier to use. For this question, I would use option 3 below where you can ssh using your key.
Option 1: SSH to a machine with a password, then run a command
import (
func main() error {
var client *simplessh.Client
var err error
if client, err = simplessh.ConnectWithPassword("hostname_to_ssh_to", "username", "password"); err != nil {
return err
defer client.Close()
// Now run the commands on the remote machine:
if _, err := client.Exec("cat /tmp/somefile"); err != nil {
return nil
Option 2: SSH to a machine using a set of possible passwords, then run a command
import (
type access struct {
login string
password string
var loginAccess []access
func init() {
// Initialize all password to try
loginAccess = append(loginAccess, access{"root", "rootpassword1"})
loginAccess = append(loginAccess, access{"someuser", "newpassword"})
func main() error {
var client *simplessh.Client
var err error
// Try to connect with first password, then tried second else fails gracefully
for _, credentials := range loginAccess {
if client, err = simplessh.ConnectWithPassword("hostname_to_ssh_to", credentials.login, credentials.password); err == nil {
if err != nil {
return err
defer client.Close()
// Now run the commands on the remote machine:
if _, err := client.Exec("cat /tmp/somefile"); err != nil {
return nil
Option 3: SSH to a machine using your key
import (
func SshAndRunCommand() error {
var client *simplessh.Client
var err error
// Option A: Using a specific private key path:
//if client, err = simplessh.ConnectWithKeyFile("hostname_to_ssh_to", "username", "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa"); err != nil {
// Option B: Using your default private key at $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa:
//if client, err = simplessh.ConnectWithKeyFile("hostname_to_ssh_to", "username"); err != nil {
// Option C: Use the current user to ssh and the default private key file:
if client, err = simplessh.ConnectWithKeyFile("hostname_to_ssh_to"); err != nil {
return err
defer client.Close()
// Now run the commands on the remote machine:
if _, err := client.Exec("cat /tmp/somefile"); err != nil {
return nil
golang SSH executes shell command with timeout option
import (
func SshRemoteRunCommandWithTimeout(sshClient *ssh.Client, command string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
if timeout < 1 {
return "", errors.New("timeout must be valid")
session, err := sshClient.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer session.Close()
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancelFunc()
resChan := make(chan string, 1)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
// run shell script
if output, err := session.CombinedOutput(command); err != nil {
errChan <- err
} else {
resChan <- string(output)
select {
case err := <-errChan:
return "", err
case ms := <-resChan:
return ms, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return "", ctx.Err()
Try the package
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create MakeConfig instance with remote username, server address and path to private key.
ssh := &easyssh.MakeConfig{
User: "appleboy",
Server: "",
// Optional key or Password without either we try to contact your agent SOCKET
//Password: "password",
// Paste your source content of private key
// Key: `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
// MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA4e2D/qPN08pzTac+a8ZmlP1ziJOXk45CynMPtva0rtK/RB26
// 7XC9wlRna4b3Ln8ew3q1ZcBjXwD4ppbTlmwAfQIaZTGJUgQbdsO9YA==
// -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
// `,
KeyPath: "/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa",
Port: "22",
Timeout: 60 * time.Second,
// Call Run method with command you want to run on remote server.
stdout, stderr, done, err := ssh.Run("ls -al", 60*time.Second)
// Handle errors
if err != nil {
panic("Can't run remote command: " + err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println("don is :", done, "stdout is :", stdout, "; stderr is :", stderr)
See more example.

ssh executing nsenter as remote command with interactive shell in golang to debug docker container

I am trying to automate debugging of docker containers on coreos. I want to have a script that connects to a host via ssh and exectues nsenter. That would be very convenient to jump directly into a container from my OSX box without doing a lot of stuff manually. I know that entering containers that way can be nasty, but if things are getting tough I would like to use such a tool. So here is what I have so far in golang.
I am able to create a interactive shell. Here I have the problem that things like reverse searching bash history using ctrl+R breaks the session. That code is commented below, thus not executed.
However, I am also able to execute a single command, here nsenter, but I receive the error stdin: is not a tty and nothing more happens. I am interested to know why stdin in my programm is not a tty and how I can achieve this.
package main
import (
func privateKey() ssh.Signer {
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./id_rsa")
if err != nil {
key, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(buf)
if err != nil {
return key
func main() {
privateKey := privateKey()
// Create client config
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: "core",
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
// Connect to ssh server
conn, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", "", config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to connect: %s", err)
defer conn.Close()
// Create a session
session, err := conn.NewSession()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to create session: %s", err)
session.Stdout = os.Stdout
session.Stderr = os.Stderr
session.Stdin = os.Stdin // How can session.Stdin be a tty?
// Stuff for interactive shell
// Set up terminal modes
//modes := ssh.TerminalModes{
// ssh.ECHO: 1, // enable echoing
// ssh.TTY_OP_ISPEED: 14400, // input speed = 14.4kbaud
// ssh.TTY_OP_OSPEED: 14400, // output speed = 14.4kbaud
// Request pseudo terminal
//if err := session.RequestPty("xterm-256color", 80, 40, modes); err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("request for pseudo terminal failed: %s", err)
// Start remote shell
//if err := session.Shell(); err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("failed to start shell: %s", err)
// Stuff for executing remote command
// 2202 in my example is actually the pid of a running container
if err := session.Run("sudo nsenter --target 2202 --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid"); err != nil {
panic("Failed to run: " + err.Error())
Super cool, I got it working, but there is still a magic I cannot comprehend. However, I changed my code as followed. The basic change leading to the correct pty behaviour, was the usage of the package "". Using its MakeRaw(fd) seems to lead to side effects that enable the correct pty behaviour. Also thanks to the fleet project where I found the working example
// The following two lines makes the terminal work properly because of
// side-effects I don't understand.
fd := int(os.Stdin.Fd())
oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(fd)
if err != nil {
session.Stdout = os.Stdout
session.Stderr = os.Stderr
session.Stdin = os.Stdin
termWidth, termHeight, err := terminal.GetSize(fd)
if err != nil {
// Set up terminal modes
modes := ssh.TerminalModes{
ssh.ECHO: 1, // enable echoing
ssh.TTY_OP_ISPEED: 14400, // input speed = 14.4kbaud
ssh.TTY_OP_OSPEED: 14400, // output speed = 14.4kbaud
// Request pseudo terminal
if err := session.RequestPty("xterm-256color", termHeight, termWidth, modes); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("request for pseudo terminal failed: %s", err)
if err := session.Run("sudo nsenter --target 2202 --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid"); err != nil {
// if the session terminated normally, err should be ExitError; in that
// case, return nil error and actual exit status of command
if exitErr, ok := err.(*ssh.ExitError); ok {
fmt.Printf("exit code: %#v\n", exitErr.ExitStatus())
} else {
panic("Failed to run: " + err.Error())
terminal.Restore(fd, oldState)
