Am trying to make the sling:OsgiConfig nodes as per this link for Apache Sling Service User Mapper and Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment Felix configuration, But those are not reflecting into Felix console, is there anything am missing for these nodes.?
Note : below node changes are reflecting for the as per the link.
Nodes which are not reflecting into Felix configuration.
The thing you need to do is give the multibound config item a specific unique name.
mind the "custom" part.. this one has to be a unique string.
you'd see that happening if you only added your custom ammended config entry through the /system/console/configMgr
When we update any configuration for a component in the Configurations tab in the Apache Felix Web OSGi Console, where are these configuration settings saved? This is with respect to AEM 6.0 or above.
The manually saved configuration settings are stored in the the crx-quickstart/launchpad/config directory (in your AEM installation folder in the local file system) and, on top of that, as .config files in the Content Respository at /apps/system/config.
For example, if you're looking for the configuration of com.example.MyComponent, you can find it as a text file in crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/com/example/MyComponent.config (in the local file system) and at /apps/system/config/com.example.MyComponent.config inside your Content Repository.
The files at these two locations are updated when you change the settings manually in the OSGi console.
In AEM you can also store configuration in JCR nodes of the type sling:OsgiConfig. These will not be created or updated when you manually save the config but they offer a neat way of managing configuration as content.
When AEM looks for the configuration, the following order of resolution is used:
nodes under /apps/*/config, be it property files or JCR nodes with the node jcr:primaryType of sling:OsgiConfig
nodes with type sling:OsgiConfig under /libs/*/config, these are OOTB definitions for components that come with AEM
.config files from <aem-installation-directory>/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/ on the local file system.
Depending on the OSGi configuration of Apache Sling JCR Installer, the sling:OsgiConfig nodes can be written back to when you manually change the config. There's also a number of settings affecting the lookup of said configurations so it's a good idea to familiarise oneself with this config.
Please check out the official documentation for more comprehensive information.
If you're trying to get a config stored in a sling:OsgiConfig node to work as expected and you're unsure if another config for the same service has been cached somewhere, here's a sequence of steps that has worked for me consistently in AEM 6.4:
Delete the sling:OsgiConfig node you just created
Go to the Felix console's configMgr, find the relevant service and Delete the configuration.
Recreate the sling:OsgiConfig node (I usually keep those in a CRX package that I can simply reinstall)
The configurations are stored by the felix configadmin bundle inside the felix bundle cache. Not sure where this cache is located in AEM. In Apache Karaf the configs in my case are in:
Where bundle id 7 is the id of the configadmin bundle.
I've been using Maven to deploy my bundles over a felix server.
One of the things that fascinates me about Felix/OSGi is if i have configured a component with some values and i deploy my bundle again, even though the #Activate method will be called again for that configuration but my values which i've put there before deployment still persist.
How is Felix able to achieve this and is the configuration shown at /system/console/configMgr not an instance of my Java class used to create the OSGi Component ?
It's the job of the Configuration Admin service (for which Apache Felix provides an implementation) to deal with those details. Ideally, the "how" is irrelevant because those are implementation details, but if you are running an OSGi framework in a specialized environment (an embedded device for example), you would have to select a Configuration Admin provider that works within the limits of the host platform.
Under the hood, the Felix Configuration Admin service uses one or more PersistenceManagers to persist and retrieve the configuration data for your managed services. If you're curious about these implementation details you can read about them on the Felix website or you can take a look at the source code.
The configuration is OSGi is handled by the Configuration Admin Service
If you use OSGi container such as Karaf, you will remark that your configuration is independent from your bundle ($KARAF_HOME/etc) and are injected by the configuration admin service.
As was already said, Configuration Admin is your friend here. In OSGi enRoute we've a page about Configuration Admin and a sample project with lots of Configuration Admin example code.
I want to understand the use of metatype for component.
I understand, if we keep it true than it will generate OSGI-INF/metatype/metatype.xml else it would not. Also, I'm well aware that keeping the value of attribute true will show it in Apache Felix Console, editing it will create a corresponding config save in /apps/system/config and deleting that will again bring config state in Felix console to default.
Quoting from This question's accepted answer, `
How Metatype data can be used by administrative systems or GUIs such
as Felix Web Console to present a much more helpful way to configure
your component?
and what is the concept of binding with bundle in terms of this
See this service :
With the MetaTypeService, you can dynamically instropect a bundle and discovers metatype information about his configuration, with type, description, etc.
The Felix WebConsole use this metatype information to show a UI more "userfriendly" for the configuration of a composant.
in Sling, configuration can be deployed either via a sling:osgiConfig node and via a nt:file node having the configuration values.
When i make some changes in Felix Console in some configuration deployed via sling:osgiConfig node, it gets converted to nt:file format.
Why there are these two different formats for configurations in Sling. is there any significant difference between the two?
I'd say this is mostly for historical reasons, in some cases it's more convenient to provide configurations as hierarchical resources (sling:OsgiConfig) and if the config is coming from a filesystem for example, files are more convenient.
#Shashi sling:osgiConfig changing to nt:file when you make changes in felix console is expected behaviour. This will not cause any issue when you try to read the config value from java class. You will just not be able to edit the run mode config via crxde when it has changed to nt:file as it stores data as binary content.
However there is a way to disable this behaviour, you will have to uncheck "Enable Write Back" at /system/console/configMgr/ as mentioned in this thread.
OSGi config best practices
I have a question for someone who is familiar with tomcat and coherence.
I am using tomcat 8 and coherence 12.2.1 now and here I have, maybe not a problem, but interesting case.
I am trying to start web application on tomcat as coherence node. I already know that there is ExtendTcpCacheService and now I am using it to make additional node which can communicate with coherence cluster.
But my question is: Is there a way to make tomcat start node which IS NOT Extend? I mean, I need tomcat to start coherence node but like grizzly rest server (automatically connecting to existing cluster), not like I have it now - it needs all IP addresses and configuration to connect to existing coherence node.
Thank you for any advice!
I am assuming that the other nodes in the cluster have the ExtendTcpCacheService enabled and you just want to disable only this service when running in tomcat. This is easy to do and you can continue to use one cache config file for all cluster nodes but you will need to make a slight change to your coherence cache configuration file. Go to the <proxy-scheme> section pertaining to your ExtendTcpCacheService service and change the <autostart> tag with a system-property attribute as shown below:
<autostart system-property="ExtendTcpCacheService.enabled">true</autostart>
In the JVM start-up parameters for Tomcat you will need to pass -DExtendTcpCacheService.enabled=false to turn off starting the service. In the other JVMs you will not need to do anything since this property is on by default.
You can use this feature to modify almost any xml tag in the coherence config using system parameters. More details on this feature is detailed in the coherence docs