How to display file which had already upload laravel 5.2? - laravel

I upload file in to my database and moved that file as same name in documents folder in a root path like below :)
public function store(PslCall $call,Request $request)
$this->validate($request, $this->rules);
$uploadDestinationPath = base_path() . '/documents/';
$current_id = Document::where('call_id',$call->id)->count()+1;
if ($request->hasFile('file'))
$file =$request->file;
$fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->move($uploadDestinationPath, $call->id.'_'.$current_id.'_'.$fileName);
$input = $request->all();
$input['file'] = $call->id.'_'.$current_id.'_'.$fileName;
$input['call_id'] = $call->id;
return Redirect::route('calls.documents.index',$call->id)->with('message','You have successfully submitted');
its works perfect now im display in my index page all the files like below :)
now my route file i have route to display my file like this :
Route::get('documents/{file}',function() {
return 'hi';
here im getting hi output when i click <td>{{$document->file}}</td> this path
but i want know how to display file which i upload same file name ?

As documentation says if you want to display the file content then you may use inside your route function something like:
return response()->file('pathToFile');
If download the file is what you want, then try to use instead:
return response()->download('pathToFile');


Safety in laravel file upload

I have a simple question.. Is it safe to have a app that has a file upload system for users to send images to our project, and store those files in this directory?
$file->move(public_path('../storage/app/public/files'), $name);
Or is it better to store in:
$file->move(public_path('files'), $name);
This way it stores the file in the "files" directory inside the public directory.
That would be ok and also depends on your app and number of users but I recommend to change the name of the file and also you can accept only JPG or PNG file for more security for changing the name of the file you can do it like this :
$image_name = rand() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$image->move(public_path('images'), $image_name);
with this function you can get all data from db for that id then you can show whatever you want in the blade
public function show($id)
$data = YOUR_MODEL::findOrFail($id);
return view('view', compact('data'));

download file as unknown file in laravel

I want to download a pdf file from storage
public function show($free)
$dl = SingleFreeDownload::find($free);
return Storage::download($dl->file , $dl->title);
and this is the file storage code:
public function store(Request $request)
$file = $request->file('file')->store('uploads');
'file' => $file, ];
when I click on download button it downloads unknown file and it not open what is the problem?
First I wouldn't call the method which shall download a file show() I would rename it to download. Second I would check whether the file exists or not if it exists I would try to download it.
You can check whether it exists or not using this:
$exists = Storage::exists('myfile.jpg');
if ($exists) {
return Storage::download($dl->file , $dl->title);
Furthermore you should check wether your input contains the name file since you are doing this:
$file = $request->file('file')->store('uploads');
Your input needs to look like this:
<input name="file"...>
You should also show what this class does SingleFreeDownload.

Laravel 5.3 import CSV from file without uploading

I am using Maatwebsite/Excel to import CSV files. My code looks like this tutorial:
I marged both functions and my script gets file and returns file/
But despite many attempts I can't skip uploading file. It means, that I have CSV file in special folder, and I would like to get this file to process data, without uploading. It will automatically get file (maybe file_get_contents ?), and pass it to Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input.
This is the perfect way to import your csv in laravel 5.*
public function importExcel() {
if (Input::hasFile('import_file')) {
$path = Input::file('import_file')->getRealPath();
$data = Excel::load($path, function($reader) {
if (!empty($data) && $data->count()) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($data as $key => $d) {
$insert = array();
$insert['name'] = $value->name;
You can read your excel file using this code
// for sheet 1
$excelData = $excel->selectSheetsByIndex(0)->load($yourFilePath)->get();
I found solution. We can skip if (Input::hasFile('import_file')) { and $path variable set to our CSV file path

response::download is doing nothing

I am having problems getting files to download outside of the public folder. Here is the Scenario:
These files cannot be accessed from anywhere but through this application and these downloads must go through access control. So a user can't download the file if they are not logged in and have permission to.
I have a route defined with a get variable. This ID goes into the controller and the controller calls the method below:
public static function downloadFile($id){
$file = FileManager::find($id);
//PDF file is stored under app/storage/files/
$download= app_path().substr($file->location,6);///home/coursesupport/public_html/app/storage/files/fom01/7-2/activities-and-demos.pdf
$fileName = substr($download,strrpos($download,'/')+1);//activities-and-demos.pdf
$mime = mime_content_type($download);//application/pdf
$headers = array(
'Content-Type: '.$mime,
"Content-Description" => "File Transfer",
"Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=" . $fileName
return Response::download($download, $fileName, $headers);
the problem is it does nothing, just opens a blank page. Am I missing something? oh yeah, and the link to the route mentioned above opens a blank tab.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!
It should work by doing only this:
public static function downloadFile($id)
$file = FileManager::find($id);
$download= app_path().substr($file->location,6);
$fileName = substr($download,strrpos($download,'/')+1);
return Response::download($download, $fileName);
Make sure your route is actually returning the returned response. Eg:
Route::get('download', function()
return DownloadHandler::downloadFile(1);
Without the return in the route the IlluminateResponse will do nothing.

Laravel 4 get image from url

OK so when I want to upload an image. I usually do something like:
$file = Input::file('image');
$destinationPath = 'whereEver';
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$uploadSuccess = Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
if( $uploadSuccess ) {
// save the url
This works fine when the user uploads the image. But how do I save an image from an URL???
If I try something like:
$url = '';
$file = file_get_contents($url);
and then:
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$uploadSuccess = Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
I get the following error:
Call to a member function move() on a non-object
So, how do I upload an image from a URL with laravel 4??
Amy help greatly appreciated.
I don't know if this will help you a lot but you might want to look at the Intervention Library. It's originally intended to be used as an image manipulation library but it provides saving image from url:
$image = Image::make('')->save('/path/saveAsImageName.jpg');
$url = "";
$url_arr = explode ('/', $url);
$ct = count($url_arr);
$name = $url_arr[$ct-1];
$name_div = explode('.', $name);
$ct_dot = count($name_div);
$img_type = $name_div[$ct_dot -1];
$destinationPath = public_path().'/img/'.$name;
file_put_contents($destinationPath, file_get_contents($url));
this will save the image to your /public/img, filename will be the original file name which is 123.jpg for the above case.
the get image name referred from here
Laravel's Input::file method is only used when you upload files by POST request I think. The error you get is because file_get_contents doesn't return you laravel's class. And you don't have to use move() method or it's analog, because the file you get from url isn't uploaded to your tmp folder.
Instead, I think you should use PHP upload an image file through url what is described here.
// Your file
$file = 'http://....';
// Open the file to get existing content
$data = file_get_contents($file);
// New file
$new = '/var/www/uploads/';
// Write the contents back to a new file
file_put_contents($new, $data);
I can't check it right now but it seems like not a bad solution. Just get data from url and then save it whereever you want
