Deleting all messages in JMS queue in Widlfy 9 - jms

I am trying to remove messages from JMS queue on Wildfly 9.0.2 (JBoss) using JMX, see following code:
MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
try {
String name = ",hornetq-server=default,jms-queue=MyQueue";
ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(objectNameString);
String result = (String) server.invoke(objectName, "removeMessages", new Object[]{null},
new String[]{"java.lang.String"});
return result;
} catch (MalformedObjectNameException | InstanceNotFoundException | MBeanException | ReflectionException ignored) {
log.errorv(ignored, "Error removing messages from JMS queue [{0}]", name);
return null;
There is an active consumer on that queue. The code runs without exception and returns string "0", but no messages are actually removed. I tried also to use some value as message filter (*), but got failure: "HQ119020: Invalid filter: *"
Any idea how to remove the messages?


How to use RemoteFileTemplate<SmbFile> in Spring integration?

I've got a Spring #Component where a SmbSessionFactory is injected to create a RemoteFileTemplate<SmbFile>. When my application runs, this piece of code is called multiple times:
public void process(Message myMessage, String filename) {
StopWatch stopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted();
byte[] bytes = marshallMessage(myMessage);
String destination = smbConfig.getDir() + filename + ".xml";
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Result: {}", new String(bytes));
Optional<IOException> optionalEx =
session -> {
try (InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
session.write(inputStream, destination);
} catch (IOException e1) {
return Optional.of(e1);
return Optional.empty();
});"processed Message in {}", stopWatch.formatTime());
ioe -> {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
this works (i.e. the file is written) and all is fine. Except that I see warnings appearing in my log:
DEBUG my.package.MyClass Result: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>....
INFO org.springframework.integration.smb.session.SmbSessionFactory SMB share init: XXX
WARN jcifs.smb.SmbResourceLocatorImpl Path consumed out of range 15
WARN jcifs.smb.SmbTreeImpl Disconnected tree while still in use SmbTree[share=XXX,service=null,tid=1,inDfs=true,inDomainDfs=true,connectionState=3,usage=2]
INFO org.springframework.integration.smb.session.SmbSession Successfully wrote remote file [path\to\myfile.xml].
WARN jcifs.smb.SmbSessionImpl Logging off session while still in use SmbSession[credentials=XXX,targetHost=XXX,targetDomain=XXX,uid=0,connectionState=3,usage=1]:[SmbTree[share=XXX,service=null,tid=1,inDfs=false,inDomainDfs=false,connectionState=0,usage=1], SmbTree[share=XXX,service=null,tid=5,inDfs=false,inDomainDfs=false,connectionState=2,usage=0]]
jcifs.smb.SmbTransportImpl Disconnecting transport while still in use Transport746[XXX/999.999.999.999:445,state=5,signingEnforced=false,usage=1]: [SmbSession[credentials=XXX,targetHost=XXX,targetDomain=XXX,uid=0,connectionState=2,usage=1], SmbSession[credentials=XXX,targetHost=XXX,targetDomain=null,uid=0,connectionState=2,usage=0]]
INFO my.package.MyClass processed Message in 00:00:00.268
The process method is called from a Rest method, which does little else.
What am I doing wrong here?

Spring Data Redis Streams, Cannot figure out what is happening to my unacknowleded messages?

I am using the following code to consume a Redis stream using a Spring Data Redis consumer group, but even though I have commented out the acknowledge command, my messages are not re-read after a server restart.
I would expect that if I didn't acknowledge the message, it should be re-read when the server gets killed and restarted. What am I missing here?
public StreamMessageListenerContainer eventStreamPersistenceListenerContainerTwo(RedisConnectionFactory streamRedisConnectionFactory, RedisTemplate streamRedisTemplate) {
StreamMessageListenerContainer.StreamMessageListenerContainerOptions<String, MapRecord<String, String, String>> containerOptions = StreamMessageListenerContainer.StreamMessageListenerContainerOptions
StreamMessageListenerContainer<String, MapRecord<String, String, String>> container = StreamMessageListenerContainer.create(streamRedisConnectionFactory,
container.receive(Consumer.from("my-group", "my-consumer"),
StreamOffset.create("event-stream", ReadOffset.latest()),
message -> {
System.out.println("MessageId: " + message.getId());
System.out.println("Stream: " + message.getStream());
System.out.println("Body: " + message.getValue());
//streamRedisTemplate.opsForStream().acknowledge("my-group", message);
return container;
After reading the Redis documentation on how streams work, I came up with the following to automatically process any unacknowledged but previously delivered messages for the consumer:
// Check for any previously unacknowledged messages that were delivered to this consumer."STREAM - Checking for previously unacknowledged messages for " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " event stream listener.");
String offset = "0";
while ((offset = processUnacknowledgedMessage(offset)) != null) {"STREAM - Finished processing one unacknowledged message for " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " event stream listener: " + offset);
}"STREAM - Finished checking for previously unacknowledged messages for " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " event stream listener.");
And the method that processes the messages:
* Processes, and acknowledges the next previously delivered message, beginning
* at the given message id offset.
* #param offset The last read message id offset.
* #return The message that was just processed, or null if there are no more messages.
public String processUnacknowledgedMessage(String offset) {
List<MapRecord> messages = streamRedisTemplate.opsForStream().read(Consumer.from(groupName(), consumerName()),
StreamOffset.create(streamKey(), ReadOffset.from(offset)));
String lastMessageId = null;
for (MapRecord message : messages) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(String.format("STREAM - Processing event(%s) from stream(%s) during startup: %s", message.getId(), message.getStream(), message.getValue()));
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(String.format("STREAM - Finished processing event(%s) from stream(%s) during startup.", message.getId(), message.getStream()));
streamRedisTemplate.opsForStream().acknowledge(groupName(), message);
lastMessageId = message.getId().getValue();
return lastMessageId;

How to send message to a specific subscription over spring websocket STOMP?

I am using STOMP over websockets with spring boot. Is there a possibility to send a message to a specific subscription? I subscribe to the STOMP endpoints using a STOMP header containing an id field according to the stomp documentation I want this id to be used to determine the clients who should receive a message, but spring seems not to use this id. I can not just use sendToUser because two clients can have the same user id e.g. if a user has two opened browser windows. Only one specific window should receive the message.
In the following example I have two connected clients which are using the same user, but different ids in the STOMP header.
Client1-ID: a32d66bf-03c7-47a4-aea0-e464c0727842
Client2-ID: b3673d33-1bf2-461e-8df3-35b7af07371b
In spring I have executed the following Kotlin code:
val subscriptions = userRegistry.findSubscriptions {
it.destination == "/user/topic/operations/$operationId/runs"
println("subscription id: ${}");
println("session id: ${}");
println("user id ${}");
The output:
subscription id: sub-7
session id: mcjpgn2i
user id 4a27ef88-25eb-4175-a872-f46e7b9d0564
subscription id: sub-7
session id: 0dxuvjgp
user id 4a27ef88-25eb-4175-a872-f46e7b9d0564
There is no sign of the id I have passed to the stomp header.
Is it possible to send a message to one specific subscription determined by the id I have passed with the header?
I got it working.
First of all, there was something wrong with my client setup. I have set the subscription id in the connection header like this:
this.stompClient.webSocketFactory = (): WebSocket => new SockJS("/ws");
this.stompClient.connectHeaders = { id: subscriptionId };
But the subscription header has to be set in the subscription header:
{ id: subScriptionId });
If I do this, spring is correctly using this id as the subscription id, instead of using some default like sub-7.
According to that thread I can send messages to specific sessions instead of user.
With the following code I can send a message to a specific subscription:
val subscriptions = userRegistry.findSubscriptions {
it.destination == "/user/topic/operations/$operationId/runs"
subscriptions.forEach {
if( === mySubscriptionId){
val headerAccessor =
headerAccessor.sessionId =
"/topic/operations/runs", messageResponseEntity,
I'm able to send message to a specific subscription using SimpMessagingTemplate.
private final SimpMessagingTemplate messagingTemplate;
public void sendMessage(String simpUserId, String destination, String message) {
try {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(simpUserId, destination, message);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Exception occurred while sending message [message={}]", ex.getMessage(), ex);
You may refer SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser

google-cloud pubsub leaves messages in queue after sending ack

I have this subscriber code:
try {
final List<ReceivedMessage> messages = syncSubscriber.fetch(10, true);//get all current messages.
List<String> ackIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (ReceivedMessage message : messages) {
//preferred bulk ack, due to network performance
public void sendAck(Collection<String> ackIdList) {
if (ackIdList != null && ackIdList.size() != 0) {
String subscriptionName = SubscriptionName.format(this.getProjectId(), this.subscriptionId);
AcknowledgeRequest acknowledgeRequest = AcknowledgeRequest.newBuilder().setSubscription(subscriptionName).addAllAckIds(ackIdList).build();
I poll the pubsub queue in loop
and even though the code sends ack i still get the same messages.
how should i ack otherwise?
My problem was that i had a break point between receiving the message and sending ack. My pubsub was configured to 10 seconds timeout.

AMQP Appender pending message count

We are sending audit log messages to a RabbitMQ cluster which is sometimes unavailable for reasons we cannot influence.
When the queue is not available, log messages start to accumulate locally and we get a out-of-memory eventually on the client.
We are using a AMQP Appender to submit our messages.
Is there a way we can query the count of pending log messages and raise an alert when messages start adding up?
Well, it isn't possible. There is just no any hooks to do that.
You can consider, though, to decrease maxSenderRetries from default 30 to 1 or 2. After that you'll start to lose log messages:
int retries = event.incrementRetries();
if (retries < AmqpAppender.this.maxSenderRetries) {
// Schedule a retry based on the number of times I've tried to re-send this
AmqpAppender.this.retryTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {;
}, (long) (Math.pow(retries, Math.log(retries)) * 1000));
else {
addError("Could not send log message " + logEvent.getMessage()
+ " after " + AmqpAppender.this.maxSenderRetries + " retries", e);
We might have to expose queueSize option instead of default:
public LinkedBlockingQueue() {
Feel free to raise a JIRA on the matter.
