Pass user id in laravel after logged in - laravel-5

I would like to pass / submit the user_id of the currently logged on user. How will I do it in laravel 5.2? Please need help
I am not sure on my code on how will I use Auth:user() blah blah. Need help with this. I am new to this.

You can use the login functionality like this and pass the datas to the required pages as per your wish.
public function Dologin()
// create our user data for the authentication
$userdata = array(
'email' => Input::get('email'),
'password' => Input::get('password'),
if (Auth::attempt($userdata))
$user_id=Auth::user()->user_id;// user_id it will change as per the users table in your project.
return redirect('index');
Make sure you save your password using bcrypt method and for that alone the Auth::check() and Auth::user() will work.

auth()->id() will provide the user id


Laravel Passport custom validation for any /oauth/token request

I need to validate extra fields in my users table before i create the requested tokens, but i can't find a simple way to do it with Passport.
I find similar workarunds which returns a token using $user->createToken() but i can't find someone covering all default /oauth/token options like the refresh_token
Also i see Passport have some simple ways to customize the username column and the password validation but i think this not cover my neededs.
Im not sure if this is the best solution but in Laravel 5.8 the passport package have this validateForPassportPasswordGrant() function which allow you to add some extra conditionals before allowing the authentication process to get completed.
class User extends Authenticatable
public function validateForPassportPasswordGrant($password)
if ($this->active != true) {
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied('The account is not active');
return Hash::check($password, $this->password);
In your login method
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password, 'is_active' => 1, 'username' => $request->username])) {
// create a token here

Password resetting in laravel when email address is not unique

This might sound like an antipattern or a weak system design, but the client of my app has demanded that there can be multiple users with same email address.
So I added another unique column named username to the users table and removed ->unique() constraint from email column.
Registration, Login are working fine but the problem arises during the password reset.
Consider the scenario:
username - johndoe, email -
username - janedoe, email -
username - jimmydoe, email -
If any one of them makes a request for a password reset link, they would have to use as their email. So which user's password is actually going to be reset when they click on reset link from mail? Turns out, the first user, in this case, johndoe. Even if the request was made by janedoe or jimmydoe.
So how do I reset password for a single username, rather than an email? What changes should I make in the ForgotPasswordController and/or ResetPasswordController controllers to solve this? Or, do I have to make changes in the core framework? If so, where and how?
Tested in Laravel 5.3 [This answer modifies some core files(you may override it if capable) and it's not a clean solution.]
Ask user for the unique username value instead of email on password forget form.
Override the sendResetLinkEmail() method in ForgotPasswordController.php as folows. [Originally written in SendsPasswordResetEmails.php].
public function sendResetLinkEmail(Request $request)
$response = $this->broker()->sendResetLink(
return $response == Password::RESET_LINK_SENT
? $this->sendResetLinkResponse($response)
: $this->sendResetLinkFailedResponse($request, $response);
you would also need to override the validateEmail() method.
protected function validateEmail(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, ['username' => 'required']);
Add username field instead of email on password reset form.
Override rules() in ResetPasswordController.php to over come the email field change.
protected function rules()
return [
'token' => 'required',
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
Also override the credentials() in ResetPasswordController.php
protected function credentials(Request $request)
return $request->only(
'username', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token'
Update or override the getEmailForPasswordReset() method in Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\CanResetPassword.php to the folowing.
public function getEmailForPasswordReset()
return $this->username;
Laravel uses key-value pair to find the user and send email. If you pass 'username => 'xyz' it will look for the first record with value 'xyz' in username field.
Note: The unique column in users table is expected as username.
Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\CanResetPassword.php is a trait, and I was not able to overide the getEmailForPasswordReset method, so i just modified the core file itself.
This might sound like an antipattern or a weak system design, but the client of my app has demanded that there can be multiple users with same email address.
Then you need to rewrite this feature and ask user for some more unique information, no matter what it is going to be. Laravel provided password reset expects email to be unique and with your current design it won't work. There's no magic here. You you cannot disambiguate your user using non unique data.
You will need to rework some things for this, but I feel like the user experience is better. Generate a unique key for each user (for data hiding). There is a helper method for creating unique keys.
Then, when the email is sent out, link the button to a route that utilizes this key.
Then, modify or create that route that points to the reset password controller. You would then know which user it was referring to.
Remove the need for the user to insert their password because you'd already know who it was.

Laravel Stormpath not able to access User Object

I am using Laravel and Stormpath for User Management. I am able to register and login user successfully using AJAX.
After successful login only the url is returned to AJAX, but after login when I go to User specific pages I am not able to fetch User Data.
Registration and Login happens in RegisterController
User Pages are rendered using UserController
I've tried to get User data using
$user = app('stormpath.user');
in UserController, but when I do dd($user) null is returned.
How to persist or get User Data after successful login or sign-up in other Controllers?
Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance!
For the Stormpath Laravel integration, when you run AJAX calls, we do not set any cookies. We provide you with the JWT in the header response that you will need to look at and then store them youself. The JWT will then need to be attached to all other requests as a Bearer token which will allow you to use the `$user = app('stormpath.user') method to get the user information out of the JWT.
I finally got everything working. Thank you #bretterer
// Stormpath user account creation
\Stormpath\Client::$apiKeyProperties = ""
$client = \Stormpath\Client::getInstance();
$apps = $client->tenant->applications;
$apps->search = array('name' => 'My Application');
$application = $apps->getIterator()->current();
$account = \Stormpath\Resource\Account::instantiate(
'givenName' => $request->input('username'),
'middleName' => '',
'surname' => 'StromTrooper',
'username' => $request->input('username'),
'email' => $request->input('user_mail'),
'password' => $request->input('user_pass'),
'confirmPassword' => $request->input('user_pass')
// Create User Account and Log-in the User
$response = $application->createAccount($account);
$passwordGrant = new \Stormpath\Oauth\PasswordGrantRequest(
$auth = new \Stormpath\Oauth\PasswordGrantAuthenticator($application);
$result = $auth->authenticate($passwordGrant);
$atoken = cookie("access_token",
$rtoken = cookie("refresh_token",
$response_bag['success'] = url('userprofile');
catch (\Stormpath\Resource\ResourceError $re)
$response_bag['error'] = $re->getMessage();
$atoken = 'null';
$rtoken = 'null';
return response()
and in the User controller I am able to access the user details using app('stormpath.user');
and since I was using Laravel 5.1
I had to comment out $token = $request->bearerToken(); from vendor/stormpath/laravel/src/Http/Middleware/Authenticate.php from function public function isAuthenticated(Request $request)

laravel 5.2 user login with active status

hi every one i am using laravel 5.2 default auth but i want that the user must only be logged in with active status.
in this link they given the method like the following
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'active' => 1])) {
// The user is active, not suspended, and exists.
but I did not find this where it is located in laravel 5.2.
I searched but the solutions are for previous versions and not for 5.2.
So please help me to login the users that has active status only so give me laravel 5.2 not of 5.1 or previous versions built in or custom solution to solve the problem
Assuming you are using the default auth setup, you can override the getCredentials method on the AuthController, which comes from the AuthenticatesUsers trait.
protected function getCredentials(Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
return $request->only($this->loginUsername(), 'password') + ['active' => 1];
That method returns the credentials array that is passed to Auth::attempt in the login method of AuthController. As other people have mentioned you will need to have a active field on your users table.
That example is only to show you can add custom fields when attempting to login.
You need to add an extra field to your User table like isActive.
When you have done this you can check if a user is active in your application.
if($user->isActive) {
// do something

Hash::check() return false in laravel 5

I'm just starting with laravel 5, I'm doing a simple login function to check if email and password passed by user matches with the email and password stored in the database. I've been reading the documentation ([ but Hash::check($content['password'], $user->{'password'}) returns false always. My code looks like this.
When I create a new user I hash the password like that:
$content = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
$user -> password = Hash::make($content['email']);
And my login function looks like that:
public function login(Request $request)
$content = json_decode($request -> getContent(), true);
$user = DB::table('users')->where('email', $content['email'])->first();
if (Hash::check($content['password'], $user->{'password'}))
// Redirect to dashboard
Thanks in advance!!
Actually you are hashing the email instead of password while creating the user. change the code from
$user->password = Hash::make($content['email']);
$user->password = Hash::make($content['password']);
i came up with same issue. check database users table, password field. make the size of the field to 60 or more. this fixed mine.
The facade Hash just will encrypt your data:
is the same that:
$password = bcrypt('123456');
to login a user you need to use AuthController functions:
Auth::attempt(['email' => '' , 'password' => Hash::make('password')]);
it's a example.
If you're receiving a request, you can add this method to login:
if(Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password , 'active' => 1])){
flash()->success('Successfully logged in!');
return redirect('/');
the attempt function will hash your password field and will compare with database data.
