I'm using Laravel and taking in input and file uploads. This page takes changes that users want to make to an order. The end goal is to take this input and apply it to multiple orders.
I can reuse the input for each of the orders. But what would be a good way for me to copy that file in the request to multiple directories? For example, as in the documentation, I originally have: $request->file('photo')->move($destinationPath, $fileName); which works fine for one order. But now that I want to apply it to many orders, I can't move that same file from the request anymore since it doesn't exist.
And it looks like the UploadedFile object doesn't have a copy() method. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.
Do not depend on component too much. Keep it simple
$request->file('photo')->move($destination_path, $file_name);
//Add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR between path and filename if needed
copy($destination_path.$file_name, $new_path.$new_file_name);
If I may make a suggestion assuming these files are going to stay the same (you aren't allowing your users to modify these files by order), I think it makes sense to store one copy of the file on the server and use a database table to determine which orders that file belongs to and manage it all in the table. You may need to create a files table and an file_order table and give it a many to many relationship to your orders table but in the end, if these files are allowed to be large, could save you a lot of space and in my opinion, make it easier to manage.
In Laravel, look at the vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem.php , and I hope you'll get the everything of file, how they manage the files.
How to copy a file, move a file, delete a file everything is described clearly in that.
For copy a file in Laravel, there function is:
* Copy a file to a new location.
* #param string $path
* #param string $target
* #return bool
public function copy($path, $target)
return copy($path, $target);
I think there's nothing to say now.
Just use that
File::copy('file_name_with_full_path', 'target_directory_where_copy');
Hope, it might be helpful for you.
I have a Laravel website and I have several routes that load the contents of images from Storage. I do this using the following code:
public function show_image($name) {
echo Storage::disk('images')->get($name);
I want to prevent users being able to set name to something like ../../../error.log. So I don't want users to escape the Storage directory. I have a few ideas on how to accomplish this however I want to know is there a best practice?
If you need just file name, not location, disallow them from inputting folder of any kind. Just cut the string on /.
end(preg_split("#/#", $name));
When you need to allow some folders and all of the contents, check the folder name, subfolder name, etc.
You could either keep a registry/index of the uploaded images, and only allow the user to show a image from that registry (e.g. an images database table).
Or you could do a scan of the directory, that you are allowing files from, and make sure, that the requested file is in that list.
public function show_image($name) {
$files = Storage::disk('images')->files();
if (! in_array($name, $files)) {
throw new \Exception('Requested file not found');
echo Storage::disk('images')->get($name);
(code untested)
Been struggling with how to do this the most optimized way possible...
I have two models: Catalog and Application.
Catalog has a field called name.
Application has a field called name.
Both have a relationship with each other.
I am struggling to find a way to create a function i could use across my Laravel application which i would pass application.id to it and it would return a $app->name value based on the following logic:
if $application->name exists, use this value as the $app->name for the $application object
otherwise, get the $catalog->name value and use it as the $app->name
Note that I would like to create a component #application() where i can simply pass the $application->id and build the display logic (theming/styling) into it.
Since i display this $app->name in many places, i would like to make it as lightweight as possible to avoid unnecessary queries.
I hope this makes sense! There are probably so many ways to go with it, i am lost at figuring out the way way to do this :(
I'm not completely sure to understand your model/DB design, but you could use a custom Helper to use that function through the whole app.
For that, you can create a simple PHP class Helper.php file in app/Http/Helpers folder or whatever location you want. Something like:
use App\Catalog;
use App\Application;
if (! function_exists('getAppName')) {
function getAppName($id){
// Do your logic here to return the name
$catalog = Catalog::find($id);
return $catalog->name;
Then in any controller or view, you just do
Do no forget to add your helpers file to the composer autoload. So in composer.json in Laravel's root folder, add the helper path to the autoload array:
"files": [
Last but not least, run the following command:
composer dump-autoload
Please note that function logic is just for sample purposes since I don't know your model structure.
In my opinion, I care about the database cost.
Use ternary expression will be elegant. But it took two times IO costs from database if application name is empty.
$app_name = Application::find($id)->name;
$app_name = empty($app_name) ? Catalog::where('application_id', $id)->first()->name;
And this will more complicated, but the catalog_query only execute when application.name is empty, it execute in database and the result is taken out only once;
And Database will only find the name from one table or two table.
Something like this:
$catalog_query = Catalog::where('catalogs.application_id', $id)->select('catalogs.name')->groupBy('catalogs.name');
// if catalogs and applications relationship is 1:1, use ->limit(1) or remove groupBy('name') is better.
Application::where("applications.id", $id)
->selectRaw("IF(application.name IS NULL OR application.name = '', (" . $catalog_query->toSql() ."), applications.name ) AS app_name")
Hope this will help you.
Trying to save an h2o model with some specific name that differs from the model's model_id field, but trying something like...
just creates a dir/file structure like
as opposed to
Is this possible to do from the save_model method?
I can't / hesitate to simply change the model_id before calling the save method because the model names have timestamps appended to them to avoid name collisions with other models that may be on the h2o cluster (am trying to remove these timestamps when saving on disk and simplifying the name on the cluster before saving creates a time where naming collision can occur if other processes are also attempting to save such a model (of, say, a different timestamp)).
Any way to get this behavior or other common alternatives / workarounds?
This is currently not possible, however I created a feature request here. There is a related question here which shows a solution for R (could be adapted to Python). The work-around is just to rename the file manually using a few lines of R/Python code.
I kind of struggle to find the answer to my question, and my test don't prove to be useful. So maybe someone here would have hit the same issue that I'm facing.
I have inputs with the following kind of patterned name projects-0-1, project-0-2, project-1-0 and so on... These are file inputs so people can upload a document/an image.
So basically, I've been trying to get a validation message that would (ideally) be something like that:
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*-*', 'File is empty!');
$validator->getMessageBag()->add('project-*', 'File is empty!');
I tried a couple of things already and nothing seems to work.
The reason I get to add a custom message is that file is simply not validated if it comes empty to the $request object. So I first need to check if the $request->hasFile and in case it doesn't I want to add the error message.
Things to consider:
inputs can be dynamically added to the form, so I don't know the exact number of file inputs I need to validate beforehand.
even if this should not impact the code and validation, it's worth noticing that everything happens through ajax as I embed the form on another website. Therefore I created endpoints etc...
Any hint ?
Right, coming back here in case someone faces that issue too. I found a "hacky" way to get there and it does the trick for me.
As each input file is dynamically added to the DOM, I add an extra hidden input that holds the name of the file input as a value.
Then in my controller I do smth like that:
public function createValuesKeyArray ($preset)
$regexPattern = '/^'. $preset .'-[0-9]*$/';
$customPresets = preg_grep($regexPattern, array_keys(Input::all()));
$keys = [];
foreach ($customPresets as $customPreset) {
array_push($keys, $customPreset);
return $keys;
// This allows me to get all hidden input names in an array in order to get its value from the $request
$hiddenInputs = $this->createValuesKeyArray('hidden-project-name');
Once I get this array, I can do stuff like that and dinamycally add my set of rules for the input files present in the DOM:
foreach($hiddenInputs as $hiddenInput){
$globalRules[$request[$hiddenInput]] = 'required';
Not sure if this the right way to get there, but it does the job for me and I don't find that code horrible. I'll stick with it until I find a better way.
I’m looking to find a way to copy the page history that we can access from My account/My orders which is available on this directory template/sales/order/history.phtml and use its content on my own way without affecting the original one. I’ve been trying many ways, as copying the whole directory and editing the Xml files related to it in order to setup up the right path and make it work, unfortunately it was a failure. I would like to know if you could give me a solution for this.
To use the functions of a block inside another .phtml I'm quite sure you can use getBlock
$blockFunctions = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('sales/order_history');
$order = $blockFunctions->getOrderHistory();
And to add a block in your custom module you'll need to create a .xml file for your block and add it to your template, you'll also have to add the actual .phtml file. Take a look at the moduleCreator (http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/danieln/extension/1108/modulecreator) this handles most of this quite well.
This is by no means througher its just a rough guide.