How to set up an alert system for Graphite+Grafana server - dashboard

I have a server stats.hostname with graphite + grafana. This is receiving some stats about geolocation from several clients. I want to know if there is some plugin/extension/external tool for alert (email) when this stats overpass some threshold.
I tried with worldPing, but I think the tool is only for checking is a site is reachable or not.
Can you suggest some solution?

Alerting is probably one of the most requested features of Grafana. The team at Raintank are building an alerting system on top of Grafana. You can follow the progress and the discussion here -
Currently though, you can use Bosun for your alerting needs. -
It does have Graphite querying capabilities, and there's a Bosun Datasource for Grafana as well.

Alerting in grafana is available since release 4.0 from dec 2016
Currently v. 4.0.2 is available for donwload.


What is the best kafka ui dashboard to use with kafkajs? [duplicate]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 3 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I am new to kafka. We want to monitor and manage kafka topics. We tried different open source monitoring tools like
Both tools are good. But we are unable to make a decision which should be included in our deployment stack. Which one is better and why, and in which scenario?
'kafka manager' from yahoo looks the older one and 'kafka monitor' from LinkedIn is newer one
Kafka Monitor-
Lenses (ex Landoop) enhances Kafka with User Interface, streaming SQL engine and cluster monitoring. It enables faster monitoring of Kafka data pipelines.
They provide a free all-in-one docker (Lenses Box) which can serve a single broker for up to 25M messages. Note that this is recommended for development environments.
Cloudera SMM
Streams Messaging Manager is the solution for monitoring and managing clusters running Cloudera or Hortonworks kafka. It also comes with replication capability.
Another option is Confluent Enterprise which is a Kafka distribution for production environments. It also includes Control Centre, which is a management system for Apache Kafka that enables cluster monitoring and management from a User Interface.
Yahoo CMAK (Cluster Manager for Apache Kafka, previously known as Kafka Manager)
Kafka Manager or CMAK is a tool for monitoring Kafka offering less functionality compared to the aforementioned tools.
KafDrop is a UI for monitoring Apache Kafka clusters. The tool displays information such as brokers, topics, partitions, and even lets you view messages. It is a lightweight application that runs on Spring Boot and requires very little configuration.
LinkedIn Burrow
Burrow is a monitoring companion for Apache Kafka that provides consumer lag checking as a service without the need for specifying thresholds. It monitors committed offsets for all consumers and calculates the status of those consumers on demand. An HTTP endpoint is provided to request status on demand, as well as provide other Kafka cluster information. There are also configurable notifiers that can send status out via email or HTTP calls to another service.
Kafka Tool
Kafka Tool is a GUI application for managing and using Apache Kafka clusters. It provides an intuitive UI that allows one to quickly view objects within a Kafka cluster as well as the messages stored in the topics of the cluster. It contains features geared towards both developers and administrators.
If you cannot afford licenses, then go for Yahoo Kafka Manager, LinkedIn Burrow or KafDrop. Confluent's and Landoop's products are the best out there, but unfortunately, they require licensing.
For more details, you can refer to my blog post Overview of UI Monitoring tools for Apache Kafka Clusters.
If you want to pay for licensing and Kafka cluster support, then you can use Confluent Control Center
Alternatively, the free route would be to use JMX exporters from Datadog and/or Prometheus/Influxdb (with Grafana dashboards) to see overall system health checks (CPU, network, memory, etc)... Much more information than what you get only by monitoring Kafka processes with Kafka tools
At my company, we used the Yahoo product, we investigated the LinkedIn product, and several others mentioned. My company ultimately chose to use Prometheus+Grafana. Everyone loves it and I'd highly recommend it.
There are two big advantages to Prometheus+Grafana. The first is it does full featured Kafka metrics ingestion+visualization+alerting but it's not limited to Kafka. While our initial needs were just to monitor Kafka, we also wanted metrics on HTTP servers+traffic, server utilization (cpu/ram/disk), and custom application level metrics. Prometheus handles all of the above. Secondly, Prometheus + Grafana are very high quality, well designed, and easy to use. A lot of other products in this space are old and complicated to work with. Prometheus + Grafana are both excellent to work with, they are very customizable, polished, and easy to use. Grafana has a very flashy + functional JavaScript interface that lets you make exactly the customized dashboards that you want. Prometheus has a very polished metric collection engine, storage engine, query language, and alerting system. Something like Yahoo Kafka Manager has much more limited functionality in all of these categories.
If you want to try Prometheus, you need to do two things:
1) install+configure the JMX->Prometheus exporter on your Kafka brokers:
2) Setup a Prometheus server to collect metrics + and setup a Grafana dashboard to display the graphs that you want.
I'd also say that this is just for monitoring+dashboards+alerting. For management functions, you still need other tools.
The kafka-monitor is (despite the name) a load generation and reporting tool. Yahoo's kafka-manager is an overall monitoring tool.

Send email through elastic when error comes in log

I need to send email automatically whenever any error comes in my Elastic search.
Is there anyway to do it.
I dont want to use Elastic Cloud for it.
I can use Watcher in Kibana, but my question is whether the "Watcher" is available in local also along with cloud?
Please help!
Watcher is available in on-premises installations if you have at least a Gold License, it is not available with the free basic license.
The same thing for the Kibana e-mail action, it needs a Gold License.
You can check what is available at the subscription page.
If you do not have a Gold License for your on-premises cluster, you will need an external tool to query elasticsearch and send e-mails, you can build one using one of the official clients libraries (python, node.js, java etc) or you can try other tools like elastalert.

How integrate FireStore Health Check and Dashboard metrics with our internal Company systems

Context: it is my first use of FireStore. I want to use it to push notification status to our Mobile Application. I can see that there is Google Firestore Dashboard under Analytics umbrella. In our company we use mainly three tools for monitoring our applications: Zabbix, Dynatrace and certain internal solution based on Elasticsearch. I need to ntegrate our internal monitoring systems with metrics resulted from our first Firestore project.
What I am looking for: based on personal assumptions:
1) Maybe there might exist either some GET endpoints that a I can connect and poll for information let's say each minute
2) Maybe, following the idea of Database Realtime pushing events accross a long time connection, I can code a Spring Boot application that import Firebase SDK and every day I connect to some specific Firestore endpoint which will push any interested events (eg. delay based on custom logic or dead service)
3) Maybe some plugin I can connect straight to a Kafka hosted in our internal Datacent
4) Some plugin to connect from Firestore/Firebase to either third tools (eg. Zabbix or Dynatrace or Elasticsearch)
5) Some dependency I could import in google-cloud-funtions thiggered from Firestore Healcheck engine in orther to consume some internal end-point posting data
Perhaps there is already some approach universally used for a scenario when you have to connect Firestore to internal monitoring system. I will be highly appreciated if tell me that than I can narrow my googling searchs because I am not finding anything usefull.
Please, it is not part of this question comparing Monitoring approach. It is a very solid fact in our company use internal Dashboards and some custom alerts trigger. I just mentioned the names above to clarify what I mean by internal monitoring tools. The focus on this question is HOW IMPORT/INTEGRATE/OBSERVE/CONSUME Firestore monitoring data. Our internal stack is beyond this question.
Here is the Official Documentation for Cloud Monitoring using which you can collect metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud Platform products that you can use to create dashboards, charts, and alerts.
Please let me know if you have further questions.

IBM Cloud Private: How to alert on keywords in logs

Does ICP provide alerting on logs or this is something extra? My use case is to alert on critical exception keywords in application logs. ICP's Prometheus alerts deals with metrics/numbers. I am familiar with Graylog which uses ElasticSearch and it provides alerting feature. What is the ICP recommendation for alerting on messages/events in logs?
You can do this with elastalert:
If you are looking for ICP supported or inbuilt log alerting then there isn't any. You may have to rely on external tools build upon elastic search as David as pointed out in the answer.

What is the best way to send email reports from Kibana dashboard?

I've setup an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) stack and created some Kibana dashboard widgets. So far everything went amazing. Now I want to send daily and weekly email with the generated reports.
What is the best way to do that. Do I need to install any plugin or I can sent it right from Kibana?
You can use ElastAlert. You will be able to mail a link with the Kibana dashboard with only the data of the period you want. The period parameter in the top right corner will be set automatically in Kibana.
There are some workarounds, such as phantomjs but not straightforward to implement. For specific events and Kibana queries there are alerting mechanisms available (Watcher,, but I'm guessing you're looking to receive the entire dashboard by email.
There are two out-of-the box options for sending email reports from Kibana dashboard:
Skedler which allows you to schedule and send automated email reports based on your Kibana dashboard or search.
If you have Elasticsearch license/subscription, then you can use the reporting plugin.
Hope it helps.
You can use Sentinl that extends Kibana for Alerting and Reporting functionality to monitor, notify and report on data series changes using standard queries, programmable validators and a variety of configurable actions - Think of it as a free an independent "Watcher" which also has scheduled "Reporting" capabilities (PNG/PDFs snapshots).
The greatest thing about Sentinl is you can easily configure alerts through it's native App interface integrated in Kibana.
