It is possible to avoid making condition in 12:00 time? -

Hello I have this code below to format 12 hrs from my mvc3 controller to my jqgrid. I have a value of null from my database but it return 12:00 I want is if it is null I want to return a blank space or blank.
string FitaIn1 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FAIn1).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaOut1 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FAOut1).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaIn2 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FAIn2).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaOut2 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FAOut2).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaCorIn1 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FACorrectionIn1).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaCorOut1 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FACorrectionOut1).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaCorIn2 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FACorrectionIn2).ToString("hh:mm");
string FitaCorOut2 = Convert.ToDateTime(req.FACorrectionOut2).ToString("hh:mm");
At the same time I encounter this problem i try this code below because the null value returns 12:00
if (FitaIn1 == "12:00") { FitaIn1 = "00:00"; }
It is possible to log-in / log-out in 12:00 noon right?. I'm out of idea.


how to extract the today's date out of the date column using SQL query?

I assume I would need to change query in order to sort the data with today's date.
Please tell me how to change it though...
#Query("SELECT * FROM todo_table WHERE date(date) = date('now')")
fun getTodayList(): Flow<List<ToDoTask>>
#Entity(tableName = DATABASE_TABLE)
data class ToDoTask(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Int = 0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "title") val title: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "description") val description: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "priority") val priority: Priority,
#ColumnInfo(name = "date") val date: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "favorite") var favorite: Boolean)
date val in ViewModel class
val date : MutableState<String> = mutableStateOf("")
datas inserted
enter image description here
I have tried the code below and I was able to activate the function as the query as I intented, so I think the query is the issue here.
#Query("SELECT * FROM todo_table WHERE date = '2023-2-14'")
fun getTodayList(): Flow<List<ToDoTask>>
The Issue
The issue is that the SQLite date function expects the date to be in an accepted format.
YYYY-M-DD is not such a format and will result in null rather than a date. YYYY-MM-DD is an accepted format (see That is leading zeros are used to expand single digit numbers to 2 digit numbers for the month and day of month values.
The Fix (not recommended)
To fix the issue you have shown, you could use (see the However below):-
#Query("SELECT * FROM todo_table WHERE date(substr(date,1,5)||CASE WHEN substr(date,7,1) = '-' THEN '0' ELSE '' END ||substr(date,6)) = date('now');")
If the month was 2 numerics i.e. MM (e.g. 02 for February) then the above would not be necessary.
The CASE WHEN THEN ELSE END construct is similar to IF THEN ELSE END. see This is used to add the additional leading 0, when omitted, to the string used by the date function.
However, the above would not cater for days that have the leading 0 omitted for the first 9 days of the month. This due to the 4 permutations of the format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-D, YYYY-M-D and YYYY-M-DD) would be more complex e.g.
#Query("SELECT * FROM todo_table WHERE date(CASE WHEN length(date) = 8 THEN substr(date,1,5)||'0'||substr(date,6,1)||'-0'||substr(date,8) WHEN length(date) = 9 AND substr(date,7,1) = '-' THEN substr(date,1,5)||'0'||substr(date,6) WHEN length(date) = 9 AND substr(date,8,1) = '-' THEN substr(date,1,8)||'0'||substr(date,9) ELSE date END) = date('now');")
Recommended Fix
The recommended fix is to store values using one of the accepted formats rather than try to manipulate values to be an accepted date to then be worked upon using the date and time functions.

Fetch date and time in xamarin forms

I have to fetch hours and minutes from time format I am getting from the system however it is showing me error like int month= moment.Month;
DateTime productDate = DateTime.Now;
string twentyFourHourFormatHour =int.Parse(productDate.ToString("HH")).ToString();
Not picking up productdate when trying to store it in string (line 2)
DateTime has properties to expose all of the data you need. There is no need to do elaborate string manipulation.
DateTime date = DateTime.Now();
int hour = date.Hour;
int minute = date.Minute;

Performing a date comparison with a date field stored in the database

I am trying to compare todays date with a date in the database.
Todays date is saved in the database like this : 2016-06-14 00:00:00.000
dtTodaysDate is generated like this: 6/14/2016 11:51:09 AM
Here is the method
public string CheckCreateOneProjectReportPerDay(string strprojectId)
string checkReturnValue = "DoesNotExist";
DateTime dtTodaysDate = DateTime.Now;
var checkProjectRec =
s => s.ProjectID == strprojectId && s.StatusDate == dtTodaysDate);
if (checkPrjDate.Any())
checkReturnValue = "RecordExist";
return checkReturnValue;
I tried to use the keyword contains in the query below but no luck
var checkProjectRec =
s => s.ProjectID == strprojectId && s.StatusDate == dtTodaysDate);
The query above will always return nothing because they don't match. Is there a better way
of doing this comparison ?
It looks like your database column StatusDate only stores the Day, Month, and Year of its DateTime object.
I would recommend altering your linq query to search for only those values of dtTodaysDate.
Give this a try:
var checkProjectRec =
s => s.ProjectID == strprojectId
&& s.StatusDate.Year == dtTodaysDate.Year
&& s.StatusDate.Month == dtTodaysDate.Month
&& s.StatusDate.Day == dtTodaysDate.Day);
Linq-to-SQL: DateTime Methods might be worth looking into as well.

How can I make a CakePHP 3 time object remain consistent between AJAX and PHP?

When I load a page with a Time object and echo it out on the page through PHP, I get this:
<?= $user->last_login ?>
// 12/30/14, 5:21 pm
When I load data through ajax, it's returned to me like this:
// 2014-12-30T17:21:31+0000
I haven't set anything different from the default CakePHP 3 setup, and I need events that are added to the page (returned via ajax) to be in the same time format as events that were pulled on page load (return via PHP).
The default output in string format for Time objects is controlled by the setToStringFormat method
It is a good practice to not hardcode a format there, but to only change the current locale so that the right format is selected for you,
But the format that is used to encode to json is not possible to control it via configuration as it is a standard that dates should be presented in such format when encoded in a JSON API. Instead, what you can do is alter the jsonSerialize method in your User entity:
public function jsonSerialize() {
$toEncode = parent::jsonSerialize();
return ['last_login' => (string)$this->last_login] + $toEncode;
What it does is converting to string the last_login property before it is encoded to json. Converting to string will then use the globally configured toString format.
You can convert the format of the date using the javascript Date object
var date = new Date(response.user.last_login)
//returns a timestamp of 1419960091000
var n = date.getTime();
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth();
month = month + 1;
//increment the month by 1 as it starts from 0
var year = date.getFullYear();
year = year.toString().substr(2,2);
//this removes the first 2 characters to give yy, remove the above line for yyyy
var hours = date.getHours();
var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
var period='am';
if(hours==0){ //At 00 hours we need to show 12 am
else if(hours>12){
//remove the above line for 24 hour format
Now you can piece together the date in the required format
var last_login = day + '/' + month + '/' + year + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + period;
//gives 30/12/14 5:21 pm
Hope this helps!

date difference with linq

With this code:
i.SpesaAlloggio = db.TDP_NotaSpeseSezB.Sum(p => p.Costo / (((DateTime)p.DayEnd)
.Subtract((DateTime)p.DayStart).Days + 1));
I receive this error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method
'System.TimeSpan Subtract(System.DateTime)' method, and this method cannot be
translated into a store expression.
How can I do this?
Use a calculated DB field and map that. Or use SqlFunctions with EF 4 as LukLed suggested (+1).
I wrote a function for removing time:
public static DateTime RemoveHours(DateTime date)
int year = date.Year;
int month = date.Month;
int day = date.Day;
return new DateTime(year, month, day);
and changed filtering condition:
var query =
from trn in context.IdentityTransactions
where trn.ClientUserId == userId && trn.DateDeleted == null
orderby trn.DateTimeCreated
select new
ClientServerTransactionID = trn.ClientServerTransactionID,
DateTimeCreated = trn.DateTimeCreated,
ServerTransDateTime = trn.ServerTransDateTime,
Timestamp = trn.Timestamp,
Remarc = trn.Remarc,
ReservedSum = trn.ReservedSum,
if (dateMin.HasValue && dateMin.Value > DateTime.MinValue)
DateTime startDate = Converters.RemoveHours(dateMin.Value);
query = from trn in query
where trn.DateTimeCreated >= startDate
select trn;
if (dateMax.HasValue && dateMax.Value > DateTime.MinValue)
var endDate = Converters.RemoveHours(dateMax.Value.AddDays(1.0));
query = from trn in query
where trn.DateTimeCreated < endDate
select trn;
dateMin and dateMax are nullable types and may be not set in my case.
Try (it is not very efficient, but it will work):
i.SpesaAlloggio = db.TDP_NotaSpeseSezB.ToList()
.Sum(p => p.Costo / (((DateTime)p.DayEnd)
.Subtract((DateTime)p.DayStart).Days + 1));
EDIT : This will be extremely slow for large tables, because it transfers whole table content form server
Entity Framework tries to translate your expression to SQL, but it can't handle ((DateTime)p.DayEnd).Subtract((DateTime)p.DayStart). You have to make it simpler. ToList() gets all rows and then makes the calculation on application side, not in database.
With EF4, you could use SqlFunctions DateDiff
With EF1, you could create calculated field or view with this field and make calculation based on this field.
