Docker error: exit status 255 - windows

I'm new to docker.I can't restart virtual machine in docker.I don't know what 'exit status 255' means, while running docker-machine restart vdocker it shows
$docker-machine restart vdocker
Restarting "vdocker"...
Starting "vdocker"...
<vdocker> Check network to re-create if needed...
<vdocker> Waiting for an IP...
Too many retries waiting for SSH to be available. Last error:Maximum number of retries <60> exceeded
running docker-machine ls shows
$docker-machine ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp:// v1.11.2
vdocker - virtualbox Running Unknown Somthing went wrong running an SSH command!
command : ip addr show
err : exit status 255
output :
but default machine is working well.
Please let me know if you need any more info or clarity on the problem.

Try, if you don't have any image in it, to delete vdocker, then re-create it (with proxy if you are behind a proxy)
Then make sure to assign it a fixed IP with dmvbf
dmvbf vdocker 99 101
docker-machine regenerate-certs -f vdocker
After that, your VM should start everytime.


Unable to create new docker instances with docker-machine

I am using AWS with docker-machine to create and provision my instances. I would use this command to create a new instance:
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-instance-type "t2.micro" --amazonec2-security-group zhxw-production-sg zhxw-production-3
About a month ago, that worked fine. I just went to create a fresh machine, and I can no longer connect to it. When I run the above command, it gets stuck on "waiting for SSH to be available..."
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(zhxw-production-3) Launching instance...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
It just hangs at that point. If I cancel the command, and check the AWS EC2 console, it suggests that it's running:
When I run docker-machine ls, it also suggests that it's running, but with errors:
$-> docker-machine ls
zhxw-production-2 - amazonec2 Running tcp:// v19.03.12
zhxw-production-3 - amazonec2 Running tcp:// Unknown Unable to query docker version: Cannot connect to the docker engine endpoint
I'm able to connect to the zhxw-production-2 machine (which has been running for a month). Just not the new one zhxw-production-3 one I just launched.
$-> docker-machine env zhxw-production-3
Error checking TLS connection: Error checking and/or regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for host "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
You can attempt to regenerate them using 'docker-machine regenerate-certs [name]'.
Be advised that this will trigger a Docker daemon restart which might stop running containers.
The regenerate-certs command doesn't help either. I'm not really sure where to start debugging, because as far as I can tell, the docker-machine create command is the very beginning.
Turned out to be a problem with SSH to my AWS environment. I had my public IP address whitelisted, but it had changed.
I came across a problem like this and I found out that the AWS EC2 AMI did not have SSH installed, so I had to use different AMI, eg. Ubuntu.
I went through the same problem recently and found that the cause was the public ip change when I enabled elastic ip on the machine. I don't know if this is your case. Maybe my solution will help you or help others. He follows:
usually the file path is: /User/<name_your_user>/.docker/machine/<name_machine_ploblem>
edit parameter value: "IPAdress"
After making the change, run the command: docker-machine regenerate-certs <name_instance_ec2>
With these procedures, my problem was solved. I hope it helps! hug to everyone.

failing to start docker engine open //./pipe/docker_engine

I'm receiving the following error in docker on windows 10 laptop.
I've try to reinstall and restart but nothing helps.
The docker service is running OK but what i understand that i have a problem with the docker daemon (from what i read)
The whole issue started when i run the 2 commands:
net stop com.docker.service
net start com.docker.service
from there on i keep getting the error below and cannot solve it.
C:\Users\xxxx>docker images error during connect: Get
http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.30/images/json: open
//./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In
the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be
run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker
daemon is not running.
anyone succeed to solve it?
docker client must be run elevated to connect
This indicates that you do not have enough permissions. Try starting the terminal as administrator.
I run Docker remotely as a non admin user.
For this the user running docker should have full permission to location where Docker is installed.
User should be part of docker_users group
docker daemon runs on port 2375 by default. Try to whitelist this port. Allow incoming connections to 2375 in Windows Firewall settings
Restart your docker daemon and Docker service.
Restart the running Docker instance[Docker for Windows] if required. You do not have to reinstall.

How to set proxy in docker toolbox?

I have just installed docker toolbox on windows environnement (Windows 7 Pro) and I have got a network time out due to the entreprise proxy. How can I set the proxy in docker toolbox ?
Thanks for your help.
I encountered the same problem. Here is my solution.
Win7, Docker Toolbox 17.03, cmder terminal, behind enterprise proxy setting.
in C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox, find file. add following two proxy settings:
export http_proxy="http://hostname:port/"
export https_proxy="http://hostname:port/"
At least, it works for me.
I have a similar problem for Windows 7 but it was resolved by these steps :
Step 1. Create a batch script C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\kitematic_proxy.cmd with below configuration
set proxy=YOUR_PROXY
for /f %%i in ('docker-machine.exe ip default') do set DOCKER_HOST=%%i
set DOCKER_HOST=tcp://%DOCKER_HOST%:2376
cd Kitematic
Step 2. Open Oracle Virtual machine from the start menu , go to command prompt by clicking Show (Make sure your Oracle Vm is up and running)
sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
add this lines
export HTTP_PROXY=
use your proxy address & port
this link help me a lot
Don't forget to add ip to your proxy setting's exception list (use inetcpl.cpl )
Don't forget to add HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY to your user variable (Advance settings->Environment variables)
Don't forget to restart your pc
Installing docker on windows 7 (docker 18.09.0) behind an enterprise proxy was quite complicated for me. Here are the steps I followed:
set HTTP_PROXY variable in your windows environment (HTTP_PROXY=http://your_proxy:port)
install docker toolbox with installer or run in powershell as admin: choco install docker-toolbox (Warning! Don't use Docker for windows, as it targets Windows 10)
ensure you don't have any previous VM created by your previous attempts ( docker-machine ls should be empty. If not run: docker-machine rm default)
run in powershell as user: docker-machine --native-ssh create -d virtualbox --engine-env HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY --engine-env HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY default.
run C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\
Now run docker pull busybox. This should work.
I had an issue on my Windows 7 Docker toolbox installation
$ docker --version
Docker version 18.09.3, build 774a1f4eee
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01
When I tried
docker run hello-world
I received
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while waiting headers).
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe run --help'.
According to I've registered my enterprise proxy in /var/lib/boot2docker/profile inside the docker machine:
Use ssh to log in to the virtual machine. This example logs in to the default machine.
$ docker-machine ssh default
docker#default:~$ sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
Then I added my enterprise proxy in the end of the profile
export "HTTP_PROXY=http://host:port"
export "HTTPS_PROXY=http://host:port"
after that I continued the instructions
Add a NO_PROXY setting to the end of the file similar to the example below.
export "NO_PROXY=192.168.*.*"
Restart Docker.
After you modify the profile on your VM, restart Docker and log out of the machine.
docker#default:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
docker#default:~$ exit
After that docker run hello-world command works well
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
$ docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:
Configuration lost after PC restart
As #rsb2097 mentioned after every PC reboot Docker Machine lose the settings in /var/lib/boot2docker/profile. I face the same problem too and I don't know how to avoid this, but I made a script to write these settings simpler.
I thought that happens because I shut down the PC without stopping the docker machine (VirtualBox says that there are active connections on shut down): supposed that it damages.
I tried docker-machine stop but it doesn't help.
As a result I wrote AddDockerMachineProxy.cmd script that writes the proxy settings using plink.exe from Putty (
Restart the PC.
Run Docker Quickstart Terminal, I have following output:
Starting "default"...
(default) Check network to re-create if needed...
(default) Windows might ask for the permission to configure a dhcp server.
Sometimes, such confirmation window is minimized in the taskbar.
(default) Waiting for an IP...
Machine "default" was started.
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Started machines may have new IP addresses.
You may need to re-run the `docker-machine env` command.
Regenerate TLS machine certs?
Warning: this is irreversible. (y/n): Regenerating TLS certificates
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Run AddDockerMachineProxy.cmd script (plink.exe must be in %PATH%):
#echo off
echo Was "Docker Quickstart Terminal" run after the reboot to init the machine?
echo If not this script fails.
set "exePlink=plink.exe"
set "connectionString=-pw tcuser docker#"
echo Profile BEFORE:
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% cat /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% sudo bash -c "'echo export \"HTTP_PROXY=http://host:port\">> /var/lib/boot2docker/profile'"
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% sudo bash -c "'echo export \"HTTPS_PROXY=http://host:port\">> /var/lib/boot2docker/profile'"
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% sudo bash -c "'echo export \"NO_PROXY=192.168.*.*\">> /var/lib/boot2docker/profile'"
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
echo Profile AFTER:
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% cat /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
echo Restart docker service:
call "%exePlink%" %connectionString% sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: PSCP failed !!! & goto BadExit )
echo Testing connection
call docker image pull hello-world || ( echo ERROR: docker image pull is failed !!! & goto BadExit )
echo Done!
exit /b 0
echo ERROR !!!
exit /b 1
Ah! Actually with Docker Toolbox windows part is just very thin layer over created virtual machine, so my method is to configure virtual machine itself to make everything work. So.
0) Set global environment variables on Windows host machine
HTTP_PROXY = "http://login:password#yourproxy:8080"
HTTPS_PROXY = "http://login:password#yourproxy:8080"
Note caps letters! (also you can set FTP_PROXY and NO_PROXY)
1) Run Docker Quickstart Terminal, it will create virtual machine named default under you VirtualBox or whatever. Also it will display address of your newly created VM like
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
2) SSH to this address (i.e. with PuTTY). Login:docker Password:tcuser
3) Run
echo '
"httpProxy": "http://login:password#yourproxy:8080",
"httpsProxy": "http://login:password#yourproxy:8080"
}' > /home/docker/.docker/config.json
This will force docker client (on VM!) to run containers with correct envs inside.
4) So now you can use docker client inside VM. To force Windows docker client (as well as docker-compose) also to set correct envs inside running containers, put the same config.json as in p.3 on Windows host machine to C:\User\<yourhomedir>\.docker directory.
Now check the environment inside running container
docker run -ti ubuntu env
Note both CAPS and lower letter variables are set properly!
Final check for everything is ok:
docker run -ti ubuntu apt-get update
5) One issue you may face, is that address of your proxy is from network, which docker use when creating own networks, so it will spoil route to your proxy right after you will do docker network create. So make sure the proxy address is not like 172.18.x.x . If so force docker to use another address space for created networks by making another config on VM
sudo -i
echo '
"default-address-pools": [
}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json
Then restart dockerd /etc/init.d/docker restart
6) Do not restart your virtual machine, pause it when needed.

Docker unreachable after computer sleep

I have just installed docker using docker-toolbox 1.8.2 on Windows 10.
Due to due to this issue I had to recreate the docker image using these commands
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine --native-ssh create -d virtualbox default
After that it has been working fine, except for one problem:
When the PC has gone to sleep and then wakes again, the docker commands can no longer connect. Example:
> docker images
An error occurred trying to connect: Get
dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection
failed because connected host has failed to respond.
However the docker-machine lists the machine as running:
> docker-machine ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp://
I can also confirm in VirtualBox that the VM screen seems to be active.
I have tried starting and stopping the machine, but that does not help
C:\x> docker-machine stop default
C:\x> docker-machine start default
Starting VM...
Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the `docker-machine env` command.
C:\x> docker-machine env default --shell=powershell
Ironically, the last command hangs, so I never get any environment settings.
The only thing that helps is to restart the whole PC. But that should be unnecessary?
I have also posted this as an issue on the docker github repository,but that was closed. A related issue seems to be this one, but no workaround or solution has been posted for Windows.
After hous of fighting with VirtualBox + Docker Toolbox, I finally found the way, how to make Docker working again (even without restarting all the containers):
Wake up PC from sleep
Try docker images (won`t work)
Open VirtualBox -> Close VM with saving state (CTRL+V)
Run your VM again
Try docker images again (now should work)
Please note: All steps are in VirtualBox only! Running docker-machine restart default will create another host-only adapter, which is something you do not want. If you did it anyway, delete all additionally created adapters (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), then follow steps 1-5.
I have experienced the exact same symptoms on Windows 8.1... The thing is that it's not really a docker-specific issue, but more how Windows manages the VirtualBox network adapters after sleep (I think...). The culprit in my case is that the network adapter's addresses were becoming private after sleep (they became 169.* addresses).
Credits to this guy who gave me the idea:
Start a command prompt as Administrator
Find out the "useful" network adapters: ipconfig /all. The useful ones in my case were the ones labeled "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" that didn't have private ips (not starting with 169.*).
Run this command and note the "Idx" of the useful VirtualBox network adapters: netsh interface ipv4 show inter.
Run this command to disable the IP auto configuration: netsh interface ipv4 set interface <idx> dadtransmits=0 store=persistent. Replace <idx> with each index found in the previous step.
Restart Windows
Afterwards, I was able to docker-machine start default, then docker-machine env default --shell cmd, put the PC to sleep, wake up and run docker-machine env default --shell cmd again.
I found that removing 'host only adapter' (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), and restart the docker-machine helps.
Not a real solution. But probably better over restart the computer.
Having tried all the other answers here, and having varying but not consistent success, the following seems to reliably bring it back for me after this problem occurs.
Open a powershell/command window (I have most success if I run all docker-machine commands in a powershell window opened as administrator, I don't know if that's important or not) then run (where "dev" is the name of your docker machine instance):
docker-machine ssh dev
Then on the terminal that is opened, run:
sudo shutdown -r now
When the machine restarts, it seems to refresh the network and work correctly. Note, however, that simply running docker-machine restart dev did not have the same effect for me.
Your machine needs to be running before you can do the ssh, so if it's not running, execute docker-machine start dev before trying to SSH.
Had the same problem on Windows 8.1 and docker toolbox 1.12.0
None of the above solutions worked for me, too.
Found another way to make docker work after system wake up:
In the docker Quickstart Terminal window, stop docker process Ctrl-C (if it is still running)
Run command docker-compose down
Shut down docker with docker-machine stop default
Exit terminal window Ctrl-D
Run Quickstart Terminal again and do all subsequent steps you need.
This worked for me, on Windows host machine.
Configure your network adapter to
1) Allow the network adapter to wake the computer,
2) Allow a magic packet to wake the computer,
3) Allow IPV6
Also, on virtual box network settings, go to advanced, and allow promiscuous mode to VM machines, or allow all

Port forwarding issues trying to run a docker container

I am new to docker and nowhere near a networking expert, but I am seeing some strangeness when trying to run a docker container instance (right word?). I am running docker on OSX and set it up using the documentation found here:
Everything seems to have gone along fine, then I set up the port forwarding rules via these lines:
for i in {49000..49900};
do VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i";
I can confirm the boot2docker VM instance by checking the configuration within the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager->Network->Adapter 1->Port Forwarding with the OSX.
I then run this command to get the container.
docker run -d -P
I do a "docker ps" and get this info.
f20bfefa2e97 "/usr/sbin/apachectl 18 seconds ago Up 15 seconds>443/tcp,>80/tcp cranky_einstein
However, when I run an "lsof -i :49153" I see nothing is listening. I also can't reach the container via the "l****host:49153" in my browser. It just hangs.
What's strange is if I explicitly set the port (rather than allowing docker to assign one) via the following command:
docker run -d -p 49000:80
It seems to work (lsof -i:49000 displays a TCP LISTEN), and I can confirm it's listening and the container is reachable via "l****host:49000". However, it's extremely slow. I'm not sure if either are related, but would welcome any tips or thoughts.
