maven trick to change package names - maven

Our project is planning to upgrade storm from 0.10.0 to 1.0.2.
Between these versions, storm has changed all package-names from backtype to org.apache
Now we use a couple of 3rd party storm dependencies like storm-jms, etc.
Some of these projects have plans to upgrade soon to 1.0.2 but some do not have it on their roadmap.
So when we upgrade the storm-version in pom.xml, all those 3rd party dependencies begin to cause compilation errors as they do not find backtype.* packages anymore.
What is the best strategy to proceed in such a case?
Is there a maven-trick published somewhere to change the package names automatically?

In your pom, you can add class relocation (
The patterns, that you have to use, are in following class -

From Storm web page (
In the latest version, the class packages have been changed from "backtype.storm" to "org.apache.storm" so the topology code compiled with older version won't run on the Storm 1.0.0 just like that. Backward compatibility is available through following configuration
client.jartransformer.class: "org.apache.storm.hack.StormShadeTransformer"
You need to add the above config in storm installation if you want to run the code compiled with older versions of storm. The config should be added in the machine you use to submit your topologies.
Refer to for more details.


Which version of AEM supports .cfg.json config files?

So, tells us that the currently recommended way to configure OSGi components is to use .cfg.json files. However, it notes that those are only supported “[…] since Installer Configuration Factory 1.2.0”.
So now I’d like to know:
How do I figure out which version of “Installer Configuration Factory” my AEM uses?
Which version of AEM comes preinstalled with Installer Configuration Factory ≥ 1.2.0?
If I’m on an older version of AEM, how do I upgrade Installer Configuration Factory?
I couldn’t find definite answers on any of these. But Adobe does sometimes also recommend using .cfg.json config files but only in articles about AaaCS. Is this only supported on AaaCS?
Sorry for my snarky tone but the lack of reliable, concise documentation is infuriating…
How do I figure out which version of “Installer Configuration Factory” my AEM uses?
goto /system/console/bundles
search for Apache Sling Installer Configuration Admin Support
This gives you the bundle you are looking for
The number as marked in screenshot is the version used by your AEM.
Which version of AEM comes preinstalled with Installer Configuration Factory ≥ 1.2.0?
I am on AEM 6.5.6 and the screenshot above is from the same instance. It exports out 1.1.2. The only version above this is 6.5.7, not sure if it has been upgraded to 1.2.0 as you need
If I’m on an older version of AEM, how do I upgrade Installer Configuration Factory?
You can build the bundle or download the already available one and install. However if there is any hard dependency on the existing version, your instance may corrupt. In order to avoid that, you may need to evaluate what all bundles are dependent on the existing version of configuration bundle and see if you can upgrade them all.
Short cut is to create a vanilla instance and deploy the configuration bundle exporting 1.2.0 version of configuration and test if instance comes up and number of active bundles is same and the ones before you upgraded configurations bundle.

How to update the quarkus version used

What is the recommended way of upgrading the quarkus version used in an existing application?
I have taken a look at my pom.xml, since the quarkus extensions dont specify the version used, I assume that they will get updated based on the main quarkus version.
The properties which look to be relevant in the update are quarkus-plugin.version, and surefire-plugin.version.
How can I decide which ones to change, and is there anything else to be aware of?
There is one important thing to know, we have:
Quarkus Core: this is the main Quarkus artifacts + all the core extensions: the quarkus-bom is the one of Core. The Quarkus Maven plugin is part of it too.
Quarkus Platform: it contains more extensions such as Camel Quarkus: the quarkus-universe-bom is the one from the Platform, it contains the Core + the additional extensions
We usually release Quarkus core then Quarkus Platform with a few days between the two as we often need a release of Camel Quarkus, which is an Apache project and organizes a 72 hours vote for each release.
In a newly created project, you have the following properties:
quarkus-plugin.version is the version of the Quarkus Maven plugin, it should be in line with the version of the core you use
quarkus.platform.artifact-id can right now either be quarkus-universe-bom for the whole Platform or just quarkus-bom for the Core only.
quarkus.platform.version is the version of the BOM.
Usually all these versions should be aligned. But... it could happen that we would need some quick update in the Platform and not of the core and we could then only release a new version of the platform. This hasn't happened yet to be honest.
Let's take an example of what happened today: I released Quarkus Core 1.2.0.Final but we are still waiting for Camel Quarkus to be released to release the Platform.
If you want to update early, you can change the BOM to use the quarkus-bom and update everything to 1.2.0.Final.
Or you can wait for the Platform to be released early next week and stay on the Platform quarkus-universe-bom.
We also only update the website documentation and when the full Platform is released.
It used to work to simply issue the command
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.4.2.Final:create
in the base project directory for it to automatically update the Quarkus versions in the project pom.xml file, but since 1.6.0.Final it errors:
project XXXXX: Unable to generate the project in a directory that already contains a pom.xml -> [Help 1]
I will create an improvement suggestion ticket at Quarkus to restore this functionality, maybe with a dedicated maven goal (like update)

How the MANIFEST file is being generated in my AEM osgi bundle?

I created one maven project with aem-project-archetype version 13.
After installing the bundle to AEM, I am getting error in felix console that 3 of the imported bundles could not be resolved.
I am trying to find out that from where these are being included into my manifest file which is inside the target/MANIFEST folder.
so that i could modify the versions of the respective bundles.
the error i am geting in felix console, my bundle is in installed state, not active,version=[2.10,3) -- Cannot be resolved,version=[2.2,3) -- Cannot be resolved,version=[1.4,2) -- Cannot be resolved
When you're developing AEM applications, the OSGI bundle (and Manifest) is typically generated via the Felix maven-bundle-plugin.
The plugin writes your package imports based on the java packages you import in your all of your Java code. If you are importing from a maven dependency, say Sling the version for that import will be the package version from Sling.
The issue you are having here could be one of two
The package you are importing does not exists in OSGI (AEM Instance)
There a mismatch between the version in your maven dependencies and the version in OSGI (AEM instance). Hence OSGI cannot resolve the version you are importing.
2. is likely the case because sling is always bundled with AEM.
What can you do to debug/fix?
You can go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder
and try your packages there to see what version is actually exported
in OSGI.
Check wha versions of your dependencies you have in your pom.xml
and make sure the OSGI version is within the range specified by the
manifest imports. You can use maven dependency tree to list all
your dependencies and their versions.
This specific to AEM, if you are using uber-jar make sure you are
using the correct version for the correct AEM instance you're
Note that in manifest imports the range [2.10,3) means it accepts all versions between 2.10.0 and 3.0.0 but NOT including 3.0.0. In my experience, Maven bundle plugin will always write the range where the min is your maven dependency package version and the max is the next major version.
Changing the imports manually:
This is not recommended and has very specific use cases, but you could manually tell the bundle plugin what version to add to the imports. See import-package instruction in the bundle plugin docs
These imports are based on the code you compiled against. There are not some nasty little tidbits that are there to pester you. Their purpose is to verify that what you run against is compatible with what you compiled against. I assume that the runtime has a lower version than you require. This implies that your compile path as setup in Maven has later versions than your runtime. If you could run your code you would likely run into Class Not Found Exception or No Such Method errors.
And maybe not. But then you might have the worse situation that things are not correct (promises made during compilation might not be fulfilled) and problems might happen much later after damage has been done.
This stuff is there for a very good reason. They are like earth pin on plugs, they protect you.
How to fix this? Take a look at your dependencies. Your must ensure you compile against a version that is lower or equal then what is present in your runtime. You can first look at the versions in your POM. If these versions are not there then look at the compile path Maven uses.
Replacing the numbers in the manifest is like sawing off the earth pin on a plug because otherwise it won't fit in the wall ... bad idea.

Make sure bundles use same dependencies versions

I am looking for a way to ensure that all the features I deploy in Karaf require dependencies that are of the same version. The project is composed of more than 40 bundles which makes it difficult to verify manually.
I am thinking of developping a Maven plug-in that would make the check, but before I would like to be sure that such a solution do not exist yet.
If you want to be sure you use the same versions then create a parent project and define versions of dependencies only there. So you can be sure all your modules have the same dependencies. Of course this only makes sense if all these modules are very closely related (e.g. belong to the same application / release unit).
Why would you even want to do this? Each bundle should depend on the versions of the package it needs, and that dependency should be a range. So if you compile against and API package version 1.0.0, and you are a consumer of that API, then you should import with the range [1.0.0, 2.0.0). Refer to the OSGi Core Release 5 specification, section 3.7.3 ("Semantic Versioning") for details.
At runtime the OSGi Framework will ensure that your bundle is wired to a package version that is within its permitted range. Obviously if you have non-overlapping version ranges from different importers then the Framework will not be able to satisfy them with a single exporter.

Named versions in Maven?

We are using mvn pom.xmls to specify interdependency between our various modules that make up the project.
The numeric version for every module is incremented by the build system automatically when the module is released.
However, in this case, this would necessitate notifying every team to update the version their module depends on to the version we just released.
Can Maven instead just work in a way that users of a library specify something like, "depend on the 'STABLE' version of this module", and then with every build it would figure out which actual version number that translates to?
Why don't you just depend on the major version, and release minor versions?
You can also use RELEASE
However I guess that's not supported in Maven 3.
See more discussion about the same topic from this thread.
