How to integrate role based permission in Laravel with Dingo API? - laravel

I'm currently studying Laravel framework and dingo api. Is there any way to integrate the role based permission using entrust to dingo api?
So for example, I have a route to get all the list of users, but only admin can access this.
So if the user is authenticated, but he's not an admin, he can't access this route.
I tried adding the middleware of entrust to the routes.php but when I tried it on postman, I get a syntax error.
here's my routes.php file:
$api->version('v1', ['middleware' => ['jwt.auth', 'role:admin']], function ($api) {
$api->get('users', 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController#index');
$api->get('user', 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController#show');

You can group this into different parts as this:
$api->version('v1', ['middleware' => 'jwt.auth'], function ($api) {
//general routes route goes here
$api->group(['middleware' => 'role:admin'], function($api) {
//admin routes goes here
$api->get('users', 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController#index');
$api->get('user', 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController#show');
This means even though the user is authenticated, the two routes in the new group can only be accessed by the admins.
I hope this is helpful.


Laravel 7 - Why i can't using the same route in different group of routing?

So i have this code in my route :
// Facilitator Priviledges
Route::get('/material', 'MaterialController#index');
Route::post('/material', 'MaterialController#store');
Route::get('/material/{course:id}/create', 'MaterialController#create');
Route::get('/material/detail/{course:id}', 'MaterialController#show');
Route::get('/material/{material:id}/edit', 'MaterialController#edit');
Route::patch('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#update');
Route::delete('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#destroy');
//Admin Priviledges
Route::resource('/categories', 'CategoriesController');
Route::get('/material', 'MaterialController#index');
Route::post('/material', 'MaterialController#store');
Route::get('/material/{course:id}/create', 'MaterialController#create');
Route::get('/material/detail/{course:id}', 'MaterialController#show');
Route::get('/material/{material:id}/edit', 'MaterialController#edit');
Route::patch('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#update');
Route::delete('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#destroy');
It has the same route, in this case, Material Route that both admin and facilitator roles can access it, but when the code runs it can be only one role that working fine (I'm using admin) and the other giving error (503) Servive unavailable
You can refer to this to this Question
Or you can refer to Laravel Policy
or you can simply create your own policy and register it in your middleware.
Route::group(['middleware' => ['admin', 'facilitator']], function () {
Route::get('/material', 'MaterialController#index');
Route::post('/material', 'MaterialController#store');
Route::get('/material/{course:id}/create', 'MaterialController#create');
Route::get('/material/detail/{course:id}', 'MaterialController#show');
Route::get('/material/{material:id}/edit', 'MaterialController#edit');
Route::patch('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#update');
Route::delete('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#destroy');
If you want to use the cascading ability of the groups, this is how you would nest them:
Route::resource('/categories', 'CategoriesController');
Route::get('/material', 'MaterialController#index');
Route::post('/material', 'MaterialController#store');
Route::get('/material/{course:id}/create', 'MaterialController#create');
Route::get('/material/detail/{course:id}', 'MaterialController#show');
Route::get('/material/{material:id}/edit', 'MaterialController#edit');
Route::patch('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#update');
Route::delete('/material/{material:id}', 'MaterialController#destroy');
In the inner group roles is ['admin', 'facilitator']

Laravel passport - Allow user to act as/login as other user

I'm working on an application where some users should have access to other user accounts. For example: In a family, the mother and all 3 kids have an account. Now the mother should have access to all of the kids accounts.
Is there a possibility to setup something like this in Laravel using Passport? I thought about a "permission" database table with two columns (parent_account, child_account). Parent accounts could then switch between accounts where they have the permission.
Perfect would be something like a middleware where I can set Auth::actAs($child);and after that every Auth::user() call would be the child until I switch back to the "normal" account.
Additional information: I'm using Laravel to provide an API for my React Frontend Application. I tried the Auth::loginUsingId function, but when I use it I get logged out and I get the Method Illuminate\Auth\RequestGuard::loginUsingId does not exist. Exception.
I am using Laravel Version 6.9.0
I found a solution to my problem.
I added a middleware that contains this piece of code:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$activeChild = Auth::user()->activeChild; // id of child user
if ($activeChild) {
return $next($request);
After that I added this middleware to all routes:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['actAsUser']], function () {
// some routes

Restrict URL access to users after login via API on Laravel

I am logging in via Laravel API.
Let's say that I am on After login is successful, I put the token into a cookie and redirect to /admin.
Route::get('/admin', function () {
return view('admin');
The problem is that Laravel doesn't see that the user is logged in, thus redirects me to /login once more.
And, if I declare the route as follows
Route::get('/admin', function () {
return view('admin');
Everyone can access
I appreciate any help.
You need to add auth:api middleware so it can see the auth user

Laravel route group page redirects to home

I have installed Laravel and set up authentication and I have also created a route group like this:
// users that want to access test route should be logged in.
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () {
Route::get('first', function () {
return 'first';
The problem is when I access the route like this:
I can see my "first" message, but when I refresh the same page laravel redirects me to:
I could not solve this and I have moved my first route out of the route group now everything is working well. If I keep it in the route group with auth & web middlewares it is not working.
Try to remove web middleware if you're using 5.2.27 and higher.

How to log all routes acess?

I build api service using laravel.
I want to log all acess to the api routes
I though somewhere in the routes.php put some code that get the requested route? any help? thanks
laravel 4
You can define a route filter first
Route::filter('log', function($route, $request, $response)
// log work
then apply the filter to your route
Route::get('api', array('before' => 'log', function()
return 'logged!';
I think you can also get the log from the access log of your web server.
