Problems using CSV Data Set Config and EOF condition - jmeter

I have a CSv Data Set Config which I am using in a while loop. I have this in a module and use this same module several times in my test.
My first problem is that I have set the while loop with this condition:
The "data" being the first column in my csv file. This works fine except for the last iteration where ${data} gets set to "EOF" and has all the tests performed on it. I want it to stop before this, not after all the tests have ran once on it.
My other problem is that when I use this module again later, ${data} is still set to "EOF" and no tests are run at all.

To avoid this <EOF> bit just put your logic under the If Controller and use "${data}" != "<EOF>" as the "Condition"
See Using the While Controller in JMeter guide for detailed explanation of this and other common use cases.
UPD. Reusing the same CSV file:
Add a Beanshell Sampler after 1st While Controller and before the 2nd While Controller and use the following code in "Script" area:
vars.put("data", "");
The above script will "close" the original CSV file so it could be reused later on in the script and "clear" ${data} variable as it contains <EOF> value.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for details on using Beanshell scripts in JMeter tests.

If you would use Loop Controller, with number of CSV lines being number of iterations you could avoid that. Just put this code into Beanshell Sampler:
int lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File("/home/username/csv.file")).size();
vars.put("linesCount", String.valueOf(lines));
After that you can use lineCount in the Loop Controller.
If your data variable needs to be reverted to original state, you could store default value in other variable, and at the end of Loop revert data to it using Beanshell pre/post proccesor.
Or you could insert If Controller in your While Controller and process all child elements only if data doesn't equals EOF:

Neither of the previous suggestions to go and re-use a csv file had worked for me. I ended up doing something different. It's way more complicated than I like, but it works.
I posted my answer to that in another post (, but I'll copy & paste it incase that link doesn't work in the future.
I couldn't find a simple solution to this. I ended up using beanshell scripts, which let you use code very similar to java to do some custom stuff. I made an example JMeter project to demonstrate how to do this (yes it's ridiculously complicated, considering all I want to do is repeat the CSV read):
my file structure:
⊢--JMeterTests.jmx // the JMeter file
⊢--example.csv // the CSV file
contents of my CSV:
guest-id-1,"123 fake street",
guest-id-2,"456 fake street",
guest-id-3,"789 fake street",
so in this thread group, I'm going to just have 1 user, and I'll loop 2 times. I intend to send 1 request per CSV line. So there should be 6 requests sent total.
Thread Group
User Defined Variables
This is kind of optional, but the filepath is subject to change, and I don't like changing my scripts just for a change in configuration. So I store the CSV filename in a "User Defined Variables" node.
If you are storing the CSV file in the same directory as your JMeter test, you can just specify the filename only.
If you are saving the CSV in a folder other than the directory containing your JMeter file, you will need to supply an absolute path, and then slightly modify the beanshell script below: you'll need to comment out the line that loads the file relatively, and comment in the line that loads from an absolute path.
BeanShell Sampler to parse and store CSV lines
Add a Beanshell Sampler which will basically take in a path, and parse & store each line as a variable. The first line will be stored as a variable called csv_line_0, the 2nd line will be csv_line_1 and so on. I know it's not a clean solution but... I can't find any clean simple way of doing this clean simple task. I copied and pasted my code below.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
String temp = null;
ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
BufferedReader bufRdr;
ArrayList strList = new ArrayList();
// get the file
try {
// you can use this line below if your csvFilePath is an absolute path
// File file = new File(${csvFilePath});
// you can use this line below if your csvFilepath is a relative path, relative to where you saved this JMeter file
File file = new File( + "/" + ${csvFilePath});
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new Exception ("ERROR: file " + filename + " not found");
bufRdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF8"));
} catch(Exception e){
log.error("failed to load file");
// For each CSV line, save it to a variable
int counter = 0;
temp = bufRdr.readLine();
if(temp == null || temp.equals("<EOF>")){
vars.put("csv_line_" + String.valueOf(counter), temp);
} catch(Exception e){
log.error("failed to get next line");
// store the number of CSV lines there are for the loop counter
vars.put("linesCount", String.valueOf(lines.size()));
Loop Controller
Add a Loop Controller that loops once for each CSV line. ${linesCount} is a count of the number of CSV lines and is calculated from the above beanShell script.
Beanshell script to extract data from current CSV Line
This script will run once per CSV line. It will go and grab the current line, and parse out whatever data is on it. You'll have to modify this script to get the data you want. In my example, I only had 2 columns, where column 1 is a "guestId", and column 2 is an "address".
__jm__loopController__idx is a variable JMeter defines for you, and is the index of the loop controller. The variable name is __jm__{loop controller name}__idx.
String index = vars.get("__jm__loopController__idx");
String line = vars.get("csv_line_" + index);
String [] tokens = line.split(",");
vars.put("guestId", tokens[0]);
vars.put("address", tokens[1]);
Http request sampler
Here's the HTTP request that's using the data extracted.
When running this, as desired, I end up sending 6 http requests over to the endpoint I defined.


Iterating over each row and accessing every column in HTTP Sampler in JMeter

I have explored and tried solution mentioned on Google or StackOverflow but could not solve my problem.
I am trying to iterate over each row of CSV and use every column of a row in "HTTP Sampler"
This is what I have tried till now.
My Test plan structure
This is my CSV file
This is my CSV Data Set Config
I am reading entire CSV and storing values in JMeter properties variable using Bean Shell Sampler.
This is the code in Bean Shell Sampler
import java.text.*;
String filename = "load_test_date.csv";
ArrayList strList = new ArrayList();
try{"starting bean shell");
File file = new File(filename);
throw new Exception ("ERROR: file " + filename + " not found");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
String line = null;"while loop starting");
headerLine = br.readLine();
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){;
String[] variables = line.split(",");
}catch(Exception ex){
Now I want to iterate over props variable and fetch each column. I tried using While controller and ForEach Controller, but it is not giving me desired output.
while controller
While loop is executing twice (instead of three times for three rows in csv file) and always using last row values
I used ForEach controller too but could not produce desired outcome
First of all, forget about Beanshell, since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting.
Second, if I correctly got your point and you want to iterate all the values, i.e. from 1 to 15, you need different approach, for example read the whole file into memory, split each line by comma and create a JMeter Variable for each "cell" value, example Groovy code would be something like:
def lines = new File('load_test_date.csv').readLines()
def counter = 1
1.upto(lines.size() - 1, { index ->
def line = lines.get(index)
line.split(',').each { column ->
vars.put('value_' + counter, column)
if you execute the script and look into Debug Sampler output you will see the following JMeter Variables
In order to iterate the generated variables you can use ForEach Controller configured like:
And use ${value} in the HTTP Request sampler to access the next "cell" value on each iteration:

JMeter Array of variables to text file

I am running a query via JDBC request and I am able to get the data and place it in a variable array. The problem is I want the values of the variables to be saved to a text file. However, each variable is being given a unique number appended to it i.e. SCORED_1, SCORED_2,SCORED_3 etc. I am using a beanshell post processor to write to the text file. The problem is I unless I define A LINE Number. How can I get all results from a SQL query and dump them into a single variable without the variables separated by brackets and line separated on their own row.
// get variables from regular expression extractor
ClaimId = vars.get("SCORED _9"); // I want to just use the
SCORED variable to contain all values from the array
without "{[" characters.
// pass true if want to append to existing file
// if want to overwrite, then don't pass the second
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("C:/JMeter/apache-
jmeter-4.0/bin/FBCS_Verify_Final/Comp.txt", true);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
We are not telepathic enough to come up with the solution without seeing your query output and the result file format.
However I'm under impression that you're going into wrong direction. Given you're talking about {[ characters it appears that you're using Result Variable Name field
which returns an ArrayList which should be treated differently
However if you switch to Variable Names field
JMeter will generate a separate variable per each result set row and it should be much easier to work with and eventually concatenate
More information:
JDBC Request
Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
JDBC request>Enter a Variable Name> Store as string>Add a Beanshell PostProcessor and add the following script.
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("C:/JMeter/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/FBCS_Verify_Final/Comp.txt", false);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
Count = vars.get("SCORED_#");
for (int i=1;i<=Counter;i++)
ClaimId = vars.get("SCORED_"+i);

JMeter-For each implementation

I have an API which takes multiple IDs as a parameter:,00000017072588,00000017072595,00000019786230,00000019987460,00000019988238,00000019988283,00000019990170,00000020015206,00000020015213
Now these IDs are mention in a CSV file like below:
How can I implement this?
If they are as a single string in CSV file you can just use __StringFromFile() or __FileToString() function to read them directly into request parameter
If they are each one a separate line it is still possible with __groovy() function like:
${__groovy(def line = new File('/path/to/your/file.csv').getText().replaceAll(System.getProperty('line.separator')\,'\,'),)}
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to learn more about JMeter Functions concept.
You can add a Loop controller with Loop count = number of IDs you want to add. Then add a Counter inside the loop controller with the below configurations:
Start: 1
Increment: 1
Reference Name: Counter
Check the boxes for Track counter independently for each user and Reset counter on each thread group iteration
Add a CSV Data Set Config after the counter with the below configurations:
Filename : The full name to your file // if the csv file is not in the same folder with your jmx file you should enter the full path to your CSV file.
Variable Names : id
Finally, add a BeanShell Sampler after the csv data set config with the below code in the code area:
String id = vars.get("id");
int Counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("Counter"));
if (Counter == 1){
vars.put("IDs", id);
vars.put("IDs", vars.get("IDs") + "," + id);
All of the above should be before your API, now you can use your API as below:${IDs}

Next line from csv file in Jmeter beanshell script

I'm trying to make a BeanShell script within JMeter to create an XML message and save it as a variable (and then have a SOAP sampler send the message of course, but that's not really the point). Within the script, I have a loop that randomly creates a few lines, and the point is that every loop the script reads a new line from a CSV file. The loop works fine, but for some reason, the CSVread next doesn't seem to work so every time it just uses the same line from the CSV file.
Here is the code I'm using:
//Use a random variable to loop for a random amount of times
randomnr = vars.get("randomvariable");
int randomint = Integer.parseInt(randomnr);
int FiNr = 123456789;
//I'm using a stringbuilder to create the xml message
StringBuilder multi = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=1; i<randomint; i++){
FiNr = ${__CSVRead(data.csv,0)}; //get a line from the csv
${__CSVRead(data.csv,next)}; //Go to the next line in the csv - doesn't seem to be working
vars.put("xmlmessage",multi.toString()); //put all of it in a variable
catch(Exception ex){
log.warn("Something bad happened", ex);
throw ex;
Everything is working except that it's not advancing to the next line within the loop. Any thoughts?
Unfortunately, _csvread() function will not work with loop inside the Beanshell sampler. Try to implement jmeter Loop controller and add __CSVread() function under that.

JMeter Regular Expression Extractor

I made a test with JMeter and I made a regex which takes a ticketid from a response. That works when loop count = 1. But when loop count = 2, in next loop we have a new ticketid, but regex don't takes it and test fails. How make a regex which in every next loop takes a new ticketid that appears?
You will have to write java code using Beanshell Sampler to save extracted data to CSV file
Extract your data using Regex Extractor
See the sample code below to write your data to CSV file
String ID = vars.get("ticketid");
//Change the file path below
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("F:\test_20140529.csv", true);
if (ID != "")
Use CSV Data Set Config, use "test_20140526.csv" created.
pass CSV data as parameters for the next request.
Hope this will help.
