Moving object between two path points unity 2D C# - unityscript

How to move object between two path points?
I need the simplest code which I can understand.

this keyword is Patrol. You must set two or more points then repeating object points way.
Check this article
video sample


3D triangulation using HALCON

My aim is to calibrate a pair of cameras and use them for simple measurement purposes. For this purpose, I have already calibrated them using HALCON and have all the necessary intrinsic and extrinsic camera Parameters. The next step for me is to basically measure known lengths to verify my calibration accuracies. So far I have been using the method intersect_lines_of_sight to achieve this. This has given me unfavourable results as the lengths are off by a couple of centimeters. Is there any other method which basically triangulates and gives me the 3D coordinates of a Point in HALCON? Or is there any leads as to how this can be done? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Kindly let me know in case this post Needs to be updated with code samples
In HALCON there is also the operator reconstruct_points_stereo with which you can reconstruct 3D points given the row and column coordinates of a corresponding pixel. For this you will need to generate a StereoModel from your calibration data that is then used in the operator reconstruct_points_stereo.
In you HALCON installation there is an standard HDevelop example that shows the use of this operator. The example is called reconstruct_points_stereo.hdev and can be found in the example browser of HDevelop.

How to detect similar objects in this picture?

I want to find patterns in image. Saying "to find patterns" I mean "to detect similar objects", thus these patterns shouldn't be some high-frequency info like noise.
For example, on this image I'd like to get pattern "window" with ROI/ellipse of each object:
I've read advices to use Autocorrelation, FFT, DCT for this problem. As far as I've understood, Autocorrelation and FFT are alternative, not complementary.
First, I don't know if it is possible to get such high-level info in frequency domain?
As I have FFT implemented, I tried to use it. This is spectrogram:
Could you suggest how to further analyze this spectogram to detect objects "window" with their spatial locations?
Is it needed to find the brightest points/lines on spectrogram?
Should the FFT be done for image chunks instead of whole image?
If that't not possible to find such objects with this approach, what would you advice?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry for large image size.
Beware this is not my cup of tea so read with extreme prejudice. IIRC for such task are usually used SIFT/SURF + RANSAC methods.
Identify key points of interest of image SIFT/SURF
This will get you list of 2D locations in your image with specific features (which you can handle as integer hash code). I think SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature transform) is ideal for this. They work similarly like our human vision works (identify specific change in some feature and "ignore" the rest of the image). So instead of matching all the pixels of the image we cross match only few of them.
sort by occurrence
each of the found SIFT points have some feature list. if we do a histogram of this features (count how many similar or identical feature points there are) then we can group points with the same occurrence. The idea is that if we got n object placings in the image each of its key points should be n times duplicated in the final image.
So if we have many points with some n times occurrence it hints we got n similar objects in the image. From this we select just these key points for the next step.
find object placings
each object can have different scale,position and orientation. Let assume they got the same aspect ratio. So the corresponding key points in each object should have the same relative properties between the objects (like relative angle between key points, normalized distance, etc).
So the task is to regroup our key points into each object so all the objects have the same key points and the same relative properties.
This can be done by brute force (testing all the combination and checking the properties) or by RANSAC or any other method.
Usually we select one first key point (no matter which) and find 2 others that form the same angle and relative distance ratio (in all of the objects)
so angle is the same and |p1-p0| / |p2-p0| is also the same or close. While grouping realize that key points within objects are more likely closer to each other ... so we can augment our search by distance from the first selected key point.... to decide to which object the key point probably belongs to (if try those first we got high probability we found our combination fast). All the other points pi we can add similarly one by one (using p0,p1,pi)
So I would starting by closest 2 key points ... (this sometimes can be fouled by overlapping or touching mirrored images) as the key point from the neighbor object can be sometimes closer that from the own one ...
After such regrouping just check if all the found objects have the same properties (aspect ratio) ... to visualize them you can find the OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) of the key points (which can be also used for the check)

Camera calibration patterns

I would like to know if there is a process to generate camera calibration patterns.
We can use paint or any other graphic tool and set the precise measurements but then we need to hard-code the point positions or create a txt/xml file.
Is there a software that exports the data to a file that we can upload in our software.
What about 3D targets like boxes and/or cubes. Is there a method to generate the correct data points?
For 2D targets such as checkerboards, I used to do it like user469049 describes. Which was quite time consuming. In the end I gave up and created a web tool that does all of the leg work:
I'm using inkscape:
I usually create a pdf file used to print and save files as LaTeX with PSTricks extensions.
The tex file has paths, so for a square it has a \moveto command to set the starting point and it has \line to command to set the next points.
In the dominoc925 example they define black and white squares but I just define the black squares to avoid repeated points.
I have a simple file loader in my code to get the points, just search for the \moveto and \line commands and workout the points from there.
For the 3D targets I treat each patter as one view because I don't have the tools to build a precise 3D target.
So instead of having different views of one patter like in the Matlab toolbox, I treat each detected pattern as a view.
In other words, if you have a 3D object then the target on each face is treated as a independent view.
There is probably a more professional way to do the job but this is my process :)
I hope this helps.

Pyephem Algorithms Reference

I have never used pyephem before, and I'm not expert in satellite positioning.
I'd like to exploit pyephem to calculate the position of a satellite using TLE.
I have to do something very easy, like that:
tle=["ISS (ZARYA)","1 25544U 98067A 03097.78853147 .00021906 00000-0 28403-3 0 8652","2 25544 51.6361 13.7980 0004256 35.6671 59.2566 15.58778559250029"]
iss = ephem.readtle(*tle)
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon, = ('-84.39733', '33.775867') = ephem.Date('2002/4/23 10:10:00.000')
print iss.alt,, iss.range
-40:06:46.3 199:08:24.3 8834968.0
These three variables provide the position of the satellite in the horizion reference system.
It's not clear for me how pyephem calculates this values. I've read the reference guide:
Reading the document, it seems that pyephem applies the precession and the nutation, but in the last two line of the document it says:
"Note that no precession was applied to either of the final two sets of coordinates, but only to the first. This means that only the “Astrometric” position will correspond to the lines in your star atlas. The other positions are what are called “epoch-of-date” coordinates, and are measured off of the orientation of the celestial pole and the celestial equator for the very day of the observation itself."
Is the earth precession applied for az and alt?
Moreover I'd like to know what kind of model pyephem uses for precession and nutation (I really need some reference). There is a link to Xephem and libastro, but I can't find anything about the algorithms.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much!
You can find the various algorithms that PyEphem uses by looking through the various C language files in its libastro directory:
But to answer your specific question: precession, aberration, and nutation are effects that are generally only computed for objects outside of the Earth's moving reference frame ­— objects like the Sun, planets, and the distant stars. Since Earth satellites are travelling in our own reference frame, however, I think that libastro generally does a direct comparison between the position of a satellite above the Earth and the position of the observer on the Earth, since these are already coordinates in the same local reference frame.

Texture2D.Bounds.Intersect, but the Bounds never move? - XNA, .Net 4.0

I am still shiny new to XNA, so please forgive any stupid question and statements in this post (The added issue is that I am using Visual Studio 2010 with .Net 4.0 which also means very few examples exist out on the web - well, none that I could find easily):
I have two 2D objects in a "game" that I am using to learn more about XNA. I need to figure out when these two objects intersect.
I noticed that the Texture2D objects has a property named "Bounds" which in turn has a method named "Intersects" which takes a Rectangle (the other Texture2D.Bounds) as an argument.
However when you run the code, the objects always intersect even if they are on separate sides of the screen. When I step into the code, I noticed that for the Texture2D Bounds I get 4 parameters back when you mouse over the Bounds and the X, and Y coordinates always read "X = 0, Y = 0" for both objects (hence they always intersect).
The thing that confuses me is the fact that the Bounds property is on the Texture rather than on the Position (or Vector2) of the objects. I eventually created a little helper method that takes in the objects and there positions and then calculate whether they intersect, but I'm sure there must be a better way.
any suggestions, pointers would be much appreciated.
The Bounds property was added to the Texture2D class to simplify working with Viewports. More here.
You shouldn't think of the texture as being the object itself, it's merely what holds the data that gets drawn to the screen, whether it's used for a Sprite or RenderTarget. The position of objects or sprites and how position/moving is handled is entirely up to you, so you have to track and handle this yourself. That includes the position of any bounds.
The 2D Rectangle Collision tutorial is a good start, as you've already found :)
I found the XNA Creator Club tutorials based on another post to stackoverflow by Ben S. The Collision Series 1: 2D Rectangle Collision tutorial explains it all.
It seems you have to create new rectangles, based on the original rectangles moving around in the game every time you try to run the intersection method, which then will contain the updated X and Y coordinates.
I am still not quite sure why the original object rectangles position can not just be kept up to date, but if this is the way it should work, that's good enough for me... for now. ;-)
