How to define a JNDI Datasource on Undertow? - spring

I have a running Spring application that already works on Weblogic and JBoss, and I'm adding the option to run it by itself with Spring Boot.
As it has a Java EE architecture, it has a container-managed datasource that is looked up by a JNDI name, and I wanted to keep it that way.
I see that Spring Boot has the ability to use a EE container called Undertow, that it turns out to be the Wildfly EE engine.
I've done A LOT of research on how to define this JNDI Datasource in Undertow with config files and stuff, but I can't find any documentation on that on Undertow's website and neither on WildFly documentation.
Has someone already done that? I need to know how to define this Datasource with a config file or something.

I don't think Undertow supports that - it's just a web server, nothing else, and very far from being a JEE container. Wildfly, on the other hand, is a JEE container and it uses Undertow as a web engine and builds up other JEE stuff around it.
Here's a quote from Undertow's official documentation:
On thing that makes Undertow unique is that it has no concept of a global container. Instead an Undertow server is assembled by the embedding application. This makes Undertow extremely flexible, and the embedding application can basically just pick the parts that they need, and assemble them in whatever way makes sense.
An Undertow server is basically composed of three things, one (or more) XNIO worker instance, one or more connectors, and a handler chain to handle incoming requests.


In Spring Boot, How do I declare that my JMS server is embedded?

The Spring Boot documentation has this very brief illustration of an embedded JMS server: "Two beans that you don’t see defined are JmsTemplate and ConnectionFactory. These are created automatically by Spring Boot. In this case, the ActiveMQ broker runs embedded." Huh? The Reference Documentation doesn't say a thing about it. I need to create two VMs, each running from its own jar file, and I need one of them to launch an embedded JMS server, but I have no idea how to do this. Can somebody point me in the right direction. (If you provide a link, I would prefer some clear documentation over an example, but I'll be happy with a good example.)
You are looking at the wrong reference documentation. Yours is from Spring Integration.
The one of Spring Boot can be found here:
And there you will find the answer:
When ActiveMQ is available on the classpath, Spring Boot can also
configure a ConnectionFactory. If the broker is present, an embedded
broker is automatically started and configured (provided no broker URL
is specified through configuration).

Transaction management in Spring: Does support come from Spring or container?

I am trying to understand the transaction management in Spring, and I have got some doubts.
I read a bit about transaction management in EJB world, which can be CMT or BMT. For CMT, as per the documentation, it is Application server (e.g. JBOSS) which manages the transaction.
Now, coming to Spring transaction management, and considering using Web container only (Apache Tomcat), how does this work?
Does Spring have its own transaction management with capability of handling local transaction and global transaction (which works with 2 phase commit). Do the actual support need to come by the underlying container (in this case Apache tomcat) or support from framework is sufficient?
I am not clear how all these pieces fit together.
Can anyone help me understand this?
Spring doesn't include any kind of transaction capability of its own, it only provides ways to connect to transaction functionality provided by the container or by standalone libraries.
If you run your application on Tomcat and don't provide any transaction manager libraries like bitronix, then you get only local jdbc transactions provided by the servlet container.
When you read the bullet points at notice it says spring is providing abstractions, that means it is providing access through its own apis and using aop to make transactions nonintrusive, but not providing any implementation of transactional functionality. It's facilitating gluing things together, which is the main thing spring does.

How to access EJB bean through context lookup from ServletContextListener

Need to call a EJB service from the servlet context listener's contextInitialized() method. Application is running on JBOSS, though the context listener works fine, I'm not able to access the EJB bean through JNDI look up.
Because the web deployment in JBOSS happens before EJB beans are bound with JNDI tree. How to overcome from this? Is there a way to configure JNDI bind early or start the web deployment later once EJB's are completely deployed?
I had put Thread.sleep() before the service call in the contextInitialized() method, it is working fine in my JBoss5.1.0 GA, and the same did not work in other machines JBoss of same version.
Applications needs this because, we want to load some master data from the DB and make it available in the web layer (kind of caching). Does JBOSS startupmbean suit this requirement? If yes how can I make the data available to web layer?
Also if any alternative ways are available, please suggest.
Poll for the EJBs in contextInitialized(). So instead of just sleeping for a certain time, try to connect to the EJB. If that fails, sleep, and retry, until the EJBs are available. In this case the context initialization is blocked.
Implement the cache as a lazy one: Fill the cache during the first query (and use the same polling procedure: connect to the EJB, retry until it becomes available). In this case the cache blocks.
You could split your deployment into two parts: One for the EJBs, one for the web application. Then deploy the first, and delay deployment of the web application until the EJBs are bound (either by watching the log file or by trying bind to the EJB from a command line app)

Differences in bundle containers between Websphere and Karaf?

I'm evaluating options for my team's middleware. We really have a frankenstein'd setup. We're using Apache ServiceMix(Karaf/ActiveMQ/CXF), Websphere 8.5, ActiveMQ where we don't really need it, and all of our applications are not really coded to failover to another node if the primary goes down. We realized the issues of our setup and now want to improve.
We currently host bundles (not sure if they're all OSGI compliant) in a Karaf Container, which are used via ActiveMQ after being sent JMS messages via Apache Camel from Websphere.
My current idea is to kill off ActiveMQ, make all the camel routes towards HTTP (instead of JMS queues), and convert our data bundles/services to serve via HTTP through Apache CXF (replacing websphere for some things) and not ActiveMQ Queues/JMS. However, we have Websphere licenses, and I do know that it supports bundles in some way, I'm just not as familiar as to how it does (same nature as karaf)?
The main question is in the title, and I hope it's not too generic.
WebSphere 8.5 is a full OSGi container supporting Blueprint just as Karaf does.
You can, in theory, run your camel bundles or whatnot just as fine in WAS8.5. However, Apache Karaf is a lot more aligned towards running ActiveMQ/CXF/Camel stuff than WebSphere will ever be. Installation in Karaf is a few commands, where installation and configuration struggle in WAS85 for the Camel feauters and basic camel routes is .. well, a headace when I tried it last time. Others seems to have the same struggle.
I have rather good experience of running Camel apps inside WebSphere Application Server, but that was by embedding Camel in a standard WebApp, not using the OSGi stuff. So, embedded web apps is my recommendation for running Camel inside WebSphere.
For the "replace AMQ/JMS with HTTP" part. You are aware of that you are replacing pears with apples, right? JMS has a lot of features HTTP does not have (and some overhead compared to HTTP). For the sake of completeness, WebSphere also has a JMS provider built in. So if you have a large HA secured WebSphere infrastructure, the WebSphere (SIBus) provider might be a good choice. Otherwise, ActiveMQ rocks :-)

configure jndi.xml in serviceMix to work with MQseries

My j2EE app is currently running on ServiceMix. Now i want to add JMS to my app. The application should able to send/receive the JMS message to/from the queue that stays on MQSeries.
What i would like to do is:
1. Create a jndi.xml file and do configuration for jms stuff.
2. my app will initialize the context, look up jndi name, and create a connection, queueManager, queue. .etc
3. Develop send and receive methods.
My question is:
Can you tell me how to do 1st and 2nd steps.
(the script inside ServiceMix's jndi is diffrent with tomcat's
jndi and others.
ServiceMix using Spring based JNDI provider.
I just ran into something similar with Weblogic. The following link uses spring-dm to integrate with websphere. It also takes it to the next logical step and adds camel to the mix.
Without using Spring-dm, you may run into classloader issues when trying to load the InitialContextFactory from the websphere jar (this is an issue I had with the Weblogic jar)
