Spring JMS + JTA DMLC and Message Groups - spring

My application requires that all messages with a particular group id be processed by the same thread. I tried to set this up using the DMLC, but as I am seeing messages being processed, they are being handled by separate threads within DMLC when concurrency is set > 1. My hope was that I could have multiple consumers reading from the queue each with different message groups, but I am not seeing the desired behavior with this setup. Is there a way using DMLC or SMLC (with JTA) to support multiple listeners on a queue where all messages with a particular group id are handled by the same thread, without setting the concurrency to 1? I'm nearing the point where I believe SMLC and DMLC will not meet this need and I will need to use a different implementation to handle this case. Are there any examples or advice on doing this?

Can you post your code that exhibits this behavior? I just ran a test while answering this question and it works perfectly fine for me with all messages for the same group going to the same thread.


JMS listener using thread pool

I'm using a Spring project where I have an implementation of JMS Event listener to process messages from a queue.
To be precise, I'm using a SQS (AWS) queue.
All works fine.
My point is this:
I not configured anything about the concurrency but I would like to have more threads as listener to increase the performances (speed) about the messages processing from the queue.
I'm thinking about the possibility to configure a ThreadPool (TaskExecutor) and adding the annotation #Async on my methods about the message processing.
So, I will have a onMessage method into my listener where, after message validation I will call this async methods.
Is this a good practice? Will I have some issues using this approach?
I'm looking on the web for this and I see that I's possible to configure directly the concurrency value on the listener.
I'm very confusing there are a lot of possible ways to have this and I'm not able to understand the best approach.
Are these equivalent solutions?
Do not use #Async - simply increase the concurrency of the listener container and it will be handled for you automatically by spring-jms.

Spring integration dsl with multiple listeners on same queue but with different selectors

I am trying to get multiple listeners configured on same queue, but with different message selector. I am using Solace JMS provider.
The behavior is that the first loaded listener will have its selector registered and is receiving the messages.
the second listener is NOT receiving the message. And using Spring integration DSL 1.1.3
what could be wrong?
I tried with two different Queue connection factory, but could not get it working.
How can we have two Selective consumers configured ?
I think you should start from your vendor first of all and try to figure out if it supports concurrent selective consumers.
Although you have to bear in mind that with the Queue only one consumer accepts message anyway. So, if first one is able to process the message, the second one won't receive it, even with different selector.
Consider to switch to the Topic.

Can I tell camel jms endpoint to share jms connections between routes?

I have a app server that runs multiple camel routes that are reading messages from a JMS Queue, each route runs with different selectors.
We have an app server for each group of clients. So at the end there are multiple connections created to the queue. And that seems to be affecting the read and write performance on the queue.
I tried to use a connection pool, (by the way i am using WMQ), the closest I got is to use spring's CachingConnectionFactory (as described in this post how to configure (spring) JMS connection Pool for WMQ).
I was hoping that the number of connections will reduce from each app server, but that did not happen. Even though i set the size to 5 on the CCFactory, i see 10 connections created to the queue. According to the documentation on CCFactory, explicit closing of the connections is required. Is it possible or does it even make sense to close the connection that is used by a camel route that is reading from a queue? Or is there a way to tell camel routes to share the connections? I thought the use of connection pool and factory will do that, but i don't see that from happening.
Can I achieve what I want to achieve?
Thanks in advance.
what you can do is have only one route reading from the queue instead of many, and then use some camel conditional logic to redirect the message to the correct processing route via direct endpoints, see also this example.
This way there would only one consumer for the queue, instead of multiple consumers each running it's own selector.

How to programatically defer JMS topic message consumption using Spring

I have an application that consumes messages from a JMS topic. As part of the normal application flow it needs to periodically cease consumption of messages. While the application is in this state new messages are stored in the topic (note that my application is still running). Later the application resumes message consumption, also receiving those messages that were placed on the topic while the application wasn't listening.
This functionality is currently achieved by creating and disposing of connections from a ConnectionFactory. However, I now wish to migrate the application to Spring JMS. Although Spring rather neatly abstracts away much of the JMS boiler-plate - I no longer appear to have fine grained control over the underlying connection and hence cannot halt message consumption on demand.
Before I try to wade through Spring JMS internals, can anyone suggest a neat way of doing this?
Can you just avoid returning from onMessage()? How long do you want to stop consumption? Is your problem similar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/628337/20734

ActiveMQ single consumer multiple producers

Can anybody point out a reference on how to implement
a single consumer multiple producer in activemq? Or could give a very simple implementation.
This will be very helpful.
Matt Raible's AppFuse project is a good skeleton project which is implemented using different libraries. You can pick the one which uses Spring and introduce ActiveMQ as Bharati Raja has explained in his blog post jms with appfuse1x.
There is no special implementation required for this. This is the core business of MessageBrokers. The only thing you need to make sure of:
If you decide to give an ID to your producers, make sure they are different from each other.. You cannot have multiple producers with the same ID. Same goes for consumers.
If you need to guarantee that a message can be consumed by only one consumer, then this is the point-to-point communication model which can be implemented using a JMS Queue in ActiveMQ.
Many producers can send messages to the same queue. Only one active consumer will receive a message from the queue.
