I downloaded my website files using filezilla from remote site to edit. But I can't locate it on my machine. - laravel

I had a few bugs in my code for a website and i need to download all the files of the website to my development machine for editing. I did so in Filezila by clicking on the root folder on the remote site and took the download option. It finished downloading but i couldn't locate it on the local machine.
I know my question may be stupid but please help cuz i am new to this?

If you look at the bottom of the filezilla you have three tabs after the console log that is 1) Queued files 2) Failed transfer 3) Successful transfers
Again download the file and after download has complete click on Successful transfers option and there you would find the log and path where your files are downloaded.

Your download path appears here:


VScode: how to setup for local edit and ftp-deplyment

I used to use Dreamweaver. I've a huge Classic ASP website. I edit the files on my local system, and when done, I can upload the file(s) via ftp to the remote webserver. Now, I try to switch to VSCode. I've installed ftp-simple, ftp-sync and deploy. But can't find the set-up to get a Dreamweaver like behaviour. Eg, I have to locate for each file I want to upload/deploy, the exact location in the remote file tree.
I really feel like deploy deserves more attention. I spent the past 4 days or so to find an extension that does just that. Auto-upload to an ftp-folder from a local folder. I wanted to make git work for my website, but couldn't get that to work on the server with ftp-simple or ftp-sync because those extensions only download the opened files or open in a different temporary folder each time. I set up deploy now and got exactly what I wanted thanks to your tiny comment, thank you!
(I'm sorry if this post is too old to comment on, but I browsed Stack overflow for days to find this, so I thought it might help others in the future to point this out.)
it sounds like your just missing your mapping configuration. Most text editor FTP packages include a configuration file where you specify the server, your credentials, and the root folder of your ftp server. Have you specified this?

Files uploaded via FTP aren't showing changes on Squarespace Developer Mode

My squarespace site is in developer mode. I download files, like the .region, .less, and .conf files and edit them locally. I upload these files and expect to see a change on the squarespace site.
Up until yesterday this was working, then I made a mistake in one of the LESS files and got an error about incorrectly parsed JSON in the .conf file where the LESS file was included. I got a whole ton of errors from this, and have since then fixed both the LESS file and the .conf file.
However, the issue is that my squarespace site is now not registering that any changes have been uploaded, despite the fact that my FTP files are successfully being uploaded and downloaded from the FTP server.
I have also not seen any updates to my Git on the developer mode tab since this error was registered.
My question is how to fix this, and how to start seeing edits done locally to region, etc, files again.
You can try to turn off the developer mode and then turn it on back.

Zip file is still available for download even file is deleted at server folder

I have config a application reference to download folder in IIS 7 (Window server 2008) to allow user download zip file. But when I delete or update file, the user still download this file at this time it has not been deleted or modified.
Any body meet the same situation with me? Please help me out.
I've found out a solution for this question. Very easy, just add "?v=" to the end of download link.

Setup .exe file download and run only downloaded pc only

I have 1 Setup .exe file download and run only downloaded pc only
otherwise it does not execute..!!!
For example i have a java project and i make it .exe file and uploaded to any file hosting site
when someone download that file it should run only that machine
this is not possible without server-side code serving different downloads to each downloader. and even with that it is hard to get right and usable and probably not worth the effort.

Notepad++ with Local and FTP synchronizer. [?]

Does the Notepad++ have Local and FTP synchronizer by any plugin?? because I develop websites using PHP and notepad++ has all the features I like and its really lightweight but I had to switch to Netbeans because I use a web hosting but I always like to save the code in my computer too. and netbeans can do that, even anything you insert locally in the folder it automatically adds the folder and the files in the FTP server which is great. but if the notepad++ has the feature to at least update the files that we are saving in notepad++ in both local and ftp server I would be so glad, I search that for a long time, but I can't use netbeans anymore I lose way too much time, netbeans is really heavy!
NppFTP: a plugin that allows FTP,
FTPS, FTPES and SFTP communications.
Very useful for web development.
Author: harrybharry
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nppftp/
Install it from Plugin Manager
These are NppFTP plugin panel and toolbar button
Open profile settings dialog
Then configure profiles
Just wanted to post this here for anybody looking for the same solution I was looking for... (and I think helps answer this question more thoroughly).
I keep an exact replica of my public_html directory on my local machine. I wanted to be able to double click a file on the remote server and live edit so that I had a mirrored copy on my local machine. Note: if you are looking for functionality similar to Dreamweaver's site manager... there is a feature request for that. This solution only allows your local files to get updated when you edit a remote file.
So here goes the basic connection settings (pretty standard):
h: some.ftphost.com
u: some_ftp_user
p: a_very_secure_password
d: /public_html
Then, here is where the magic comes in. Under the "cache" tab for the ftp profile, add the following:
Local path: E:\Path\to\your\local\server\public_html
External path: /public_html
The external path should be the same as the "initial directory" in your connection settings. Hope this makes sense. Please ask questions if you have any.
Then what you need is rather FTP_synchronize
double-clicking file will open it for
editing and saving file (in usual way)
will update it on server .
I actually prefer the way that Notepad++ works with FTP compared to Netbeans. Notepad++ always treats the remote file as the master copy. So when you open it, it first downloads it and stores it in the local cache. Netbeans however always opens the local copy first - you have to explicitly synchronise with the external server to pull down the files from the server. If you're working with other developers - its much better to use the server copy so that you pull down any changes by other developers.
If you want the synchronisation try these steps:
In Notepad++ | NppFTP | Global Settings | Set the Global cache to be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\%USERNAME%#%HOSTNAME% which works for IIS or change the directory to your webserver root directory
You will have to make sure Notepad++ has permissions to create directories in your server root
Download one file from the server using NppFTP so that you can see what the directory struction looks like you can probably put just %HOSTNAME% e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\domain.com
Then use Filezilla to download all the files into that directory - you can also use Filezilla to check for synchronisation changes.
Then use NppFTP which will download the files into that structure.
You should then be able to access the files through localhost/domain.com
If you're the only one working on the project that should then be enough, but if there are others, or if you make changes elsewhere you can use Filezilla to check the file timestamps to synchronise.
The default install for Notepad++ has a Plugin called NppFTP on the Plugins menu. I don't know how feature-full it is, however.
Get NppFTP
Connect to ftp.xxxx.com
Double click file to open
Edit changes
Save with automatic upload
