Magento 404 with custom controller - magento

I've got module: local/Zzepish/Example.
<depends />
controller in Zzepish/Example/controllers/IndexController.php :
class Zzepish_Example_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
public function indexAction()
echo 'Hello!';
But, when i go to my_website/example , my_website/example/index/index it redirects me to 404.

problem is in
app/etc/modules/Zzepish_Example.xml update with following
<depends />


Magento : Create admin module

I have a problem. I following guideline but it doesn't work. I don't know debug how. Please tell me the way resolve problem.
This is HS_Imagepro.xml in etc/modules/ folder
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This is config.xml in HS/Imagepro/etc folder
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<imagepro_menu translate="title" module="imagepro">
<first_page module="imagepro">
<title>Our First Page</title>
This is IndexController.php in HS/Imagepro/controllers/
class HS_Imagepro_IndexController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
The result is the page not found.
If The following right guideline, access link http://localhost/magento/index.php/imagepro/ will appear admin login screen.
In ,HS_Imagepro.xml file the test TRUE Should be true.
routing code Wrong in config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Includes our controller, so when we add the adminhtml menu item below, it is found! -->
<imagepro before="Mage_Adminhtml">HS_Imagepro_Adminhtml</imagepro>
Also controller file and path name is wrong
class HS_Imagepro_Adminhtml_ImageproController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
Testing url yourhost/magento/index.php/admin/imagepro
More details on
and frontend module

Magento - override Mage_Customer Address controller

I try to override Mage_Customer_AddressController, but my way doesn't work.
Used original documentation from and some blog posts (by Inchoo and Pfay) too.
Please explain me, what I'm doing wrong?
module config.xml:
<agrs><companyname_general before="Mage_Customer">Companyname_General</companyname_general></agrs>
class Companyname_General_Customer_AddressController extends Mage_Customer_AddressController
public function testAction()
die('works too!');
ps: Magento Enterprise 1.12
First of all issue in helper Companyname_general should be companyname_general
then helper Mage::helper('companyname_general')
config.xml(Path Is app/code/local/Companyname/General/etc/) code is
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<general before="Mage_Customer">Companyname_General</general>
controllers AddressController.php(Path: app/code/local/Companyname/General/controllers )
code is
class Companyname_General_AddressController extends Mage_Customer_AddressController
* Retrieve customer session object
* #return Mage_Customer_Model_Session
protected function _getSession()
return Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
public function preDispatch()
if (!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->authenticate($this)) {
$this->setFlag('', 'no-dispatch', true);
public function testAction()
die('works too!');
Module file is Companyname_General.xml path is app/etc/modules/
code are
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

not load controller in magento, why?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
class Asgard_New_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
public function indexAction()
echo "Hello, magento!!";
public function helloAction()
echo "Hello, action!!";
public function layoutAction()
$xml = $this->loadLayout()->getLayout()->getUpdate()->asString();
$this->getResponse()->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")->setBody($xml);
Mage::log($xml, Zend_Log::INFO, 'layout_log', true);
public function defaultAction()
Modul -> local/Asgard I have folders with same code Test ans New
Not work, last two days works, but today i try created a own package and theme this is stop working. Why its may happened, guys? Thanks!
Try to replace asgardnew with new

Magento rewrite core model resource collection

Im trying to rewrite the Mage_Review_Model_Resource_Review_Summary_Collection.
The Module is activated.
The folde structure is the same as in core review.
The problem should be in the xml.
My xml is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<lm_review before="Mage_Review">LM_Review</lm_review>
LM_All.xml in etc/modules
<Mage_Review />
The Collection.php in app/code/local/LM/Review/Model/Resource/Review/Summary/Collection.php
class LM_Review_Model_Resource_Review_Summary_Collection extends Mage_Review_Model_Resource_Review_Summary_Collection {
public function addStoreFilter($storeId) {
Your XML is correct. With the above XML in place, if you make the factory method call
Magento will attempt to instantiate a
That means
Magento can't see your module (no app/etc/module file, or file is inactive, or file is pointing to the wrong code pool)
You do not have a file at LM/Review/Model/Resource/Review/Summary/Collection.php in your code pool
The class defined in Collection.php is not LM_Review_Model_Resource_Review_Summary_Collection
The class defined in Collection.php does not extend Mage_Review_Model_Resource_Review_Summary_Collection
Check the spelling and upper/lower case of your class and path names. This matters to Magento.
I found the problem. Its required to add the resource-model to the xml and not only rewrite it.

Overwrite CompareController

I try to override the Core CompareController. Somehow i don't get it done.
I have done some research on the Magento website:
But it did not help override the controller.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
require_once "Mage/Catalog/controllers/Product/CompareController.php";
class WP_Compare_Catalog_Product_CompareController extends Mage_Catalog_Product_CompareController
public function addAction()
echo 'Lets GO!';
Can someone help me with this issue?
Thank you.
This is the solution for my problem.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WP_Compare before="Mage_Catalog">WP_Compare_Catalog</WP_Compare>
You may be need to do something similar to that into your etc.xml:
<Mymodule_Customer before="Mage_Customer">Mymodule_Customer</Mymodule_Customer>
