Image Manipulator LARAVEL - image

I need a image manipulator for laravel but with only a few features:
Delete text from image (White Brush (?) )
Add text with a specific font.
Add other images in the image..
if is possible, a live view!
Any ideas of some package ?

Check out most popular image manipulation package Intervention Image.
Intervention Image is an open source PHP image handling and
manipulation library. It provides an easier and expressive way to
create, edit, and compose images and supports currently the two most
common image processing libraries GD Library and Imagick.
You can insert images into main image with insert() method, add custom text to image with text() method etc.


How to remove image resizing in Prestashop?

When uploading an image in Prestashop, my image is resized accordingly to settings. Can I remove the resize treatment and use native uploaded images in my website?
Images are resized in different size needed for different uses in Prestashop, so disabled fully this feature is not an good idea.
but to get the original image, you need to change path image in your file.tpl{$id_product}/{$name_product}.jpg

Creating thumbnail images for social network site using Laravel

I'm wondering if anyone knows a good strategy for solving this problem:
I'm creating a social networking site using Laravel 4. Users can upload pictures to their own gallery. These pictures can be any shape and size but the gallery on their profile will only display a cropped and resized thumbnail of the image (200px x 200px), which you can click on to view the full image.
Im using the Laravel plugin Intervention right now, which saves the original image, then resizes and crops that image and saves it again ( so now I have 2 copies). I then display the cropped/resized image as the thumbnail that links to the full size original image. However, I find that making copies of every image will be a tedious waste of space on my server since there could be thousands of images uploaded to the site.
Is there a way to grab the original image, resize and crop it on the fly and display it only when the user loads the page without having to save the thumbnail to the server? or am I stuck with having to make a cropped copy for every image?
A great example that shows what I'm looking to achieve is the way Facebook crops pictures into squares in a users picture gallery or how they are cropped and resized on the newsfeed when a user uploads multiple images to a status.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Have you seen League/Glide yet? It's basically a wrapper for Intervention/Image and Intervention/ImageCache. Glide's Laravel setup video gets you set up in two minutes (pay attention to the second example).
Yes Intervention let's you manipulate and display on the fly too.
Here's a simple example (obviously you would actually do it with a controller etc)
Route::get('img/profile/picture.jpg', function(){
$img = Image::make('path/to/profile/picture.jpg');
// resize, crop, whatever
return $img->response();
And then you just set the right URI to this route as src of your image.
Intervention Docs
Keep in mind that this will use more server resources and make the image response take longer

I have generated a pdf file using matplotlib and I want to add a logo to this pdf file. How can I do it

I am using matplotlib to draw a graph using some data and I have saved it in Pdf format.Now I want to add a logo to this file.How can I do this.
Thanks in advance
If you can do it the other way round, it is easier:
plot the image
load the logo from file with, e.g. Image module (PIL)
add the logo with plt.imshow, use the extent keyword to place it correctly
save the image into PDF
(You may even want to plot the logo first, so that it stays in the background.)
Unfortunately, this does not work with vector graphics, but as logos usually are not that large, you may use a .png or even a .jpg.
If you already have the PDF's then this is not a matplotlib or python question. You need some PDF editing tools or libraries to add the logo. Possible, but an entirely different thing.

Drupal 7 Image Styles saving thumbnails in the large styles folder

I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem or not but here goes.
I've set up my local environment with the following modules
Image Crop
All other image modules are in core i.e. imagefield, imagecache etc.
The problem i'm having is in when I save an image in my content type, after uploading and cropping, I'll go to the page click on an image and it will only show the thumbnail in the colorbox, I've made all the correct setting available in field display in my content type to show the large image style in the colorbox but will always only show the thumbnail, when I checked whether the large image was saved in its directory i found that it was only saving the thumb there as well.
Does anyone have any insight into what my issue is?
Because you're using the Image Crop module, you want to be referencing the original image in display settings for the full colorbox.
Make sure the image settings "The resolution to crop the image onto" are the correct dimensions as well.

How do i resize bmp images in codeigniter

I want to resize bmp images in codeigniter. How do i do that. Codeigniter image manipulation class resizes only images of type jpg,png and gif....Please help some one
Make sure you have the gd module installed for php. Then either extend the CI image manipulation class to work with bmp images or just resize them directly in the controller. Either way, you will need to familiarize yourself with the gd functions:
Check out Timthumb, it's a much better solution to resize images than CI's built in functions, which are a little confusing.
