GetMaxPrivilegeDepthForUser Error when using the CRM Dynamics API - dynamics-crm

I am trying to integrate CRM Dynamics with Adobe Campaign, but I am getting an error.
Can anyone help me understand the meaning of this error:
'SecLib::GetMaxPrivilegeDepthForUser failed. Returned hr= -2147209463, User: a37d4ef0-7684-e511-8129-c4346bacefdc'

Give the service account user that you're using to authenticate with CRM's System Administrator role and make sure that user is also assigned to the most top-level business unit; if it doesn't work after that I would try creating a new administrator account from scratch.

Our team was using the wrong company id or better to say organisation id for the CRM account. Using the correct value fixed our problem.


Unable to Assign an Incident in workflow- CRM

We have used the case Entity, there is default user that is used to assign a case on new creation or reactivation.
We have a workflow created for Case Reactivation, so whenever a case is reopen it is assigned to the default system user. It was working fine till September 20, but now when you give the survey after case resolution and then try to reactivate it it throws error in workflow. It works fine when you try to reactivate without giving the survey.
The real-time workflow named "Case is Resolved/Reopened" failed with the error "Principal user (Id, type=8, roleCount=1, privilegeCount=619, accessMode=0), is missing prvReadmsfp_questionresponse privilege (Id) on OTC=10247 for entity 'msfp_questionresponse'.
The System user has the role assigned as of salesperson, giving permission for this entity to salesperson does solve the issue, but the salesperson role is being used by many others to whom permission for this entity can't be given.
Can anyone tell us why this started causing issue after a particular time. Was there any updates from Microsoft Forms Pro for this entity?
Its very possible there have been updates from MS. You can review the solution history in make.powerplatorm.
Look for the forms pro solution and check the solution history.
Is the "Default" user an actual person that logs in? Or a Service account that is only used for automation/workflows?
In any case, I'd suggest creating an add-on or feature role called something like "Question Response Reader" that only has the read permission for that entity. You can then add that role to the default user, and any other users that need to read that entity.
Probably Microsoft changed something in the background especially w.r.t security of forms Response entity msfp_questionresponse.
You easily solution is to give proper security rights to user who is ruining your workflow.
If it is run by the owner of the workflow then that user, if workflow runs under the context of user then that user should have read rights for entity msfp_questionresponse

Can not create new application

I am unable to create a new application in the Square Developer portal. It just says that an error has occurred but there isn't any indication of what the error is or how to correct it.
Finally found out what to do. When setting up my developer account it seems that Square does not differentiate between a developer who wants to make their code work and a customer who wants to use their services. Once I had linked my bank account to the merchant account I was able to create the application.
But... I don't want a merchant account, I'm just developing the code.

Dynamics 365 unexpected error

When creating a case I get the below error.
Access Error The system could not log you on. This could be because
your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled
in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If you contact support, please provide the
technical details.
This occurred shortly after deleting the CRM Admin user and creating a new CRM Admin user in the Office 365 users screen.
The more technical message is
The user with
SystemUserId=bb51ba1c-66e8-4dc1-82ca-cb64e25f3ff9 in
OrganizationContext=7e061672-3a31-4588-9770-9f94711c7f09 is
The error message is saying that the user with that ID is disabled so the first thing to do would be to open that record and check which user it is.
To do that, use the URL below but replace the xx's and the yourregion part of the url (I've already added your user id).{bb51ba1c-66e8-4dc1-82ca-cb64e25f3ff9}&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord
You will then need to enable that user or resolve problems from there.
I would also check that you don't have any plugins or workflows which have been setup to run as that user when creating a case.

Create user with sdk from AD in Dynamics CRM '13

I am attempting to create a simple application for creating users in our on-prem Dynamics 2013 CRM installation. Right now, we create a user in AD then go to CRM and import the user by entering the AD username and domain in the CRM username field. We then manually enter the additional user properties. Currently, I have my app creating the AD users but, being new to CRM, I am stumbling about figuring out how to utilize the sdk to add my users in CRM. Also, I wonder if there is a better way to go about this.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Try starting with this from the online MSDN reference:
Sample: Create an on-premises user

How to create multiple entities of same type in a single go in CRM online?

I am integrating MS Dynamics CRM online with my ASP.Net MVC application. I am creating a synchronization process between both. I'm stuck at the point where
I need to check if user has entered valid CRM credentials ie. server address, domain, username and password etc. I am not sure which class is to use for that?
I want to create multiple entities of same type in a single go in CRM online from my Application. Currently I am using ServiceProxy's Create() method to do so . How can I create , for instance, 10 contacts in a single request ?
Is there any way to send list of objects to CRM server and create
them there?
To check I believe the easiest way is just execute call for example of WhoAmI message. If it would not throw an exception - that will mean that credentials are correct.
You should look at ExecuteMultiple message.
