Class 'App\Http\Controllers\App' not found in laravel 5.2 - laravel-5

I am try to use laravel-snappy for pdf generation.
step 1:
run composer require barryvdh/laravel-snappy
step 2:
add in providers Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider::class, and aliases 'PDF' => Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade::class, in app.php
step 3:
create function
public function pdfTest() {
$pdf = App::make('snappy.pdf.wrapper');
return $pdf->inline();
then found error:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\App' not found
How to resolve it.I appreciate all response. Thanks Ahead.

Add a backward slash before this line: \App::make('snappy.pdf.wrapper');
Or add use App; below your namespace.


How do you add sentinel to Laravel project?

I have this method:
$reminder=Reminder::exists($user)? : Reminder::create($user);
$this->sendEmail($user, $reminder->code);
return redirect()->back()->with(['success'=>'reset code sent']);
However it shows an error, Undefined type 'App\Http\Controllers\Security\Sentinel'
Does anyone know how to remove this error?
After installing the package, open your Laravel config file located at config/app.php and add the following lines.
In the $providers array add the following service provider for this package.
In the $aliases array add the following facades for this package.
'Activation' => Cartalyst\Sentinel\Laravel\Facades\Activation::class,
'Reminder' => Cartalyst\Sentinel\Laravel\Facades\Reminder::class,
'Sentinel' => Cartalyst\Sentinel\Laravel\Facades\Sentinel::class,

PHP Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in laravel 5.4

I am working with laravel 5.4. The controller function that using laravel run in browser is working. Same function I called via scheduler it returns error.
Note: Soapclient is enabled in my server.
In Controller code:
use SoapClient;
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'trace' => true, //to debug
and in kernel.php
PHP Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in laravel 5.4 means that the SoapClient class does not been enabled in your server. To do so, follow these steps:
Check first if it's enabled with phpinfo() function and look in the array if SoapClient is mentioned enabled. If it's not enabled, follow the second step.
Uncomment the extension=php_soap.dll line by removing the semicolon at the beginning, in php.ini file.
The next step is to restart your server.
Now return again to the first step to see if SoapClient is now enabled.
At this step, you can now import your class like this:
use SoapClient;
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'trace' => true));

JWTGenerateCommand::handle() does not exist

I am using Laravel 5.4 and JWT Auth Library for user authentication in API development. After installation while i am running php artisan jwt:generate then it throws me error of
Method Tymon\JWTAuth\Commands\JWTGenerateCommand::handle() does not exist
Any idea what i am missing ?
This error generally display when you install jwt package in laravel 5.5 version. then after you set service providers and run following command.
php artisan jwt:generate
then you seen this error message in terminal.
how to resolve it? simple follow this step
Step - 1 Re-install package
composer require tymon/jwt-auth:dev-develop --prefer-source
or the following is a new release package use laravel 6.X
composer require tymon/jwt-auth:1.0.*
in this developement version this errors fixed.
Step - 2 Set Service Provider
'providers' => [
Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider::class to
Step - 3 Generate key
php artisan jwt:secret
i found this solution from here
Go to JWTGenerateCommand.php file located in vendor/tymon/src/Commands and paste this method
public function handle() { $this->fire(); }
It's never a great idea to change anything in the vendor folder but the there's two ways to deal with this ...
Generate a random string yourself and just change the value in the JWT config file.
Go to Tymon\JWTAuth\Commands\JWTGenerateCommand and change the fire method to handle.
go to given file path
change function name
public function fire() to public function handle()
run command:
php artisan jwt:generate
I'm publishing this answer because I have crash in this error more than one time.
The only solution I found that it works with Laravel 5.6 is the following:
Add "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-rc.1" to composer.json and run composer update
Open config/app.php and add the following:
'providers' => [
* JWT Service Provider...
'aliases' => [
'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"
Finally, execute: php artisan jwt:secret
After all that, when I hit my endpoint for login I got the following exception:
Class Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWT\NamshiAdapter does not exist
This was fixed by:
Open config/jwt.php and change the following:
'jwt' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWT\Namshi::class,
'auth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\Illuminate::class,
'storage' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Storage\Illuminate::class,
Finally, note that in order to work your User model should be defined as follows:
class User extends Authenticatable implements JWTSubject
public function getJWTIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
public function getJWTCustomClaims()
return [];
I can advise one solution. Go to JWTGenerateCommand.php file located in vendor/tymon/src/Commands and paste this part of code public function handle() { $this->fire(); }
I know this is not an elegant solution, but it works. I hope this might help until official fix arrive.
see here for more info
Change fire() function to handle() in this path
In the file path: /vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Commands/JWTGenerateCommand.php
Add public function
public function handle()

Mailgun Laravel

I installed Mailgun for Laravel. I then tried to run the example
$data = [];
Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
$message->to('', 'John Smith')->subject('Welcome!');
But I got the following error:
"Argument 1 passed to Bogardo\\Mailgun\\Mailgun::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\\View\\Environment, instance of Illuminate\\View\\Factory given, called in /Users/koushatalebian/CLG/CL2G/app/vendor/bogardo/mailgun/src/Bogardo/Mailgun/MailgunServiceProvider.php on line 33 and defined"
What is going on?
If you are using Laravel 4.2, Please use Illuminate\View\Factory instead of Illuminate\View\Environment.
Bogardo mail gun package pointing wrong file.
View / Pagination Environment Renamed
If you are directly referencing the Illuminate\View\Environment class or
Illuminate\Pagination\Environment class, update your code to reference Illuminate\View\Factory and
Illuminate\Pagination\Factory instead. These two classes have been renamed to better reflect their
You can use the correct class by editing the following file:
in Line 5:
remove use Illuminate\View\Environment; and use use Illuminate\View\Factory;
in line 53:
public function __construct(Environment $views)
$this->views = $views;
public function __construct(Factory $views)
$this->views = $views;
Hope this will fix.

Laravel 4 model unit test with Codeception - Class 'Eloquent' not found

I'm trying to use Codeception to run my Laravel 4 unit tests.
Running a test for a simple class with no dependencies works fine. But when I instantiate a model which depends on Eloquent, I get this fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Eloquent' not found in /var/www/project/app/models/Role.php on line 4
Unit test:
use Codeception\Util\Stub;
class TestModel extends \Codeception\TestCase\Test
public function testExample()
$role = new Role;
$role->name = 'superuser';
$this->assertEquals('superuser', $role->name);
class Role extends Eloquent
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('User');
Project structure:
I'm running vendor/bin/codecept run unit from the project root, with this file structure:
What am I doing wrong?
By looking at the Codeception L4 sample app, I was able to see how to bootstrap the autoload to resolve this issue, by adding these lines to project/app/tests/_boostrap.php:
include __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../bootstrap/start.php';
\Codeception\Util\Autoload::registerSuffix('Page', __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'_pages');
Edit: when upgrading from Laravel 4.0 to 4.1, it is also necessary to add an extra line:
I'm probably late to the party, but if you don't need the codecept stuff. You should be extending laravel's implementation of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase called just TestCase. Like this:
class TestModel extends TestCase {
The answer to this question is a little outdated now. With Laravel 5 I got the same error (Class 'Eloquent' not found...) and solved it by copying the code from Laravels base TestCase.php file. This file is used for testing within the Laravel framework (NOT using codeception).
To fix the 'Eloquent not found' error, add the following lines to project/tests/unit/_bootstrap.php
$app = require __DIR__.'/../../bootstrap/app.php';
Honestly I'm not sure why it works, but it does! I'll edit if I figure out why or someone comments.
The Eloquent class cannot be found when you are running your unit tests.
Try adding use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent; to Role.php.
You can go to TestCase class and override method refreshApplication (add method to TestCase) with adding auth or some:
protected function refreshApplication()
$this->app = $this->createApplication();
$this->client = $this->createClient();
// authenticate your user here, when app is ready
$user = new User(array('username' => 'John', 'password' => 'test'));
I solved a similar problem with Laravel 4 and Codeception by adding the following lines to _bootstrap.php
$app = require __DIR__.'/../../bootstrap/start.php';
Hope this helps a fellow googler!
