What are the different graph processing alternatives for Hadoop/Spark - hadoop

Giraph, GraphX, Neo4J are some solutions today I am aware of. As this is an area all the tech-giants are working, an updated list is much appreciated. The good comparison of the tools listed above is also not seen anywhere.

Firstly, I should mention that Giraph and GraphX are for graph processing and Neo4j is a graph database. If you are going to store your graph and query it like "give me some nodes that have content 'X' with two distance neighbor having content 'Y'" solutions like Neo4j (graph database) should be applied. Otherwise, Giraph and GraphX could play graph processing role.
Unfortunately, although GraphX offer very nice APIs, for large graph size it fails when available distributed memory is not enough. This condition is mostly observed when the size of intermediate data could not be fit in the available memory.
In addition, as represented in the literatures, Giraph often got the worst place in the performance but it is more stable than GraphX.
There are other solutions like GraphLab and Titan for "Distributed Graph Processing" which are valuable to investigate.


Can Neo4j work with Hadoop?

Can Neo4j work with Hadoop, for social network analysis of big data? If yes, is it hard to make them work together, and what is the bottleneck in such a system?
Basically, I am looking for a solution for social network analysis of big data, and the network could be of hundreds of millions of vertices. I am also expecting a user-friendly GUI for interactive exploring and analysis of graphs. Will Hadoop+Neo4j be good for above purpose? Or is Hadoop+Griph or Spark+GraphX better solution?
Any comments or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.
Spark + GraphX give you a faster performance. This is derived Pregal and GraphLab libs. But it doesnt has any UI to see graph output directly. User should have their own UI or can extend any graph example from D3 library,
check this link to know further about spark + graphx :

Efficient traversal/search algorithm to fetch data from RDF?

I have my data as a RDF graph in DB and using SPARQL i am retriving the data. Now the nodes (objects) in the graphs gets huge and the traversal/search gets much slower now.
a. Can anyone suggest the efficient traversal/search algorithm to fetch the data?
As a next step, i have federated data i.e the data from external applications like SAP. In this case, the search becomes even much slower.
b. What efficient search algorithm do i use in this case?
This seems like a common issue in an large enterprise systems, and any inputs on how these problems have been solved in such systems will also be helpful.
I had a similiar problem. I was doing a lot of graph traversal using SPARQL property paths and it was too slow using an RDF based repository. I was using Jena TDB which is supposed to be fast but still it was too slow !
Like #Mikos suggested, I tried Neo4J. It then got much faster. Like Mark Watson says on this blog entry,
RDF data stores support SPARQL queries: good for matching patterns in data.
Neo4j supports arbitrary graph structures and seems best for exploring
a neighborhood of a graph: start at a node and explore the connected
nodes. (graph traversal)
I used Neo4j but you can try any tool that is built for graph traversal. I read that Allegrograph 4 is RDF based and has good graph traversal speed.
Now Im using Neo4j but I didnt give up on RDF. I still use URIs as identifiers and try to reuse the popular rdf vocabularies and relations. Later I'll add a feature to render my gaphs as RDF. I know that with Neo4j you can also use Tinkerpop to render RDF but I havent tried it myself.
Graph traversal and efficient querying is a wide-ranging problem and the approach to use is dependent on your situation. I would suggest looking at a data-store like Neo4j and complementing it with a tool like Lucene.

How can I store a graph and run page rank like analytics on it hbase?

Sorry if this question seems a bit complex but I think its all related so I wanted try to get the answer in one shot. Basically I have a layered graph*, that has various sets of data that are connected to only the next set of data(so set1 has vertexes that have edges to set2, and so on but set1 has nothing connecting to set3 or anything other than set2. It might be relevant not sure). Generally, you can think of my data as one massive family tree(every set I add about a billion nodes) that I keep loading new generations with every new set(families create new families and no edges go backwards).
I have an Hbase/hadoop system running and I know how to use java to add columns and values, but what I don't know how to do is:
add data to hbase in a graph type format(since its hbase, I want to load it in a way that I can add a ton of data and it'll scale..unlike other databases that limit graphs to the size of the system). I know how to add data but don't understand how to do it in a scalable graph way.
Once the graph is loaded I want to know how to apply some kind of analytics to it. Pagerank is popular so I thought I would say it, but pretty much anything that is based on processing a graph.
I guess the simplified way of asking the question is how to do I specifically get a graph into hbase and once its there how do I analyze it? Is there a tutorial? There's a lot of hbase information on the internet(I read the hbase book) but I could not find anything specific to graphs. I found, giraph, but I don't think it can connect to hbase(yet). Seeing how hadoop/hbase are versions of mapreduce/bigtables I suspect there is a way to process graphs I'm just not having luck finding anything.
*A layered graph is a directed graph with a level for different set of vertex's, like so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layered_graph_drawing
I think this question on SO could help:
This part of my answer to this question might be of use.
Using HBase/Accumulo as input to giraph has been submitted recently (7
Mar 2012) as a new feature request to Giraph: HBase/Accumulo Input
and Output formats (GIRAPH-153)
We use giraph in this way, it only store minimum data in each vertex, and then run the graph algorithm with giraph, then we assemble the result with rich data using pig, for page rank algo, each vertex only needs to store vertex id, rank, thus it could scale to almost billion level.

How to sample a scale-free graph

Given a large scale-free graph (a social network graph), what's the best way to sample it such that the sample retains an acceptable abstraction of the properties of the original?
I have a large graph (Munmun's twitter dataset, if you know it). But I need a connected sample of that graph with a reasonably large diameter (tl;dr... reasons why on request... a diameter of 10 would be good).
The problem is that any kinda breadth-first search always is likely to come across some massively connected nodes. So I start such a search, getting the friends of all nodes which I come across. I inevitably come across some massively-connected nodes, and have to get all their friends. This is a problem because I end up with a large number of nodes which are close to each other in the graph. To make programmatic analysis feasible, I have to limit the number of nodes (and edges). The whole point of this exercise is to find shortest paths between nodes, so I'm generally interested in ALL of a node's neighbours. And that's the problem.
One hack around this is to limit the max. number of nodes connected to a user which I'm interested in. For instance, if I come across #barackobama in my breadth-first search, I ensure that I only accept some small proportion of his friends and ignore the rest. But would this hacked graph be worth a damn, or am I losing too much information in terms of finding shortest paths??
Hope that makes sense...
Several sampling methods exist, how to choose one depends (amongst other things) of the properties you want to preserve. I found the literature review (section 3) in the thesis Sampling and Inference in Complex Networks [Maiya '11] very informative, for that matter.
But you seem to have found a way of sampling your network, and now you want to find out if the sample is representative of the whole graph in terms of shortest paths. You can try to have a look at this paper: Complex Network Measurements: Estimating the Relevance of Observed Properties [Latapy & Magnien '08]. They describe a method to assess the representativeness of a sample, regarding various classic topological properties. To summarize their approach, they initially have access to the whole studied network, and simulate some sampling process on these data, with increasing sample size. They monitor how properties evolve depending on sample size, and decide of an appropriate size when the properties of interest are stable enough. Their tool is freely available online.
Edit: the only ready-to-use tool I could find online is Albatross. The associated article Albatross Sampling: Robust and Effective Hybrid Vertex Sampling for Social Graphs [Jin et al. '11] also contains a nice review of existing sampling methods, some of which are implemented in the source code they provide.
Edit 2: I needed to use Albatross on a Linux system, so I did a Java port. It's very raw, but it seems to work fine. It's available on GitHub: https://github.com/vlabatut/Albatross
I am not sure, if I understand your question correctly. I think the main question you have is, about how you can compute the shortest path of two nodes in a giant, directed graph. Creating a subsample of the graph seems to be your attempt to create an efficient solution. (But I probably misunderstood you completely.)
Perhaps this SO-Question has some pointers for you: Efficiently finding the shortest path in large graphs
The graphs in that question seem to be significantly smaller, though.
You might want to check the following: Gscaler: https://github.com/jayCool/Gscaler
This is a recent tool which produces synthetic scaled graphs.
It contains the jar file and the related paper for your reference.

Which data clustering algorithm is appropriate to detect an unknown number of clusters in a time series of events?

Here's my scenario. Consider a set of events that happen at various places and times - as an example, consider someone high above recording the lightning strikes in a city during a storm. For my purpose, lightnings are instantaneous and can only hit certain locations (such as high buildings). Also imagine each lightning strike has a unique id so one can reference the strike later. There are about 100,000 such locations in this city (as you guess, this is an analogy as my current employer is sensitive about the actual problem).
For phase 1, my input is the set of (strike id, strike time, strike location) tuples. The desired output is the set of the clusters of more than 1 event that hit the same location within a short time. The number of clusters is not known in advance (so k-means is not that useful here). What is being considered as 'short' could be predefined for a given clustering attempt. That is, I can set it to, say, 3 minutes, than run the algorithm; later try with 4 minutes or 10 minutes. Perhaps a nice touch would be for the algorithm to determine a 'strength' of clustering and recommend that for a given input, the most compact clustering is achieved by using a particular value for 'short', but this is not required initially.
For phase 2, I'd like to take into consideration the amplitude of the strike (i.e., a real number) and look for clusters that are both within a short time and with similar amplitudes.
I googled and checked the answers here about data clustering. The information is a bit bewildering (below is the list of links I found useful). AFAIK, k-means and related algorithms would not be useful because they require the number of clusters to be specified apriori. I'm not asking for someone to solve my problem (I like solving it), but some orientation in the large world of data clustering algorithms would be useful in order to save some time. Specifically, what clustering algorithms are appropriate for when the number of clusters is unknown.
Edit: I realized the location is irrelevant, in the sense that although events happen all the time, I only need to cluster them per location. So each location has its own time-series of events that can thus be analyzed independently.
Some technical details:
- as the dataset is not that large, it can fit all in memory.
- parallel processing is a nice to have, but not essential. I only have a 4-core machine and MapReduce and Hadoop would be too much.
- the language I'm mostly familiar with is Java. I haven't yet used R and the learning curve for it would probably be too much for what time I was given. I'll have a look at it anyway in my spare time.
- for the time being, using tools to run the analysis is ok, I don't have to produce just code. I'm mentioning this because probably Weka will be suggested.
- visualization would be useful. As the dataset is large enough so it doesn't fit in memory, the visualization should at least support zooming and panning. And to clarify: I don't need to build a visualization GUI, it's just a nice capability to use for checking the results produced with a tool.
Thank you. Questions that I found useful are: How to find center of clusters of numbers? statistics problem?, Clustering Algorithm for Paper Boys, Java Clustering Library, How to cluster objects (without coordinates), Algorithm for detecting "clusters" of dots
I would suggest you to look into Mean Shift Clustering. The basic idea behind mean shift clustering is to take the data and perform a kernel density estimation, then find the modes in the density estimate, the regions of convergence of data points towards modes defines the clusters.
The nice thing about mean shift clustering is that the number of clusters do not have to be specified ahead of time.
I have not used Weka, so I am not sure if it has mean shift clustering. However if you are using MATLAB, here is a toolbox (KDE toolbox) to do it. Hope that helps.
Couldn't you just use hierarchical clustering with the difference in times of strikes as part of the distance metric?
It is too late, but still I would add it:
In R, there is a package fpc and it has a method pamk() which provides you the clusters. Using pamk(), you do not need to mention the number of clusters intially. It calculates itself the number of clusters in the input data.
